My players are all actors

Chapter 330 The Ultimate Trial Selection Begins

Chapter 330 The Ultimate Trial Selection Begins

"This time, how do you plan to enter the list?" The merchant once again asked this critical and sharp question.

Meng Yuan was a little dissatisfied: "Why, do you think that I am a sequencer who can only enter the ultimate trial by expanding the number of people in the ultimate trial without limit, plus secret operations?

"Could it be that I can't stand upright and rely on my own strength to enter the player leaderboard...

"The top ten?"

The merchant showed a friendly smile, and there seemed to be three large characters written on his face: "What do you think?"

Meng Yuan coughed twice: "This time the problem is not serious!"

The reason why he is so confident is that although there are many illusions in this trial, there are many places that can be operated in the dark.

For the appetizer Huangchao Rebellion, you only need to master the big killer "Qin Wang Breaking the Battle" to quickly clear the level.

The official chapter of Liang Taizong's copy can be divided into four stages: Hulaoguan Dou Jiande's perspective, the Turkic retreat during the Wude period, Xuanwumen's change, and Qi Wang's perspective to defeat Qin Wang and win Xuanwumen's change.

Among them, from Dou Jiande's perspective, Li Hongyun's method of setting up formations in his own camp is a simple solution, and the transformation of Xuanwumen focuses on deduction, both of which are not difficult for Meng Yuan.

King Qi's perspective can use many golden talents to superimpose and take effect. For Meng Yuan, this is even easier.

The only difficulty is that during the reign of Wude, the Turkic people had to retreat, and they needed to play Liang Taizong. Meng Yuan could only use acting talent as a hard top, but isn't it also difficult for other players?

Therefore, Meng Yuan pondered for a while, and it shouldn't be a big problem to regain his glory this time and enter the top ten in an upright manner.

At least there is no need to arrange a hundred players to fight in groups.


In the early morning, players woke up one after another and left the game world of "Dark Sand".

The official forum quickly became lively.

The players almost couldn't wait to start discussing the experience of the copy of "Jinlai Universeping".

So far, the top group of players have basically cleared this dungeon, which lasted five days.

This is already relatively long compared to the official dungeon that took three days to clear the customs.

The difficulty of this dungeon has indeed increased significantly, and the increase in difficulty has three dimensions: it not only tests the players' ability to study historical materials and discover the truth from them, but also tests the players' acting skills when they play the role of King Qin. The way of Wang tested the overall quality of the players with a very high degree of freedom of play.

Whenever there is a huge shortcoming in one aspect of the ability, it is possible to get stuck in one of the links.

However, as the top group of players cleared the level and uploaded the clearing video to the official website, the players' enthusiasm for discussion was instantly aroused.

"This dungeon is cool! All the grievances in the Qi Chao dungeon before have been vented!"

"It can only be said that people are more popular than others. The difference between Qi Chao and Liang Chao is really too big..."

"Actually, the last dungeon of Qi Dynasty is also quite cool. After all, you can play General Han Fuyue to change history, but after the change, it will still be a bit empty, because you know that it is all fake, and it is a game to make our dreams come true. But two Feng's copy is real!"

"Yeah, when I think that those fantasy-like operations have actually happened in history, I feel...unbelievable!"

"After finishing this dungeon, I can only say that I am convinced by King Qin!"

"Yeah, even if I played King Qi and defeated King Qin in the end, I still felt from the bottom of my heart that King Qin was the only emperor at that time, and he was the hope of all people. As an ancient emperor, even modern people can't help admiring and admiring him." Worship, you can see how great he is!"

"Liang Taizong and Sheng Taizu each have their own merits, and they are both figures who can be called an emperor through the ages. But if you are a young man, you should like Liang Taizong more. His life is as fierce as a young man, and he has almost achieved the pinnacle of inner sage and outer king." !"

"Actually, if I were the crown prince, the best way would be to take the initiative to hand over power and let King Qin take the throne. In this way, it would be the best choice for the world, the people, the interior of the Liang Dynasty, and even the crown prince himself. Of course , He is the eldest son, with a firm inheritance law, and it is understandable that he is unwilling to hand over power. It can only be said that since you have chosen to engage in political struggle with your most talented brother, you will have to bear the consequences of being liquidated by politics."

"If it were me, it would be the greatest luck to be able to live in the same era as King Qin, so why would I want to be an enemy of him?"

"I will experience the Xuanwu Gate a few more times in the future! Maybe I can find some details that are not recorded in the existing historical materials."

"Hey, didn't you experience the period when King Qi was in Jinyang?"

"I don't know how the ultimate trial and the sequencer expedition will be played this time? Is it possible to fight side by side with Liang Taizong?"

