I'm the king of weirdness

Chapter 71 Only Xu Ruyi Can Save Her!

Chapter 71 Only Xu Ruyi Can Save Her!

【You have successfully recovered target NO.258 Shepherd】

[Current mission progress: 33%]

The strange one who was swallowed had an old man on his upper body, and the lower body of a sheep on his lower body. His body was huge, several meters high.

It's just that this half-human, half-goat was weird, but he was swallowed by Xu Ruyi's huge belly without any power to resist.

Howling and struggling were useless, it didn't even try to escape.

Listening to the system notification sound in her mind, Xu Ruyi was a little surprised: "The mission progress has increased by 20.00% all of a sudden, is it because this No. 258 shepherd is one of the three most important objectives of this mission?"

It's a pity that "NO.129 Red Pupils" is in the hands of the princess, but the princess only gave him a bow, and did not give him the "Red Pupils".

Xu Ruyi wants to find the princess to get back his mission goal, but now he doesn't know how to enter the deep dream space.

Before, he was able to meet the princess directly because of the princess' "invitation", which directly dragged him into the deep dream space.

"From heaven?"

Xu Ruyi looked up at the sky, thinking that the one-eyed, one-footed giant was selling the Golden Magic Bean, so that he could enter the "Kingdom of Clouds" from the sky.

But he quickly withdrew his gaze, and his eyes fell on the surroundings again.

He is not in a hurry to see the princess now, after all, there are still many "weird" here waiting for his recovery.

Even if these weirdnesses are not the first three quest objectives, recovering them can still increase the completion of the quest.

Just as Xu Ruyi was about to leave here and go to the next place where the strangeness appeared, he found that Fang Yuan beside him was looking up at the sky.

"what happened?"

"Look at the sky."

Fang Yuan pointed to the sky, with her mouth slightly open, as if surprised.

Xu Ruyi looked in the direction she was pointing at, and saw that the sky had already been shattered. The original blue and clear sky was covered with countless cracks, which spread in all directions like spider webs. As time went by, these cracks continued to expand.

And behind these cracks, dazzling rays of light burst out from time to time.

"That's Senator Lin confronting the princess."

When Xu Ruyi and Fang Yuan looked up to see the change in the sky, a voice sounded beside them.

It was a man's voice with a deep voice, answering the doubts of the two of them.

When the voice sounded, Fang Yuan's whole body was terrified, and a feeling of palpitations grew in her heart.

Her eyes widened, and she suddenly turned to look around.

Beside her, a mirror was floating in the air, and a man's face appeared on the mirror.

The face in the mirror said inscrutablely: "However, a sub-god dares to attack a true god-level king... Can you listen to me? I also have dignity!"

I don't know when it started, the two crystal arms on Xu Ruyi's shoulders had already grasped the parasitic medium mirror of Mr. Jing, and the huge mouth on the abdomen had opened its mouth towards it...

Mr. Jing, as a tough and dignified weirdo, can he stand this?

It couldn't bear it, so it immediately chose to surrender: "I'm here to serve you, I volunteered to go to your country, you don't have to eat me!"

As if she didn't hear it, Xu Ruyi grabbed the crystal arm of the mirror frame and passed it continuously to the huge mouth on her abdomen.

The face in the mirror looked at the huge mouth of the abyss that was getting closer and closer, and the terrifying vortex deep in the mouth...

In desperation, it shouted in horror: "You can treat me as a pet in the game. Don't you want to get an obedient pet in this game? I can talk, and I am a rare pet!"

It knows a lot of things, it also knows a lot about Xu Ruyi, and it knows how to get along with him.

Such as the "game" of this great man.

Xu Ruyi's movements stopped immediately: "Rare level?"

Mr. Jing seemed to see hope, and quickly said: "Yes, rare! There are very few pets in this game who voluntarily recognize their owners!"

Seeing that Xu Ruyi seemed to be really moved, Fang Yuan couldn't help complaining, "There's no one who treats a mirror as a pet! This guy looks strange."

She could see that the weirdness in the mirror seemed to have intelligence not inferior to that of ordinary people, and this was extremely rare. The weirdness she had come into contact with before was irrational at all.

It's just that this mirror is weird and seems to be afraid of Xu Ruyi.

Fang Yuan now has the awareness of being a guardian, and she doesn't want a monster of unknown origin to get close to Xu Ruyi.

Xu Ruyi felt that what Fang Yuan said made sense, and was about to devour Mr. Jing again.

Mr. Jing now has the heart to kill this stinky woman, and his strong desire to survive makes him shout loudly: "There are many treasures in this world, I can take you to search for them!"

"Princess Dream's dream world, those fantasy creations can be brought into reality!"

"The wine cup of immortality, the river that can give the bather the power of immortality, the magic lamp that can grant three wishes..."

"A man even told Princess Meng a story about mechas. He made Princess Meng dream up a Gundam! Do you like mechas? You can take away the ones that drive in the real world! The romance of a man! "

It kept setting out tempting conditions, trying to convince Xu Ruyi.

"As long as you don't devour me, I will take you to find these treasures. Now that Princess Meng is going to sleep, the subordinates guarding Princess Meng's treasures are at their weakest, and this is the best time!"

But when it looked at the expressionless Xu Ruyi, he knew that these temptations, which are hard to resist for ordinary people, were bullshit for this freak, and he didn't care at all.

Half of the mirror fell into the huge mouth of Xu Ruyi's abdomen, and the face inside the mirror was terrified, and immediately changed its target.

It yelled at Fang Yuan: "Tell him to stop! Your teacher is in danger. Even if she can make the princess fall asleep with the help of the speaker's restraint, she will not be able to escape this dream world by herself!"

"Ling...Xu Ruyi can save her! But I must lead the way!"

Fang Yuan was momentarily stunned by these words.

Teacher... why is teacher here?


In the deep dream world, it turned into endless darkness at this moment.

A female giant with a size of several tens of feet stands in the void. She has a graceful figure. Countless crystals grow from her body, which seems to put on the most gorgeous long dress in the world for her. The silver scales cover the vital points.

This seemingly deformed monster is the apostle's "Saint Liberation" form.

Only the apostles who have set foot in the "Divine Realm" are qualified to master the ability of "Liberation of the Saints".

And this beautiful giantess is the saint's liberation gesture of "Singer" Lin Qingyi, a member of the Abnormality Bureau and the first leader of the medical department.

The giantess held a piece of normal-sized A4 paper in her hand, on which some human characters were densely written.

She holds this tiny piece of paper in her hand very cautiously, because on this piece of paper, a certain man once coaxed the ignorant and naive Princess Meng to sign an agreement.

"In Princess Meng's dream, she is the absolute truth, possessing the power to say what she says."

Lin Qingyi rejoiced in his heart: "If there is no agreement from the Great Speaker, I may not even be able to use my own abilities after entering the dream world."

The giantess raised her head and looked at Princess Meng floating opposite her.

Compared to the gigantic body of the giantess, Princess Meng, who was just an ordinary little girl, seemed so small.


Curled up in the void, the drowsy Princess Meng uttered a dream.

This illusory dark world lit up with light, and countless phantom creations appeared dimly again.

Lin Qingyi, who thought he had completed the task, suddenly raised his head and looked at the princess in astonishment.

She's not asleep yet? !
Lin Qingyi, who was in the saint's liberated state, looked at the fantasy creations around him that were consolidating a little bit and were about to form a new dream world, and said bitterly: "I'm in big trouble..."

(End of this chapter)

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