I'm the king of weirdness

Chapter 40 No, hurt him!

Chapter 40 No, hurt him!

[Future Weaving, has ended]

Crazy laughter resounded throughout the laboratory at this moment.

"That's what it is, that's what it is..."

"This is the 'truth' of the world! This is the 'truth'!"

"I did it, and all humans will remember my name!"

"I am the savior of mankind!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Qin Cang's eyes were red, the whites of his eyes were bloodshot, and the bottom of his eyes was filled with mad joy.

He grabbed his face with both hands, holding it tightly, as if he wanted to tear off the whole face, and kept roaring excited words.

He is immersed in the "beautiful future", the future in which everything is in his favor, the future in which his dreams come true!

But that's just a "false future".

Xu Ruyi's ability has been in effect since the beginning.Qin Cang had never brought any medicine that could resist the ability of the A-level strange object "Mirror of Deceit and Lies".

Lady luck was never on his side.

In the corner of the laboratory, Xu Ruyi was squatting on the ground, with her hands clasped on her knees, and her hands covering her ears, as if she wanted to shield him from the world's malice towards him.

He bit his lower lip desperately, blood overflowed from the bite wound, and a look of pain appeared on his face.


A frantic confusion of emotions filled his brain, his throat was itching, and he was losing his sanity.

[When you get his 'authority', you will also experience his madness! 】

This is the system's introduction to the A-level strange object "Mirror of Deceit and Lies". The side effects of this strange object are just such an unclear and understated sentence.

But now, Xu Ruyi began to have a deep understanding of this sentence.

He suddenly stuck out his tongue and licked the blood at the corner of his mouth, the crazy and chaotic emotions seemed to recede a little.

He seemed to... know what his body was craving.


In the reception room of the N1 Research Institute, Fang Yuan rested her chin and watched the goldfish in the fish tank spitting bubbles boredly.

In this era, keeping pets is a very luxurious behavior, even a few small goldfish are worth a lot.

This is the first time Fang Yuan has seen this kind of stupid fish, it always stops in the water as if it has forgotten how to swim, and only knows how to spit bubbles.

It reminded her of someone she watched eight hours a day, always sitting in his little room in a daze.



Fang Yuan couldn't help laughing, then put her face on the table and sighed faintly: "Well, it's so boring, how long do I have to sit?"

No matter how cute a goldfish is, if you stare at it for four hours, you will always get tired of it.

She's pretty much bored by now.

The people from the N1 Research Institute said that they wanted to contact the headquarters of the Bureau of Abnormalities for her, but until this time, let alone a letter, she had been sitting in this reception room for four hours, and she had never seen anyone come in!
"No, no, I have to find someone to ask."

Fang Yuan couldn't sit still anymore, so she decided to leave the reception room and ask the person in charge of the N1 research institute.

She stood up and walked towards the door of the reception room.

But when she was about to open the door, she found that the door couldn't be pushed open.

"Why... why can't it be opened?"

Fang Yuan held the doorknob with both hands and tried to push the door open, but the iron door did not budge.

She checked carefully and found that the electric lock light on the door was orange, which meant that the door was locked.

Naturally, Qin Cang could not let Fang Yuan wander around in the N1 research institute, so he locked the door of the reception room when he left.

Due to its particularity, the N1 research institute has many secret-level things, so all the rooms in the research institute are equipped with electronic locks. This kind of electronic lock is extremely complicated, and only those with sufficient authority can open it.

"Why did you lock me up? Did it happen by accident, or..."

She frowned slightly, with a vague premonition in her heart.

Fang Yuan squatted down and began to check the electronic lock: "Is it the latest model... I don't know if the administrator password can open it."

It is impossible for ordinary operators to know the password of the administrator of the Bureau of Abnormalities, which is the authority that only people with the title of "senator" or above can have.

Qin Cang checked Fang Yuan's job number, and knew that she was only a D-level personnel. He would never have thought that a small D-level personnel would know the administrator password of a certain congressman.

Fang Yuan skillfully entered the administrator password, and the indicator light of the electronic lock changed from "orange" to "green" after a "di" sound.

This means the door has been opened.

"Hmph, it's hard for me."

She snorted triumphantly, and was about to open the door and leave.

But when she pushed the door open and was about to enter the corridor, she was almost knocked down by someone.

Fang Yuan reacted quickly to dodge, but the person who almost knocked her down just now didn't notice it, and trotted forward, not knowing where she was going.


She was about to call to stop her, but at this time, several people ran past her from the other side of the corridor.

One of the men seemed to be careless for a while, and fell, and fell right in front of Fang Yuan.

But the companion beside him didn't seem to notice that someone had fallen, but kept running at a forward speed, directly stepped on him, and crossed over.

One person, two people...

In the corridor, except for the sound of hurried footsteps, no one made a sound.

Everyone was moving towards a certain destination with a blank face, but the person who fell to the ground and was trampled by others didn't even scream.

This scene is extremely weird!

Fang Yuan covered her mouth, almost unable to close her mouth in surprise.

It took her a long time before she could react to save someone, and hurried over to help the person who fell to the ground.

"Are you OK?"

She helped the man who fell, and wanted to ask what happened.

But instead of being grateful for her help, the man shook off her hand and walked towards the end of the corridor.

Fang Yuan immediately stepped forward to hold him back: "What happened? Where are you going? And they just now..."

The bad premonition in her heart became stronger and stronger.

Facing Fang Yuan's question, the man didn't seem to hear it, and insisted on walking forward.

"answer me!"

Following Fang Yuan's repeated obstructions, the expressionless man finally changed his face.

He turned his head and looked at Fang Yuan, gritted his teeth ferociously, and his red pupils were filled with madness:

"You can't... hurt him!"

This sentence seems to have a special spell.

The members of the institute who were running along the corridor stopped at this moment.

They stopped, turned around, and turned their heads in unison.

Everyone's face is expressionless, and everyone's pupils are red.

They looked at Fang Yuan and murmured in fanatical and devout tones:

"No, hurt him!"

(End of this chapter)

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