Chapter 23
Wind and snow enveloped Black Rock City.

Zhao Feiyan's energy field enveloped the Chen residence.

The people in the city are still asleep, only the figure of Youdao in the City Lord's Mansion rises.

Mu Dongliu was wearing a nightgown. He hurried to the courtyard and looked up at the sky.

"What a strong energy field!"

"That's the sword king!"

Mu Dongliu looked dignified, that was the direction of the Chen family, could it be because of Chen Mu?
He knew that the Chen family had Zhao Feiyan in charge, but who was the strange wave?
Mu Dongliu could only watch the confrontation between sword kings and strong men in his own courtyard, "Who the hell? How dare you provoke Ling Yunzong."

Chen Mu's feeling was very vague.

Zhao Feiyan and the old blind man were too far away from him.

Above the wind and snow, Zhao Feiyan turned around resolutely, and dozens of golden lightsabers roared towards her.

Zhao Feiyan looked calm, raised her head and whispered, the surrounding ice and snow condensed into a sword blade.


The ice and snow sword collided with the golden lightsaber.

Deafening thunder came and went.

A golden light rose from the wind and snow, and finally condensed into the appearance of an old blind man, but his appearance was much younger at this time.

The training of a master is much more difficult than that of a sword master, and it is even more difficult to gather the soul.

Chen Mu sweated for Zhao Feiyan, and the old blind man condensed his primordial spirit. His strength must not be weaker than Jianhou, or even the Sword King.

The old blind man's primordial spirit raised his hand, and the golden sword light condensed in his hand.

Zhao Feiyan's face was frosty, her hands were covered with ice crystals, a cold light cut out under the moonlight, sweeping through the wind and snow.

The old blind man released a golden light from his fingertips.

The two tyrannical energies collided, and the surrounding snow instantly turned into dust.

Chen Mu felt that Zhao Feiyan's aura was weakening, and the old blind man's aura was also weakening, but Zhao Feiyan's condition was even worse.

"Could it be because of her body?" Chen Mu murmured, and he suddenly became nervous.

If Zhao Feiyan loses, it will be Chen Mu who will be unlucky, so naturally I hope she can win.

Zhao Feiyan's forcible use of spiritual power is a very heavy burden on her current body, and the signs of cold backlash are becoming more and more obvious.

The old blind man saw the clue, and said calmly: "Your realm has improved too fast, and your foundation has been damaged because of your unstable foundation. Your body can no longer bear this force. If you continue to fight, you will undoubtedly die."

Zhao Feiyan was fearless, and sneered, "Hehe, old man, what are you afraid of?"

"It takes a long time to seize the house, and it also needs to consume a lot of mental power. You only have the soul to survive. After losing the body, the mental power cannot be recovered. You are the end of the battle."

The soul of the old blind man was embarrassed.

Zhao Feiyan knew that he was a paper tiger. Even though he was a master of the imperial realm before his death, he is now only a lingering primordial spirit.

Without a suitable physical body to stay, his mind power will be exhausted, and his soul will be exhausted.

Teachers can't seize the house infinitely, they only have one chance, and the failure rate is very high, the second time they seize the house, they will suffer death.

So the old blind man did not take the house easily.

The old blind man took a fancy to Chen Mu's top-quality bones and special physique. If he had this perfect body, he might even have a chance to become a saint.

It's a pity that Zhao Feiyan is here.


"Four Elephants Prison!"

The soul of the old blind man shouted lightly.

Zhao Feiyan's body was filled with golden light, and six golden light curtains emerged from the sky like a cage.

The old blind man knew that if he dragged on, it would be a lose-lose situation for both sides. He wanted to trap Zhao Feiyan and take Chen Mu away.

Zhao Feiyan swung her sword, and the snowy light slashed out. Ripples appeared on the golden light curtain, but they did not break.

The old blind man proudly said: "If the old man is in his peak period, there is no need to use this method at all. This blockade can trap the sword king for half an hour, so you can stay here."

After using the banning technique, the old blind man's primordial spirit was obviously much dimmer.

He came to the Chen family courtyard again.

Not far away, Mu Dongliu frowned, he felt that strange wave descended on the Chen residence, Chen Mu might be in danger.

"That kind of strong person, I can't do anything." Mu Dongliu shook his head regretfully.

Chen Mu is the arrogance of Black Rock City, and he will bring countless honors to Black Rock City in the future. Mu Dongliu really wants to save him, but the opponent is too strong.

When Chen Mu noticed that the old blind man was returning, he opened his eyes and held the epee tightly.

High in the sky, Zhao Feiyan watched the old blind man's primordial spirit leave, her eyes were covered with frost, and she said coldly: "Presumptuous!"

The soul of the old blind man came to the courtyard.

He looked up at Zhao Feiyan in the sky, and suddenly felt a sense of danger.

Zhao Feiyan held Qingyu in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other, which was exactly the bottle of spirits that Chen Mu sent her in the morning.

She took it out until now.

Zhao Feiyan gulped down her drink, her whole body became hot, and the depths of her eyes glowed with flames. The powerful qi field enveloped the entire Black Rock City, and even Mu Dongliu looked at the heights in horror.

"So strong!"

Mu Dongliu tremblingly said: "As expected of being the top talent in the barren island!"

The silver sword light pierced through the air.

The golden light curtain split into pieces in an instant.

The purple shadow landed in the courtyard, holding Qingyu in her slender hand, and the cold blade completely pierced through the old blind man's golden soul.


Yuanshen collapsed.

Golden streamer all over the sky.

Inside the house, Chen Mu watched the movement outside, and wiped the sweat from his forehead, "Fortunately, Zhao Feiyan doubled her battle power after drinking."

