My players are all actors

Chapter 331 Playing the Emperor Again?

Chapter 331 Playing the Emperor Again?

The official army and the rebel army continued to charge and kill, and the battlefield had turned into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

But Li Gaoling, played by Luo Ying, is always moving around, killing all directions, leaving no blade of grass where he passes.

Of course, this is just the perspective of others.

From the perspective of the soldiers of the Modao team behind Li Gaoling, Li Gaoling rushed left and right in the thousands of troops almost as he wished, as if entering no one's land, and any enemy who dared to stand in front of his Modao blade would either Beheading the horse's head, or being pierced through the armor, there are almost no generals.

Therefore, the morale of the officers and soldiers was greatly boosted!
In the era of cold weapons, personal bravery has a profound impact on the battle situation.

The so-called "a thousand soldiers are easy to get, but a general is hard to find" is precisely because a general is not only an individual with strong individual combat capabilities, but also the command center of an entire army, and he must string together the entire command system.Moreover, generals are also a booster for team morale.

In the romance novel, before the two armies confront each other, they send out their generals to fight each other for a while, and the one who wins will take advantage of the situation to attack and win a big victory, and the one who loses will send a new general to recover the situation...

Although this is a fiction of writers and does not match the real history, it can also be seen from it that personal bravery has an impact on the entire battlefield situation.

Of course, later in the era of hot weapons, those who flaunted on the battlefield were basically killed by random guns, so this kind of situation where personal bravery changed the situation of the battle almost did not exist.

As for Luo Ying himself, he is very clear about his current situation.

It seems to be strolling in the garden, but it is actually licking blood.

It seems that you can do whatever you want, but in fact every step is counted.

He didn't just cut whoever he wanted, but adjusted his position and attack target according to the situation on the battlefield, and killed those who were unsuspecting, and those who had been staring at him and deliberately wanted to kill him People, on the other hand, avoid them cleverly, separating each other with chaotic battlefields.

Wait until the other party's attention is diverted before making a deadly move.

Of course, being able to do this is really inseparable from his strong physical fitness.

It is the combination of extraordinary bravery and superb combat wisdom that has created such a miracle!

I don't know how long it took to hack and kill. Finally, the situation of the battle has changed.

The attack of the rebels has declined!

"Forward pressure!"

Luo Ying gave an order, and the Modao team behind him immediately raised the Modao and moved forward in an orderly manner.

This is what is recorded in historical materials, "Each with a long sword, advancing like a wall".

The weapon characteristics of the Modao determine that the Modao team can use this method to fight.

The Mo Dao is very long and also has the function of cutting and chopping. Therefore, during the battle, it can not only form a spear array like a spear, and the knife array can hinder the cavalry, but also can be used as a saber knife to chop vigorously.

At this time, the Modao team's advance like a wall is to play these two roles at the same time.

First, form a dense formation to push forward, and it is impossible for the cavalry of the rebels to rush in. When the dense formation reaches the enemy, they will stab or chop, whether it is infantry or cavalry, there is no way to break through.

Of course, if it is on a wide battlefield, there are many ways for the cavalry to deal with such a Modao team.

For example, outflanking, archery harassment and so on.

How to fight the spear phalanx, you can fight the Modao team.

But at this time, the situation on the battlefield was chaotic, and the two sides were all mixed together, which gave the Modao team a lot of room to play.

Such a strong army reversed the situation on the battlefield by the way, allowing the official army to withstand the powerful offensive of the rebels on the frontal battlefield.

On the other hand, the officers and soldiers have gradually formed an encirclement of the rebels by relying on their superiority in numbers.

This process is very long, because the generals on both sides have IQs above the line, so it is impossible to simply and rudely go around and outflank, so they can only nibble and encircle bit by bit.

In the whole process, the pressure on the frontal battlefield is the greatest.

Li Gaoling played by Luo Ying is the one who faces the greatest pressure on the frontal battlefield.

At this time, he was already covered in blood, but it was all other people's blood, and he was not injured at all.

After all, he only needs to be stabbed once to die, and he is not allowed to make any mistakes at all.

But Luo Ying felt that her blood was boiling, and she was getting better.

