I'm the king of weirdness

Chapter 66 Isn't it my prince?

Chapter 66 Isn't it my prince?
"With the five senses closed, I will not suffer."

"With a closed mind, I won't feel bad."

"Sensuality is closed, I will not go crazy."

In the dream world, Fang Yuan's body radiated light, and psychic particles lingered around her.

Her voice was completely devoid of the usual innocence and romance, it was so cold and emotionless, she slowly murmured incomprehensible words.

One by one "vortexes" slowly emerged from her side, densely surrounding her, as if a towering city wall had been cast for her.

Those were the soul fragments she had devoured, but these soul fragments not only carried other people's memories, but also carried other people's extraordinary special effects and distortion factors.

Her ability is working, that is the ability to control the soul, and at this moment she is planting hints to her soul, closing her five senses.

Can't hear, can't see, can't smell, can't touch, can't taste.

Her mind stopped thinking, her emotions were sealing.

Only in this way, the distortion factor attached to the soul fragments she once devoured will not affect her.

On the other side of her, the little girl took a few steps back abruptly, looking warily at Fang Yuan, who had undergone drastic changes at this moment.

"Mr. Mad Rabbit, did you let her have her own dream?"

A deep male voice sounded from the rabbit doll: "No, someone tore up her false dream in a dream."

"Mr. Mad Rabbit, she seems to have become very powerful."

"Yes, she has become powerful, she gained power from the 'filthy relic'."

"Is she evil?"

"Yes, she is evil."

The little girl's eyes lit up immediately, and she seemed to be very excited. The fake smile that seemed to be fixed on her face continued to grin upwards, and the corners of her raised mouth were cracked to the base of her ears.

She bent down clumsily, and slowly took out a huge ax from under her skirt, the broad ax was stained with blood.

It's hard to imagine how she hid this huge ax that was several times larger than her young body under her skirt, but this is the world of dreams, and any unreasonable things have a reasonable explanation.

She raised her giant axe, opened her mouth that occupied half of her face, screamed and laughed excitedly: "I am, the brave!"

Dragging the huge axe, she ran towards Fang Yuan, and the surface of the ax that was in contact with the ground gave off dazzling sparks.

The next moment, she raised her extremely heavy ax and slashed down on Fang Yuan's head.

But just when the giant ax was about to fall on Fang Yuan's head, she who had completely sealed herself off made a move at this moment.

She stretched out her hands slowly, with the palms facing up, and countless psionic particles condensed at this moment.

That was the "key" that opened her closed self.

That's a "gift".

That is something that is not accepted by this world.

That is the silver book - "The Omniscient".


In the deeper dream world.

Holding the whip made of golden hair, Xu Ruyi slowly climbed up the steeple.

Without the blessing of items from his family, even in the game, his physical fitness is just an ordinary person.

I don't know how high this minaret is, but it is obviously not something that ordinary people can climb.

But here, Xu Ruyi felt very relaxed, and he didn't even feel tired.

When he climbed to the upper level of the steeple, he finally saw the very top of the steeple, with an open window through which the golden braid had let down.

Xu Ruyi wanted to climb into the room through the window, but he grabbed the frame of the window with both hands, and one foot had already stepped into the room.

His attention was still on how to enter the room, and he hadn't had time to observe the situation in the room, but at this moment a figure suddenly got into his arms, and this sudden attack made him almost lose his focus from the window. fall there.

But that small figure, with both hands tightly around his waist, did not know where the petite body exploded with so much strength, it actually dragged Xu Ruyi directly into the room.


Xu Ruyi fell into the room, lying on the ground in a large font, while her petite body was kneeling on top of him.

It was only at this time that he realized what it was that had attacked him. It was a little girl as delicate as a doll, with long blond hair tied in two ponytails, and a curious baby-like expression on her immature and lovely face.

She was wearing a gorgeous Gothic-style dress with a pink bow at the neckline, and the fluffy skirt covered most of Xu Ruyi's body.

At this moment, she was kneeling on Xu Ruyi's stomach, pressing his chest with both hands, but she was light and light, like a light feather, without any weight.

When Xu Ruyi was observing her, she was also looking at Xu Ruyi, with her cute mouth slightly open, and her big eyes were full of doubts, as if... she didn't understand why it was Xu Ruyi who appeared.

Her prince should have beautiful wings, four arms, black scales on his body, a mouth that likes to eat on his stomach, and a cute dragon tail.

But now, it's just a human being.

Xu Ruyi tried to stand up, but when his intention was detected, the little princess-like girl stretched out her little hand, and "slapped" his face.

She leaned down and approached Xu Ruyi's neck: "Sniff~"

She smelled it seriously, like a kitten, trying to remember Xu Ruyi's smell.

And the moment she bent down, Xu Ruyi also smelled her scent, which was sweet.

"Isn't it a prince?"

After a while, she straightened up, muttered something, and got off Xu Ruyi's body.

It wasn't until this moment that Xu Ruyi realized that the power that bound him had disappeared, and his body resumed normal activities.

He sat up from the floor and watched the girl dressed like a princess pick up a doll on the ground, and sat on the sofa opposite him with the doll in her arms, looking at him angrily.

"You saw me, tell me, what do you want?"

She is like a child who is angry about not getting her beloved toy, and she looks so angry that she wants to be poked on her cheek.

Xu Ruyi was puzzled by her words, and asked suspiciously, "Why do you ask me what I want?"

"Everyone who comes here asks me for what they want." The little girl like a princess seems to be accustomed to such scenes, "You are the one who appears here now, what do you want?"

Do you want something...

Xu Ruyi thought seriously.

But he closed his eyes and thought for a long time, and when he finally opened his eyes, his eyes were full of blankness: "I don't have anything I want."

"Everyone has desires, and everyone has what they want." The princess pointed out a finger and said seriously, "But you can only take one thing with you."

"So what do you want? An earth-shattering magic? A powerful artifact? Countless gold coins?"

Her innocent tone was full of temptation.

But Xu Ruyi acted as if he didn't hear it, his eyes fell on the one-person-high mirror in the middle of the room.

He recognized it, it was his mission target this time - NO.059 Mr. Jing.

 Sorry for the late update, there will be another update later.

  I had a small car accident today. When I went out for a walk, I was crushed by a car on my feet. After returning from the hospital, I had to type. What bad luck.

  There should be no fractures, no problem

(End of this chapter)

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