my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 24 Guests are like clouds

Chapter 24 Guests are like clouds
The eve of the full moon wine.

The Chen family invited the chef from Zuixianglou.

The smell of wine and meat filled the kitchen.

Neighbors in the neighborhood came to help.

Chen Mu and Chen Hao were not idle either. Chen Hao was in charge of clearing the snow from the martial arts field, and Chen Mu was in charge of wiping the seats and benches.

When they were busy, Chen Mu suddenly raised his head and said with a smile, "Eldest sister is back."

Chen Hao was holding the broom, he looked left and right, wondering: "Huh? Where are you?"

Chen Mu's mental power can perceive two streets away, and he can easily see Chen Xi outside the Chen mansion.

After a while, Chen Xi ran to the Martial Arts Field. She was wearing a pink padded jacket and said with a happy expression, "Do you miss me?"


Chen Mu and Chen Hao nodded with a smile.

Chen Xi came closer, she held Chen Mu's small face, her hands were warm, her brows and eyes were slightly curved, and she said with a sweet smile: "Xiao Mu is really amazing, my sister often hears stories about you in Hengzhou."

"Students around me also asked me what you look like, if there is anything special about you, if you were born different, and if you have three heads and six arms."


Chen Mu blinked.

Chen Hao and Chen Xile couldn't do it.

Chen Xi got up, looked at Chen Hao, and said solemnly: "Xiao Hao, return this Body Tempering Pill to you."

Chen Hao scratched his head, and said with a simple smile: "Sister, I have taken the Body Tempering Pill, but the effect is not very good if I take it again. This Body Tempering Pill is useful to you."

Chen Xijiao smiled and said: "Okay, my sister knows that you are sensible, no matter how bad the effect is, it will help you. You need the Body Tempering Pill more than I do. I am taking the Body Tempering Pill now, but I can't enter the sect. I will wait for you to enter the sect later." Give me the door again."


Chen Hao took back the Body Tempering Pill.

He vowed to join Xuanjianzong.

Chen Mu also had a smile on his face. He liked the unity and friendship of the Chen family.

Chen Xi squatted down again, she rubbed Chen Mu's little face, and said with a sweet smile: "Sister, I'll go to see my younger sister first, and I'll come over to help right away."


Chen Mu nodded with a smile.

Chen Xi had still some time before he could leave the Martial Arts Academy. This time, he wanted to have a full moon wine for his younger sister. Chen Wei wrote to her to tell her that the family might be very busy, so he asked her to come back early to help.


Everyone gathered in the ancestral house.

The dinner table was full of laughter and laughter.

Chen Xi listened to Chen Hao tell the story of Chen Mu. He witnessed the rise of Chen Mu with his own eyes, which was much more reasonable than what Chen Xi heard in Hengzhou Martial Arts Academy.

Chen Tiannan announced: "Tomorrow is Yingying's full moon wine. There will definitely be many relatives and friends. Chen Wei, you are responsible for entertaining them. If there are distinguished guests, Chen Yan and I will entertain them."

Chen Wei and Chen Yan nodded silently.

Chen Mu and the others also have tasks. Chen Xi and him are responsible for entertaining the juniors who come to the Chen family and playing with them. It will probably be very busy tomorrow.

Chen Wei said with a smile: "Father, when Xiao Mu hosted the Full Moon Wine, none of the ten tables we held was full. I don't think you will be enough to prepare thirty tables this time."

"Thirty tables are quite a lot, it depends on the situation." Chen Tiannan stroked his beard lightly.

The banquets held in Beihuang are all treats by the host's house. Relatives and friends come to the banquet, and they don't come with the ceremony. Everyone wants to be lively and festive.

Chen Tiannan also wanted to prepare a few more tables, but the cost was too high, so there was no extravagance.

Xu Yan reminded: "Xixi, Fairy Lingyunzong lives in your room, so you can squeeze with Sister Wang tonight, okay?"

Sister Wang is a maid of the Chen residence, and lives in an old wing, Chen Xi smiled sweetly: "Okay."