He enjoys this feeling very much. For him, even if this game has "flaws" of one kind or another, it is not designed purely to make players happy like other games, but as long as it can ensure that it is close to 100% authentic, Allowing him to experience another life is already the most fun game in the world.


Luo Ying shouted loudly, swung the Mo Dao again, and cut the rebel cavalry in front of him in two!

After repeated practice, his fighting skills became more and more proficient, and the way of exerting force was also constantly improved.

Slashing is actually not an easy task.

The first step for beginners to practice swords is to practice the tendons of the sword.

If you keep swinging the knife with a sharp edge, if the blade tendons are straight, there will be a sharp sound of piercing the air, but if the blade tendons are not straight, there will be no sound or only a whirring sound.

Only when the blade tendons are straight can the knife's slashing and chopping exert its greatest power and cut off the target with ease.

If the tendon of the blade is not straight, not only will it not be able to cut the target, but it will take more effort, and it will also damage the blade.

If you want the blade tendon to be straight, the position of the tiger's mouth, whether the wrist and forearm are twisted inward, the orientation of the elbow, and other details must be considered.

Luo Ying did not have professional training, but he was able to acquire this knowledge from Li Gaoling's muscle memory, and gradually turned it into his own use.

The Modao team continued to move forward, but the rebels flinched.

Apparently, countless strong rebels rushed forward, trying to teach this big topless man and the Modao team how to behave, but they were all hacked to death.

So if the rebels behind wanted to rush up, they had to weigh whether they had the ability.

This is how the battle began to turn.

Finally, the battle came to an end.

The official army's encirclement of the rebel army has been completed, and attacks have begun from all directions.

Li Gaoling, played by Luo Ying, and the Modao team are still on the front, as the main direction of attack.

The whole battle lasted from afternoon to night, and at the end, Luo Ying was fighting almost by instinct.

However, the fighting will of the rebel army has obviously reached its limit. In the chaos, it doesn't matter if Luo Ying no longer pays attention to moving as much as he did at the beginning. Anyway, the rebel army is already relying on willpower to hold on.

Finally, when Luo Ying raised a knife and killed a rebel again, a line of small characters appeared in his vision.

【Trial of a Man: The Rise and Fall of the World】

【Clearance! 】

[Evaluation of customs clearance: I believe that after this simple test, you will understand more clearly that even if you can’t gallop and gallop for thousands of miles, even if you can’t make clever calculations and strategize, as long as you have a firm will and determination to unite as one, you can still fight against the rise and fall of the world. to the decisive role. 】

[Unlocked the choice of "Pivot" subsidiary identity! 】

[The exclusive talent of Pepper's subordinate status "Phoebe's Bravery": When you are on foot and without armor, your body skills, strength, endurance, and combat skills will be fully enhanced, and you can completely ignore the previous three injuries for a certain period of time and continue to maintain a full state .In addition, your proficiency in chopping weapons and polearms has increased significantly. 】

[Remarks: The exclusive talent of the subsidiary status will take effect permanently by default. With the improvement of the subsidiary status, you can still get enhanced effects or special changes in the future. Please match it with optional talents as appropriate to maximize the effect. 】

Luo Ying froze for a moment: "This is the customs clearance?
"It's still a bit unfinished..."

The intense and exciting battle ended too quickly, which caught him off guard.

But looking back, he has indeed been fighting for a long time, from the afternoon to the night.

It's just that I was completely immersed in this state of fighting, so I didn't notice the passage of time at all.

I even miss the thrill of killing with a Mo knife.

At this moment, when I relaxed, I felt sore all over my body, and I was about to fall to the ground almost immediately, and I couldn't even hold the Mo knife.

Of course, with the end of the trial, the system quickly eliminated his physical fatigue and returned to his original state.

Although the word "simple trial" arrived late, although Luo Ying is a new player, she has seen so many customs clearance videos before, and she is no longer surprised by it.

At this time, he is more concerned about the new secondary talent.

The talent of "Everyman's Bravery" can be simply summarized into three points.

First, it will be strengthened on foot and without armor.Movement, strength, stamina, and fighting skills will all be enhanced.

