My players are all actors

Chapter 350 The Special Use Method of Pifu Players

Chapter 350 The Special Use Method of Pifu Players

Seeing Gonggong's reaction, Chu Ge couldn't help but smile.

Sure enough, the script will not develop exactly as I imagined.

This Gong Gong was not easily fooled!

Originally, the most perfect script was that Gong Gong directly bumped into him in a rage, consumed a lot of magic energy to kill Chu Ge, and then knocked down most of the Fortress of the Ordered.In that way, the players would have another chance to be resurrected, but all the monster power consumed by the big monster was wasted.

Under the ebb and flow, the subsequent battle is very simple.

But unexpectedly, Gonggong really held back.

But it doesn't matter, because the players have already prepared two plans.It doesn't matter if you don't get fooled this time, and you will get back your money with interest if you get caught in the future.

Fei Lian's escape was a foreshadowing.

Chu Ge commanded loudly: "Get ready for Master!"

With his command, a player becomes gigantic.

He is a ranger player, and his secondary identity is a man.

At this time, his figure became gigantic, but he did not jump off the city wall to fight with the besieging demon soldiers, but climbed directly onto the returning cannon inside the Fortress of the Ordered Ones.

This large catapult was originally used to throw boulders, but now, a giant player stood on it.

Chu Ge pointed to the gigantic demon soldiers in the distance: "Get ready! Let go!"

At this time, he felt a little regretful, but it was a pity that Li Hongyun was not in the Fortress of the Sequencer.

If he is allowed to use the return cannon, maybe he can directly throw the player with a catapult onto the heads of those giant magic soldiers to achieve a soft landing.

But for this kind of thing, it is obviously inappropriate for Li Hongyun to waste his life and die back. Moreover, whether he can accurately land on the head of the magic soldier to achieve a soft landing is not the most important thing in this combat link.

With a muffled sound, the wooden pole of the return gun collided with the base heavily, and the huge player was also thrown into the air, towards the area where the magic soldier was!

Obviously, the magic soldiers can use huge bows and arrows to shoot the magic energy directly onto the wall of the Fortress of the Ordered, so the players can naturally throw the players over!
This player fell suddenly in the air. He tried to adjust his figure towards the place where there were a lot of monsters, and then he stabbed down with a long sword in both hands!


With a loud noise, this player exploded in the army of monsters like a blockbuster.

The huge shock wave generated by the fall from the sky caused the surrounding demon soldiers to fall apart and disintegrate before they even had time to react.

And where the player's long sword pierced, a huge pothole was created, and the surging righteousness spread to the surroundings, causing all the surrounding monsters to suffer heavy losses.

Under such a huge impact, the long sword in his hand was also reimbursed in an instant, bent and deformed out of shape, and could no longer be used.

But this player was clearly prepared. He threw away the long sword and took Mo Dao from behind.

Then, he rushed straight to the huge magic soldier ahead!

Prior to this, players could not use such tactics for the simple reason that no one could survive such a fall.

Although the cavalry player can share the damage with the horse, but such a high-altitude fall can only end in the death of both the horse and the horse.

Not to mention the magic machine players, they have not yet developed such a huge parachute, not to mention that once the momentum of the impact is insufficient, the lethality will not be enough.

At that time, surrounded by a group of magic soldiers, the magic machine player has to take out the musket and artillery from the magic machine box and assemble it on the spot, it is really too late.

However, the characteristics of ordinary players are just perfect for this tactic.

The exclusive talent "Peef's Bravery" for Pive players has a special effect, completely ignoring the first three damages within a certain period of time, and continue to maintain the peak state!
This talent is useless and useless. After all, it only hurts three times. If it is in the army, it will be surrounded by spears and arrows.And there is a time limit, even if you do not receive subsequent injuries after the first injury, you will still be injured when the time is up.

And for unarmored unarmored players, the first damage calculation has basically declared the death penalty.

But this talent is useful and useful, as long as it is used properly, it can exert an effect that is almost invincible for a period of time.

Just like now, Chu Ge directly threw the ordinary player over with a giant return cannon.

This player landed with a powerful impact to complete the first kill on the monster. If other professions had already died violently as soon as they landed, they could only be used as human shells, but ordinary players only activated the courage of ordinary people. The effect is completely unaffected.

In other words, as long as he doesn't get hurt twice in the future, he can do whatever he wants during this period of time, and he can earn money by killing as many monsters as possible!

Many magic soldiers have noticed his existence and gathered here one after another.

But this player brandished the Mo Dao, like chopping melons and vegetables, and wiped out all these magic soldiers!
The average player already has extremely powerful individual combat capabilities, not to mention that there are no magic soldiers who can get close at all.

After becoming gigantic, Mo Dao has also become huge. Under the comprehensive crushing of the attack distance, the player's battle is not strictly speaking fighting, but simply sweeping the floor.

