I'm the king of weirdness

Chapter 69 is against the law!

Chapter 69 is against the law!

In the dream world, the passage of time is not the same.

The deeper the dream, the slower the passage of time.

In the outside world, only a few minutes have passed, but in the dream world, years, decades, or even longer may have passed.

Xu Ruyi is like this now.

Sometimes, he is the neighboring prince who accepts the king's request. He takes the sharpest sword in the kingdom, rides the fastest horse, and single-handedly goes to the dragon's castle to save the princess.

Sometimes, he is the prince under the spell of the witch, hiding in the pond as a frog that can only "croak", watching the day and night overlap, and the spell is not broken until he is kissed by the princess.

The end of every story is the beginning of a new one.

He no longer remembers how many times he played "play house" with the princess.

The long time has made him almost forget the years of living in the shelter.

Xu Ruyi doesn't hate playing house with the princess, after all, she is a very cute girl, and she always makes up a happy ending for these stories.

But this time, he looked at the princess lying in the crystal coffin, and at the seven dwarfs surrounding him.

He always felt...where have these dwarfs been seen before.

"Your Highness, kiss the princess and wake her up."

The dwarves were urging him while weeping sadly.

Xu Ruyi walked to the side of the crystal coffin, squatted down, and looked at the princess lying in the crystal coffin.

She closed her eyes, lying there quietly, with something in her mouth, and her cheeks were bulging.

Xu Ruyi stretched out her hand, pinched her chin, separated her lips, and brought her face closer to her innocent cheek...

When the two got so close that the dwarves behind them were even ready to cheer for the scene, Xu Ruyi made an unexpected move.

He put his fingers into the princess's mouth and pried her mouth open slightly.

What was in her slightly opened mouth was not the so-called poisonous apple, but...

A red eyeball!

Just when Xu Ruyi saw the red eyes in her mouth, some memories that he had almost forgotten surged up like a tide at this moment and flooded into his mind.

"NO.129 Red pupil..."

He muttered to himself, recalling his mission objective.

Xu Ruyi stopped and pulled her hair gently, as if thinking about something.

In the princess's dream world, not everything is the product of her imagination.

There are some things that she dragged into the dreamland, which will become her props.

For example, "Mr. Mirror" who she regards as a magic mirror.

And now this one, the "red pupil" that she used as a poisonous apple prop.

After a while, Xu Ruyi stood up from her squatting body, bent down and carried the princess out of the crystal coffin like a princess.

Just when the dwarves thought that he was finally going to lean over to kiss the princess, Xu Ruyi's next behavior was even more shocking.

With his front legs arched and his back feet kicked back, he stood in a lunge position, while holding her slender waist from the princess' armpit with both hands, allowing her to sit on his lap.

He made a fist with his left hand, and his right hand tightly clenched the wrist of his left hand. The position of the tiger's mouth of his left fist was under the barren little chest of the princess, and then he tightly clamped his arm, and his left fist suddenly pressed against her chest...


Xu Ruyi contracted her arms forcefully several times in a row, but the princess's small body trembled for a long time, and finally couldn't hold back, and spit out the "red pupils" in her mouth with a puff.

He looked at the stunned dwarves and explained: "This is the Heimlich abdominal impact method. If a child chokes, it is better to use such a scientific method than kissing."

"No, no, why is this happening!"

The princess opened her eyes suddenly and cried out.

She patted Xu Ruyi's arm angrily: "This is a foul, do it again, do it again!"

With her "restart", the world has changed again.

When Xu Ruyi came to his senses, he returned to the very beginning. In the crystal coffin in front of him lay the peaceful princess with closed eyes, and the seven dwarves were crying around the crystal coffin.

"The princess ate the witch's poisoned apple, and only the prince's kiss could wake her up."

They repeated what they said before, and looked at Xu Ruyi with resentful eyes while crying.

It seemed to be complaining that he did something useless and made them have to do it all over again.

Xu Ruyi walked to the side of the crystal coffin, looked at the princess lying inside, and said calmly, "I should go."

This sentence made the princess open her eyes all of a sudden.

She spat out the "red pupils" in her mouth, sat up and asked, "Where are you going?"

Xu Ruyi pointed upwards: "Go outside, there are still people waiting for me outside."

"But you are a prince!"

"Can't the prince go outside?"

Xu Ruyi no longer denies this statement, perhaps she has repeated it too many times in front of him, making him realize that it is pointless to argue with this little princess.

"The prince is going to be the king, and I will be your queen!" She clasped her hands together and clenched her fists, her bright eyes were full of hope and longing.

Xu Ruyi's expression was obviously stunned for a moment.

He looked at the princess, looked at her beautiful but immature face, his eyes gradually moved down, and carefully examined the immature body that was about eleven or twelve years old and had not yet grown up.

He took a few steps back suddenly, his expression became very strange.


The princess was very puzzled by his sudden move away from her, watched him blink a few times, and then wanted to approach him.

She felt uneasy about Xu Ruyi's sudden alienation from her, and stretched out her hands, wanting him to hug her.

Xu Ruyi hesitated for a moment, but in the end she didn't choose to hug her. She just stretched out her hand, touched her head, and said softly, "Then I can't be your prince yet, I can wait until you grow up."


The princess lowered her head, pinching her fluffy skirt with her small hands, and asked a little aggrieved.

Xu Ruyi didn't know how to answer. After hesitating for a long time, she slowly opened her mouth and said:

"Breaking the law."


On the cliff of the first dream world.

Xu Ruyi's consciousness is slowly returning.

The moment he opened his eyes, Fang Yuan's surprised voice came from his ears: "Ha, you finally woke up!"

Fang Yuan was kneeling on the ground, while Xu Ruyi was pillowing on her lap at this moment.

So when he opened his eyes, what caught his eyes was Fang Yuan's surprised expression.

He noticed that Fang Yuan's clothes were stained with blood, but she didn't seem to notice this.

Fang Yuan lowered her head, looked at his silence, and said worriedly, "Why are you in a daze when you wake up? Are you okay?"

"Well, it's fine."

Xu Ruyi came back to her senses at this moment, propped herself up and sat up, turned sideways to look at Fang Yuan, and said to her, "Long time no see."

(End of this chapter)

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