Tomorrow there may be guests staying overnight in the Chen Mansion, and several vacant rooms must be made ready. Even Chen Hao and Chen Mu have to sleep together.

In general, even if the host asks to stay, the guests will go home voluntarily, and it is safe to prepare a few vacant rooms in advance.

Chen Xi gossiped: "Xiaohao, isn't the fairy from Lingyun Sect good-looking?"

Chen Hao scratched his head in embarrassment, "I didn't dare to look carefully, sister Fairy's energy field is so fierce."


"Xiaomu, what do you think?"

Chen Mu thought for a while, Zhao Feiyan's long legs could make her stand proud of Beihuang, her tight purple clothes made her figure look more charming, her pretty face was charming, always with that slightly drunken expression.


"As beautiful as the eldest sister."

Chen Xi was overjoyed when she heard the words, and she even gave Chen Mu the chicken legs in the bowl.

"Thank you ma'am."

The dinner table was full of laughter, and it was rare for everyone to get together so happily.

Normally, Chen Xi would go to the Martial Academy to practice, and Chen Tiannan and the others would guard the bodyguards. In the future, Chen Hao and Chen Mu might also enter the sect.

After eating.

Everyone keep busy.

Didn't rest until midnight.

Chen Mu and Chen Hao slept together.

The two brothers couldn't sleep, chatting on the bed, discussing sword skills.

Chen Mu gave Chen Hao a lot of advice, and even told his second brother the method of concentration, but Chen Hao tried it, and soon fell asleep.

Obviously the concentration method is not suitable for him.

There is a reason why the number of psychic masters is rare, and there are very few people who are suitable for practicing the method of concentration.

Before dawn.

The two brothers woke up.

Chen Yan and the others were already busy in the yard, and Chen Mu and Chen Hao also wanted to help. They helped the maids set up the tables in the martial arts arena.

It was just dawn.

There will be guests from afar.

Chen Wei immediately greeted them, and Xu Yan also helped serve tea and water in front of the door.

The guests who live in Black Rock City don't need to rush to the Chen Mansion, most of those who arrive in advance come from afar.

There are many children gathered outside the Chen residence, and they like to join in the fun.

"Wow, look, that carriage is well-decorated, big and imposing." A child exclaimed with wide-eyed eyes.

The sharp-eyed elder said in a deep voice: "The carriage of the Tang family in Jincheng, this one is Tang Zhen?"

I saw the hulking old man coming out of the carriage, his qi field was so powerful that the surrounding sword masters couldn't help shaking, and the children in the distance were too scared to speak.

Tang Zhen's face was stern, and his whole person was arrogant and angry. This is the aura of a big boss. Behind him was Tang Lin and the younger generation of the Tang family, Tang Shi and his younger sister Tang Yao. Tang Zhuo did not come.

Chen Yan was a little surprised when he saw this, he hurried forward to greet him, and said respectfully, "Father-in-law!"

Tang Zhen didn't even look at him back then, but now Tang Zhen visited the Chen family in person.

"No need to be too polite, this is a gift I prepared for my little grandson." Tang Zhen said with a smile, Tang Lin was holding two boxes of gifts in his hand.

Chen Yan accepted it with a smile.

He is giving Logan face.

The people around were dumbfounded.

"Old father-in-law Chen Yan is actually Tang Zhen."

"Tang Zhen is the head of the Tang family in Jincheng."

"The Tang family is a powerful family in Yangzhou. They are quite prestigious in Jincheng. They are rich and powerful. The Chen family is really low-key. I didn't expect such an in-law to exist."

Everyone doesn't know the truth inside.

Hearing that his in-laws were visiting, Chen Tiannan also found time to meet Tang Zhen.

Seeing Chen Tiannan rushing over, Tang Zhen cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Brother Chen, we are all from our own family, you don't need to worry about us, I'll go and see my little grandson first, you can do your work."

"Thank you Brother Tang for your understanding."

Chen Tiannan returned the gift and signaled that there were distinguished guests outside, and they were in silver carriages, which was even more grand than the Tang family in Jincheng.

