my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 30 is at stake

Chapter 30 is at stake
The shouts of killing suppressed the roars of the monsters.

Even the people in the city can feel the passion, this is the man from the Northern Wilderness.

Mu Dongliu noticed Chen Mu, he rushed to the front, his petite body contained terrifying power, constantly killing monsters.

The highest of these monsters is the peak of the second rank, and their strength is equivalent to that of the peak sword master. Chen Mu's strength is also the peak of the sword master, but his strength is stronger, and his sword energy is domineering, invincible.

Mu Dongliu's expression was dignified, Chen Mu was the pride of Black Rock City, if something happened to him, not only would he be sorry for the Chen family, but the royal family might also question him.

The monster tide is coming fiercely, and the appearance of Chen Mu has made the defending team excited. Letting Chen Mu leave now will undoubtedly affect morale.

Mu Dongliu shouted in the herd: "Lin Cong, you must protect Chen Mu!"

Lin Cong in armor moved closer to Chen Mu, and he brought several strong sword masters to reinforce him.

In the area where Chen Mu killed, there are still many strong elders by his side. He is the pride of Black Rock City, and everyone wants to protect him.

"Kill the shield-armored demon dragon first!"

Xu Hu commanded from the top of the city.

If the shield-armored dragon blows down the city wall, the area to be defended will be too large, and the threat of the shield-armored dragon must be dealt with first.

When Chen Mu received the news, he dropped the epee and pulled out the broken wings behind him with his backhand.

The broken wings were very light. After throwing away the epee, Chen Mu's speed suddenly soared, and he swept away several feet in the blink of an eye. The surrounding elders had difficulty keeping up with his footsteps, and could only see his afterimage.

Even the strong swordsmen were amazed.

They could only watch Chen Mu rush out.

A silver sword light appeared outside the city. Wherever the sword light went, the monster was cut off at the waist, and Chen Mu's broken wings didn't even see blood.

The hill-like shield-armored monster dragon collapsed under the silver sword light, the trees fell and the monkeys scattered, and the surrounding monsters even fled.

The nearby sword masters were all shocked, even the elders couldn't believe it.

Being able to easily kill the shield-armored monster dragon among the monsters, the older sword sects couldn't do it. It's not that they are not strong enough, but because there are too many monsters around to protect them, they can't get close.

The city lord, Mu Dongliu, was also able to kill the shield-armored demon dragon in the demon tide, because he was a second-rank sword marquis with rich combat experience.

And Chen Mu is only a three-year-old child. He is not as strong as Mu Dongliu, but he is very fast and can shuttle through the gaps of monsters.

It is even difficult for the nearby monsters to spot him.

Chen Mu shuttled recklessly in the demon tide, his sword moves were sharp, and he never dragged his feet when killing monsters.

The night was illuminated by the fire like day, and the snow was dyed red. Chen Mu killed five armored dragons in a row, and Mu Dongliu killed nine armored dragons. The threat of the city wall was finally resolved.

The defending team was all battered and fought bravely to kill the enemy. The siege monsters were stunned and began to retreat in a hurry, dispersing like a tide.

"we won!"

Seeing this, the guarding team cheered and celebrated. They thought that the crisis had been lifted, and the people in the city thought they had escaped a catastrophe.

Chen Mu regained his strength by breathing. He looked into the distance, frowning slightly. There was a terrifying fluctuation there.

A terrible howl came.

Those monsters who fled were regrouped, and the monsters retreated hundreds of feet, still gathering around the outskirts of Black Rock City.

In the night, the monsters lowered their heads one after another, and the silver-white giant wolf stepped out of the herd.

It howled in the direction of Black Rock City, and the sound was deafening, and suddenly there was silence in Black Rock City, and everyone's expressions became terrified again.

Mu Dongliu returned to the city and shouted: "We have already killed this group of beasts once, if they dare to come again, we will kill them until they are frightened!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The defending team gave a strong response.

The monsters outside the city were roaring, and the guards were shouting. This was a scene Chen Mu had never seen before. The two sides were competing for power.

Young adults are responsible for treating the wounded.

The elders talked and laughed around Chen Mu.

"Good boy, you are indeed the pride of our Black Rock City, you are doing well."

"Without Chen Mu, whether we can hold Black Rock City is a question."

Facing the praises from his elders, Chen Mu smiled back. He was not proud, and the demon tide receded temporarily, and it would definitely come back.

Mu Dongliu came striding forward, the excitement in his eyes was beyond words, he said solemnly: "Chen Mu, you are the biggest contributor tonight."

Chen Mu shook his head slightly, and said calmly: "This is the result of everyone's joint efforts."

