I'm the king of weirdness

Chapter 42 Love and Malice

Chapter 42 Love and Malice

"sorry Sorry……"

Fang Yuan held the weird vine head and knelt on the ground, murmuring words of apology over and over again, her voice full of sadness and grief.

Gradually, her hands used force, and the part connecting the human head and the vines was torn apart little by little.


Blood spurted out, and the splashed blood stained her hair, her cheeks, her clothes...

The boneless human head fell to the ground, the only good eyeball became dim, and the vitality gradually faded away.

Fang Yuan was drenched in blood and sat on the ground blankly.

A faint gleam appeared on her body, it was a ubiquitous but hard-to-find psionic factor, lingering around her like an elf.

Inexplicable power is gradually emerging from her body.

The surrounding air seemed to ripple.

She is an apostle, a human being who possesses extraordinary power just like the "deformation".

Her ability is called "spiritual comfort".

One... an ability that everyone considers to be tasteless.

But only Fang Yuan knew that her ability was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

It is the resonance of the soul, the empathy of empathy, and the ability to calm all restlessness, chaos, and madness.

It's just... In this world, all extraordinary powers have their drawbacks.

The side effect of "spiritual appeasement" will allow her to obtain part of the target's memory when she resonates with the target's soul, and substitute herself into it to feel everything the target has felt.

It would be nice if... it only works on humans.

Then this ability is just a simple and useless ability.

But it is not only effective on human beings, it is also effective on "deformed variants".

The soul of the deformed body has long been distorted, which is a madness that ordinary people can't bear!
Fang Yuan only used "Spiritual Calm" on the mutant body once, and it was on a weak mutant body numbered "NO. ability.

It was just one time, that time, that made her almost collapse her "ethics" as a human being and become another "deformation".

There is no logic, no reason, only the purest desire and evil.

This is the aberration!

They are monsters.

Fang Yuan was frightened, flinched, and frightened.

So she chose to escape.

In front of the weakest deformed body, crying until the snot bubbles came out, and fled back in embarrassment.

"A deserter", "a person who abandoned her companions", "an ignorant young lady who experienced life"... These labels have always been attached to her, accompanied by strange eyes from her colleagues, behind-the-scenes ridicule, and an indifferent attitude.

She chose to remain silent, not even daring to report the real use of her abilities to her superiors.

She was afraid... afraid of being forced to use her powers on the aberrant again.

I don't know how long it took before Fang Yuan seemed to come back to her senses, and turned her head to look at the head on the ground.

In her eyes, there was a pale white "flame" burning inside the skull, but the flame was getting smaller and smaller, as if it was about to go out at any time.

She raised her right hand and stretched it over there, her palm trembling uncontrollably, and she folded her fingers several times to retract them.

But in the end, her eyes became firmer, and her fingertips dropped, touching the "soul fire".

Her consciousness was instantly immersed in it.


"Dad, why did you come back so late?"

"The unit works overtime, where's your mother?"

"Mom just fell asleep waiting for you on the sofa, and I sent her back to the room. Are you hungry? Mom and I left food for you, and I'll heat it up for you."

In the simple home, the father and son had a very ordinary conversation.

After a while, the father and son were sitting at the dining table. The father could not help but smile slightly as he listened to his son talking about the school while eating. The hard work of the day seemed to be worth it.

He is not in pain.

He is very happy.



Fang Yuan's consciousness returned to her body, and her eyes became confused and puzzled.

She thought she would "see" the painful memory fragments, but it turned out not to be the case.

His last memory is happy and complete.

Also... false.

"A world that has ended the catastrophe? A family of three who live and work in peace and contentment and live a happy life?" Fang Yuan muttered to herself, incomprehensible and inconceivable, "Why does he have such memories? Things that never happened and did not exist memory."

"And...he's not in pain."

"He is very happy."

"Who filled the pain for him? Who gave him the future he wanted?"

"The most important thing is... why is the son in his memory 'Zero Zero Zero'?!"

What was originally a murmur to himself turned into a cry of astonishment and shock in the end.

Fang Yuan's eyes widened, she moved her head stiffly to look at the head on the ground, and a ridiculous idea came to her mind - this guy, can't really be the biological father of 'Lingling'?
But this absurd idea was quickly rejected by herself, because "Zero Zero" was the child brought back by the Great Speaker.

So... Why does the figure of zero zero appear in the memory of this deformed body?
Fang Yuan thought of the crimson pupils and the words she murmured repeatedly before the aberrant died—

"You can't... hurt... him..."

Same with those weirdos.

Fang Yuan suddenly thought of something, and her face changed suddenly. Regardless of the blood on her body, she got up and ran out of this laboratory, towards the upper floor of the research institute.

That is the direction those red-eyed weirdos are rushing desperately.


N1 Institute, third floor.

In the highest-level laboratory, Xu Ruyi curled up in a corner with her knees covered in blood, bowed her head and said nothing.

In front of him were shadowy figures, the pupils of those people's eyes were red, looking at him with tenderness, fanaticism, or admiration...

"You can't, be, hurt."

They whispered their love.

In the laboratory, Qin Cang had disappeared.

On the originally clean and tidy floor, there was a trail of blood stains, and there were some broken pieces of meat beside it.

But Xu Ruyi's "madness" has been suppressed, and his sanity has been restored.

He...was covered in blood!

Xu Ruyi raised her head slowly, her pale face showed no expression, and her left eye was shining with a silvery white light.

He "sees" the pairs of eyes behind them.

Greedy eyes, fearful eyes, loathing eyes...

Malice is wrapping him.

The temperature in his heart is losing, and the emotion of being a "human" in his eyes is passing away.

He began to look like a real "king", sitting on his throne, aloof and indifferent.

In the room, there was only the murmur of mechanical love.



A figure broke in, and everyone in the room turned their heads, looking at the door with blood-red eyes.

Fang Yuan, who broke into the laboratory, slowly slowed down, staring blankly at Xu Ruyi who was squatting in the corner.

That boy who always loves to sit in his own room in a daze, that boy who can't read people's faces and can only do things rigidly...

He just sat there with his hands on his knees, the blood dripping from his fingertips.

Pale face, cold eyes, with a suffocating sense of oppression.

"Did you... come to hurt me too?"

(End of this chapter)

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