Chen Tiannan also stepped forward to welcome him.

Tang Zhen and the others came to Logan's courtyard.

Tang Wan also knew that Tang Zhen and the others were coming, so she carried Chen Ying to the courtyard and said respectfully, "Father, sit inside."

Tang Zhen looked at Tang Wan and sighed, "Wan'er, it was my father's fault back then."

"Father, don't talk about this today, Mu'er quickly call Grandpa." Tang Wan reminded.

Chen Mu was following Tang Wan, and it was he who told his mother and grandfather that they were coming.


Chen Mu said calmly.

Tang Zhen looked at Chen Mu, and with his many years of experience in knowing people, he knew that this child was not simple.

"Hey!" Tang Zhen sighed again. If he had known that Tang Wan and Chen Yan could give birth to a unicorn, he would not have stopped them back then.

Tang Wan didn't mean to resent Tang Zhen, she respectfully said: "Father, sit inside the room, this is not a place to talk."

"Auntie, Xiaomu."

Sister Tang Shi shouted with a smile.

Tang Shi introduced with a smile: "Xiao Mu, this is your fifth cousin, Tang Yao, she is a nympho, you have to be careful."

Tang Yao raised his eyebrows and said with a blushing face, "Sister San, don't talk nonsense, I'm very serious."

Tang Wan said with a smile: "Xiaomu, take your sisters to visit the mansion."

Chen Mu nodded slightly.

The Chen Mansion is very small and there is nothing to do, the two sisters mainly want to see Chen Mu.

The outside of the Chen Mansion is full of people.

Many of them are here to join in the fun.

The world is bustling, all come for the benefit, and the world is bustling, all go for the benefit.

"Look, that's the carriage of Lujiazhuang in Silver City. Mr. Lu is a well-known swordsmith, and he hasn't left Lujiazhuang for many years."

"That's the carriage of the Xiao family in the capital, right? What do they have to do with the Chen family?"

Chen Wei and Chen Yan greeted him outside.

"Lord Lu, come inside." Chen Wei greeted with a smile, this is their regular customer.

Master Lu smiled, and Lu Xiaoxiao beside him said impatiently, "Uncle, where is Chen Mu, I want to play with him."

Chen Yan smiled softly: "He should be in the mansion, you can find it yourself."

"Yeah." Lu Xiaoxiao knew they were busy, so she didn't bother them any more.

She heard that the Chen family was going to hold a full moon wine, so she insisted on coming with her grandfather. She liked Chen Mu very much, especially since he had saved her.

Master Lu said with a smile: "This spirit sword is my masterpiece, and I hope the Chen family will not dislike it."

Chen Yan was shocked, he quickly waved his hands and said: "Master Lu, this is a spiritual sword, it is priceless, we can't take it."

"The sword is given to the hero, I'm afraid this sword is not worthy of him." Master Lu shook his head and laughed at himself.

Chen Yan quickly waved his hands and said respectfully: "Master Lu, I don't mean that."

"Then accept it."

Master Lu handed the Lingjian to Chen Yan.

Chen Yan was forced to accept the spirit sword. This sword reached the fourth rank of the spirit rank, which happened to be a middle-grade spirit sword. The name of this spirit sword was Zhayi.

Such a spirit sword.

Even with a thousand pieces of gold, it will not be exchanged.

Master Lu is full of sincerity, and the most important thing is to take a fancy to Chen Mu's talent, and the broken wings can shine in his hands.

Mu Dongliu of the City Lord's Mansion also came to the Chen family with carefully prepared gifts.

Now I don't plan to order any special gifts, everyone is embarrassed to enter the gate of the Chen Mansion.

Many former old friends of the Chen family were ashamed to come to the Chen mansion for full moon wine.

Chen Tiannan specially asked Chen Wei to invite friends from the neighborhood, and he specifically asked the brothers in the security bureau to bring their family members to the Chen family for a banquet.

Chen Tiannan told them not to give gifts, as we are all friends, the banquet is just for celebration, just enjoy a few drinks.

(End of this chapter)

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