Xu Hu said in a deep voice: "After you appeared, the morale was boosted. This is the key to victory."

The appearance of Chen Mu made the defending team excited and their combat power greatly improved.

"Thanks to that child Chen Mu."

"He is the hero of our Black Rock City."

The people nearby laughed and talked about Chen Mu.

Chen Mu saw that the soldiers around him were all scarred and devastated city walls. Blackstone City was the place they guarded together.

The monsters receded for the time being, maybe they would attack again, Xu Hu immediately organized the people to build fortifications.

Looking at the city wall riddled with holes, Chen Mu felt that it would be difficult to defend against the monster tide coming again.

When the monsters swarm in, Blackstone City will definitely be a purgatory on earth.

"City Lord, the demon king is their leader. If the demon king is killed, will these monsters collapse?" Chen Mu asked.

Mu Dongliu nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice, "That's right, as long as the wolf king falls, these monsters will flee in all directions without a leader."

"It's difficult for us to deal with even the shield demon dragon, let alone the wolf king."

"It has the strength of a low-grade sword in itself, and it is surrounded by many monsters to protect it. Even if it is me, it is difficult to get close to it."

"I go!"

Chen Mu said solemnly.

The people around were shocked.

An old man said seriously: "Don't be kidding, the strong swordsman will be surrounded when he rushes in. It is impossible for you to touch it."

Chen Mu didn't intend to give up, he smiled and said, "How will you know if you don't try."

He has the Spiritual Stealth Technique to hide his aura, and he has an amazing speed of Shadow Walk, so he may be able to sneak attack successfully while the wolf king is not paying attention.

Although the probability of success is extremely low, Chen Mu still wants to try. Staying in Blackstone City is undoubtedly waiting for death. Everyone thought that Chen Mu was just talking, and the next second he rushed out of the city alone.

Mu Dongliu rushed to stop him, but he failed to catch Chen Mu and slipped away from him.

"Chen Mu, come back quickly!"

As soon as Mu Dongliu chased him outside the city, Chen Mu's aura disappeared completely, and he had perfectly blended into the night.

"You should have used the Qi field to trap him just now." Mu Dongliu slapped himself hard, he didn't expect that Chen Mu would really leave the city.

The city defense team stared at the vast night, they didn't see Chen Mu's figure, and the monsters in the distance didn't move.

The three-year-old child said that he was going to kill the wolf king. Everyone was in a daze until now. The strong men had tears in their eyes. They murmured that they wanted to rush out of the city to help Chen Mu, but they were stopped by Mu Dongliu.

If everyone rushes too far out of the city, they will be cut and surrounded by monsters, and Black Rock City will be dangerous. There are still many old, weak, sick and disabled in the city. Their task is to stick to Black Rock City.

There was no movement outside the city for a long time, Mu Dongliu could only pray that Chen Mu would not do anything stupid.

The Chen family, Tang Wan and Xu Yan were steaming buns. They knew that the city defense team was working hard, so they were not the only ones preparing food at home. Many families were preparing food, trying to deliver it to everyone as soon as possible.

Chen Ying slept soundly in Chen Xi's arms, and now only the younger sister can sleep soundly.

Tang Wan and Xu Yan carried the steamed buns to the north gate, but she couldn't see Chen Mu.

Everyone was talking about Chen Mu's bravery, he killed many monsters, Tang Wan almost fainted when he heard Chen Mu rushing out of the city.

It was Xu Yan who supported Tang Wan.

Mu Dongliu hurried over to comfort him: "Chen Mu wants to kill the Wolf King and relieve the crisis in Black Rock City. There is still no movement outside. I guess he is hiding somewhere, waiting for an opportunity."

Logan knew that there were many dangers outside Black Rock City. If she was discovered, she would face countless monsters. All she could do was pray.

Logan didn't cry, and continued to distribute food after learning the truth. She was proud of her child and could not embarrass her child.

The east wants to know.

A wolf howl made everyone sleepy.

The dilapidated city walls are trembling, and earth and rocks are falling, and may collapse at any time.

Now is the most exhausting time for everyone, and the wolf king is very smart, so he chose to attack at this time.

"Get ready to fight!"

Mu Dongliu shouted loudly.

He stood on a high place, looking for Chen Mu's figure in the snow. After Chen Mu rushed out of the city last night, there was no movement. Mu Dongliu believed that Chen Mu was hiding nearby, ready to attack the wolf king at any time.

Mu Dongliu didn't find Chen Mu's figure, but was much more relaxed. Chen Mu hid well enough, maybe he really had a chance.

At the critical moment of Black Rock City's survival, Chen Mu pinned the hope of the whole city.

(End of this chapter)

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