My players are all actors

Chapter 332 Role Assignment

Chapter 332 Role Assignment
After Liang Gaozu's candidate was confirmed, Chu Ge set his sights on other roles again.

Among the many characters, Chu Ge saw a very special existence among them at a glance.

"This is……"

He reached out and picked out the character card.

Everyone focused their gazes together, and found that this was a boy who looked to be only fifteen or sixteen years old, with a thin body and a sallow complexion, as if he was a sick child.

But after seeing his name tag, everyone gasped.

"King Wei!"

The king of Wei did not have a good reputation in history, but he is quite famous in romance novels.

His original name was "Xuanba", but the novel changed his name to "Yuanba".In fact, he died early at the age of 15 years old before Jinyang raised troops. In the first year of Wude later, when Liang Gaozu established the Liang Dynasty, he was posthumously named King of Wei and posthumously named Huai.

In the Romance novel, it is fabricated that he lifts the golden lion to the palace and is canonized by the former emperor as King Zhao of the Western Mansion.

But since it is called "King Wei" in the game, this image is obviously more biased towards official history.

Chu Ge keenly felt that this person should be a very important character.

"Could it be that... because there is no King Qin, so a King Wei was replaced to make up for it?

"King Qin was not directly hidden, but changed fate with King Wei?"

In an instant, the players' attention was all on the young King Wei.

In this world, the person who died prematurely became the king of Qin, so the king Wei who died early can survive.Nature can also play an important role later.

"This shouldn't be as perverted as described in the novel, right?"

It's hard for players not to care about this. After all, this guy is too perverted in Romance, and the Doll Gundam is no longer enough to describe.

In Romance, he used a pair of drums, urns, and golden hammers to defeat the 230 million army of the Eighteenth Route Anti-King in the Battle of Siming Mountain, and he killed the 183 million army of 65 million in the Battle of Zijin Mountain to only [-].

This kind of plot is basically unreasonable even for fantasy novels. After all, it is set that he does not know magic. He kills more than 100 million people in one afternoon, which is about 55 people per second on average. Even if you pass the math, you can't write this kind of plot.

If the King Wei played by the players is really so awesome, then there is no need to fight this battle.

Wouldn't it be over if you go in and open Wushuang directly?
But he shouldn't be just a scrawny sick man. In that case, he has no value as a separate character at all.

Chu Ge carefully looked at the portrait of King Wei, and found that although King Wei looked a little thin, he seemed to be taller, and he didn't ride a horse, and he was holding a large horse-slashing sword.

"It seems that King Wei's setting should be a general who fights on foot?
"King Qin is proficient in bow and horse, and his riding and archery skills are the best in the world, so this King Wei is just the opposite. He is the best in infantry and weapons?


The players looked at Luo Ying in unison.

Obviously, this role seems to be tailor-made for him!

Luo Ying is the first player to pass the trial of a man. Everyone has seen the clearance video, and everyone is shocked by his heroic posture when he wields the Mo knife.

It was Li Gaoling reincarnated.

And his style of play is obviously different from Huo Yunying's.

Huo Yunying is a ranger player. He also showed good swordsmanship when he cleared the ranger trial before, but his style of play is more inclined to martial arts. His moves are light and agile, and his steps are nimble.

But Luo Ying is more inclined to the army style of play, with open and close moves and deadly moves.

Naturally, Luo Ying is obliged, and his unique talent fits perfectly with this character.

"Then leave it to me. But it's my first time to play the ultimate trial, so I can only say that I will do my best."

Soon, each character was selected and assigned to other players.

The prince is a very important role. His main task is to stay behind to plan strategies and arrange food and grass. At the same time, he can also serve as an insurance to ensure the safety of Chang'an City.

In history, Chang'an City has basically never encountered direct attacks, but this does not mean that Chang'an can sit back and relax.

If Dou Jiande really adopted Ling Jing's strategy, then he might bypass Hulao Pass and attack Chang'an City from Hedong.

In the ultimate trial, any unexpected situation may happen, so we must guard against it.

Therefore, this role was played by Chu Ge himself.

Chu Ge can cooperate with Meng Yuan to ensure the stability of the rear and the smooth flow of grain roads.In the unlikely event that an enemy army really hits the city of Chang'an, the two of them don't need a large army to rescue them. They only need to command the defenders of Chang'an City to deal with it.

Then there is King Qi.

This candidate was not too controversial and was directly handed over to Zhao Haiping.

Without King Qin, there must be someone on the front line commanding the battle.Many generals, including King Wei, mainly charge forward and execute various tactics, and they need a backbone.

And Zhao Haiping is obviously the most suitable.

Although King Qi's combat effectiveness is not as good as that of King Qin, he is still quite skilled in bow and horse. Although his riding, archery, and spear skills are not top-notch, they are all passable.

Zhao Haiping plays the role of King Qi, who can not only command the battle on the front line, but also charge forward and turn the tide of the battle.

After that, there are some powerful generals who originally belonged to Tiance Mansion.

Including Yuchi Jingde, Qin Shubao, and Cheng Zhijie, the three generals.

In romance novels, these three can be regarded as famous protagonists, but their combat power is not very good.

