"Everyone, prepare to fight!"

Chu Ge gave an order, and the players quickly entered the fighting state.

In the sky, the strength of the four great demons seemed to be increasing instead of decreasing. Four huge black shadows appeared in the sky in four directions, and began to continuously sway demonic energy on the ground!

Fei Lian is in the far south, and as the great monster guarding the prosperous dynasty, a large amount of demonic energy turned into northern barbarians and Dongyi bandits;

Xing Tian is in the east, as the great monster guarding the Qi Dynasty, a large amount of demonic energy has turned into a golden soldier in heavy armor;

In the west, Gonggong, as the great demon guarding the Liang Dynasty, turned into a large number of Turkic cavalry in the mountains and plains with a large amount of magic energy;

Kuafu is in the north, as the great demon guarding the Chu Dynasty, he directly controls the Beidi people who are possessed by the devil, and launches an attack from the north!
In an instant, the monsters all over the mountains and plains were like a tidal wave, surrounding the players' vehicles like an isolated island in a storm.

And the largest player army in history, in the face of the absolute superiority of monsters, looks very lonely.

Obviously, the Demon Lord Chi You had bet most of his chips in order to win this battle, and even used a lot of magic energy to restore the four big monsters to their peak state.

But this time, the players have to fight against the four big monsters with their own strength at the same time, and Chi You is watching from the side, and the pressure suddenly increases.

Almost at the moment of the start of the battle, the magic soldiers who had an absolute numerical advantage had already broken through the player's first line of defense.

A large number of demon soldiers rushed forward fearlessly. Although the outermost car formations could block them for a while, and artillery, muskets, and strong bows and crossbows also caused a lot of damage, they were only car formations after all, not iron walls.

However, the players had expected this a long time ago. The car formation did not only have one outer circle, but several layers from the inside to the outside. Players could still rely on the inner car formation to resist desperately.

"What to do! There are too many monsters! I highly suspect that the value planner assigned an extra zero when assigning numbers!"

Some players are already wailing, and the huge number of monsters is a bit beyond their ability to bear in the first place.

In particular, many of these players are new players who have just obtained the internal test qualification.

They haven't passed the baptism of the simulated trial, they just passed the basic identity trial, and then they were directly thrown into the cruelest expedition battlefield ever.

It is indeed a bit difficult to top.

As for the old players, they were much calmer.

This game doesn't play cards according to the routine, so where is it?
Chu Ge immediately ordered: "Attention all regiment leaders, choose the right time to summon the heroic spirit! Keep the front line outside the safety line!"

Although the players have built a car formation with several lines of defense, after the third line of defense is breached, the monsters are very likely to drive straight in and bloom inside, so although there are several lines of defense, the third line of defense is that the players and the monsters repeatedly The core position of pulling must never be lost.

And those open spaces dedicated to summoning heroic spirits are also near the third line of defense.

With the influx of magic soldiers, the player's outer defense line has shown signs of collapse, and those open spaces are also occupied by a large number of magic soldiers.

And the heads of each team who hold the authority to summon the heroic spirits also chose the most suitable time to call the heroic spirits.

However, there is a problem that the heroic spirits they summon do not exactly correspond to the attacking monsters.

Because when setting up the formation, the formation is carried out according to the characteristics of the heroic spirit.

For example, General Deng Yuanjing is good at firearms, chariots and other arms to coordinate and cooperate to attack the enemy, while General Han Fuyue is better at cooperating with heavy cavalry and heavy infantry to fight the enemy head-on. Therefore, each heroic spirit is good at different tactics. The situation of the array will naturally be different.

However, there is obviously a certain deviation between the direction where the monsters are coming from and the direction that the players originally estimated.

Chu Ge said loudly: "Don't worry about that much, summon according to the original plan!"

At this time, it is definitely unrealistic to temporarily change the formation, and it is not cost-effective to temporarily change the area where the heroic spirit is summoned regardless of the formation.

It is the best solution to still summon the heroic spirit according to the original plan.

But this will cause a problem: the heroic spirits may encounter enemies from other historical slices.

For example, General Han Fuyue has been fighting golden soldiers all his life, and he is used to fighting heavy cavalry. Would it be uncomfortable for him to fight Turkic or Beidi people in a hurry?

It's just that at this critical moment, we can only hope that the heroic spirits can adapt to the situation.

Both Chu Ge and the players in charge felt that this should not be a big problem.

Because the heroic spirits are the most capable fighters in an era, if they change the enemy, they will inevitably change their fighting style.

Players are looking forward to it, what kind of sparks will the heroic spirits collide with when they encounter enemies from different eras?

The first to summon the heroic spirits are the players responsible for defending the northern area.

This is the main direction of Kuafu's attack. A large number of Beidi cavalry rushed in like a tide. Although the players were desperately persevering, they were quickly overwhelmed by the line of defense.

After all, this is the slice of history where the Chu Dynasty was located, and Kuafu and Beidi's barbarians had an absolute advantage.

However, just when they were advancing triumphantly, thinking that they could break through the line of defense immediately, a golden light descended from the sky!

A cavalry general was wearing heavy armor and holding a long spear. He just saw him face to face and knocked off several Beidi cavalrymen in front of him!
Immediately afterwards, a large number of soldiers began to appear around the cavalry general.

Among these soldiers, there are heavy cavalry and heavy infantry.

This is an army with a very high rate of armor, and the formation is very strict, as if every step they move is a posture of advancing and retreating at the same time.

The cavalry general directed his spear, and the soldiers moved forward bravely, as if they were using their arms!
Just a face-to-face, Beidi cavalry with almost no armor and no stirrups, was rushed to pieces and broke into an army.

