My players are all actors

Chapter 333 The Female General's Provocation

In the historical slice, the whole world is continuously deduced, changed, and finally frozen.

The 13 years of Daye is also the first year of Yining.

According to the original history, Liang Gaozu will lead his troops to attack Chang'an in November of this year, and support the acting king to ascend the throne, change the Yuan to Yining, and respect the old emperor in the deep Jiangdu as the Supreme Emperor.

In March of the second year of Yining, the old emperor was killed. Liang Gaozu realized that the opportunity was rare, so he accepted the Zen throne in May, established the Liang Dynasty, and changed Yuan Wude.

However, since King Qin died early in this history, history will probably not develop like this again.

Unless other variables are added.

Huo Yi.

Meng Yuan woke up in the military tent, the first thing he heard was the sound of rain outside.

"Wow wow..."

This feeling is a bit like that rainy night in Wulongban.

At this moment, someone from outside sent a message: "Report to the general, Chief Shi Pei Ji, please see me."

Meng Yuan couldn't think of it at first, but after thinking about it, his behavior should basically conform to the person's design, so he nodded: "Let him in."

At this time, Liang Gaozu had not yet proclaimed himself emperor. After Jinyang raised his troops, he established the General's Mansion, calling himself the General, and the prince was the governor of the left leader at this time.

As for the commander-in-chief of the right leader, of course it is King Qin.

It's just that there is no King Qin in this plane, so this position is likely to be handed over to King Wei.

As for Pei Ji, as one of the Siyuanmou who raised troops in Jinyang, he had a high status at this time, and was appointed as the chief historian in the general's mansion, and he was also given the title of Wenxi County Duke.

In the real history, Liang Gaozu and him can be said to be like-minded, and have always supported him to become the prime minister.

But Meng Yuan didn't have a good impression of him.

In the history books, apart from Jinyang's rebellion, Pei Ji is famous for two other things. One is that he cooperated with Liang Gaozu to beat the King of Qin and killed Liu Wenjing, a good friend of the King of Qin, who also helped Jinyang's Siyuanmou; the second was when Liu Wuzhou invaded Taiyuan. However, Liang Gaozu didn't want to use King Qin, so he volunteered to lead the army, but he sent a big one.

In addition, he does not seem to have any particularly outstanding achievements in domestic affairs.

If you have to talk about merit, that is to encourage Liang Gaozu to rebel, and to sing double porn with Liang Gaozu when Liang Gaozu was about to accept the Zen throne.

Since this person has no special talent and is not played by a player, it would be a bit redundant for Meng Yuan to see him.

Just to temporarily maintain Liang Gaozu's image and see the situation, I still have to reluctantly meet him.

After a while, Pei Ji opened the tent and entered.


"At this time, the heavy rain continued for several days, and the morale of the army was low. And our army's food and grass were about to run out. If this drags on, chaos may arise.

"There are also spies reporting that the Turks and Liu Wuzhou are planning to sneak in and attack Jinyang.

"Therefore, if our army is at odds with Mr. Song for a long time at this time, something unexpected may happen. It is better to withdraw the troops first, return to Jinyang Jiancheng, and make plans after rectifying."

Meng Yuan hehe in his heart.

It turns out that you were the one who fooled Liang Gaozu to retreat, right?
The culprit was found.

In the real history, Liang Gaozu attacked Huoyi after raising troops in Jinyang. As a result, Song Laosheng led [-] elite troops to defend the city. After a long period of rain and food, Liang Gaozu decided to return to Jinyang first, and then plan to make trouble.

It was King Qin crying loudly outside the camp that made Liang Gaozu dispel this idea and continue to fight Song Laosheng.

In fact, the current situation is very clear: Although there are many soldiers under Liang Gaozu, they are all stragglers who have been subdued along the way, and they have not yet formed a decent combat effectiveness.

Once the troops retreat at this time, it is impossible to retreat in an orderly manner. These stragglers will definitely collapse, and maybe the more they run, the fewer people there will be.

At that time, if Song Laosheng pursues him again, even if the gods are reborn, it will be difficult to save them.

Meng Yuan, who had already known the standard answers in advance, was sure that he would not make the same mistakes again, so he smiled at Pei Ji.

"Okay, I see, this matter is of great importance, and I will definitely consider it carefully."

The attitude is very sincere.

Pei Ji saw that there was something going on, and wanted to say something more, but he had been pushed out of the tent before he knew it.

