Daye 14 years, which is the first year of Wude, May.

Luoyang city.

Wang Shichong was checking the current map situation in his mansion, his brows were frowned.

In the past year, the world can be described as precarious.

Last year, Liang Guo's power rose in Jinyang, gathered in Guanzhong, occupied Chang'an, and became another separatist power.

At this time, Wang Shichong, who was still an important minister of the former court, was of course very dissatisfied with this, because everyone could see that Guanzhong was a piece of fat.

He is in Luoyang, if he can occupy Chang'an again, use Guanzhong as the foundation, and then use Luoyang to go east, the possibility of pacifying the world will be greatly increased.

But there was nothing he could do, because at this moment he was being hanged and beaten by Li Mi, and he was powerless to manage the affairs of Guanzhong.

On the map, Wang Shichong's situation can be described as critical.

In March of this year, Yu Wenhuaji rebelled in Jiangdu and killed the former emperor.

When the news came, Liang Gaozu immediately accepted the Zen seat in Chang'an.

And Luoyang was not idle here either. Six people including Wang Shichong and Duan Da jointly elected the King of Yue as the new emperor, with the reign title Huangtai, and was known as the Lord of Huangtai in history.

And Wang Shichong was named Zheng Guogong because of this, and his status was prominent.

As far as Wang Shichong is concerned, of course he is not a loyal minister of the former dynasty, but he is just saving his own strength for the process of countering the rebellion by the former dynasty.

He fought against Li Mi and was defeated repeatedly. At this time, even if he had the evil intention to abolish Li, he did not have the courage to do so.

At this time, the matter of usurping the throne was put aside, the situation on the battlefield was completely rotten.

Luoyang has been surrounded by layers of Li Mi, and the only city that Wang Shichong can really control is Luoyang.

After killing the first emperor, Yu Wenhuaji's rebel army also arrived outside Luoyang City, intending to conquer Luoyang as a base.

Both forces regard Luoyang as a piece of fat.

As for Wang Shichong?

He is the fat itself.

In history, Wang Shichong fought and defeated Li Mi repeatedly, and accused him of defeat several times, but Emperor Taizhu trusted him very much and always supported him.That's why Wang Shichong was able to defeat Li Mi in the final battle, and finally became King Qin's strong enemy.

But Wang Shichong at this time could not predict the future.

Therefore, he is still extremely worried about his future and destiny.

At this moment, someone outside reported.

"Report! Wei Zheng from Wagangzhai asked to see him. He said he also brought letters written by Qin Shubao and Cheng Zhijie!"

Wang Shichong was stunned for a moment, then suddenly stood up: "Please!"

At this time, Wei Zheng was still a little transparent.He has been following Li Mi from the very beginning, but he has never been reused.

In the real history, he returned to the Liang Dynasty in the first year of Wude, and by the way, Li Ji, who was also under Li Mi at the time, returned to the Liang Dynasty, and was then appointed by Liang Gaozu as the prince Xianma, who has been assisting the left.

It can be said that this famous minister of the Taizong Dynasty has not yet shown his ambitions and talents, but Li Mi does not know how to use him because he does not know how to do well.

And what about Wang Shichong?In fact, he is not much better than Li Mi.

In terms of knowing people and doing good things, thanks to the excellent matching mechanism, the two of them are just as good as each other, and they are pecking at each other.

At this time, Wei Zheng was already played by Lu Heng.

As such a little transparent, if he came to see Wang Shichong by himself, even if he saw him, it would be difficult to convince him.

Because it's too insignificant.

Of course Lu Heng is well aware of this, but as a player, he is not alone.

Huo Yunying, who played Qin Shubao, and Li Hongyun, who played Cheng Zhijie, were also under Li Mi's command at this time, and their status was very prominent.

At that time, Li Mi selected [-] elite warriors from among the most elite soldiers under his command to form four hussars in the tent, called the Inner Army.

He once proudly said: These 8000 people are worth a million troops.

And Qin Shubao and Cheng Zhijie are both Hussar generals of the internal army, which shows their respected status under Li Mi's subordinates.

Since Wei Zheng brought the two of them's autographed letters, Wang Shichong must have to see them.

"Meet Zheng Guogong."

Lu Heng, who played Wei Zheng, walked in with his head held high, with a natural expression and an image of a master.

Of course, Wang Shichong was also very affectionate: "Sir, please take a seat!"

After exchanging pleasantries, Wang Shichong couldn't wait to get to the topic.

"Mr. is here, I don't know what countermeasures to teach me?"

Lu Heng smiled slightly: "Send the whole world to Zheng Gong!"

Wang Shichong couldn't help being surprised: "Sir, don't joke!"

Can this kind of thing be said?
Although Wang Shichong had long wanted to usurp the throne, his personality at this time was still a loyal minister of the former dynasty after all, and most of the forces in his hands belonged to the former dynasty in name.