Needless to say, Yuchi Jingde and Qin Shubao are the No. 13 heroes in romance novels, and Cheng Zhijie is Cheng Yaojin.

But in the official history, both Yuchi Jingde and Qin Shubao were the top cavalry generals at that time, and their personal bravery can be said to be the best of the three armies.

Although Cheng Zhijie's combat strength is not as good as theirs, it is definitely not weak.

These three people, Chu Ge handed over to Fan Cun, Huo Yunying and Li Hongyun respectively.

Fan Cun is a reckless man, and he is good at spear skills. It is very suitable for him to play Yuchi Jingde.

Although Huo Yunying plays Qin Shubao and Li Hongyun plays Cheng Zhijie, although it is not particularly appropriate, these two characters must be firmly controlled by the players.Moreover, Huo Yunying and Li Hongyun's fighting power is good, and with the blessing of various talents, they will definitely play a big role.

As for the remaining three, it was a bit difficult to assign roles.

The three are Xia Ruoling, Li Weiyi and Lu Heng.

Xia Ruoling is a very top assassin player. Although this game can also be played by changing genders, most players are quite resistant and repulsed by this kind of thing.

Xia Ruoling is no exception. If possible, she still prefers to play female characters.

Lu Heng is a scribe player, and his fighting ability is also good, but it is limited to small-scale unlimited fighting. If it is on the battlefield, it will not be of much use.

As for Li Weiyi, his combat effectiveness is the weakest.

This construction professional played a huge role in the construction of the Fortress of the Sequencer. It stands to reason that it is difficult for him to break into the ultimate trial leaderboard.

But this time it may be due to the explosion of character, and unexpectedly squeezed into the top ten abruptly.

How to arrange the best effect of the three of them also gave Chu Ge a headache.

However, Chu Ge is very smart after all, and quickly picked out three of the many roles and assigned them one by one.

Lu Heng plays Wei Zheng, Xia Ruoling plays Princess Pingyang, and Li Weiyi plays Yan Lide!
Among the three, the players only had a deep impression of Wei Zheng, after all, he was a civil servant that Emperor Taizong of Liang relied heavily on later.

As for Princess Pingyang and Yan Lide, many players have no idea at all.

Chu Ge patiently explained to everyone.

"Princess Pingyang of the Liang Dynasty was the third daughter of Emperor Gaozu of Liang. She was born of the same mother as the prince, King Qin, King Wei, and King Qi, so she was very much loved.

"She was talented, knowledgeable and courageous. She married Chai Shao in her early years. When Emperor Gaozu of Later Liang raised an army in Jinyang, she gathered the heroes of Guanzhong, mobilized Sizhu to raise troops, led the Niangzi army to make great achievements, and joined forces with King Qin on the north bank of the Weihe River to attack Chang'an.

"It can be said that she played a very important role in the establishment of the Liang Dynasty, but it was not mentioned much in the Notes on Entrepreneurship and Living.

"So, if this character can be used well, it can make us go more smoothly in the early stage.

"As for Yan Lide, the effect is even greater.

"His younger brother is the famous Liang Dynasty painter Yan Liben.

"Yan Lide has served in the Qin Palace since the early years of Wude, and he is deeply trusted. More importantly, he is the most important architect of that era.

"The mausoleum of the Liang Dynasty emperors including Zhaoling Mausoleum, various palaces, Chang'an City Wall, etc. were all built by him.

"Even when Liang Taizong conquered Goguryeo, Yan Lide went out with the army. At that time, Liaoze was still a swamp full of mosquitoes and it was difficult to march. Yan Lide presided over the covering of soil to build a bridge, so that the Liang army could pass smoothly.

"It just so happens that Li Weiyi is a craftsman. As Yan Lide, he can research and develop various equipment and build various fortifications in an open and honest manner."

The other players couldn't help but shine: "Wonderful!"

I have to say that after the final list of ten people came out, it was extremely reasonable.

It can be said that the founding forces of the entire Liang Dynasty are firmly in the hands of the players from top to bottom.

Among them, Liang Gaozu, the crown prince, Qi Wang, Wei Wang, and Princess Pingyang are the absolute core figures in the royal family. There are civil servants like Wei Zheng, generals like Cheng Zhijie, Qin Shubao, Yuchi Jingde, and even Yan Lide. Such a master builder.

Moreover, at the beginning, Wei Zheng, Cheng Zhijie, Qin Shubao, Yuchi Jingde and others were still in other forces. If they could cooperate better and be good ghosts, the whole troubled world might be calmed down more smoothly.

So far, players don't know what the specific goal of customs clearance is.

Is it a victory if you win the battle of Hulaoguan and capture the two kings, and basically establish the overall situation?

Or is it necessary to destroy the Turks to be considered a victory?
Or is it necessary to govern a country for a period of time and let the Liang Dynasty go to glory like in history before it can be considered a victory?
It's hard to say.

Therefore, they must be fully prepared.

Chu Ge gave everyone a general introduction to various plans for different situations, ensuring that even if everyone had no way to contact after entering the ultimate trial, they could each follow the plans.

After all the preparations, the players crossed the portal and entered the ultimate trial.

(End of this chapter)

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