"I will definitely think about it carefully! It's getting late, Chang Shi should go back and rest first."

Pei Ji scratched his head in a daze, feeling a little baffled.

After sending Pei Ji away, Meng Yuan immediately sent someone to call over all the players who were around at this time.

The prince played by Chu Ge, King Wei played by Luo Ying, and Princess Pingyang played by Xia Ruoling.

King Qi was still too young at this time, so he stayed in Jinyang, and when he turned around, he immediately asked someone to bring a letter and call him here.

As for the others, Yuchi Jingde played by Fan Cun is still in Liu Wu Zhou's army, Qin Shubao played by Huo Yunying, Wei Zheng played by Lu Heng, Cheng Zhijie played by Li Hongyun are still under Li Mi's command, and Yan Lide played by Li Weiyi has not come to join Liang Jun yet.

These people can only be contacted slowly.

Soon, the three came to the camp.

The four players smiled at each other and quickly confirmed each other's identities.

To everyone's surprise, this King Wei was indeed tall.Although he looks a little pale and thin, he has long hands and feet and is quite powerful.

It seems that he is the one to charge forward.

Chu Ge unfolded the marching map and began to analyze the battle of Huoyi.

Both he and Zhao Haiping's military talents are the best among the players. Since Zhao Haiping is not here at this time, he will naturally take command.

"Song Laosheng defends Huoyi, if he attacks by force, the effect may not be very good.

"Back then, the King of Qin didn't dare to attack by force, he just pointed at the city, pretending to belittle the other party, and wanted to attack the city, which attracted Song Laosheng out of the city for a decisive battle.

"So, we have to find a way to lure him out."

Meng Yuan thought for a while: "Then we should be like King Qin, pointing and tricking him out of the city?"

Chu Ge shook his head: "No, I have a better way."


In the city of Huoyi.

Song Laosheng was looking at Liang Jun in the distance from the top of the city.

At this time, Liang Jun was stationed in Jiahu Fort, and it had been raining continuously for the past few days, and Liang Jun's base camp was in Jinyang, and the grain road was much longer than that of Song Laosheng.

Therefore, Song Laosheng is still very confident about this battle.

"Does Liang Jun have any plans to retreat?" Song Laosheng asked.

The general beside him shook his head: "No, but their rations must be running out at this time. If they can't fight quickly, they will have to retreat sooner or later."

Song Laosheng stroked his beard with a smile: "Hehe, quick battle? I rely on Huoyi City, why should I fight him quickly?

"Although the number of this rebel army is quite large, in my opinion, they are just some mob recruited and surrendered along the way. It is said that there are many good men, but in fact they are just bandits, bandits, and disorderly people.

"As long as they run out of supplies and are forced to retreat, our army will catch up and they will be defeated!

"Pass my order, no matter how provocative the opponent is, you must not fight. Anyone who dares to speak out will be killed!"

The general beside him hurriedly saluted: "Obey!"

Song Laosheng stroked his beard, as if everything was under control.

However, at this moment, he saw a group of troops coming out of the Liang army camp in Fort Jiahu in the distance.

This is just a few hundred Qingqi, and it seems that the formation is not neat, which further confirms Song Laosheng's guess that the opponent is a group of mobs.

I saw this cavalry quickly came to the east of the city, right under Song Laosheng's nose.

"Hmph, such a poor trick to lure the enemy, will I be fooled?"

Song Laosheng has no plans to fight at all.

It's just a few hundred cavalry. If he really leads troops out of the city, these light cavalry will inevitably withdraw quickly.

Even if they catch up, it won't make much sense to win for a while. There are only a few hundred cavalry, and the opponent can't afford to lose.

No need, no need.

Song Laosheng turned around and prepared to go back to rest.

However, at this moment, a cavalry general leaped forward and came to Huoyi city.

Then, holding out her horsewhip, she said loudly to Song Laosheng: "Song Laosheng! Do you dare to go out of the city and fight my Detachment of Women?"

Song Laosheng froze for a moment, then looked down the city.

He was a little puzzled, because he had indeed heard a woman's voice just now.

How could there be women on the battlefield?

Before he could react, the female general below shouted again: "What kind of a man are you to be cursed by a woman in the city! All soldiers, since Song Laosheng dare not fight, why don't you tie him up and surrender!"

Song Laosheng suddenly became furious: "It's unreasonable! Who is this!"

The general next to him hurriedly said: "It seems... this is the lady Li from Juxiao Pass."

