my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 3 The First Show of Talent

Chapter 3 The First Show of Talent
early morning.

The sun shines into the house.

Chen Mu slowly opened his eyes, and stayed up late last night to practice. Instead of being tired, he felt refreshed, his body was warm, and his whole body was full of strength.

His small face is fair and shiny, his eyes are more energetic, and his five senses are obviously enhanced, and he can sense the subtle changes around him.

The meridians in his body have been dredged a lot. Some meridians are easy to clear in the early stage, and some meridians need a lot of spiritual energy to impact.

【Host: Chen Mu】

[Realm: Middle Stage Third Grade Swordsman]

[Sign-in value: 201]

[Task: None]

"Middle-stage third-rank swordsman!" Chen Mu was slightly startled. He only started practicing yesterday afternoon. In half a day, he broke through third-rank at an astonishing speed.

If this is told, who will believe it?

Chen Mu couldn't help pondering, and said in a deep voice, "It should have something to do with my special physique."

The overbearing sword body sounds very powerful, but until now I don't understand what it is useful for.

Chen Mu took out the snow-white jade pendant in his arms. This jade pendant is warm in winter and cool in summer. When he practiced last night, he felt that the jade pendant was helping him absorb spiritual energy.

"It seems that this jade pendant can also help in cultivation." Chen Mu put away the jade pendant with a smile on his lips. His fiancée should have a good impression of him, otherwise he wouldn't give this kind of gift.

Chen Mu never thought of relying on Jiang Fuxian, he was determined to become stronger by his own efforts.

Chen Mu came to the lobby to eat, the maid was already ready for breakfast, his appetite today was several times the usual, Tang Wan saw it.

Tang Wan smiled lovingly, and said softly, "Mu'er, are you full?"

"Mother, I'm full."

"It's time for you to grow up, so my mother-in-law asked the servant girl to prepare more delicious food for you."

Chen Mu nodded with a smile, and said in a milky voice, "Thank you mother, I'm going to find my second brother to practice swords."

"go to play."

Logan smiled.

She thought Chen Mu was playing house.

I thought to discuss this matter with Chen Yan when he came back from the escort, maybe Chen Mu was really talented and could practice in advance.

The sun is rising.

In the empty courtyard, Chen Hao corrected Chen Mu's sword-holding posture and showed him basic sword moves.

Chen Mu looked very carefully, and it didn't take him long to fully grasp it. He held the sword very steadily, and his sword was even more powerful.

"Ah, the third brother, he has learned well in just half a day, but I practiced hard for half a year at the beginning." Chen Hao gave him a thumbs up.

Chen Mu was not proud, and said humbly, "It's all taught by the second brother."

Third-rank swordsmen are still unable to use aura. Only after breaking through to third-rank swordsman can they use aura to strengthen their bodies. After breaking through to sixth-rank swordsman, they can use aura to strengthen the weapons in their hands.

Chen Xi is going to Hengzhou Martial Arts Academy today.

She has been resting at home for the past few days, and now she is going back to the martial arts academy to continue her practice.

The biggest difference between Wuyuan and Zongmen is that Wuyuan needs to pay for it to enter, while Zongmen will distribute spirit stones to its disciples.

The gap between the two can be imagined.

They were in the Dayan Dynasty, and the nearby sect was the Xuanjian Sect, and the standard was much lower than other sects.

Chen Xi's talent was mediocre, and she failed the entrance examination of Xuanjianzong. The Chen family could only spend a lot of money to send her to Hengzhou Martial Academy to continue her training.

When Chen Hao and Chen Mu heard that the eldest sister was leaving, the two brothers decided to send her to the post station for a ride.

There were vendors on both sides of the streets of Black Rock City, and Chen Xi bought a bunch of candied haws for Chen Mu along the way.

Before leaving, Chen Xi instructed: "Xiaohao, you are an elder brother, take good care of Xiaomu at home."

"Sister, don't worry." Chen Hao put his arms around Chen Mu's shoulders, with a simple and honest smile on his face.

Chen Mu waved at Chen Xi, and said in a milky voice, "Sister, I'll wait for you to go home for the New Year."