"Ah? Isn't that invincible! Liang Taizong charged forward, drew his big bow and shot, and we followed behind and waved the flag all the way, and all the monsters fled..."


While the players were discussing enthusiastically, the selection leaderboard for the ultimate trial has also been released.

This time, only the top ten will be taken!
Compared with the operation of 100 people and 45 people in the previous Qi Dynasty dungeon, only taking the top ten should be regarded as a return to the original intention.

After all, the ultimate trial was a hardcore challenge that only a very small number of players could experience at the very beginning.

Seeing this number, many players feel a little sorry.

It seems that there is no play this time!
If you take 100 people, many players still have the illusion of "I work hard and there is still hope", but now only ten people are taken, and the players are almost counting on their fingers, and they can count more than ten people who are far better than themselves of.

However, the players were not too disappointed, because the ultimate trial was not prepared for all players. Now that they have stopped thinking about it early, they can still spare time to do other things.

For example, go to clear the trial of the man, or go to the Fortress of the Order to move bricks, waiting to buy new equipment.

Although the weapon technology of the Liang Dynasty will be slightly backward compared to that of the Qi Dynasty, the game has its own balance. The further the dynasty is, the closer the force will be to the fantasy direction.

At that time, weapons and armor will have additional lethality against monsters.

This change in combat power cannot be seen in the simulated trial, because the simulated trial is more about recreating historical real scenes.

But in the sequencer expedition, there should be obvious changes.

To say that players are most looking forward to the weapons of the Liang Dynasty, there are only a few types: Hengdao, Modao, Mingguangjia!

When the time comes to appear on the battlefield with these types of weapons, it will be very handsome to think about.

The top players can't wait to start the intense and exciting ranking activities, while other players are working hard in other fields.


10pm the next day.

Luo Ying was still fighting bloody battles during the Human Trial.

He has been fighting this Xiangji Temple battle for five consecutive days, and this is already the sixth day.

Although he also went to experience Liang Taizong's dungeon and made adjustments due to serious setbacks during the period, but in the end he returned to the Human Trial.

Because at this time, he is only one step away from winning the battle of Xiangji Temple!
As for the details of his attempt to clear the level, there is actually not much drama, and it can even be said to be rather boring.

Luo Ying watched the video of other people clearing the level of Liang Taizong's copy, and she could clearly feel that it was completely different from the way of clearing the level of the Pifu Trial.

Although there are many war scenes in Liang Taizong's dungeon, when players crack these war scenes, they often break the game from a tactical perspective.

For example, Hulaoguan plays Dou Jiande, who can line up in his own camp to lure King Qin to charge, and Ping Xueju can predict his death and launch a surprise attack, etc.

However, these methods are completely useless in the battle of Xiangji Temple!
Because the confrontation between two high-quality and powerful armies is often very boring, and even at first glance, it feels that there is no strategy at all.

The battles of the King of Qin were often full of drama, and often the opponent showed a slight flaw, even if it was fleeting, the King of Qin would catch him in an instant, and then he would pursue and fight fiercely.

But what if neither side makes any mistakes?
The battle of Xiangji Temple was such an extremely cruel battle.

This battle is the peak Liang army against the peak Liang army, the world's top class against the world's top class.

The tactics, organization, morale, etc. of both sides are all full.

Putting aside the content recorded in the history books, if Luo Ying is asked to describe the battlefield he saw, it will probably be like this:

The rebel cavalry rushed over and was repulsed by the official army array; the official army pursued, and the rebel organization counter-surrounded and attacked the official army array, almost successfully; , the second echelon rotates up and continues to fight; the officers and soldiers are almost unable to withstand it, and after the first echelon is withdrawn, the reserve echelon is rotated up again...

Just like a meat grinder, on the huge battlefield of more than 20 people, countless elites rushed repeatedly and retreated in an orderly manner, no one showed any flaws, and no one could do anything to anyone.

Then why not outflank it?
The reason is very simple. Of course, the commanders of both sides thought of such a simple matter, but the outflanking troops were spotted by the opponent's scouts as soon as they set off, and the opponent immediately sent a reserve team to intercept them.

This is the case for both sides, so at first they thought of outflanking, but once they were discovered, it became a head-on confrontation.

The fight continued like this, and on the vast battlefield of the entire Xiangji Temple battle, both sides formed the most rigorous formations, and neither could do anything to the other.

In the end, the official army was able to win and successfully killed 60,000 people because of only one reason: there were many officers and soldiers.

Because of the large number of officers and soldiers, even after all surprise attacks and roundabout attempts failed, troops could still be drawn out, using the advantage of numbers to create a wider frontal front, and gradually encircle the rebels.

If it is an army of average quality, it will collapse soon after the encirclement.

But after the rebels were encircled, they fought to the death for half a day, and they didn't collapse until they were killed by [-] soldiers and the death rate exceeded [-]%.