Zhao Feiyan put away her soft words, her eyes suddenly narrowed, and she saw a ray of golden light pass through the ice wall and rush into Chen Mu's room.

"not good."

"Damn old fox."

Zhao Feiyan smashed the ice wall with her slender hands, and pushed open the door, only to see Chen Mu collapsed on his back.

"Chen Mu."

"Keep your mind."

Zhao Feiyan hugged him into her arms.

Chen Mu gritted his teeth, the sea of ​​consciousness poured into the behemoth, and the old blind man wanted to swallow his consciousness.

Facing the threat of death, Chen Mu couldn't easily give up the sea of ​​consciousness. He thought of the Flame God visualization map at a critical moment.

Zhao Feiyan was like an ant on a hot pot, she didn't know what to do. Although it was a remnant soul, the will of ordinary people couldn't bear it at all.

Even if he doesn't succeed in being seized, there is a high probability that he will become a fool in the future.

Chen Mu started to meditate, and a fire appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness, and soon the flame enveloped the sea of ​​consciousness, and the remnant soul of the old blind man howled in the sea of ​​consciousness.


"You can actually manifest the visualization map of the Flame God!"

The old blind man's voice was full of despair. He wanted to use that picture to gain Chen Mu's trust, but Chen Mu was not fooled, and instead mastered the Flame God visualization picture within half a day.

Wisp after strand of flames gushed out from Chen Mu's sea of ​​consciousness, and finally a mottled flame giant crawled out of the sea of ​​consciousness. He stretched out his palm and held the remnant soul of the old blind man in his hand.

"Do not kill me."

"I can coexist with your soul, and I can provide you with a lot of practice experience."

Chen Mu said indifferently, "It's too late!"

He directly crushed the remnant soul, cut the weeds without removing the roots, and the spring breeze blew it back to life.

The old blind man fell in despair. He couldn't believe that he would fall because of that scroll of the Flame God visualization. Perhaps this was retribution.

The golden light rain fell into the sea of ​​consciousness, and majestic energy surged in, and Chen Mu's sea of ​​consciousness continued to grow.

Chen Mu's power of thought was constantly increasing, and his realm was constantly rising. He turned back on the old blind man and used his remnant soul as nourishment.

Earth-shaking changes took place in the sea of ​​consciousness, the golden sea of ​​consciousness turned into purgatory, and a majestic palace appeared above the sea of ​​consciousness.

There are mottled fire shadows on the highest throne.

Chen Mu overlooked the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness, and he manifested the shape of the Sea of ​​Consciousness according to the Flame God visualization, which can change according to his wishes.

"Fortunately, he is a remnant soul, if it is a complete primordial spirit..." Chen Mu felt lingering fear.

Zhao Feiyan pinched Chen Mu's neck. If he was taken away, he would be strangled to death, and then go back to plead guilty to the master.

Suddenly Chen Mu's body returned to normal. He opened his clear eyes and asked doubtfully, "Sister Fairy, what are you doing?"

Zhao Feiyan's beautiful eyes were full of shock.

"What about the old fox?"

"It was solved by me."

Chen Mu's smile is sunny and cute.

Zhao Feiyan looked into Chen Mu's eyes, those eyes couldn't deceive anyone, he was still Chen Mu, he could resist the seizure at such a young age.

"It's fine."

Zhao Feiyan didn't ask any more questions.

The old blind man's primordial spirit was severely injured, and it was difficult to seize the house. She was mainly worried that Chen Mu would become stupid.

She said indifferently: "Be careful in the future, you won't be so lucky next time."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Feiyan hurriedly left the room. Chen Mu looked at her back and said in a deep voice, "I will work hard to become stronger."

late at night.

Chen Mu rested on the bed.

His mind power has been greatly improved, and he directly became a Ninth Grade Nian Master.

"Swallowing a ray of remnant soul has such a big improvement, what if it swallows a complete soul?" Chen Mu didn't dare to think, if he really swallowed a complete soul, he would probably be gone long ago.

early morning.

The maid is sweeping snow in the courtyard.

There are no signs of battle here.

Mu Dongliu came to visit Chen Mu specially, mainly to make sure he was okay, and then asked him about what happened last night.

Chen Mu whispered in the courtyard: "There were villains last night, but they have been dealt with by Sister Fairy. Please don't tell others, I'm afraid my mother will be worried."

"Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret. You are the future of our Black Rock City, as long as you're fine." Mu Dongliu said with a smile.

After the conversation, Mu Dongliu returned to the City Lord's Mansion, and Chen Mu also entered the house for breakfast.

In the room, Tang Wan worried: "The weather is really weird recently. It snowed and thundered last night. I don't know when your father will come back."

Chen Mu comforted: "Mother, don't worry, Dad and the others will come back after work."

"Wow wow wow!"

Chen Ying was crying for food again.

Tang Wan was knitting clothes for her younger sister, Chen Mu quickly finished her meal, and then fed her younger sister with animal milk, and then her younger sister was quiet.

He was not in a hurry to go to the martial arts arena to practice swords, but to inquire in front of Zhao Feiyan's door.

"Sister Fairy?"

"Don't bother me these days."

There was a cold voice in the room.

Chen Mu left wisely, he couldn't help Zhao Feiyan, did he tell her to drink more hot water?I guess it will be annoying to hear too much.

"Let's practice hard."

Chen Mu came to the martial arts field to practice swords.

Ten days later, Chen Tiannan and Chen Yan returned to Black Rock City, the list of the Escort Bureau was finally cleared, and the Chen family became lively again.

In a few days it will be the little sister's full moon wine, and the whole Chen family will be busy.

 Ask for some investment, thank you\(////)\
(End of this chapter)

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