Chapter 349
Not only Meng Yuan, but the other players were also stunned.

Just... run away?
A soldier who surrenders without fighting!

Originally, everyone was also ready for a big battle, but the plan really succeeded!
Chu Ge was very happy: "Look! I knew I chose the right person!
"Meng Yuan's acting skills are really good!
"As the most suspicious big demon, Fei Lian, if he didn't have such superb acting skills, how could he be able to deceive him?

"When the customs clearance video comes out, everyone will know that Meng Yuan's acting skills are absolutely amazing!"

The other players were also convinced.

I can't accept it, who else besides Meng Yuan can dedicate such a wonderful acting skill?Even the most suspicious Fei Lian was fooled?
Anyway, let them act, they will definitely not be able to act with such a sense of reality.

Meng Yuan was a little speechless, what should I say if this is a big deal?

He really didn't have any talent related to acting this time, he acted in his true colors...

Unexpectedly, the final effect was even better than when he got the acting talent, so where is the reasoning for this matter!

With Fei Lian's escape, Anshi City was completely lost, and a large number of demon soldiers who were too late to take away the demon energy were killed by the players.

And all of this, Gonggong and Kuafu, the two big demons, didn't even know about it.

But Flicker left Fei Lian, and it still took a few fierce battles to deal with the remaining two big monsters.


Outside the Fortress of the Ordered Ones, the army of demons led by Gonggong is gradually approaching.

These demon soldiers are all dressed as Goguryeo soldiers, but the demonic energy entwined around them is very strong.

Gong Gong does not intend to talk nonsense at all.

"Dig three feet into the ground, and dig out that sequencer!"

Countless black clouds gathered from all directions, and under the black clouds, the demon soldiers also began to prepare to attack the city.

Different from the previous Expedition of the Sequencer, since this time it is in the historical slice of the Liang Dynasty, the magic soldiers summoned by the monsters cannot exceed the technological level of this era, so compared with the past, the technology has regressed.

After all, in the Qi Dynasty dungeon, the demons could control the cavalry of the Jinren, including the Iron Buddha and the Kidnapper Horse, as well as the returning cannons of the Northern Barbarian army, which was unimaginable in the Liang Dynasty dungeon.

But this does not mean that the power of demons has weakened, because the more ancient times, the closer they are to the lair of demons, so they can use a lot of demon energy.

In other words, it is manifested as a power similar to the fantasy level!

In the battle formation, a magic soldier instantly became huge. It held a huge bow in one hand and a huge arrow in the other, and then drew the bow and shot out with one arrow!
With a sound of "嗖", this huge arrow roared in the air, drawing an arc, and there was a thick black devilish energy behind the arrow feathers.


The giant arrow was directly and deeply embedded in the city wall of the Fortress of the Ordered, and the devilish energy above it lingered.

After a while, these demonic energy turned into many demonic soldiers, climbing directly from the giant arrow towards the top of the city wall!
This caught the players defending the city by surprise.

"Fuck, can you still do this?"

"The demon is on the hook, isn't it!"

"Is this reasonable? There seems to be something wrong with the painting style!"

Tucao return to Tucao, the players have experienced a lot of battles. Although such a scene has never been seen before, they have also dealt with many emergencies.

So after a brief panic, they immediately used various equipment on the city wall to defend.

Bows and arrows, bed crossbows, trebuchets, gold juice, etc., fought fiercely with the besieging monsters.

However, the demon soon had a new attack method.

In the sky, the figure of Gonggong suddenly swelled up, and at the same time, billowing black air came in like a flood, and the city wall of the Fortress of the Ordered Ones was crumbling!

Not only that, but there is also a lot of demonic energy, and many players feel that their minds are dizzy.

"The demons retreat!"

The scribes and players continued to use awe-inspiring righteousness to disperse the surrounding demonic energy, but the power balance between the two sides was a little different, and it didn't work very well.

Some players felt that their bodies were gradually getting out of control, and they had already been pierced by the magic soldiers for just a moment of hesitation.

The light ones were wounded, and the heavy ones were directly killed in battle.

Gonggong is indeed a simple-minded but powerful monster, and immediately launched a violent consensus like a tide, making the fortress of the orderer crumbling!
At this time, the defensive force in the Fortress of the Sequencer is not too much, because a large part of the force has been transferred to attack Anshi City.