To truly become emperor, it must be after he integrated Luoyang's internal forces and cut off dissidents.

He was of course surprised when Wei Zheng pointed it out right now.

Lu Heng laughed: "It turns out that Zheng Gong has no ambition to sweep the world and level the world. If that is the case, then I will leave."

Seeing that the other party was about to leave, Wang Shichong hurriedly stood up to persuade him to stay.

"Wait a minute, sir! Of course I have the ambition to sweep the world and level the world, but the current situation..."

Seeing Wang Shichong's attitude loosen quickly, Lu Heng couldn't help but smile slightly, knowing that his plan had initially succeeded.

Most of the time, if we talk about it, things will be easier to handle.

He took his seat again, and said with a smile: "Maybe Mr. Zheng feels that he is trapped in a lonely city, and there is no way to recover at this time, but I know that Mr. Zheng has always been a person who becomes more courageous and persevering after setbacks. This predicament cannot defeat Mr. Zheng.

"I offer three strategies for Zheng Gong, which can bring peace to the world!"

Wang Shichong couldn't help being surprised: "Oh? Please tell me, sir!"

In fact, he is not too cold about such bragging words.

As a warrior, he fought bloody battles on the battlefield, but after fighting back and forth, only Luoyang was left as an isolated city.

It can be seen that pacifying the world has never been such a simple matter.

Now Wei Zheng can pacify the world with the touch of his lips?Of course Wang Shichong didn't believe it.

But first, he knew that the other party had Qin Shubao's and Cheng Zhijie's personal letters. What is the content of the policy.

If it is wrong and completely inoperable, then maintain the most basic courtesy and ask him to show Qin Shubao and Cheng Zhijie's personal letter and let him be the messenger of communication between the two sides.

If it's true, wouldn't that be more of a surprise?
Lu Heng smiled slightly, ready to start fooling around.

As a scribe player, he has already done this operation countless times, so he is also very familiar with it at this time.

From tone to tone, from demeanor to action, you can attract the attention of the other party to the maximum extent and convince the other party from the bottom of your heart.

What's more, what he said was the most brilliant strategy.

"This first strategy is to get rid of Yu Wenhuaji and Li Mi for Zheng Gong!"

The first sentence shocked Wang Shichong.

The first strategy can get rid of Yu Wenhua and Li Mi?

You know, these two people are his confidantes, they are both eyeing Luoyang, and the strength of these two people is very strong.

Fighting alone, Wang Shichong has no confidence in defeating any of them.

Especially Li Mi, Wang Shichong fought against him, and he was defeated repeatedly, almost never winning.

As a result, the first step is to kill these two powerful enemies first?
Wang Shichong was instantly interested: "Please tell me, sir!"

Lu Heng said calmly, "The first strategy is to drive away tigers and eat wolves.

"At this time, Yu Wenhua and regicide and rebellion are not tolerated by the world.

"But Zheng Gong is still a loyal minister at this time, and has already established his reputation in the righteousness.

"And there is another person who is also very eager for righteousness and fame. Does Mr. Zheng know who it is?"

Wang Shichong thought briefly, and immediately understood: "It's Li Mi?"

Lu Heng smiled slightly: "Exactly.

"Li Mi, I know best, he may be a hero in the details of tactics, but he is a mess in the big strategy.

"Emphasis on fame and despise real benefits, seeing small benefits and forgetting great righteousness.

"Therefore, as long as Zheng Gong wins over Li Mi with a high-ranking official and rich salary, and let him attack Yuwenhuaji, the two groups of rebels can kill each other.

"At that time, General Cheng and General Qin and I will offer advice together, and Li Mi will definitely fall into the trap.

"After Yu Wenhuaji is defeated, Li Mi's soldiers and horses will also be exhausted, arrogant and lazy. At that time, Zheng Gong's soldiers and horses will recharge their batteries, and the battle will be decided!"

Wang Shichong's eyes lit up instantly: "Sir, you are a great talent! This kind of advice made me suddenly enlightened!"

His reaction was violent, not perfunctory.

But this is also in Lu Heng's calculations.

Because in history, this strategy was put forward by Yuan Wendu, Lu Chu and others in Luoyang, and Wang Shichong did adopt this strategy, sending envoys to grant Li Mi Taiwei, Shangshuling and other official positions, and asked him to crusade against Yu Wenhua and other officials. .

But now, Wei Zheng, played by Lu Heng, proposed this strategy first, and it naturally came to Wang Shichong's heart.

Moreover, this strategy is more convincing when it is said by Wei Zheng.

Because Yuan Wen proposed this strategy, Li Mi may or may not accept it.Whether the strategy will succeed is completely unknown.

But Wei Zheng's position is special, he was already in Li Mi's army.

