my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 31 The Game of Life and Death

Chapter 31 The Game of Life and Death
Southern Wilderness.

Under the bright moonlight.

Jiang Fuxian stood on the top of the mountain and looked into the distance.

Her long silver hair fluttered in the wind and snow, her skin was like fat, her eyes were like stars, her beauty was peerless.

There were waves in her blue eyes, and the cold current from the northern wilderness blowing to the southern wilderness is enough to prove that this is a severe winter that has been rare for decades.

In the extremely cold winter, the monster tide is rampant, Jiang Fuxian thought of Chen Mu, and then there was a snowy light going north.


Monsters are rampant.

Countless monsters rushed towards Black Rock City.

Coming in like a tide, Mu Dongliu ordered the armored soldiers to rush out of the city, and then ordered the people behind to blow up the city wall to occupy the high ground.

The northern city wall was already dilapidated, and it was difficult to withstand the violent impact. It would be better to blow up the city wall and turn it into a solid high ground.

There is no way for the soldiers outside the city to retreat. They either repel the monsters or become food.


Mu Dongliu raised his arms and shouted.

Behind them, hundreds of soldiers rushed to face the overwhelming monsters. Even though the enemy was outnumbered, they did not fear, but became more and more courageous as they fought.

Even that kid Chen Mu dared to rush into the herd of beasts and assassinate the wolf king. They have nothing to be afraid of, "Fight with them!"

The Frost Wolf King moved forward slowly. It did not lead the charge, but supervised the battle from behind.

It is covered with silver-white hair, its eyes are scarlet, and it exudes a powerful coercion. The surrounding monsters all bow their heads. This is the absolute suppression of blood and strength.

"Two hundred steps!"

Chen Mu estimated the distance.

He sneaked nearby last night, hiding in the snow, hiding his breath with spiritual occult techniques.

Chen Mu used his mental power to perceive the guards beside the wolf king. There were twenty demon wolves around him, each of which was not weaker than an eighth-rank swordsman. There were also two gray-backed giant wolves beside the demon wolves. The coercion of the strong sword sect.

It is very difficult to get close to the Frost Wolf King.

In Chen Mu's calculation, getting close to the wolf king is not the most difficult thing, the most difficult thing is to take advantage of it by surprise.

Using the sword flash here, it is impossible to kill the wolf king who is two hundred steps away.

"The sword flash must be used within a hundred steps, the closer the better." Chen Mu deduced the process in the sea of ​​consciousness.

If he had to get into trouble now, he would have to deal with the surrounding monster wolves, and then approach the wolf king and use the sword flash. But after the wolf king is on guard, the sword flash is likely to fail, and then he will be surrounded by monsters and fall into a desperate situation.

There is a fierce battle in the direction of Black Rock City.

Monster beasts rushed towards Black Rock City continuously.

The Wolf King was slowly approaching Black Rock City, its attention was on Mu Dongliu, and he was the only threat in the city defense team.

Mu Dongliu had no intention of rushing to kill the wolf king. If he stayed away from the soldiers beside him, the city defense team would not be able to withstand the violent attack of the monsters, and the line would collapse instantly.

The Frost Wolf King suddenly roared, and most of the demon wolves around him rushed towards Black Rock City, and the two gray-backed giant wolves all rushed towards Black Rock City.

The wolf king felt that the time had come, he could overwhelm the territory with an army and directly capture Black Rock City.

"It's now!"

The Frost Wolf King approached Chen Mu.

The distance between them is only a hundred paces.

In the snow, Chen Mu got up violently. With the spirit sword on his back, he rushed towards the wolf king as fast as he could.

Chen Mu was fast and small, and the wolves around him didn't even notice him.

However, the Frost Wolf King had a keen sense. It squinted at Chen Mu who was rushing towards him, and didn't even look directly at him.

There were monster wolves around who noticed Chen Mu, and quickly roared to notify the nearby companions to intercept him.

Chen Mu's speed was getting faster and faster. He ignored the monster wolves blocking the way and rushed straight to the Frost Wolf King with firm eyes.

On the battlefield outside Blackstone City, Mu Dongliu noticed Chen Mu, "That kid is crazy!"

Chen Mu originally thought that the Frost Wolf King would run away, but he didn't expect it to stand there quietly.

"Look down on who!"

Chen Mu rushed forward, pulled out the broken wings behind him with his backhand, and the silver sword light cut through the wind and snow, and went straight to the neck of the Frost Wolf King.

The silver light came through the sky.

The Frost Wolf King didn't dodge, surrounded by wind and snow, a snow-colored barrier appeared out of thin air.

Powerful monsters are capable of sorcery, and their power is not weaker than the sword skills of sword repairers.


The snow barrier is broken!

The silver sword light approached in an instant, and the pupils of the Frost Wolf King shrank sharply at this moment. It realized the danger and quickly avoided it.

It was too late, the sword flash failed to hit the Frost Wolf King's neck, but hit its shoulder, and its silver hair was stained red with blood.

The roar resounded across the plain.

Mu Dongliu watched Chen Mu draw his sword, and he couldn't believe what he saw. Chen Mu really met the wolf king and hurt him.

The Frost Wolf King was so powerful that even if Mu Dongliu wasn't sure about killing it alone, it was already heaven-defying enough for Chen Mu to hurt him.

He can imagine how terrifying Chen Mu will be when he grows up, but he is only three years old now, and he has to face the wolf king and countless monsters.

Such a celestial arrogance is rare in thousands of years, and Mu Dongliu's eyes could not help but tears.

"Support Chen Mu!"

"Give me a kill!"

Mu Dongliu suddenly lost his mind.