In order to create enough pressure on Fei Lian, making it mistakenly think that the Sequencer is going to fight for the historical slice to fall and kill it, the players have mobilized too much power.

And the Fortress of the Ordered Ones has become precarious here.

Although Fei Lian was scared away at this time, it took some time for the players to rush back.

If the Fortress of the Sequencer was breached before then, the situation would be very troublesome.

And at this critical moment, a figure on the city wall suddenly swelled up.

Chu Ge!

I saw him sitting on the city wall, holding a feather fan in one hand, and a writing brush in the other, surrounded by righteousness, while still chanting continuously.

"Seeing the people of the world.

"But every fiber is dust.

"I can't live in the old time without appearance, sinking.

"Just to know God forever.

"Why do you have estranged relatives.

"I am a self-defeating demon.

"It's not about getting rid of delusions, but seeking the truth.

"The empty body is the dharma body."

At the same time he finished chanting, another huge heroic spirit also appeared on the city wall.

Wang Wenchuan!
At this time, Wang Wenchuan is not the Zaizhi Wang Wenchuan that players are familiar with, because Wang Wenchuan in the Zaizhi state can only appear in the non-combat state of the Fortress of the Orderer, and can manage and build the Fortress of the Orderer, but cannot Fight with enemies.

But this Wang Wenchuan is more like a pure heroic spirit.

Because this poem is exactly one of his works: Nanxiangzi.

Chu Ge used this poem by Wang Wenchuan to not only further sublimate the image of Zaizhi Wang Wenchuan, turning him into a literati hero who can mobilize his righteousness to the maximum to fight, but also borrowed this poem to send a powerful message to all the players around him. gain status.

The players felt extremely clear-headed in an instant, and the demonic energy that disturbed their thoughts and plunged them into chaos before was instantly dispelled!
Not only that, but they seemed to have entered into a situation of forgetting both things and me, and naturally exerted their strongest combat effectiveness to stabilize the line of defense again.

In the sky, the black clouds of Gonggong rolled, looking at Chu Ge on the city wall.

Obviously, it is suspicious.

This person can actually mobilize heroic spirits!

And he looks like he is planning a strategy and winning a thousand miles...

If not for Fei Lian's previous warning, Gong Gong would have gathered a large amount of demonic energy and rushed over. After all, in his opinion, the scribe in front of him was very likely to be the real Sequencer.

But Fei Lian's previous words still made him hesitate.

Unexpectedly, Chu Ge on the city wall spoke first.


"Gonggong, why are you so stubborn and stubborn?

"Fei Lian has already fled in a hurry with his tail between his legs, you and Kuafu are alone!
"If you had been arrested earlier, our Sequencers are magnanimous, and maybe we can reform you; if you persist in your obsession, sooner or later you will be beaten to death by the awe-inspiring righteousness, and it will be too late to regret it!"

Gong Gong couldn't help being stunned.

good guy?How dare you take the initiative to provoke?
It really makes no sense!

Gong Gong has a violent temper, and his heart was already on fire. If it really condensed all its demonic energy and slammed into it, let alone Chu Ge, even the Fortress of the Ordered One would be knocked down by half, and the aborigines inside would be destroyed. No bones remained.

It's just that Gonggong is not sure whether the real sequencer is in the city, so he wants to attack with magic soldiers first and observe.

But I didn't expect to be ridiculed by a little aborigine!
The most outrageous thing is, what did this aborigine say, Fei Lian ran away in a hurry with his tail between his legs?

Although Na'an City is not as impregnable as the Fortress of the Orderer, it is still a well-known strong city in the history of the Liang Dynasty, and Emperor Taizong of Liang failed to take it down.

No matter how trash Fei Lian was, how could he not be able to hold on in such a short time.

Hmph, the cunning sequencer actually used such a trick.

On the one hand, he wanted to use Fei Lian to escape to disturb my mind, and on the other hand, he wanted to irritate me and make me throw all my strength on this insignificant little person.

How can I be fooled as a majestic monster?
Gonggong didn't believe it, and continued to command the magic soldiers to attack the city.

(End of this chapter)

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