My players are all actors

Chapter 348 Run away!

Chapter 348 Run away!
Fei Lian stared intently at this gigantic phantom of the aborigines, while observing his every move, while trying to recall the bits and pieces that happened in the historical slice.

It wants to find out all the pictures of this aboriginal phantom as much as possible, and then make a decision!

Of course, in this process, losses are inevitable.

Because the Sequencer side is completely aggressive, as long as Fei Lian sends out gigantic magic soldiers, the Sequencer side will continue to enlarge the phantom of the aborigines, and will always maintain a relative advantage in strength.

It's a posture of fighting for life!
But Fei Lian didn't dare to give up all his strength rashly, because he didn't know what the cunning sequencer was planning.

What if there are some traps waiting for you?
The more critical the situation is, the more careful you must be. Fei Lian is very clear that if he is reckless, he may make a forced error and be caught by the cunning sequencer.And once a mistake is made, the consequences are often irreversible.

While Meng Yuan was anxiously leading the players all the way to the interior of Anshi City, Fei Lian also quickly flashed back all the scenes that Meng Yuan had appeared in.

"In the historical slice of the prosperous dynasty, he once played the role of Su Xianjun, and also played the role of the emperor...

"In the historical slice of the Qi Dynasty...

"Wait, what this aborigine is good at is acting! It's camouflage!
"If I hadn't experienced the battles of the previous few historical slices and remembered the characteristics of the aboriginal phantoms carried by all the sequencers, I might have been deceived!"

Fei Lian suddenly realized, what a danger!Almost fell for it!

This sequencer is really cunning, it turns out he has dug a hole and is waiting for me to jump!

Obviously, this is a chain meter.

The sequencer first threw out two aborigine phantoms who looked like the sequencer, one was brave and good at fighting, and the other was strategizing, which deceived Fei Lian miserably.

And this time, he cheated again!

It's just that the deception this time is more clever than the previous two. Obviously, the sequencer also knows that the original method can only be used once, and the monster will not be fooled a second time, so this time it changed to a new trick.

The aborigine phantom I found is not only mediocre, but also significantly different from the previous two candidates. Most importantly, he is also very good at acting!
Then all the hesitation and fear shown before were all staged!

Think about it, too, that sequencer has always been cautious, he is always hiding in a place that no one can guess, and now he is not in a desperate situation, how could he run out unexpectedly?This is not reasonable at all!
So, it all came together.

Fei Lian couldn't help sneering. Fortunately, I was resourceful and knew enough about the personality of the sequencer.If it was the other three brainless monsters, they might have been fooled long ago!

As for the serious consequences of being fooled?
It's very simple, if Fei Lian wants to concentrate his efforts to eliminate this aborigine's phantom, he will definitely expose his traces.At that time, the sorter hiding in the dark can locate it first and cause heavy damage to it.

Fei Lian made up his mind that he must not act rashly!

Hold your breath and be patient!Don't make the same mistake as Xing Tian...

However, at this moment, Meng Yuan swelled up again!
I saw him waving a long sword in his hand, pointing at the highest point of Anshi City from a distance: "The yellow sand wears a golden armor in a hundred battles, and if you don't break Loulan, you will never return it!"

Following his chanting, a fiery aura of righteousness erupted from his sword, like a torrent, sweeping away all the demon soldiers in front of him!

Not only that, but the players have quickly dispersed, and the armors on their bodies all emit golden light, which seems to have been strengthened.

They are encircling and outflanking, as if they want to surround the entire inner city of Anshi City and completely cut off all escape routes!
Seeing this situation, Fei Lian had only one thought.

Crazy, crazy!
This is to fight for my life!

It's still acting at this time, the hateful sequencer, so cunning!

Fei Lian could tell that the movement of this phantom of the aborigine was almost exactly the same as that of Beichen who had appeared many times before!
Beichen is the image of the true sorter, but he has always hidden it very well, and only comes out to reap the battlefield when the victory or defeat has been decided.

And every time Beichen appeared, he had to chant poems, mobilize as much righteousness as possible, and deal a devastating blow to the monsters.

Now, this phantom of the aborigine swung the sword completely in Beichen's posture and movement, as if crazily implying, come and hit me, I am Beichen!
Moreover, Fei Lian also knows that only a genuine sequencer can invoke such a large amount of righteousness with verses.

But the more it is like this, the more it doesn't believe it.

Maybe the sequencer is hiding in secret to cooperate with this phantom of the aborigines?
The acting skills of this aboriginal phantom are so outstanding, who knows when he started acting!
Not only that, but Fei Lian also realized something more serious.

This sequencer... seems to be fighting for his life!

The Sequencer is concentrating a lot of arrogance and righteousness on this phantom of the aborigines, and has also sent a large number of phantoms of the aborigines to outflank it, as if to drive out all the demons in the entire city of Anshi.