The surrounding soldiers are all excited.

Their combat power suddenly soared, and they rushed desperately towards the swarming herd of beasts.

There was fear in the eyes of the monsters. The news of the wolf king's attack came from the rear. Their offensive became scattered. The monsters in the back were returning to help the wolf king, and the monsters in front were collapsing.

There was emptiness around the wolf king.

Chen Mu's eyes were firm. His sword flash could easily knock down the courtyard wall, but it could only hurt the Frost Wolf King's fur.

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Chen Mu's mind, whether to run away or continue.

The possibility of escaping is very small, and the probability of continuing to assassinate the wolf king is even lower.

Chen Mu clenched the broken wings in his hand, and without much hesitation, he rushed to the Frost Wolf King again, who faced Chen Mu head-on.

A piercing howl sounded.

The Frost Wolf King spat out frost.

Countless sharp ice cubes rushed towards his face, Chen Mu had a keen sense, he dodged the attack with his speed, and got close to the wolf king again.

The Frost Wolf King didn't back down, but retreated in the face of a human child, so he deserves to be king?
Chen Mu soared into the sky. He used the dragon chant sword skill. The flying dragon was in the sky, and the surrounding wind and snow were condensed by broken wings, like an ice dragon soaring into the sky.

The dragon chant resounded through the snow field outside the city.

Countless monsters trembled with fear.

Even the Frost Wolf King hesitated for a moment, it was the fear deep in his blood.

The Frost Wolf King quickly came to his senses. He didn't carelessly raised his sharp giant palm, and slammed Chen Mu down from mid-air.


Chen Mu was embedded in the snow.

The clothes on his chest were torn by sharp claws, and there were three hideous cuts on his chest.

The Frost Wolf King was also howling in pain, half of its front paw was cut off by a broken wing.

A demon wolf rushed forward and wanted to kill Chen Mu, but was shouted away by the Frost Wolf King. This is its trophy and should be disposed of by it.

The surrounding demon wolves backed away in fear.

"Chen Mu!"

Mu Dongliu and the others are fighting hard, but there are too many monsters around, and the wolf king's crisis has been lifted, and the monsters are gathering again.

Chen Mu looked at the Frost Wolf King in front of him and gasped for breath. This was the difference in strength. No matter how strong he was, it was impossible for him to defeat the Wolf King head-on.

He slowly closed his eyes.

The wolf king heard that his heart stopped beating, and thought he had been slapped to death.

Chen Mu is concentrating his thoughts.

When it collided just now, the broken wing in Chen Mu's hand came out, and instead of falling with him, it rushed to the sky.

Now he used his thoughts to control Broken Wing to fight back, the wolf king suddenly raised his head, and he noticed Broken Wing roaring towards him.

Such an attack couldn't touch it at all, and the Frost Wolf King's eyes were full of mockery.


A dangerous smell strikes.

The pupils of the Frost Wolf King shrank sharply.

Broken Wings is not really a killer move.

Chen Mu suddenly opened his eyes. He pulled out the wooden sword at his waist, raised it violently, and shoveled directly under the Frost Wolf King.

The east wants to know.

A silver moon rises on the horizon.

The Frost Wolf King's abdomen was very fragile, and it was cut directly by the sword light. It looked down at its internal organs, and then it broke its wings and cut off its head impartially.


The Frost Wolf King crashed to the ground!

The world suddenly became silent, the monsters and humans stopped fighting, and they all looked at the direction where the Frost Wolf King fell.

Chen Mu also fell down in the snow. He looked up at the sky, dawn was breaking in the east, and a ray of warm sun was shining on his blood-stained face. He had never felt that the night was long and the sun was so good.

The monsters outside the city fled.

"Chen Mu!"

"Chen Mu!"


The city guards and the people came to their senses, they were all shouting Chen Mu's name, and the voice resounded through the sky.

Tang Wan and Xu Yan were still sitting by the side of the street.

They heard deafening shouts.

Tang Wan's eyes were dim with tears, she quickly got up and asked, "Mu'er? Is he alright?"

Xu Yan quickly supported Tang Wan and walked towards the ruins of the city wall, only to see the monsters receding like a tide, and everyone was celebrating.

Mu Dongliu rushed to Chen Mu's side.

At this time, Chen Mu was unconscious.

He was still angry, and the wounds on his body were all flesh wounds, so Mu Dongliu brought him back to Black Rock City.

Seeing the scars on Chen Mu's body, Tang Wan wept distressedly, and at the same time was proud of him, it was he who saved the people of Black Rock City.

Mu Dongliu said in a deep voice, "I will find the best doctor in Black Rock City to heal his injuries."

"Now that the monsters have receded, we have to quickly strengthen the fortifications."

Tang Wan immediately took Chen Mu home.

An old doctor rushed to Chen's residence. He bandaged Chen Mu's wound and said with a smile, "This child has strong energy and blood, and his physique is far beyond ordinary people. His life is not in danger. He just needs to rest for a while."

Tang Wan breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the words.

The old doctor continued to admire: "This kid is a hero, he killed the wolf king alone and saved tens of thousands of people in Black Rock City."

Tang Wan caressed Chen Mu's forehead, the pride on her face was beyond words.

Chen Hao said with tears in his eyes: "Next time, I will definitely kill monsters with my third brother!"

Chen Xi wiped away his tears, and joked, "It's fine if you don't hold Xiao Mu back."

Chen Hao scratched his head.

Everyone laughed along.

The wind and snow were still very heavy, and no monsters dared to come to Black Rock City to make trouble for the time being. The head of the Frost Wolf King hung outside the city, and the monsters would run away if they smelled the smell from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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