According to the official history, Princess Pingyang also carried out a series of plans after Liang Taizong raised troops in Jinyang.She returned to the family manor, disguised as a man, sold the local property, and provided relief to the victims, and quickly recruited a team of several hundred people.

After that, she successively recruited and surrendered the nearby insurgents, occupied many places like a bamboo shoot, and was strictly disciplined and prohibited.Later, they joined forces with the King of Qin and each led the army to attack Chang'an.

At this time, the Lady Li played by Xia Ruoling was already well-known, and her army was called the "Women's Army", and her reputation spread far and wide, and many people came to join her.

Arriving at the foot of Huoyi City, Xia Ruoling cursed loudly, while the hundreds of cavalrymen beside him laughed, their ridicule was almost full.

Song Laosheng's face turned red, and he turned up in an instant.

"It's unreasonable! Come! Get my weapons! Take my horses! Order troops to fight!"

The general beside him was startled, and hurriedly persuaded: "General, you just said that you can't go to war..."

Song Laosheng said angrily: "You bastard! How can you be humiliated by a woman!"

I have to say that many words come out of different people's mouths, and the effect is completely different.

If it is a strong man who is eight feet long and five big and three thick, yelling and cursing in the city, it cannot be said that it is completely useless, but the effect is often very limited.

Song Laosheng could just laugh and pretend he didn't hear it from the top of the city, and the morale of the soldiers would not suffer too much damage.

But when a woman calls out, the nature is completely different.

In ancient times, men were superior to women. In the eyes of most generals and soldiers, women were only worthy of being spoils of war. How could they have the qualifications to play chess with men and become chess players?

Therefore, the degree of humiliation of women screaming in the city is naturally beyond the charts.

It's just that the degree of humiliation of giving women clothes is very high, not to mention that they dare not face real women.

Song Laosheng couldn't say that he was completely overwhelmed by anger. He also knew that if he didn't dare to fight in this situation, it would be a huge blow to his own morale.

Therefore, he has no other choice but to fight!
Soon, there was commotion in Huoyi City, the city gate opened, and Song Laosheng led the army out of the city and began to line up.

And Liang Jun's side also came out in full force.

Under Chu Ge's command, Liang Jun from all walks of life lined up in neat arrays.

Meng Yuan sits in the central army, Chu Ge commands the overall situation, and Luo Ying, who plays the role of King Wei, takes the lead.

As for the hundreds of rangers led by Xia Ruoling, they didn't retreat immediately after seeing Song Laosheng go out to fight, but roamed around.

Song Laosheng said coldly: "I think this thief chieftain is really muddy!
"There were not many cavalry, and a large number of cavalry was handed over to a woman to lead. On the contrary, the generals who are facing the front don't even have horses to ride!

"Follow me to attack the army of thieves, and you will surely win in one battle!

Song Laosheng gave an order, and the army went straight to the Chinese army where Meng Yuan was.

His army is indeed brave. In real history, he went straight to Liang Gaozu's central army.The prince pulled his hips on the spot and fell off the horse. Liang Gaozu was also powerless to resist, and the front had already faintly shown the power of defeat.

At this critical juncture, the King of Qin led his cavalry to charge down and broke Song Laosheng's army, which turned the tide of the battle.

But now that there is no King Qin, the style of play must be different.

The sound of horseshoes raised smoke and dust, and Song Laosheng's vanguard cavalry had already approached Liang Jun's formation.

There are cavalry on one side and infantry on the other. No matter how you look at it, Song Laosheng has the upper hand.

But Meng Yuan and Chu Ge didn't panic at all, because Luo Ying was there!

Luo Ying took a deep breath, and clenched the saber in her hand.

Then, he yelled loudly and threw the armor on his upper body on the ground.

Because Pifu's exclusive talent can only be triggered when he is on foot and without armor, he cannot wear armor.

But if you don't wear it when you come up, it won't have the effect of boosting morale. Everyone will only think that you have some brain problems, and they won't think you are very heroic.

It is necessary to complete a series of operations such as naked clothes and shouting in order on the battlefield in order to maximize morale.

King Wei was tall and tall, with long hands and long feet, but he was not a macho like Li Gaoling, whose arms were as thick as the thighs of ordinary people, so his deterrent power was not enough.

But it doesn't matter, because King Wei has tattoos on his body!
Luo Ying didn't know why "The Dark Sand" arranged such a character design for King Wei of this plane, but it didn't matter, as long as it was easy to use.