And this kind of treatment has never been encountered in other battlefields.

"Yangmou, this is Yangmou!

"This sorter doesn't want to conquer this slice of history, he just wants... to kill me!"

Realizing this, Fei Lian's demonic energy collapsed in an instant, and he panicked!

The situation is now very clear.

First of all, the phantom of the aborigines cannot be the real sorter, but just a decoy.

Moreover, in order to make this bait look real enough and attractive enough, the sorter really concentrated a lot of power on it.

If Fei Lian is really willing to go all out at this time and fight to the death, then the final result must be that all of Fei Lian's power in this world will be wiped out, and the Sequencer's power will also be greatly reduced.

At that time, it will be almost impossible for the sequencers to win against Kuafu and Gonggong, so they can only choose to withdraw.

On the face of it, this might not seem like a great deal.After all, he failed to capture the historical slice of the Liang Dynasty and lost so much power, so he only replaced Fei Lian, which is a bit of a loss.

But in Fei Lian's view, this is not the case at all.

What is it?
It is the intelligence quotient of the demon!
Looking at the other three big demons, each of these IQs is more touching than the other.Without Fei Lian, Xing Tian would have been crippled as early as the first historical slice when he was in the Qi Dynasty, and there would be no possibility of continuing to fight later.

Therefore, Fei Lian felt that the sequencer was so smart, he must have seen this clearly long ago.

If Fei Lian is defending the relatively safe Anshi City, so if the Sequencers attack step by step, then the best result is nothing more than severely injuring the other two monsters, barely capturing this slice of history, and then Fei Lian slips away. Walk.

But in that way, Fei Lian will soon be entangled in the comeback of other big monsters. It's hard to say whether the Sequencer will be able to withstand it.

Therefore, the sequencer probably also saw this clearly, and would rather risk the history slice than get rid of Fei Lian!

Once most of Fei Lian's power is killed, Fei Lian will have no right to speak at all.Moreover, the temporary failure of the Sequencer to attack this historical slice will make Gonggong and Kuafu even more inflated, and Fei Lian will not be taken seriously...

Then the sorter can set up a bigger ambush to catch these two idiots...

insidious!It's too insidious!
Fei Lian instantly felt as if a basin of cold water was poured from his head to the soles of his feet. This worst-case scenario is really terrible, but the key is that this possibility is very high!
That sequencer is really very likely to do such a thing.

Thinking about it this way, it's no wonder that the other party put on such an aggressive posture. Obviously, the other party intends to concentrate all their strength on him!

How to do?
Many ideas flashed through Fei Lian's mind.

Call for help from Gonggong and Kuafu?This is probably not a particularly safe decision.

First of all, Gonggong and Kuafu also have their own things to do. The former is desperately trying to take down the Fortress of the Ordered Ones, while the latter is facing Liang Taizong and General Han Fuyue, so it may not be able to mobilize strength.

Secondly, Gong Gong and Kuafu may not come to help. On the one hand, they don’t like Fei Lian’s style of play. They think Fei Lian is too cowardly and weak; All the power is concentrated to fight Fei Lian, and you will think that Fei Lian may be making a fuss out of a molehill.

Finally, in case the consequences of failure are too serious!Even if Gonggong and Kuafu mobilize some forces to come, the orderers will definitely try their best to obstruct it, and once the orderers complete the encirclement of Anshi City, then they will be unable to fly...

Directly gather all the strength to go out and join Gonggong and Kuafu?
This kind of risky behavior is obviously not in Fei Lian's character.It's not like a mindless reckless man like Xing Tian.

And when Fei Lian was in trouble, the army of the Sorcerers had rushed into Anshi City like a bamboo shoot, and began to encircle him from all angles!

A posture that wanted to completely wipe out Fei Lian at all costs.

Surrounded by countless armies, Meng Yuan stood in the crowd, pointing his long sword obliquely at the sky.

"The real sequencer is here! Do you dare to fight to the death with me!"

Accompanied by the roar of the artillery, the walls of Anshi City collapsed one after another, and the players surrounded them from all directions, bathing in awe-inspiring righteousness and shining golden light.

At this time, Fei Lian was actually still carrying a lot of demonic energy. If it was Xing Tian, ​​he might have crashed directly from the air.

However, the black cloud in the sky escaped before the players formed a circle!

Holding a long sword in his hand, Meng Yuan silently looked at the black cloud.

Although he was still trying his best to maintain his expression and his personality as a film king, he couldn't hold back anymore in his heart.

Are you really scared away?
In fact, Meng Yuan was also very empty in his heart. If Fei Lian really hit him head-on, he would have to turn around and run away.

It may even be chased by Fei Lian, flanked by Gonggong and Kuafu, then it will be out of control...

In the end, did he really run away like this? ?

(End of this chapter)

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