"Okay, see you in the Chinese New Year." Chen Xi waved her hands reluctantly, this time she went to the Hengzhou Martial Arts Academy, and she would only have time to go home until the Chinese New Year.

After sending the elder sister away.

The two brothers returned to the Chen family to continue practicing.

In the courtyard, Chen Hao and Chen Mu could be seen practicing swords these days.

Chen Hao's mother, Xu Yan, often went to chat in Tang Wan's yard. She joked: "Wan'er, I think your Xiaomu will not be easy in the future. At a young age, the sword can be used in a good way."

Tang Wan covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "Maybe he is really talented."

At first she thought that Chen Mu was just playing, but she didn't expect that he was really serious about practicing sword.

Xu Yan was a little worried, "I don't know if my Hao'er can enter Xuanjianzong. He has worked harder than before recently, and I hope he will be rewarded."

"Sister-in-law, Xiaohao will definitely be able to enter Xuanjianzong, so don't worry, we can all see that child's hard work." Tang Wan comforted.

The courtyard is empty.

Chen Mu looked at his hands, he could feel the aura attached to his hands, and he successfully stepped into the fourth-rank sword disciple realm.

【Host: Chen Mu】

【Realm: Early Stage Four Swordsman】

[Sign-in value: 207]

[Task: None]

He is full of strength now, with a punch of four hundred catties, even a bull can easily overturn it.

Seeing that Chen Hao was still sweating profusely, Chen Mu shouted happily: "Second brother."

Chen Hao stopped when he heard the sound, "Third brother, do you have any questions?"

"Second brother, I think the breathing method you taught me is not easy to use, so I have modified it."

"Ah? Doesn't work? You can't change the breathing method randomly, or you will go crazy." Chen Hao said seriously, this is a big deal.

Chen Mu told Chen Hao the new breathing method. This is the basic breathing method he improved based on the natural breathing method. Although it is not the natural breathing method, it is several times stronger than the basic breathing method.

Chen Hao tried to breathe in the way Chen Mu said, and then he found that the speed of absorbing spiritual energy was much faster.

"Third brother, you are really a genius." Chen Hao excitedly hugged Chen Mu to celebrate.

Chen Mu looks petite, but his body is very heavy. Fortunately, Chen Hao is a late sixth-rank swordsman, so he has great strength and can still hug him.

Since then, Chen Hao has used the new breathing method, and his cultivation speed has been greatly improved. After half a month, he successfully stepped into the seventh-grade swordsman realm, a few months faster than the expected breakthrough time.

It is not only due to the breathing method, but more due to his own diligence. Recently, he practiced sword with Chen Mu, and his practice time is longer than before.


"I'm a seventh-rank swordsman!"

Chen Hao looked excited, he jumped high, and Chen Mu beside him congratulated: "Congratulations, second brother."

"Thanks to the third brother's improved breathing method." Chen Hao hugged Chen Mu and kissed them.

Chen Hao then ran into the house and told his mother the good news.

When Xu Yan heard this, her eyes were filled with tears of excitement, and she said happily, "If your father and the old man knew, they would definitely be laughing from ear to ear."

Chen Hao even ran to Chen Mu's house, "Auntie, I'm a seventh-rank swordsman."

Tang Wan nodded and praised: "Seventh-rank swordsman, Xiao Hao is really amazing."

Chen Hao wished he could tell the news to everyone in the Chen family immediately.

Seeing that his second brother was so happy, Chen Mu was also happy in his heart, even happier than himself breaking through to the sixth-rank swordsman.

Chen Hao didn't slack off because of this, he saw his third brother still practicing sword in the yard, so he picked up the iron sword and continued to practice.

The next day.

The Chen family became lively.

Because the men of the Chen family are back.

Chen Mu came to the ancestral house with his mother early.

Chen Tiannan took the lead in striding into the lobby. He was dressed in gray cloth, with white hair and a half-foot white beard. He was over seventy years old, and his physique was still burly.

He is the head of the Chen family and the pillar of the family. The Chen family can gain a firm foothold in Black Rock City thanks to his old man.


Chen Mu and Chen Hao shouted at the same time.

When Chen Tiannan saw the two grandsons, his wrinkled face was full of smiles.