At this time, he took off his armor, exposed his upper body, and shouted: "Soldiers and soldiers! If you want to do righteousness to save the common people, how can you care about yourself? Come and kill with me!"

After all, he took a step forward and stood alone in front of all the soldiers.

The saber in his hand was showing a cold light, and the rain was dripping.

Both Song Laosheng's army and Liang Jun's soldiers were shocked.

what the hell is this!

Even Song Laosheng could tell that this man was obviously Liang Jun's vanguard general.How could a general risk his life like this?

If he had a war horse, he could still fight among the chaotic army at this time, and if the situation was not good, he would break out of the encirclement.

But in the absence of war horses, once trapped in a tight siege and killed, wouldn't the vanguard collapse instantly?
Seeing this, Song Laosheng couldn't help but be overjoyed: "Come on! Kill him first!"

A cavalryman clapped his horse forward and stabbed at Luo Ying with a spear in his hand.

But Luo Ying didn't move rashly, he still stood peacefully in the same place, and waited until the cavalry was close to him, then he suddenly exerted force, swung the saber in his hand, and slashed over!


The cavalryman felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the spear seemed to have pierced through the air.

And the next second, he felt that the war horse under his crotch seemed to lose control in an instant, and he fell to the ground with a "plop".

Then came a sharp pain.

He looked down and saw that the horse's head and his right leg had been cut off by the saber in the opponent's hand!
But obviously, the cavalry on Song Laosheng's side have not yet realized the seriousness of the problem.

They still charged towards Liang Jun's formation.

Behind Luo Ying, Liang Jun's soldiers raised their spears one after another, and fought hand-to-hand with Song Laosheng's army.

But after all, the Liang army at this time was not the elite soldiers of the government later, but just the rebels, bandits, refugees, etc. recruited from all over the country. There are signs of a small-scale retreat.

However, Song Laosheng wanted to take advantage of the victory and pursue it, but it was impossible.

Because he was shocked to find that not only did the forward general with his bare upper body and a saber in his hand not die in the chaos, but he was still rushing left and right, as if he was in no man's land!
Since he couldn't break through the striker, he couldn't get close to Meng Yuan and Chu Ge.

After seeing this scene, Liang Jun's morale was greatly boosted, and he fought bravely to be the first!
In a cold weapon battle, this kind of personal bravery boosts morale too obviously.

Many fierce generals were able to turn the tide of the battle on their own. It was precisely because of his performance that he suppressed the morale of the enemy and improved the morale of his own. The result of the war changed fundamentally under the ebb and flow of each other.

"The whole army is on!"

When Chu Ge gave an order, he didn't force much, and he came up with a move of f2a.

Of course, you can't really be so ignorant.

When Liang Jun's morale was boosted and he was attacking in an all-round way, two thousand cavalry also rushed down from the hillside.

And it was Xia Ruoling who took the lead!

King Qi, played by Zhao Haiping, is still in Jinyang and has not been able to come here yet, so all these cavalry units are handed over to Xia Ruoling's command.

Song Laosheng couldn't help being shocked, because he never expected that this female general would dare to fight!
He originally thought that this was just Liang Jun's aggressive method, and the female general withdrew after shouting and scolding in the city, which seemed to prove that his idea was correct.

But I didn't expect that the withdrawal was for the purpose of confusing.

The real purpose is to make Song Laosheng subconsciously ignore Liang Jun and such a cavalry unit!
"Stop them!"

Song Laosheng immediately led people to meet him.

He could see that although the frontal battlefield was anxious at this time, it was not yet the time to lose.But if he is cut off by this cavalry, the entire battlefield will collapse immediately.

At that time, it will be hard to save the gods.

"Behead that female general first!"

Song Laosheng jumped forward, and stabbed Xia Ruoling with the spear in his hand.

However, in the next second, he saw that the other party stood up immediately and jumped!
Xia Ruoling drew a perfect arc in the air, and then, the assassin's talent was activated instantly, her left hand slightly supported Song Laosheng's shoulder, and her whole body swept behind him.

The dagger pierced deeply into the gap in Song Laosheng's armor!

Song Laosheng never expected that the opponent didn't play cards according to the routine.

At first I thought it was someone who was only responsible for ridicule and hatred, but later I thought that the other party was a serious cavalry general, but in the end I found out that he was actually an assassin!
82 Chinese Network


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