my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 4 Dragon Chant 3 Swords

Chapter 4 Dragon Chant Thirteen Swords

There is a newly built martial arts arena in the Chen family's ancestral residence.

This was specially prepared by Chen Tiannan for the younger generation of the Chen family, so that the two brothers could practice swords here in the future.

Holding a long sword in his hand, Chen Tiannan stood in the middle of the martial arts arena, while Chen Mu and Chen Hao stood nearby, staring at Grandpa intently.

A gust of wind hit, Chen Mu and Chen Hao retreated unconsciously, Chen Hao excitedly said: "This is the qi field of the sword sect powerhouse!"

Chen Mu took five or six steps back before he stood still. He watched his grandfather draw out the sword, and the cyan sword light raged, which was wood attribute spiritual power.

Sword masters and above will appear in the Qi field when using their swords. Although sword masters can release sword energy, they cannot condense sword light. Only sword masters and above can condense sword light.

Only grandpa Chen Tiannan of the Chen family can condense the sword light. In the entire Black Rock City, the total number of sword sect powerhouses does not exceed double digits.

"Little guy, you have to watch carefully." Chen Tiannan reminded, he saw him waving a long sword, and the light of the sword shrouded the martial arts arena.

There are many fallen leaves in the martial arts arena. At this time, those fallen leaves follow Grandpa's sword and dance like a swimming dragon, with a roar.

"Dragon Chant Thirteen Swords."

"The first sword, the dragon swung its tail."

"The second sword, the dragon raised its head."

"The third sword, the sword is like a dragon."

"The fourth sword, the flying dragon is in the sky."

A blue light shot up into the sky, and the group of green leaves lifted into the sky like a green dragon, and finally spread out in mid-air. Chen Mu and Chen Hao were dumbfounded.

Chen Tiannan put away his sword, and asked with a smile: "How much do you think?"

Chen Hao shook his head again and again, he didn't understand anything, but Chen Mu memorized the sword moves, but asked in doubt: "Grandpa, Longyin Thirteen Swords, why do you use four swords?"

"It's a long story." Chen Tiannan stroked his beard and explained with a smile: "This sword skill was acquired by accident when my grandfather was young. Although it is a fragment, the power of these four swords is not weaker than the low-rank swords of the spirit rank. technology."

Chen Mu suddenly realized.

Sword skills and weapons are divided into mortal rank, spiritual rank, and holy rank, and each rank is subdivided into nine ranks, and the lower three ranks are collectively referred to as lower ranks.

Jiupin is generally called the best.

In the Chen family, only Chen Tiannan was holding a low-level spiritual sword in his hand, the rest of them used ordinary iron swords, and Chen Mu still had a wooden sword in his hand.

Sword skills are a secret that is not passed on. Except for the sect, only big families possess spiritual-level sword skills. Chen Tiannan rose to the top by relying on this incomplete sword skill, barely occupying a place in Black Rock City.

"Grandpa will rehearse it slowly for you again, and talk about the skills in it, please watch carefully."

Chen Mu and Chen Hao nodded repeatedly.

When Chen Tiannan demonstrated the sword skills, he told the two brothers the key points of the sword skills and the route of the spiritual energy in the body.

Not far away, Chen Wei whispered: "It took me three years to fully master these four swords. I don't know how long these two little guys will use."

"Brother, they must be stronger than us, at most a year and a half." Chen Yan speculated.

The cultivation environment of the two brothers was very poor back then, so it was not that they were completely without talent.

On the martial arts arena.

Chen Mu and Chen Hao began to practice moves.

It is not difficult to learn moves, what is really difficult is to exert the power of sword skills.

Chen Mu learned well, his posture of swinging the sword was very powerful, Chen Tiannan's eyes lit up, and he felt that it was not easy.

He looked closely and was startled.

Chen Tiannan stepped forward quickly, placing his old hand on Chen Mu's shoulder.

Chen Mu felt that his shoulders were heavy, and there was a strong force swimming in his meridians.

