I'm the king of weirdness

Chapter 35 The Real World

Chapter 35 The Real World

In the starry sky, nine star trails surround the black sun, silently.

Xu Ruyi's figure appeared on the "black sun", and what caught his eye was the familiar starry sky.

He came to the "game waiting area" again.

The only difference was that this time Xu Ruyi didn't feel the call from any of the nine stars around her.

His destination is not there.

Xu Ruyi waited quietly for the system to send him to the "duplicate area". After waiting for a while, he suddenly felt a faint light on his chest slowly lighting up.

He touched his chest in some surprise, and found a hard object in his coat pocket.

It's a gift from my brother...

When Xu Ruyi went to the dungeon area this time, she didn't intend to take anything from her private area.

It was just a gift from my brother, it looked so normal, so normal that he subconsciously regarded it as an ordinary gift.

He took out the gift box containing the monocle from his pocket. After opening the gift box, the light inside gradually bloomed, and the source of the light was, as expected, the monocle lying quietly in the box.

[You have obtained a strange object - "Mirror of Deception and Lies"]

[Strange Object Name: Mirror of Deception and Lies]

【Item Level: A】

[Efficacy: Mind Peeping, Implanted Memory, Future Weaving]

[Remarks: These are the glasses of "Doctor Ogre" **** (record erasure). It was originally just a pair of ordinary monocle, but after wearing it for a long time, it has some of the abilities of its owner.It is worth noting that wearing it will not only allow you to possess some of the "ogre doctor" **** (record erasure) abilities, but also experience his madness. 】

[P.S.: "I often think, I have shown them the future they want, but why do they hate me so much?" "Is it because after seeing the light, the darkness that was originally bearable can no longer be endured? "]

Xu Ruyi waited for a while, but the monocle in the box in his hand did not fuse into his body.

"Is it just a prop?"

This discovery made him breathe a sigh of relief.

He didn't bring anything out of his private area, just because he didn't want his body to mutate.

If it is a copy of a game that is difficult to clear, he is not so repulsive, and will even choose it carefully.

But... These two times he didn't go to play games, but to go on a "blind date".

So Xu Ruyi wants to maintain the image of a normal person to meet each other.

Although the place where the last girl asked him out was in the game copy, and she was also the image in the game to meet.

But not every girl is so... different.

Xu Ruyi took the monocle out of the gift box and inspected it repeatedly in the palm of her hand.

He put the monocle on his left eye, looked around, and murmured: "It seems...there is no difference."

The glasses do not have prescriptions, and Xu Ruyi's eyesight is also very good.

And the system introduced its various effects, whether it was positive or negative effects, he didn't feel it.

Just a normal monocle...except for the fact that it glows.

When Xu Ruyi wanted to study more, her body gradually floated up from the "black sun" and fell towards the outer rail.

He, it's time to go.



A rail car shuttled through the gray fog, slowly driving towards a huge shelter.

The black metal casts the city wall, and countless heat-sensitive weapons stand on the city wall. The moment the rail car approaches the shelter, the muzzles are aimed.

It wasn't until the foreign rail car passed through multiple inspections that it was finally released.

When the rail car reaches the platform, the magnetic suspension device suspended above the track is closed, and the long car slowly falls down to fit with the track.

The passengers in the carriage got off one after another, and the platform was crowded with people for a while.

Ye Qiubai got out of the car with the suitcase, looked around, and murmured, "Is this the No. [-] shelter?"

Shelter No. 3000, where the headquarters of the Alien Bureau is located, was the earliest and largest shelter, accommodating [-] million citizens.

After half a month of trekking, he finally came here.

Ye Qiubai lived in Shelter No. [-] when he was very young, and lived with his family at that time.

It's just that so many years have passed, he has long forgotten the days of living here, but all these years he has been hoping to leave the shelter and come to the real human society.

It is even more yearning for Shelter No. [-], the "sacred place for mankind".

"Keep your distance, first warning!"

Just as Ye Qiubai was immersed in his own thoughts, he suddenly heard a sharp whistle.

He looked for the sound, and saw a security guard on the station platform holding an electromagnetic gun and shouting loudly at a man in ragged clothes.

The man shrank back, looked at the gun in the guard's hand in awe, and wanted to raise his hands tremblingly.

But the next moment, the electromagnetic gun had already been fired, and a laser beam shot at him, instantly causing him to twitch and fall down.

Ye Qiubai frowned slightly, ready to walk over there.

But he was quickly stopped by his companions: "Don't meddle in your own business."

"Doesn't it matter if you kill someone?"

"It won't kill you. The firearms used by the inner city guards can only cause people to become paralyzed and faint. These guards belong to the Administration Bureau, and we can't control them from the Bureau of Abnormalities. What's more..." The companion pouted towards the outside of the platform, "They're just doing their job."

Ye Qiubai looked in the direction he indicated.

Outside the platform, refugees in ragged clothes surrounded them, trying to stop those glamorous people who got on and off the carriage.

The security guards blocked a line to keep the crowd outside. From time to time, some people raised their guns and shot into the sky, trying to intimidate the rioting refugees.

A trace of bewilderment flashed across Ye Qiubai's eyes.

"These people are black households." The companion explained from the side.

Black households refer to people who have not contributed to this society, who do not enjoy citizenship benefits, and who have to pay for staying in shelters.

After the catastrophe, human beings can only live in shelters, and all living materials have become expensive. However, there is an upper limit to the number of people a shelter can accommodate, and the jobs it can provide are also limited.

Not everyone is worthwhile!
The peaceful society where people live and work in peace and contentment, perform their duties and perform their duties in Shelter Zero...is false.

This is the real post-catastrophe world.

Ye Qiubai held his forehead, his complexion became unsightly.

He lived in Shelter Zero since he was a child, and grew up with Xu Ruyi, only thinking that Xu Ruyi was "different".

Little did he know that his own cognition of the world had already undergone a "deviation".

The companion patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Okay, let's go, the car of the General Administration is waiting outside. I guess those big shots in the General Administration can't wait to see you, the star of tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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