And this player's goal is obviously not limited to this, he rushed straight towards the huge magic soldier who was shooting arrows.

Obviously, one exchange for one is blood money!
The giant demon soldier who was shooting arrows obviously noticed him, and turned his body slowly, aiming directly with the huge bow and arrow in his hand.

Although the player has also been enlarged, there is still some gap in size. The player can only stand up to the waist of the giant magic soldier when standing normally.

If this arrow hits, it will be enough to dig a big hole in the player's chest, and it may even be taken away tens of meters by the big arrow and nailed to the ground.

At that time, it is useless even if you have the talent of a man, because your movement is limited, and it will be over if you just touch him with a small soldier.

But this player is confident, he doesn't think he will be shot.

The flexibility given to him by the ranger's talent, coupled with the sharp reaction in the rain of guns and arrows in the Piman Trial, allowed him to calmly deal with this arrow.


The giant arrow made a terrifying sound of piercing through the air, but the player unexpectedly rolled to the side and avoided it!
The big arrow was buried deep in the ground, and the magic energy attached to it produced a large number of magic soldiers.

But obviously, it's certainly a good deal for players.If these magic soldiers were born on the city wall, the pressure on defending the city would increase further.


"Woo! Woo!"

This gigantic demon soldier shot arrows one after another, but none of them could hit them!
The players flicked around, almost dodging all of them in an almost inconceivable way.

One of the most dangerous arrows flew past his left arm, and just a slight rub made him stagger and his left arm became unconscious for an instant.

But it doesn't matter, Pive's talent made him ignore the pain again, and his left arm quickly returned to normal.He has one last chance.

After running wildly, the player finally came to the giant magic soldier, who was waving the Mo Dao with both hands, and leaped high!
At this time, the magic soldier also drew his bow fully again, and it was already inevitable at this distance.


The huge arrow directly shot through the player at close range and nailed it to the ground.

The three damages were settled instantly, and the player's bones disappeared instantly.

However, the gigantic magic soldier didn't make any other moves after shooting the arrow.Its body was split in half by Mo Dao shoulder to waist, and it collapsed!


Scenes like this are happening everywhere on the battlefield.

Gonggong originally thought that it was a foolproof strategy to put a group of magic soldiers in the last place.

Because there is a gap in the strength of the two sides, if the Sequencer also enlarges some of the aborigines to shoot at the monsters, then the more powerful monsters must win if the consumption continues.

And it is impossible for the Sequencer to find a way to defend against these big arrows with demonic energy, nor is it possible to break through the encirclement to kill these archery demon soldiers.

But it didn't expect that the sequencer would have such a hand!
Everything that happened in front of him obviously exceeded the intellectual limit of Gong Gong, the big monster. When the CPU of his brain was burned to smoke and he wondered what was going on, several big monsters who had been infused with magic energy had been killed. Almost beheaded to death.

In a fit of rage, it even tried to make the melee magic soldier huge to block it, but in the end it was replaced by one.

The fighting power of these phantoms of the aborigines has been so strong that it has completely exceeded its imagination!
Of course, not every player is so against the sky. Some of them can be called hacks and can kill two giant magic soldiers in a row, and some can only barely exchange one with the magic soldiers.

But the problem is that Gonggong can't tell which one is strong and which one is weak. After the first attempt, it suffered a lot and naturally didn't want to try again.

Originally, the Fortress of the Sequencer was already in jeopardy, but the miraculous operation of the players temporarily stabilized the situation.

In the sky, Gonggong's shadow kept expanding and contracting, obviously it was out of anger.

It couldn't figure out why its own strength was obviously stronger than the opponent's, but it still couldn't attack it.

The early temptations seemed a little conservative. I thought that such a tactic of constantly exerting pressure would quickly break through the defense line of the sequencer, but I didn't expect that it would be resolved one by one by the opponent. How could Gonggong not be angry?
So, it began to sway a lot of magic energy to the battlefield below.

No matter, increase the dose!Reckless in the past!

However, at this moment, the rear of the magic soldiers suddenly became chaotic.

A large army of Sequencers attacked from the rear, especially the cavalry troops in the front rushed forward almost unreasonably, tearing a long gap in an instant!

Although the magic soldiers have a strong will to fight and are not afraid of death, once the formation is destroyed, they will still fall into chaos.

Gong Gong's brain crashed again.

"Where did this come from!"

Obviously, this army could not have jumped out of the cracks in the rocks.

And judging from the direction they came seems very likely that they came from Anshi City.

Anshi City?
Gong Gong froze.

Isn't that where Feilian is in charge?Could it be that these phantoms of the aborigines didn't care about Anshicheng at all, and came back directly to rescue?
No, if that's the case, Fei Lian should bring the magic soldiers to chase after him, right?
Why didn't you see the magic soldiers behind you at all?

Or...Anshi City has really fallen? ?

(End of this chapter)

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