In Wang Shichong's view, if Wei Zheng joined forces with Qin Shubao and Cheng Zhijie to fool Li Mi, the success rate would be much higher.

Therefore, the strategy proposed by Lu Heng is not only in line with Wang Shichong's wishes, but also very feasible.

Can Wang Shichong be unhappy?

After listening to this article, Wang Shichong has already firmly believed in Lu Heng's image as a world-class expert.

"What about the other two strategies? Please enlighten me, sir!" Wang Shichong couldn't wait.

Lu Heng smiled slightly, and said in a calm manner: "The second strategy, called the bitter trick, helps Zheng Gonggong and Dou Jiande!
"Yu Wenhuaji was defeated by Li Mi, so he must have fled. But Dou Jiande was in Hebei, he started in the grass and had no roots, so he must kill Yu Wenhuaji to win people's hearts.

"After Zheng Gong defeats Li Mi, he can surrender Li Mi's army. At that time, I will pretend to fight with the two generals Qin Shubao and Cheng Zhijie, and then escape.

"Dou Jiande knows that the two generals have a deep blood feud with Mr. Zheng and you are also very brave, so he will naturally reuse them and let them lead the old army.

"When the two armies of Zheng Gong and Dou Jiande confronted each other, the two generals suddenly led their troops to mutiny and cooperated internally and externally. Although Dou Jiande has a large number of people, he is not a cause for concern!"

Wang Shichong's eyes were even brighter: "What about the third strategy?"

Lu Heng paused for a moment, and purposely put it off: "The third strategy is much simpler.

"It can help Zheng Gonggong, Liu Wuzhou, Song Jingang, enter Guanzhong, occupy Hedong, and dominate the world!"

Wang Shichong was a little stunned: "Wait a minute, sir.

"Why do you want to pacify Liu Wuzhou in the pass? What about Liang Guo? And Song Jingang...isn't this person under Wei Daoer's hands?"

This third strategy made him confused, because it didn't match the forces he knew.

This is the first year of Wude, the Liang Dynasty has just been established, and the entire Guanzhong and Hedong are still in the hands of the Liang Dynasty.

Liu Wuzhou was still in Mayi at this time, relying on the aid of the Turks to capture Yanmen, Loufan and other places, and was established by the Turks as Dingyang Khan.

It's not yet time for him to sweep across the river east.

And Song Jingang is a leader of the peasant rebel army, with more than 10,000 troops, and at this time he is still connected with Wei Daoer's forces.

Install the latest version. 】

In the second year of Wude, Wei Daoer was destroyed by Dou Jiande, Song Jingang was defeated by Dou Jiande, and then he led 4000 people to Liu Wuzhou.

After the two forces merged, they went south to Jinyang and collided with the forces of the Liang Dynasty.

Therefore, Wang Shichong would naturally be surprised to hear that the other party mentioned Liu Wuzhou and Song Jingang together.

This is what Lu Heng wanted.

He twirled his beard and smiled: "Duke Zheng, don't be surprised.

"Wei Daoer can't defeat Dou Jiande, and Song Jingang is absolutely unwilling to submit to Dou Jiande. Therefore, he is very likely to lead his troops to seek refuge with Liu Wuzhou.

"And Liu Wuzhou has long had the heart to go south. With Song Jingang, Yuchi Jingde and other fierce generals under his command, he can plot to capture Jinyang, sweep Hedong, and threaten Guanzhong, the hinterland of Liang State."

Wang Shichong was surprised: "Then Liang will be slaughtered?"

Lu Heng chuckled: "Naturally Liang Guo will not let others slaughter him, but they have more than enough heart but not enough power.

"Liang Guo seems to be powerful, but in fact, he is strong on the outside and does not have a backbone at all.

"Since the rise of troops in Jinyang, the reason why they were able to quickly invade Chang'an and occupy Guanzhong is because Guanzhong is empty and has no strong forces; .

"But none of these people can really fight. The only tough battle is to kill Song Laosheng, and it is a fluke to win.

"Therefore, they cannot defeat Liu Wuzhou and Song Jingang.

"When Zheng Gong has leveled Dou Jiande, you can divide the army into three groups.

"One road, from the west of Luoyang to Guanzhong, and two roads, from Hebei to Jingxing and from Taixing to Guanxing, to attack Shangdang and seek Jinyang.

"Even if Liu Wuzhou and Song Jingang pacify the Liang Kingdom, they will definitely lose their vitality. Zheng Gong took advantage of the momentum of the big victory and marched out with an absolutely superior force, making the opponent exhausted.

"One battle will surely determine the world!"

After Wang Shichong heard it, he couldn't help standing up abruptly.

"Mr.'s words made me suddenly enlightened! Mister is really a god!"

He is completely convinced.