"Hahaha, you really are a genius!" Chen Tiannan laughed loudly. He detected that most of the meridians in Chen Mu's body had been dredged, and the meridians were thick and thick, which is a rare constitution.

Chen Yan asked suspiciously, "Father, what's wrong?"

Chen Tiannan quickly calmed down, he was not overwhelmed by joy, and said solemnly: "It's okay, Chen Wei, when you buy the Body Tempering Pill later, prepare a copy for Xiaomu."

Chen Wei was stunned for a moment, then respectfully said: "Father, Xiao Mu is only three years old this year, can he withstand using the Tempering Body Pill? There may be side effects."

"Just do as I say." Chen Tiannan looked serious, and Chen Wei could only nod his head.

Chen Yan didn't understand his father's intentions either, but Chen Mu's sword moves were very fluent, which proved that his acquired understanding was far superior to that of his peers.

Chen Mu continued to practice sword skills, and exclaimed in his heart: "Grandpa is indeed a strong swordsman, and he can detect my cultivation base."

Fortunately, at home, you still have to be careful outside to avoid trouble.

"You two brothers practice by yourself first." Chen Tiannan laughed heartily, he rushed to the ancestral temple to offer incense, thanking the ancestors for their protection.

Chen Mu and Chen Hao are practicing swords in the martial arts field.

Brothers Chen Yan and Chen Wei had nothing to do, so they tried the breathing method improved by Chen Mu, but the effect shocked them both.

"This breathing method can at least increase the speed of practice by three to five times. Originally, it took me three to five years to be promoted to Jianzong. It is estimated that if I use this breathing method, I may break through to Jianzong within a year." Chen Wei was delighted. mad.

Chen Yan smiled and congratulated: "Brother, one sect and two sword sects, our Chen family can raise our heads and speak in Black Rock City."

"Hahaha, thanks to Xiaomu, he will definitely surpass us in the future." Chen Wei affirmed.

A smile appeared on Chen Yan's face, "Xiao Mu is very talented, I don't know how Gen Gu is."

"Second, it's still early, come with me to the Chamber of Commerce in the city to order two Body Tempering Pills."

"Okay, let's go."

The brothers left the Chen family.

On the martial arts arena, the sun was scorching like fire, and Chen Mu and Chen Hao were still practicing swords seriously.


Chen Mu took a shower.

Come to the lobby of the ancestral house again.

Except for the eldest sister Chen Xi who is in the Hengzhou Martial Arts Academy, the rest of the family are here.

Only when grandpa is at home, will everyone get together like this lively.

At the dinner table, Chen Tiannan ordered: "Chen Wei, you distribute the Body Tempering Pill to the two brothers, and let them find a suitable time to take it."

Chen Wei gave two Body Tempering Pills to Chen Mu and Chen Hao in pain. This thing is nothing in Zongmen and big cities, but it is a sought-after item in this Black Rock City. income.

They have to go out and run several times to earn back, just like cutting meat.

Chen Tiannan said in a deep voice: "Xiaohao, I hope this Body Tempering Pill can help you break through to the eighth-rank swordsman at the end of the year, and you will be able to participate in the entrance examination at Xuanjianzong next spring."

Chen Hao nodded heavily, and said with a simple and honest smile, "Grandpa, I will continue to work hard."

Xu Yan and Chen Wei smiled. Chen Hao is now a seventh-rank swordsman, and he is considered excellent among the juniors in Black Rock City. As long as he breaks through to eighth-rank swordsman at the end of the year, he will be able to enter the Mysterious Sword Sect.

Chen Tiannan looked at Chen Mu, couldn't help laughing, and then said earnestly: "Xiao Mu must also work hard, and don't waste his talent."

Chen Mu blinked, and said in a milky voice, "Okay, Grandpa."

After the meal, Chen Tiannan deliberately left Chen Wei and Chen Yan behind, and told them: "You two should take good care of Xiao Mu, he is very talented, he is a sixth-rank swordsman at a young age, and has a bright future in the future. one at home."

"Sixth Grade Swordsman!"

"Father, it's impossible!"

Three-year-old sixth-rank swordsmen, they only heard that the direct descendants of those big families appeared, but they didn't expect such arrogance to appear in the Chen family.