He rubbed Chen Mu's head, then noticed the aura overflowing from Chen Hao, and asked with a smile, "Xiao Hao, when did you break through?"

When a sixth-rank swordsman breaks through to a seventh-rank swordsman, part of his aura will overflow, and below a seventh-rank swordsman, his aura is restrained, so it is difficult to distinguish their realm with the naked eye.

Chen Haohan nodded with a smile, "Hey, grandpa, I just broke through yesterday."

Hearing this, Chen Tiannan's face was full of joy, and he couldn't help saying happily: "My boy, if this continues, your chances of entering the Xuanjian sect are very high."

Chen Yan and Chen Wei walked in.

Chen Mu shouted crisply: "Father."

Chen Yan picked up Chen Mu, scratched his nose lightly, and joked with a smile: "Son, your mother treats you well, and raised you fat and fat, and you have gained a lot of weight during this time."

Chen Mu blinked.

Logan smiled from ear to ear.

Chen Wei also asked curiously: "What's the matter, I see you are so happy."

Xu Yan said happily: "Husband, your son has just broken through to rank seven swordsman."

"What! Seventh-rank swordsman! Good boy, I really have you." Chen Wei couldn't help but patted Chen Hao's shoulder, the pride on his face was beyond words.

Chen Tiannan sat on the seat of the Patriarch, and said happily: "Chen Wei, go buy a bottle of Body Tempering Pill for Xiaohao. As long as he reaches the eighth-rank swordsman before the age of 12, he will be sure to enter the Xuanjian Sect."

Xu Yan was a little excited when she heard this.

Body Tempering Pill is a second-grade spirit-level elixir, which can help quench the body. The first time the effect is better, it is usually used after breaking through to the seventh-grade swordsman.

Chen Wei said with a serious expression: "Father, it's not right to do this. The Body Tempering Pill is expensive, which is equivalent to several months of expenses for our family. You also need resources for cultivation."

Chen Tiannan waved his hands and sighed softly: "No matter how difficult it is for me to break through, these juniors are more worthy of training, they are the future of the Chen family."

Chen Wei and Chen Yan followed suit.

Chen Hao patted his chest and said solemnly: "Grandpa, I will not let you down."

"Hahaha." Chen Tiannan laughed again, and then said: "Grandpa will rest at home for two days this time, and then I will teach you a few tricks."

Chen Hao nodded excitedly.

Chen Mu also expected that what he learned was basic sword moves, and he hadn't been exposed to real sword skills yet.

Chen Hao suddenly remembered a very important matter, and said seriously, "Grandpa, it's all thanks to my third brother that I was able to break through earlier."

"He also improved the basic breathing method."


The whole family was shocked.

Everyone looked at Chen Mu in unison.

Chen Mu blinked his eyes cutely, with a cute and innocent expression on his face.

Chen Hao told everyone the improved breathing method, and said seriously: "The third brother is a genius."

"Xiao Mu, why did you modify the breathing method like this?" Chen Tiannan was curious.

Chen Mu replied truthfully: "Grandpa, I think it's more comfortable to breathe like this."

For a simple answer, after Chen Tiannan thought about it, he said in a deep voice, "It's not that simple!"

Chen Tiannan checked the new breathing method, it was completely fine, and crushed the old breathing method.

Chen Wei and his wife felt incredible, and Chen Yan and his wife also looked surprised. They were all shocked by Chen Mu's talent.

Chen Tiannan said seriously: "Remember, Xiaomu's modification of breathing method must not be known to outsiders, so as not to cause trouble."

Everyone nodded, Chen Mu was very talented, but he was still young and needed everyone's protection.

Chen Tiannan was in a happy mood, and laughed loudly: "Xiaohao, go to the martial arts arena with grandpa, grandpa will teach you real sword skills."


Chen Hao nodded repeatedly.

Everyone can see that the old man is really happy today. They have been traveling for a long time and have never rested at home.

"Grandpa, I want to learn too."

Chen Mu spoke suddenly.

Chen Tiannan patted his forehead, and almost forgot about the genius who improved the breathing method at home, because Chen Mu was too young, so he was ignored by him.

"You all come with Grandpa."

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(End of this chapter)

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