Chapter 360
After seeing the announcement, the players following General Wei Huo were a little confused.

"What? Tens of thousands of people will only be left with a few hundred people? Are you kidding me?"

"Isn't there only one percent left?"

"And it's not the reduction of personnel in the battle, is it that there are only a few hundred people left before the real confrontation with the demons?"

"What kind of moth are the officials going to do this time? They think our difficulty is too low, so why not make it harder for us?"

The players became agitated in an instant. They had already noticed that their team was constantly reducing the number of people. Many people disappeared inexplicably as they walked, and got separated from the main force. Moreover, this trend did not improve as they continued to go deeper into the desert. , but continued to intensify.

But at the same time, General Wei Huo was also undergoing changes.

He is becoming a heroic spirit!
Just like Sheng Taizu and General Han Fuyue who became heroic spirits before, General Wei Huo is also undergoing changes, but the biggest difference between him and the previous heroic spirits is that his peak state was originally at the youngest age!
Those heroic spirits before, they often reached the peak of physical fitness when they were young, and reached the peak of strategy and art of war when they were young.

This is true for people like Sheng Taizu, General Han Fuyue, and General Deng Yuanjing.

When he was young, he charged forward and was invincible, and when he was old, he strategized and mastered tactics.

Therefore, the state of heroic spirits of these people is often a combination of physical fitness in youth and resourcefulness in old age.

But General Wei Huo is different, he is like an extremely blazing shooting star, his peak physical fitness and resourcefulness both appeared when he was young.

Therefore, his heroic spirit status does not seem to have changed much, but compared to before, there is still a subtle improvement.

At the same time, a lot of information about this battlefield, about the sequencers, monsters, etc., also flooded into his mind in an instant.

General Wei Huo looked at the long yellow sand in the distance and the black air spreading in the sky, and fell silent.

The awe-inspiring righteousness in his body continued to expand, and was constantly suppressed by the black energy.

"General Wei Huo, if we continue to go deep into the desert, I'm afraid there will be only a few hundred people left before we meet the enemy. What should we do?"

For the players, although there are also players with commanding abilities like Zhao Haiping, it is impossible for them to fight in front of General Wei Huo.

General Wei Huo looked into the distance: "So what about a few hundred people? In my first battle with the Beidi people, I brought hundreds of people."

It was only then that the players remembered that there was indeed such a thing.

When General Wei Huo fought against the Beidi people for the first time, he took a reserve team of 800 people. Without any clear instructions, he led his troops alone hundreds of miles away, directly attacking the Beidi people's lax camp. .

Eight hundred beheaded two thousand, Shan Yu's grandfather was hacked to death, and Xiangguo and his uncle from Beidi were captured.

For him, so what if there are only a few hundred people?enough!
What's more, at this time, General Wei Huo's subordinates were not hundreds of people, but tens of thousands.

Although these tens of thousands of people are constantly reducing their numbers, as long as they continue to kill demons and transform their demon energy into righteous energy, they can regain their sobriety and bring this army back to the peak state of tens of thousands of people.

For General Wei Huo, what kind of problem is this?
In the Chu Dynasty, where there were no stirrups and the logistics pressure was enormous, he could completely ignore the logistics and lead tens of thousands of people to the rear of the Beidi people for thousands of miles; but now, he leads players who are tireless and fearless , this is like a tiger with wings added!

General Wei Huo drew out the long knife at his waist and pointed it to the north.

"Let's go!"


Meanwhile, positive players are also busy.

If General Wei Huo is a surprise soldier who wants to avoid the eyes and ears of the monsters as much as possible and go back to attack the monsters unexpectedly, then the front players must withstand the pressure of the main force of the monsters.

He even has to confront the Demon Lord Chi You head-on!

And compared to the previous few times, this battle is more dangerous.

Because players can't use the Fortress of the Orderer for defense!
Previously, the dangerous terrain of the Fortress of the Sequencer allowed the players to withstand many attacks by monsters, but this time the battlefield was outside the Great Wall, in the vast desert, and there was no danger at all.

Of course, some players find it difficult to accept it. We spent so much effort to move bricks to build the Fortress of the Sequencers, so why not let us use it?

However, after repeated pua by the R&D team of "Dark Sand" before, the players have become very accustomed to various emergencies, so everyone only complained a few words, and quickly put themselves into battle preparations.

Chu Ge directed the players to deploy their defenses in an orderly manner.

"All magic players, build a car array around the perimeter!
"All kinds of artillery, crossbows, and large equipment are arranged in appropriate positions in the car formation, and the heads of each regiment coordinate well!
"The cavalry players who stay on the main battlefield gather quickly! Familiarize yourself with the entrances and exits of the car array!

"Ranger players, assassin players, ordinary players, and scribe players take their positions, and choose the most suitable place for you to fight inside and outside the car formation!
"Reserve the location of the summoning spirit in each area. Once the defense line is breached, report immediately and call the heroic spirit to block the gap!"

Soon, the huge fortifications built by the players began to appear and continued to expand, and a large number of players shuttled back and forth among them, like busy ants.

