I'm the king of weirdness

Chapter 41 Benefiting mankind?Purgatory on earth?

Chapter 41 Benefiting mankind?Purgatory on earth?
These people... What the hell is going on?

When those pairs of red eyes stared straight at Fang Yuan, when that repeated raving sound came out from different mouths...

Her pupils were constantly trembling, and her heart seemed to be lifted into her throat in an instant.

She subconsciously touched her waist, but it was empty.

It was only then that Fang Yuan remembered that she came to the N1 research institute only as a conscious body, and did not carry any weapons.

"No, hurt him!"

Whispering voices came from their mouths again, as emotionless as a machine.

Fang Yuan took a deep breath, suppressed the uneasiness in her heart, and faced the people in front of her again, her expression became more serious than ever before:
"I'm...a front-line operator! Don't underestimate me!"

She is afraid of those crazy and irrational mutants, even the weakest mutants may make her lose her fighting spirit and run away.

But... she is not afraid of people!

But just when Fang Yuan decided to give it a go, those strange people with red pupils ignored him.

They just kept murmuring the words just now, and walked towards the other end of the corridor again.

Including the strange man who had just been trampled on, also followed behind them with a limp, walking forward slowly but firmly.

This stunned Fang Yuan, who was fully prepared and planned to have a big fight, and watched them leave in a daze.

When their figures disappeared around the corner of the corridor, Fang Yuan, who was standing there, held back for a long time and said: "Then...don't leave me alone?"

This feeling is like punching the cotton, which is very demoralizing.

"But...fortunately, it's best not to fight."

Fang Yuan patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

She regained her mentality and turned back to the little counselor she used to be.

"Where are they going?"

Fang Yuan looked in the direction where those people left just now, a little hesitation appeared on her face, she didn't know whether she should follow to have a look.

But...it always feels so dangerous.

"These people...seem to be mentally polluted."

"But their bodies are not deformed."

Fang Yuan weighed it for a long time, and finally gave up the idea of ​​following up to have a look, and muttered to herself to find an excuse: "It is impossible for the N1 research institute to be full of these weirdos, find a normal person to ask what happened. What is it?"

She convinced herself and decided to find other people from the N1 Institute.


Although the N1 Research Institute is affiliated with the Bureau of Abnormalities, it is also within Shelter No. [-], but its headquarters is not in the headquarters of the Bureau of Abnormalities.

Because the N1 Institute often conducts some very dangerous experiments, it was built on the east side of No. [-] Shelter, close to the edge of the Shelter, away from residential areas, and the surrounding area for several miles has been cleared by the Alien Bureau. No ordinary citizen will come anywhere near here.

It has a large area, covering an area of ​​five hectares. It is divided into three floors above ground and an underground building on the bottom floor.

Fang Yuan is currently on the first floor of the research institute.

She felt as if she had come to a haunted house.

The surroundings were quiet, there was no sound at all, and no living figure was seen.

She even wanted to yell "Is there anyone alive", but she held back in the end.

Because she was worried that those red-eyed weirdos would be recruited.

Along the way, Fang Yuan saw many rooms. These rooms were all locked, but they could all be opened with the "administrator password".

These rooms serve different purposes, but most are separate laboratories working on different projects.

This in itself is what the N1 Institute is for.

In the first laboratory that Fang Yuan entered, a special plant was planted in a glass enclosure, like a vine, with countless vines growing upwards and wriggling continuously.

The tops of many canes have been cut off, and they are obviously shorter than the rest of the intact canes.

She noticed that on the test bench outside the glass cover, there was a rattan that had just been cut off. This rattan kept flapping like a live fish on a chopping board. What leaked from the crack was not plant juice but It's bright red blood.

The cross-section at the crack is even more animal flesh-like texture.

"what is this……"

Fang Yuan felt nauseous, she quickly looked away and dared not look at it.

She began to observe other things in the room, and soon found an open notebook on the workbench beside her.

Fang Yuan walked towards the workbench, picked up the note and glanced at it.

This is a work notebook, which contains experimental records about the ongoing projects in this laboratory.

And she soon knew the function of the "vines" in the glass cover.


"N1" represents the product of the N1 research institute, "07" represents the group of the laboratory, and "11" represents the project number that the experimental group is responsible for.

According to the content of the experiment record, it can be known that this vine was artificially cultivated, and its purpose is to replace synthetic meat with complicated processing technology and high cost. Once the experiment is successfully completed, it will become one of the staple foods of the citizens of the shelter, a kind of Meat alternatives that are extremely affordable and nutritious.

This sounds like a good thing that benefits all mankind, and it is an achievement that will be recorded in textbooks for future generations to be grateful and remember.

But when someone sees the process of how to cultivate this "vine" described in this experiment notebook, they may not think so.

When Fang Yuan looked at the contents of this experiment notebook, her face gradually turned pale.

Her hands trembled uncontrollably, and she rolled forward.

But in the end, she didn't insist on reading it. Her pupils shrank suddenly, and she immediately covered her mouth and bent down, unable to restrain herself from wanting to vomit.

N1 laboratory...why is there such an anti-human research?
Are they not afraid that the General Administration will find out and pursue it?

Or... did the General Administration know from the beginning?

Fang Yuan didn't dare to think about it.

She squatted on the ground and retched for a long time without vomiting anything.

She slowed down for a long time, stood up, and looked at the twisting vines planted in the glass cover, her eyes were a little sad.

It hurts, right?
Fang Yuan walked towards the glass cover, holding the chair in front of the workbench and dragging it along the ground.


The metal chair feet made a toothache on the metal floor.

She lifted the seat violently and slammed it hard against the glass cover.




She smashed it up and down, and the hard tempered glass of the glass cover was only smashed with a white spot at first, and gradually cracks appeared in the white spot, spreading in all directions like a spider web...


The glass cover was finally smashed, and glass shards flew in the room.

One slice cut her cheek.

But as if she didn't realize it, she reached into the broken glass cover, grabbed the vine, pinched it hard, and pulled it up with all her strength.

The soil layer in the culture vessel was turned over, and the vines were uprooted.

And the root of the vine... is connected to a human head!
Half of his face has been rotten, exposing thick bones, but what is connected under the neck is not a body, but a "vine" like a granulation.

Those "vines" grew from his body.

The human head opened its mouth slightly, the intact half of the cheek was covered with mud, the eyelids trembled, and slowly opened, the pupil of the intact right eye was red.


The gums that had lost their flesh and blood collided until they exhausted their last strength to say the last sentence:

"You can't... hurt... him..."

(End of this chapter)

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