I'm the king of weirdness

Chapter 70 Am I throwing myself in a trap?

Chapter 70 Am I throwing myself in a trap?
As for Xu Ruyi's outstretched hand, Fang Yuan looked at him like a fool.

"Are you sleepy?"

For Fang Yuan, Xu Ruyi just fell asleep.

But for Xu Ruyi, who was playing house games with the princess, it has indeed been a very long time.

He didn't explain it to Fang Yuan, because there was still a very doubtful thing in his heart that bothered him.

The princess...why did she suddenly let him go?

Xu Ruyi could clearly feel that the princess didn't intend to let him go at the beginning.

But at that moment, in the deep dream world, an ethereal singing sounded vaguely.

He didn't hear it very clearly, but he could vaguely feel that it was a singing voice that could calm people down.

But the princess became nervous after hearing the singing.

"I should sleep now."

She said to Xu Ruyi in frustration, then took off the bow tied on her chest and gave it to him.

This is a gift for the prince and also her token.

In Xu Ruyi's worldview, only friends and family give gifts.

After accepting the princess's gift, she gently pushed Xu Ruyi, the deep dream was shattered, and he returned to the first dream world.


Xu Ruyi spread out her hand, holding a bow in her palm.

This is what the princess stuffed him.

[Strange object name: Dream Princess' token]

【Item Level: B】

[Efficacy: Wear it on your body, when you fall asleep, you will come to the fairy tale kingdom of Princess Meng]

[Remarks: This is a token of love given by Princess Meng to her prince, and it is also an invitation letter to the dream world. 】

【P.S.: "When I grow up, will you be my prince?"】

He looked at the bow tie in his hand with doubts in his eyes.

What is that singing voice?who is singing

Just as he was thinking about these things, the ground suddenly began to tremble.

Everything around became unreal, and distorted ribbons appeared in the sky.

The princess is about to fall into a deep sleep and her dream world will close.


A special containment room in the underground shelter of the Headquarters of the Bureau of Abnormalities.

In the middle of the room stood a crystal coffin, and lying in the coffin was a girl about eleven or twelve years old.

She was wearing a pink court dress with a fluffy skirt, and she was immersed in a sweet dream with her eyes closed.

The entire containment room was filled with pink mist, filling the entire room.

In this containment room, there are still two women standing, one body is illusory, while the other is as fat as a mountain of meat.

Luo Shanshan looked at the "Princess Dream" in the crystal coffin, and said, "Princess is originally incorporeal, but the Great Speaker created this body for her in order to successfully contain her."

"Whoa, whoa... I, I don't want to know about this."

Lin Qingyi didn't answer her strength. At this moment, she was sweating profusely and panting heavily.

For her, coming to this underground shelter from the medical department on the 22nd floor was really too embarrassing. The journey almost killed her.

If it wasn't for her little apprentice, how could she suffer this crime?
"Ha." She exhaled heavily, and her breath calmed down a lot, and she said with a wry smile, "I hope the 'restrictions' imposed by the Great Speaker on Her Royal Highness will still be effective, otherwise I will be left in the throne-level weird realm. Confronting a 'king'...you are ready to take care of my funeral."

Luo Shanshan patted her chest and made a promise: "It's guaranteed to be a glorious funeral!"

Lin Qingyi gave her an angry look, then walked towards the crystal coffin.

Her figure quickly disappeared into the powder mist and entered the "dream world".

Luo Shanshan just waited quietly.

After two hours passed, the red mist in the room began to shrink towards the inside of the crystal coffin.

She knew that Lin Qingyi should have borrowed the "restrictions" that the Great Speaker had set on Princess Meng, and that Princess was about to fall into a deep sleep.

"I don't know how many people Lin Qingyi can save..."

Luo Shanshan was a little helpless. This time, all the staff of the Misunderstanding Bureau and the weirdness of the shelter were all dragged into her dream by Princess Meng.

Once Princess Meng fell asleep again, if they couldn't escape, they would be trapped in a dream for the rest of their lives.


After Lin Qingyi entered the dream world, the dream world began to collapse.


When the ground under Fang Yuan's feet began to shatter, she fell directly and couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Xu Ruyi grabbed her and flew into the air.

She curled up in Xu Ruyi's arms, looked down with lingering fear, and couldn't help but ask, "What's going on?"

Xu Ruyi lowered her head and looked down.

Those fairy tale worlds imagined by the dreams of the dream princess are becoming illusory, and some real things are gradually emerging.

He saw people struggling to survive, and he also saw terrifying and weird things frantically destroying the surroundings.

Xu Ruyi's eyes fell on those strange bodies, and the system's prompt told him that these were his mission goals.

He... is going to start.


In the collapsing dream world, the lake where Mr. Mirror lived also began to dissipate.

Fortunately, when the dream world collapsed, the humans and weirdnesses that were dragged into the dream world by the dream princess were also exposed, and it did not lack the medium of shelter.

"The dream world is beginning to collapse, is the princess going to sleep?"

Mr. Jing knows many things, and also knows what the collapse of the dream world means.

It seemed that it was impossible for the Alien Bureau to remain indifferent to Princess Meng's nonsense, and finally took measures.

"Becoming the servant of Princess Meng, I will never be able to leave this false world in my life."

"If you go to the country of 'NO.0-01', if you follow him, I may have the opportunity to touch the high throne in the future. With the strength of my fourth star track, I may have the opportunity to grab a seat next to him..."

"A choice has to be made."

Mr. Jing realized that there was not much time left for it. If it still hesitated before the dream world was completely closed, then the end would be to be completely trapped in the dream world.

It finally decided to choose Xu Ruyi. After all, it became the family member of Princess Meng. It completely cut off the possibility of ability transition, and it can only be trapped in the fourth star track for the rest of its life.

Mr. Mirror finally chose a new mirror as the medium, which originally belonged to a human, but that human was dead.

"Let me see where 'NO.0-01' is..."

The mirror surface began to become unreal, and soon a picture emerged—the demonized Xu Ruyi was devouring a strange half-man, half-goat.

This scene made Mr. Jing silent.

"I'm going to look for him at this time...does it mean that I throw myself into a trap?"

(End of this chapter)

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