In short, in this battle, the tactics of both sides have almost been used to the extreme.

Even if the rebel army is replaced with a better military general, it is almost impossible to reverse the situation of this battle tactically. It can only be decided in advance not to fight this battle.

And if the official army is replaced with a better military general, it is almost impossible to win at a lower price and in a shorter time.

Therefore, there is no way to be opportunistic.

It is precisely for this reason that playing Li Gaoling needs to rely on hard power to persist until the end of the battle of Xiangji Temple.

The beginning is still the same, the official army and the rebel army engage in battle, the rebel army pretends to be defeated, and the official army pursues, but the rebel army suddenly organizes the cavalry to counterattack after pulling the official army array, making the official army's front line in jeopardy.

At a critical moment, Li Gaoling took off all the armor inside and out, and directly exposed his upper body, exposing his big knotted muscles, and stood in front of the formation with a Mo Dao in his hand.

"The country is in danger, and those who take risks with ordinary people should start from Gaoling!"

But in front of him, the elite cavalry of the rebel army came overwhelmingly, shaking the earth!
After a while, Luo Ying's vision sank and she gained control of Li Gaoling's body.

And without any hesitation, he directly rushed into the enemy's formation with big strides!

Of course, the cavalry of the rebel army also saw him. This strong man with a height of more than two meters and his upper body bare, seemed to have a highlight effect in the rebellion army, and it was difficult for people not to notice.

In fact, although there are few such examples in history, it cannot be said that this is the only one.

There are also many records of military generals taking off their armor and fighting hand-to-hand when they are high, but the results of those people are generally not very good.

Because taking off the armor can slightly increase one's agility and reduce physical energy consumption, but it will directly reset the defense to zero.

If you were wearing armor, you might be hit by more than a dozen arrows and survived four or five knives, but if you took off the armor, you might die instantly with a single arrow.

The enemy's first reaction to seeing this scene was not fear, but joy.

Because such a stunned young man usually lies down for a second on the battlefield, and after he lies down, it will cause a great blow to the morale of his own side, and a gap will be quickly dug out in the array.

So, these cavalry rushed towards Luo Ying quickly!

Luo Ying was fearless, brandishing the Mo Dao in his hand, and cut the rebels who rushed to the front, both men and horses, in one blow!

After that, he continued to move forward in the canine-toothed battlefield, never being too far away from the main formation, but he was also subtly changing the combat location and balancing the situation of both sides.

At the very beginning, Luo Ying was too aggressive, and was overwhelmed by the enemy cavalry, and was soon trampled by the follow-up cavalry, dying.

He thought it might be because his foot was not stable enough, so he later tried to make up for it with talent.

But even if the base is stable, many times they will still be killed in the chaos.

At first, he still didn't understand what was going on, but soon he realized that it seems that it is not enough to be reckless, and you still need to pay attention to skills!
Just like the cavalry trial.

The reason why General Qin Kaiyun was able to rush into the enemy's formation was because he found the weak point exposed by the enemy who was changing formation. Only then was he invincible and rushed directly under the enemy's command.

However, Li Gaoling's physical fitness is like a Gundam, and the historical records are unknown, but it is easy for people to ignore this point.

Obviously, if dozens of cavalry charged side by side, and the speed had already been raised, then no matter how strong Li Gaoling was, it was impossible for him to stop it.

Because that's not scientific at all.

Even if Li Gaoling's physical fitness is enough to collide with the galloping horses, how about several horses charging side by side?How about several long spears piercing at the same time?
Li Gaoling couldn't be like mowing the grass, hacking several horses to death with a single swing of the knife, right?

Therefore, Li Gaoling, as a battle-hardened general, is definitely not a brainless reckless man, he must have a special method.

Although the rebels charged in a dense formation, the distance between the cavalry and the cavalry was very small, but the front lines of the two sides were different and entangled with each other.

Therefore, the rebel cavalry could only charge in twos and threes, and it is unlikely that dozens of cavalry would charge side by side.

Moreover, due to the chaos on the battlefield, it is impossible for the rebel cavalry to speed up over a long distance and maximize the impact of the horses.

Considering these two factors, players have a certain amount of room to maneuver.

Luo Ying consciously charged towards the more chaotic area, picking out those cavalrymen who couldn't run completely and had limited impact.

And during this process, he also paid great attention to protecting himself, basically preventing himself from falling into the dilemma of being attacked by enemies.

Although it seems that the lone army is deep and dangerous, in fact, he always keeps the enemy within the blade of his Mo Dao.

In conjunction with his strong strength and solid footing, the opponent's cavalry's spears and sabers had not touched him, and his horse's head had already been cut off by his Mo Dao!
(End of this chapter)

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