"Can I be blind?" Chen Tiannan looked serious, he didn't want this matter to be leaked, so he only told Chen Yan and Chen Wei.

Chen Wei was dubious, and then suggested: "Father, the younger brother and sister are pregnant, let the second child stay at home, and there is also a care."

"fair enough."

Chen Tiannan nodded in agreement.

When Chen Yan returned to his courtyard, Chen Mu was walking in the courtyard with Tang Wan.

"Mu'er, come here."

Chen Mu came to Chen Yan.

Chen Yan said solemnly: "Mu'er, when did you start practicing?"

"Second brother taught me last month." Chen Mu replied truthfully.

Chen Yan stretched out his palm and said in a deep voice, "Punch Dad with all your strength."

Chen Mu blinked.

Chen Yan said with a smile: "Just hit hard, don't worry, your father is a seventh-rank sword master."

Chen Mu was at a loss and could only follow suit.

Chen Yan's arms were trembling, and he said excitedly: "Good boy, keep it hidden."

He does not have the strength of Chen Tiannan, so he can only judge Chen Mu's strength in this way.

Chen Yan's face was full of surprise, Chen Mu's power far surpassed those who practiced in the same realm, and was stronger than a sixth-grade swordsman.

With a big belly, Tang Wan asked with a smile, "What are you father and son playing?"

Chen Yan hugged Chen Mu and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, Wan'er, our son is a genius."

Tang Wan recalled the old man's expression, covered her mouth and smiled, "That's necessary."

Seeing the smiling faces of his parents, Chen Mu was also happy in his heart. After taking a walk with his parents, he returned to the room with the Body Tempering Pill.

"This is the Body Tempering Pill?"

Chen Mu picked up the round Body Tempering Pill, and the rich fragrance of the Pill permeated the air. In the system mall, a Body Tempering Pill costs [-] check-in points. One can imagine how precious it is.

Chen Mu fed the Body Tempering Pill into his mouth, and took it directly without too much hesitation.

The elixir entered the abdomen, and a scorching warm current surged out, and then hit the whole body, the flesh and blood were boiling, as if a thousand needles were stuck on the body.

Chen Mu gritted his teeth, and immediately began to use the breathing method of good fortune. This warm current circulated along the breathing method, and the meridians in his body were constantly being flushed, and the majestic spiritual energy poured into his limbs and bones, tempering his muscles, bones and flesh and blood.

It wasn't until the middle of the night that the effect of the Body Tempering Pill disappeared, and most of the meridians in his body were dredged, and the spiritual energy in his body was abundant, and his strength was several times stronger than before.

【Host: Chen Mu】

[Realm: Eighth-Rank Swordsman Consummation]

[Sign-in value: 225]

[Task: Sign in to the City of Silver]

[Task reward: 1000 check-in value]

Chen Mu couldn't help but murmured: "It's been three years, and finally a new system task has appeared."

One thousand sign-in points can be exchanged for ten Body Tempering Pills, or a set of low-level sword skills at the spiritual level, such rewards are very generous.

Silver City is not far from Black Rock City, only Bailidi. One city is rich in black stone, and the other is rich in silver mines. Silver City is richer than Black Rock City, and there are many big families there.

"Running to Silver City alone, my parents will definitely be worried, so I'd better wait until I have a chance in the future." Chen Mu whispered.

He didn't want his parents to worry.

Chen Mu picked up the wooden sword placed beside the bed, and the spiritual energy in his body attached to the wooden sword along his arm. The originally light wooden sword became heavy and hard, and its strength was not even weaker than the iron sword.

It may be because of taking the Body Tempering Pill, Chen Mu couldn't sleep, and practicing in the yard would disturb his parents. He took the wooden sword to the martial arts arena and practiced the Thirteen Swords of Longyin repeatedly.

The east wants to know.

A sound of dragon chant awakened everyone in the Chen family.

 The contract has been mailed, please collect, ask for investment, ask for a recommendation ticket, thank you\(////)\

(End of this chapter)

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