That is to say, the war horse and the mighty and domineering armor have nothing to do with him, and have become a veritable glass cannon.

Although many games advertise that "light armor is a piece of paper, and heavy armor paper is folded in half", there is still an essential difference between armor-piercing and non-armor-piercing.

Every player trades on foot and without armor in exchange for comprehensive enhancements.

Second, within a certain period of time, you can completely ignore the first three damages and continue to maintain your peak state.

This is also quite useful.

Although players who can obtain the status of a man have passed this trial and have the ability to play without injury, but after all, people have stumbled and horses have stumbled. In the trial dungeon, you can restart infinitely, but in the sequencer expedition. There is only one chance of resurrection.

In case of accidentally being shot by Liu Ya and losing a life, it would be too bad.

Therefore, this exclusive talent gives ordinary players three chances to make mistakes. Even if they are hit, it can be regarded as nothing happened.

Of course, it is not completely invincible. If the three opportunities are used up, or the time is exceeded, the damage will still be directly settled on the player.

Third, the proficiency of chopping weapons and long-handled weapons has increased significantly.

Because everyone can't ride a horse, they are born with short hands.Therefore, the enhancement of these two weapons is both suitable and practical for ordinary players.

Moreover, the Mo Dao meets the definition of chopping weapons and long-handled weapons at the same time, and can obtain double boosts. It is simply a weapon tailor-made for ordinary players.

From the point of view of exclusive talents, both the ordinary identity and the basic identity can produce a good cooperation.

Needless to say, martial arts players;
Assassin players can use the characteristic of ignoring damage three times to perform desperate assassinations, greatly increasing the success rate;

Ranger players can also take advantage of their flexible movements and flickering characteristics to perform many wonderful operations without injury.

Of course, compared with the two subordinate identities of cavalry and divine machine, the status of a man is not completely crushed, and it can only be said that each has its own advantages.

Cavalry can wear armor, and can share damage with horses, with higher mobility and fault tolerance;
Magic machine players can repair things, carry artillery with magic receivers, and reduce the failure rate of equipment.

In general, the status of a husband is another choice for those players who really don't want to ride a horse or be a craftsman.

And after going through this trial, Luo Ying's understanding of this identity has become more profound.

The name "every man" is obviously derived from the saying "every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the world".

Li Gaoling shouted in the battle: "The country is in danger, and those who are in danger with ordinary people should start from Gaoling!"

This is a kind of thinking that "everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world".

The Anshi Rebellion has always been regarded as the turning point of the Liang Dynasty from prosperity to decline, and also as the turning point of the entire China from prosperity to decline.

And the reason why this turmoil that swept across the country did not completely end the Liang Dynasty and plunged the entire Huaxia land into troubled times was precisely because the government and army won a key victory in the battle of Xiangji Temple.

The battle of Xiangji Temple was successful, and the personal bravery of the Modao team and Li Gaoling played an extremely important role.

In other words, Li Gaoling actually turned the tide with his personal bravery, not only saving the battle of Xiangji Temple, but also truly affecting the rise and fall of the world.

Of course, Li Gaoling may not meet the general definition of "everyman".

After all, he is so strong that he can be called a humanoid Gundam, which is by no means comparable to ordinary people.

But General Qin Kaiyun was no ordinary cavalry either.

Therefore, whether it is Qin Kaiyun or Li Gaoling, they are the top existences in this subordinate status.

This identity is not to emphasize that everyone should become Qin Kaiyun and Li Gaoling, but to follow their example, inherit this spirit and carry forward this tactic.

"Okay, you can go to clear the copy of Liang Taizong with peace of mind!"

After obtaining this talent, Luo Ying felt that her combat power had taken a huge leap.

Going to play Liang Taizong's copy again this time may have a completely different performance.

Liang Taizong's fighting style was to wear heavy armor and ride on horseback, and cavalry also played a vital role in his pacification of the world.

What if, after Luo Ying entered, she would expose her upper body every battle and chop up the opponent's cavalry?
That picture is outrageous just thinking about it!



A week passed in the blink of an eye.

After the exciting competition, the ten-man list was released.

Many players look from the back to the front, with the later lists getting more attention than the earlier ones.

