I'm the king of weirdness

Chapter 34 You Can't Have Two Wives!

Chapter 34 You Can't Have Two Wives!
Holding the letter sent to him by Gene, Xu Ruyi returned to her work station.

He wanted to open the letter to see what was inside, but when he looked up at the clock hanging on the wall, he put the letter down again.

The hands of the clock on the wall had just passed six.

And at six o'clock in the evening, it was Xu Ruyi's time to go to work.

It's time for him to work.

Xu Ruyi put the letter away, took out the list of goods that had not been sorted out yesterday to check, and started today's work.

Yesterday was May [-]th, which is the half-monthly time when the shelter dispatches supplies from the outside world, so his work has been very busy these days.

Fortunately, he is a civilian, and he only needs to sit in the office to check the manifest, and does not need to go to the "port" to move supplies.

But today, his job is just to deal with some remaining work that he left off work without finishing it yesterday. It is not very heavy, and it only took two hours to complete it.

While the colleagues in the office were still scratching their heads over the list of projects they were responsible for, Xu Ruyi had already finished the work.

He sat quietly at his desk, with no intention of helping others, and no intention of leaving get off work early.

Just sitting in a daze, as usual.

Time passed little by little, and finally the pointer on the wall came to three o'clock in the morning of the next day.

It wasn't until this time that Xu Ruyi's eyes seemed to have regained focus, she moved her head slightly, and her eyes fell on the letter in the corner of the table.

He picked up the letter, opened it, took out the letterhead, and looked at the contents.

"Mr. Xu Ruyi, hello..."

The content of the letter is similar to the letter received in the game, the only difference is the polite wording.

Xu Ruyi quickly saw the bottom of the letter, which was a line of special characters and numbers.

This represents the region code of a copy space in the game "Second Home".

He recalled the game code recorded on the letter he received in the game, compared it with the area code of the letter he received in reality, and quickly came to a conclusion—roughly the same.

The reason why they are roughly the same is because the region codes in the two strings of games are different only in the end numbers.

This means that the two area codes enter the same copy space, but the position coordinates after entering are different.

"It seems that they are all sent by genes."

After Xu Ruyi confirmed that the area codes were the same, she found another puzzling place: "But why is the time different?"

The letter in the game asked him to meet the girl through the area code at noon tomorrow.

But now this letter is asking him to enter the game at noon today (it is now three o'clock in the morning).

"Did something go wrong again?"

After Xu Ruyi went through the incident with the first girl and went to the genetic institute in person, now she has a strong sense of distrust towards this ZF institution.

It's just that more serious problems are in front of him now...

According to the time and place of which letter should he go to the appointment?

"Brother, what do you think I should do?"

At home in the game, Xu Ruyi sat in the living room, humbly asking his brother for advice.

According to the content of which letter to meet the girl - this question has been bothering him since he got off work until now.

He didn't ask his father or mother for advice. He prefers to ask his peers for advice on this kind of emotional problem.

My brother was wiping a crystal skull with a handkerchief inlaid with gold trim. His slender fingers were white and beautiful, like the hands of a pianist.

The hollow eye sockets of the crystal skull were burning with dark green flames, facing the direction of Xu Ruyi, the lower jaw made a frantic "clicking" sound.

It seemed to be looking at Xu Ruyi.

It seems excited.

It's just that Xu Ruyi only glanced at it, then looked away, looking at her brother and waiting for his answer.

The elder brother stopped what he was doing and looked at Xu Ruyi with gentle eyes.

He obviously didn't speak, but Xu Ruyi seemed to understand what he meant.

"Is it all right to go?"

"Maybe I arranged for two girls to meet me at one time, but the time is different?"

"Can it still be like this?"

Xu Ruyi's eyes were a little dazed, but gradually his expression became a little weird again, his face flushed, and he retorted softly: "I can't have everything!"

"Bigamy...is illegal!"

Do not commit crimes.

This is something he must abide by.

The elder brother smiled and narrowed his pretty eyes slightly.

It wasn't until this time that Xu Ruyi realized that he was joking with herself.

The elder brother's smile gradually subsided, and he stopped joking, but gave Xu Ruyi the correct reminder——

All to see.

Xu Ruyi nodded: "You're right, it's good to go and see, even if you don't see it, there is no loss, it's just a waste of time."

He decided on the time on the two letters, and he went to check them both.

And the most recent time is the letter sent by the gene in reality, at noon today.

"Brother, I'm going out."

Although there was still some time before the appointed time, Xu Ruyi decided to go out first.

The crystal skull in the brother's hand suddenly opened its mouth and made a piercing voice: "The supreme..."

The elder brother slammed its jaw shut, and the piercing voice of the crystal skull disappeared instantly.

Xu Ruyi stared, this scene baffled him.

The elder brother handed him the crystal skull in his hand.

take it with you.

Xu Ruyi understood what her brother meant, and took a step back, shaking her head like a rattle.

He didn't want to bring anything from home or the town this time.

Last time, my sister's teddy bear almost made him very strange.

And it was to meet the girl, not to clear some difficult game copy.

Xu Ruyi didn't want to take anything with her, and wanted to just go there clean.

The elder brother didn't force him, but just patted the crystal skull in his hand with some regret, and the crystal skull let out a mournful cry.

"I'm leaving."

After Xu Ruyi greeted her, she opened the door and walked out.

And the elder brother was still sitting on the sofa at home, looking at his leaving back, smiling and waving to him, as if to say goodbye.


When Xu Ruyi was about to go to the appointment, the Alien Bureau of Shelter Zero was also full of excitement.

It was obviously still time to go to work, but most of the operators put down the work at hand today, and surrounded the laboratory on the inner and outer floors.

In the laboratory, the leaders of the entire No. [-] shelter came, and surrounded the game cabin with heavy faces.

In this scene, it seemed that what they were facing was not a game cabin, but a coffin, and everyone was expressing their grief.

This made Fang Yuan, who was wearing a "game helmet" sitting in the game cabin, feel very ill.

I'm not dead yet! ! !
"Officer Fang Yuan!"

Suddenly, Li Nan shouted her name angrily, and she was so scared that she immediately subconsciously shouted: "Here!"

Li Nan stepped forward, with a solemn face, and lowered his head heavily: "Humanity will never forget your sacrifice and contribution!"

Fang Yuan burst into tears: "Is it too late for me to regret it?"

Li Nan waved his hand: "Come here, push her in! Press the hatch panel, Inspector Zhao, start the machine."

"Wait a minute, I'm old..."

The coffin board... The game hatch was quickly closed, and no one heard what Fang Yuan wanted to shout at the end.

 Speaking of updates, I usually update one chapter before twelve o'clock, and one chapter later after twelve o'clock.The original intention is that everyone can read two chapters at once after waking up... But no one will watch the update of this book in the middle of the night, right?

(End of this chapter)

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