In fact, before, the players had thought about how they should resist the attack of the magic soldiers if one day there was no geographical blessing of the Fortress of the Ordered.

This question is actually not difficult to answer, because countless people have given the answer in history.

That is: car array!

The chariot formation was not only used by General Deng Yuanjing. In fact, when General Wei Huo was fighting the Beidi people head-on, he used the chariot formation to win a decisive victory.

It's just that the car formation used by players now can be said to be the ultimate upgraded version compared to General Wei Huo's car formation back then.

The structure of the players' car formation absorbed the essence of General Deng Yuanjing's car formation, and also allowed a large number of magical players to fill the car formation with various muskets, cannons, and large catapults. The area of ​​the heroic spirit.

General Deng Yuanjing, Sheng Taizu, Yu Jiaxuan, Wang Wenchuan, General Han Fuyue, Yuchi Jingde, King Qin...

These heroic spirits are all the top heroes in history. Not only do they have extremely powerful combat power, but they also have a righteous spirit.

They are like the Dinghaishenzhen in the tower defense game. Once a certain area may be broken by monsters, the appearance of these heroic spirits can instantly reverse the situation of the battle and make the players' defense line safe.

In this way, the players on the frontal battlefield are busy, preparing for the arrival of the monsters.


Soon, black smoke billowed in the sky, getting darker and darker.

In the distant sky, a huge monster silhouette appeared!

Demon Lord Chi You, it is like a towering giant, exuding a powerful demonic energy all over its body, overlooking the battle formation formed by players in the distance.

All players can only look up.

And around the demon lord Chiyou, surrounded by four big monsters, they seem to have all recovered their heyday, and they are very eye-catching from a distance.

Fei Lian, Xing Tian, ​​Gong Gong, and Kua Fu, these four big monsters also bared their teeth and claws, surrounded by countless black energy, and when they swayed lightly, a large amount of evil energy sprinkled on the ground and turned into magic soldiers.

Some players began to whisper.

"Huh? Didn't you say that the four big monsters were all severely injured? Especially Xing Tian, ​​​​should have made us work hard, why does it seem to have become stronger again?"

"It's probably a big scene intentionally made by the game company. If it is shown according to its real strength, only Kuafu and Feilian are still barely maintaining their strength among the four big monsters. The two adults are bringing two children. It doesn't look exciting. what!"

"That's right, it's just a cutscene CG, nothing to be afraid of."

The players didn't take this oppressive appearance to heart at all, they just silently prepared for the battle and waited for the fight to start.


Chi You frowned slightly.

"Why do these phantoms of the aborigines seem not to be afraid of us at all!"

This makes it very puzzling.

For monsters, such a move can be said to be tried and tested.Although the Sequencers are protected by awe-inspiring righteousness and will not be afraid of monsters, ordinary aborigines do not have this ability at all.

On the one hand, it is impossible for the sequencers to distribute a large amount of arrogance to the phantoms of ordinary aborigines. On the other hand, they are only aborigines with ordinary historical slices, and they will have huge psychological pressure when facing ordinary barbarians, not to mention To face real monsters.

Therefore, every time the monsters fight against the Sequencers, they will put on a terrifying posture, first deal a heavy psychological blow to the phantoms of the aborigines, and make them mess up.

After that, the sorter's battle will become very passive.

However, this time, the aboriginal phantom was completely indifferent!
Chi You also deliberately expended some strength to make up for the lack of monster power of the four big monsters, so that they can appear in such a mighty image.

But now it seems that this seems a bit redundant.

Fei Lian hurriedly said: "Lord Demon Monarch! As I said earlier, this sequencer is very cunning, and he is very talented in controlling the phantoms of the aborigines! The reason why we failed in the previous few battles is also due to many factors. A large part of the reason is here!"

Chi You glanced at him: "Are you saying that I will make the same mistake as you?"

Fei Lian immediately shut up: "Don't dare!"

When fighting side by side with other big monsters, Fei Lian still couldn't control himself and wanted to force Lai Lai to say a few words, but he didn't dare in front of Chi You.So although this sentence was mainly a kind reminder, after feeling that Chi You didn't seem very happy, Fei Lian still shut up very smartly.

Looking down at Chi You's huge body from a high altitude, he saw that the army in front of him had already formed a huge chariot formation. This chariot formation was roughly in a circular shape, but the internal structure was rather complicated.

There are all kinds of siege equipment inside, there are special entrances for cavalry to enter and exit, and there are some reserved open spaces, I don't know what they are used for.

"You four!
"Attack the four directions of this large formation separately, whoever breaks through first will be rewarded!"

Chi You gave an order, and the four big demons immediately became excited: "Yes!"

This style of play does not have too many tricks, but it is in line with the monster's tactics.

After all, Chi You had already made up his mind to confront the Sequencer head-on, and the cooperation of these four big monsters might cause disaster, so after much deliberation, letting them each attack in one direction is the best choice.


With Chi You's order, the four big demons immediately turned into black winds, surrounded by countless demon soldiers, and attacked from four different directions!
(End of this chapter)

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