This time, Meng Yuan broke out and achieved a good result of No.9!
Players expressed their feelings that Meng Yuan is still very powerful. Although he can only get dozens of results in those trials that he is not good at, it seems that he is a bit out of the crowd, but once he encounters trials that he is good at, he can Catch up again.

No.1 is Zhao Haiping. Obviously, his combat style is the most suitable for Emperor Liang Taizong, and his military command ability is also relatively high among players.

As for the back, there are also familiar faces such as Chu Ge, Li Hongyun, Huo Yunying, Xia Ruoling.

And there is also a new face among them, that is Luo Ying.

In the real sequencer space, after the players greeted each other, they officially began to plan the strategy for this ultimate trial.

As usual, Chu Ge assigned roles to the players.

But after seeing the list of assignable roles, the players including Chu Ge were stunned for a moment.

Because in this list, there is no King Qin!
It's not impossible to play, it's not at all!
In the previous dungeon, although there were special heroic spirits such as Sheng Taizu and General Deng, the players did not play them, but the players did not want to play them, not because they could not play them.

Players feel that this kind of heroic spirit should retain the real historical image, and they should play other roles to play the deputy.

But this time, King Qin was not on the list at all.

In other words, there is no King Qin in this ultimate trial!

This caught many players off guard.

"There is no King Qin?"

"Then how do you fight!"

"...At first, I thought it would be enough to follow behind King Qin and call 666, what should I do now!"

"What we have lost is not just a top ADC, but also a walking motivational aura, an MT with full-level taunt and dodge, and a top commander!"

"Hey, hello? GM? There's a bug in the game! Why is King Qin gone!"

The players were immediately disappointed, and the dream of chasing stars at public expense was shattered!

It was Chu Ge who came to his senses first and began to appease everyone.

"Okay, everyone calm down, maybe this is the test for us.

"Everyone knows that in that chaotic world, the entire Liang Dynasty basically relied on King Qin alone to carry, and as long as King Qin was there, no matter how powerful an opponent was, it was nothing to worry about.

"Obviously the demons also understand this, so they used some means to conceal the existence of King Qin.

"We can enter ten people this time, in fact, we are using ten people to make up for the role of King Qin!"

After this analysis, everyone gradually calmed down and accepted this setting.

Ten people to replace King Qin?
Well, while still somewhat challenging, it's not entirely impossible.

"Okay, let's assign roles!"

Everyone looked at the optional characters, densely packed, many.

But basically they are people from the Liang Dynasty forces, such as Dou Jiande, Wang Shichong, Xue Ju, Liu Wuzhou and other forces, basically there is no such thing.

This is also reasonable. If these people can be selected, each of the ten players will directly occupy one, and the speed of light in the world will be calmed down, and there will be no war at all.

However, it is hard to say how to divide these people from the Liang Dynasty forces.

Chu Ge silently took out the first identity card.

Liang Gaozu.

The other players looked at Meng Yuan in unison.

Meng Yuan was momentarily at a loss for words: "Ah? Is it me again..."

Chu Ge smiled: "You are the most suitable."

Obviously, Liang Gaozu is a person who must not be ignored.

He has been staying in Chang'an, but if he is ignored, it really won't work.

It is really not unfair to describe Liang Gaozu as "not enough to succeed but more to fail".This person doesn't trust anyone except the clan, and he especially likes to kill and surrender, and he likes to beat his subordinates indiscriminately.

In fact, Li Jing's talent is enough to pacify the troubled times, but Liang Gaozu tried to kill him five times, if not for King Qin's protection, Li Jing would have died long ago.

And like the battle at Hulaoguan, King Qin fought against Dou Jiande's army with [-] horsemen against all opinions. There is also a very important reason that he is the son of Liang Gaozu.

If another person did this, Liang Gaozu would have lost his temper.

If Liang Gaozu doesn't control it, it is likely that these players will be hindered when they flex their muscles.

But playing Liang Gaozu can only play a role in stabilizing the rear, basically there is no chance to fight the enemy, so other players don't want to see this role.

Meng Yuan felt helpless: "OKOK, leave it to me..."

(End of this chapter)

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