Is there any reason for Lu Heng playing Wei Zheng's strategy?
It just makes sense!
Needless to say, the first strategy is that Lu Heng copied the standard answer in history, or the super-enhanced version, which really touched Wang Shichong's heart.

Compared with the first strategy, the second strategy has more original content from Lu Heng, but it is still very stable.

Wang Shichong and Li Mi are feuds, and Qin Shubao and Cheng Zhijie are both reused by Li Mi at this time.

If Li Mi was defeated, who would know that it was Qin Shubao and Cheng Zhijie who secretly rebelled?

And Qin Shubao and Cheng Zhijie didn't want to surrender to Wang Shichong, so it's very reasonable to switch to Dou Jiande, right?

The two of them will bring many soldiers, and in order to show their trust in them, Dou Jiande will definitely let them continue to lead the old troops to attack Wang Shichong.

At the critical moment of the battle between the two armies, Qin Shubao and Cheng Zhijie's sudden betrayal would indeed make the battlefield fall to Wang Shichong's side in an instant.

At that time, Dou Jiande will have nothing to worry about.

And the third strategy, in fact, is mainly to fool.

Isn't Liang Guo's power not working?
If others don't know, how can Lu Heng not know?That's where the players gather!

In the original history, the people of Liang Guo were all useless except for King Qin. Liang Gaozu, Prince, King Qi... It is absolutely impossible to expect them to conquer the world.

Not to mention the capture of the two kings in the first battle, they probably sent it to Xue Ju and Liu Wuzhou.

But now that these people are all occupied by players, Liang Guo naturally became the strongest force.

The real situation is that the crown prince summoned heroes, Princess Pingyang gathered in Xiaoguan, lured the enemy to kill Song Laosheng, and Yan Lide made siege equipment to take Chang'an City lightly.

After that, the players will also stage dramas such as "King Qi uses soldiers like gods", "King Wei breaks cavalry with steps", "Yuchi Jingde's mutiny" and so on.

But Lu Heng would definitely not say such a thing.

He must be trying to fool Wang Shichong as much as possible, making him feel that Liang Guo is nothing to worry about, and wholeheartedly fighting Li Mi and Dou Jiande.

Then the players can use Liang Guo to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

But to Wang Shichong's ears, Lu Heng's deceit was very reasonable.

From Wang Shichong's point of view, there is no King Qin on the side of Liang Guo, and the rest of the people are indeed not very prominent.

The only tough battle was to fight Song Laosheng, but this kind of character is obviously not worth mentioning in Wang Shichong's eyes, and there is nothing to brag about if he wins.

More importantly, it is difficult to tell whether Lu Heng's prophecy is true or false.

For example, Lu Heng accurately predicted that Song Jingang under Wei Daoer would be defeated by Dou Jiande at this time, and then defected to Liu Wuzhou.

After that, Liu Wuzhou and Song Jingang will definitely fight Jinyang, enter Hedong, and have friction with Liang Guo.

These are all things that actually happened in history, and the accuracy of the prophecy is extremely high.

True and false, and the false parts are in line with Wang Shichong's expectations, it is only a ghost that can't deceive Wang Shichong.

What if the prophecy is revealed?
For example, what should Wang Shichong do if he suddenly found out that Xue Ju and Liu Wuzhou had been pushed by Liang Guoping?
Doesn't that prove that Wei Zheng's prediction was wrong?
It doesn't matter, because the predictions in the next two steps are actually not important.

Lu Heng's suggestion was to make Wang Shichong trust him and follow his plan, but in fact, Wang Shichong couldn't make it to the second step and was about to be taken down.

This is the game in the game, and it is also the biggest advantage after the player group wears it.

They not only know the future historical development, but also can be in different forces but trust each other unconditionally.

"This is the handwriting of the two generals Qin Shubao and Cheng Zhijie. Please read it, Mr. Zheng."

Until now, Wei Zheng, played by Lu Heng, has not come up with two letters.

The content of the letter is not important, it is nothing more than an expression of long-standing admiration for Wang Shichong and willingness to help him win the world.

In fact, these two letters were not written by Huo Yunying and Li Hongyun at all. Their calligraphy is very ordinary, and if they really wrote it, they might reveal their secrets.Moreover, it is not worthwhile to take a special talent for this kind of thing.

But it doesn't matter, Wang Shichong doesn't know their handwriting anyway.

Whether Wang Shichong believes it or not, it will not affect this plan.

The strategy of driving tigers and wolves away will definitely be carried out as scheduled, and Wang Shichong will definitely defeat Li Mi.

As long as when Wang Shichong was beating Li Mi, Huo Yunying and Li Hongyun would find a way to make soy sauce, watch from the sidelines, and then slip away to join Dou Jiande, then Wang Shichong would believe that the two of them were his own, and the trust between them would be great. Naturally built up.

At that time, Wang Shichong will step into the trap step by step.

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