General Han Fuyue glanced across the battlefield, his expression slightly surprised: "Not Jin?"

The low armor rate of the opponent's cavalry made him a little bit overwhelmed.

I am used to confronting the Iron Buddha of the Jinren, but now I suddenly meet the Beidi cavalry without stirrups or heavy armor. I feel like a bully for no reason...


In the east of the battle formation, Xing Tian is constantly scattering demonic energy to the ground, iron Buddhas and kidnapped horses transformed into a steady stream of demon soldiers, wantonly trampling on the players' defense lines.

Xing Tian held his breath all the time, as the first big monster to be completely uprooted, it has been unable to hold its head up in front of the other three big monsters.But this time, it tried its best, just wanting to be the first to break through the line of defense and find out that nasty sequencer!
However, seeing Tie Futu and Kidnap Horse pushing forward without any pressure, a golden light suddenly fell from the sky.

A cavalry general held a longbow, "swish, swish, swish" a few arrows, and shot them accurately from Tie Futu's eye socket, shooting down the heavily armored demon soldiers in front of him one after another!
"Han Fuyue?!
"No, it's not Han Fuyue..."

Xing Tian's first reaction was that General Han Fuyue is here.

Because in the historical slice of the Qi Dynasty, General Han Fuyue, as the strongest heroic spirit in the entire Qi Dynasty history, has always been the absolute main force against the Jin soldiers, and is also the pinnacle of the entire Qi Dynasty history slice.

Seeing the general of the cavalry, Xing Tianxia immediately thought of General Han Fuyue.

However, looking carefully, it was not General Han Fuyue who came this time!

His figure looks thinner, and the armor and clothing on his body are also different from General Han Fuyue's.

Immediately afterwards, soldiers began to appear beside him.

These heroic spirits will bring some personal soldiers with them, these are veterans of many battles, and they are absolute direct line troops.The players are not stingy with righteousness, so the soldiers around these heroic spirits are also in the most prosperous state.

Seeing that these soldiers were still wearing cotton armor, Xing Tian couldn't help laughing.

"How can such a rudimentary armor fight against the golden man's iron cavalry!"

However, in the next second, he saw these soldiers rearranged the car formation very skillfully, and then each raised their muskets.

The muzzle of the black hole was aimed at the charging Iron Buddha!
General Deng Yuanjing looked as usual, but felt a little embarrassed.

It seems a bit bullying to use the weapons and equipment of the Dasheng Dynasty to fight the barbarians of the Qi Dynasty.

After all, the Jin people seem so powerful, not because they are really strong, but simply because the Qi Dynasty is too weak...

Didn't the Northern Man, who destroyed Jin and then Qi, also be rubbed on the ground by Sheng Taizu and General Deng Yuanjing?

The mere Iron Buddha Tu, in front of muskets, is indeed not enough to look at.


In the west, Gonggong's magic soldiers turned into Turkic people.

Turkic people can be regarded as an intermediate form between Beidi people and Jin people.

Their armor rate is much lower than that of the Jin people, but higher than that of the Beidi people; moreover, they have stirrups.

Originally, Gonggong thought that it would confront the Liang Taizong who illuminated the whole era head-on. However, its expectations fell through.

Because what appeared on the battlefield was a cavalry unit from the Sheng Dynasty.

Sheng Taizu looked at Gonggong in the distance, and then at the Turkic cavalry in front of him.


"This surprised us a bit..."

Sheng Taizu has always admired Liang Taizong very much, and it can also be regarded as a kind of sympathy between heroes.

In the Liang Dynasty, the Turkic people were indeed Liang Taizong's confidantes, but...strictly speaking, they only suffered for a few years.

After Liang Taizong seized the throne, he quickly wiped out the Turks drastically.

Even after the Turks were wiped out, the Turks from all walks of life still worshiped Liang Taizong as their master. Every time the army of the Liang Dynasty fought, these Turks would help them back and forth. Even when they conquered Goguryeo, Turks like Ashina Simo The generals fought even more bravely than the generals of the Liang Dynasty.

But now, Taizu Sheng was going to bring his direct troops who expelled the Tartars to meet the Turkic people.

Sheng Taizu looked at the general beside him: "Clean up your three-eyed guns."


In the far south, Fei Lian was full of confidence when he looked at the northern barbarian army and the Dongyi thieves under him.

Compared with the previous battles, the large increase in demon energy has greatly increased the number of demon soldiers under him, and whether it is the northern barbarian cavalry or the eastern barbarian bandits, after the substantial increase in numbers, they all showed a crushing effect on the army of the orderer. situation.

However, at this moment, a golden light descended from the sky!

The well-groomed Xuanjia Army appeared on the battlefield.

Liang Taizong looked at the demon soldiers in front of him, frowning slightly.

"Which army is this?"

As a member of the Liang Dynasty, he had never seen the northern barbarians, let alone the Dongyi thieves.

A player next to him immediately went up to report: "Your Majesty, those barbarians are Beidi people. They can be regarded as nomadic tribes that unified the northern grasslands after the Turks. It's just that they are stronger than the Turks.

"As for those wearing strange armor, holding barbarian knives and barbarian bows, they are Dongyi people."

Liang Taizong was stunned for a moment: "Is it the Dongyi who sent Liang envoys to us several times?"

The player nodded: "Yes."

Liang Taizong couldn't help laughing: "What? What's the situation in later generations? Even the little Dongyi dare to invade?"

Holding a big bow in his hand, he looked at the surging demon soldiers.

"Then let them learn, why is I called Tian Khan!"

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