Chapter 330
Mortal world, Hongzhou.

Heihe City is located in the southeast of Hongzhou, close to the Heishui River, with rich resources nearby and a large population. It is the largest city with a radius of hundreds of miles.

In the busy city, Chen Hao is promoting for Chen Mu, surrounded by a large number of people watching, he plans to build a stone statue in a conspicuous place in the city.

"Hmph! Swindle!"

The loud voice made the busy city quiet. The old man in Tsing Yi walked through the air, followed by two middle-aged men who walked through the air.

The people on the street saluted the old man one after another.

To be able to walk through the air, at least the sword king, the coercion on the old man is stronger than the sword king, he is the ancestor of the Qi family in Heishui City, the sword king powerhouse.

Chen Hao cupped his hands to the old man, "Chen Hao, junior, do you know how to offend senior?"

The patriarch of the Qi family sneered: "The little sword king dares to call himself Chen Mu's brother. There is an old man in Heishui City, so you won't be allowed to bluff and cheat here."

Chen Hao was not angry, he cupped his hands and said with a smile: "It seems that the seniors have misunderstood. The juniors are really from the Chen family in Beihuang. They are here for publicity, and they will not defraud everyone of their money."

The sword king strongman behind the ancestor of the Qi family said coldly: "Leave Heishui City quickly, don't think that you can bluff here because you have a backer behind you, my ancestor was the elder of the Qingshan sect before."

"excuse me."

Chen Hao shook his head and sighed softly. He was used to running into walls often in big cities.

Suddenly, the space was distorted, and Chen Mu walked out from the void, his white clothes fluttering, looming, and the people stared wide-eyed, as if seeing a god.

The people in the downtown area knelt down and worshiped.

Chen Hao said excitedly: "Third brother."

"Second brother."

Chen Mu said enthusiastically.

Two brothers embrace each other.

The patriarch of the Qi family was trembling with fright, crossing the void, which was a skill he had never seen before, and fell to the ground in fright, trembling all over.

The two sword kings behind him were trembling, "It's...really..."

"Second brother, thank you for your hard work."

The gratitude in Chen Mu's eyes was self-evident.

Chen Hao smiled honestly, "Unfortunately, it's just that I'm useless and didn't help much."

"Second brother, don't say that." Chen Mu patted Chen Hao's shoulder, very moved.

"Sir, forgive me!"

The ancestor of the Qi family knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

Chen Mu looked at the ancestor of the Qi family, Chen Hao shook his head with a smile, "Third brother, don't worry about it."

"Well, second brother, let's go." Chen Mu put his arms around Chen Hao's shoulders, and then the space twisted, and the two disappeared in the busy city of Heishui City.

The people in the downtown area were all ebullient, and regarded Chen Mu as a living god. The patriarch of the Qi family was sweating profusely, and said in a panic, "Hurry up and tear down the ancient temple in the city, and immediately worship the little uncle of the Lingyun Sect."

"Good good."

The strong Qi family went to do it immediately.

Chen Mu and the others quickly found Chen Han in the south of Hongzhou. It took only a blink of an eye. Chen Hao couldn't help admiring: "Third brother, you are getting better and better. You can actually cross thousands of miles in the blink of an eye."

"Thanks to your help, second brother." Chen Mu was very grateful to Chen Hao, and even bumped fists with Chen Han.

Chen Hao couldn't help laughing at himself, "I originally wanted to split up with Xiaohan, which would be more efficient, but I didn't expect it to be counterproductive and embarrass the third brother."

Chen Mu said solemnly: "Second brother, I am the one who caused trouble for you. When I get back, I will accompany you to drink two more glasses. You don't have to run around for me in the future."

Chen Han and Chen Hao were full of doubts, and Chen Mu explained with a smile: "I didn't do anything to benefit the people, and I am ashamed to come to believe in it."

"Third brother, don't be afraid of our hard work, this is what we should do as brothers."

"Second brother, I really don't need it. My realm has improved again, and I have a new understanding of faith."

"That's good."

Chen Mu brought Brother Chen Hao to Xuanjianzong, and Xie Ya was practicing beside Bai Qinghuan.

Outside the suzerain's cave.

"Husband, Xiaomu, Xiaohan." Xie Ya threw herself into Chen Hao's arms with joy on her face. The couple hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Bai Qinghuan walked out of the cave. Xie Ya was talented and related to the Chen family, so she was trained mainly and wanted to be the suzerain of Xuanjianzong. As a result, Xie Ya had no time to go home to take care of Chen Su and Chen Tong.

Chen Han greeted with a smile: "Sister Bai."

Bai Qinghuan grew up watching Chen Han and Chen Yao, so she has a good relationship with them. She nodded with a smile, and then looked at Chen Mu, "I've been in a hurry to change the world recently, is it you?"

Chen Mu smiled and asked back: "Sister Bai, I am so powerful that I can change the rules of the world?"

There was a smile on the corner of Bai Qinghuan's mouth, "It doesn't matter, but I can become a fairy."

The original restriction of heaven and earth began to disintegrate with the disappearance of the blond girl, and he could even feel that the fairy gate was moving away from the mortal world, and the stars were flowing.

The prohibition against becoming a fairy in the mortal world also disappeared, Chen Mu joked with a smile: "Sister Bai, if you fail, I will burn paper for you."

Bai Qinghuan couldn't help rolling her eyes.

Chen Mu took Chen Hao and the others back to Chen's house.

After a while, Chen Mu and the others returned to Chen's house, and Chen Xi, who was nearby in Black Rock City, had just arrived home, "Are you actually faster than me?"

When Chen Yan and Tang Wan heard the news, they came to the martial arts arena. Chen Tiannan and Chen Wei also came, and the martial arts arena became very lively.

Yan Longyue quickly prepared tea and pastries, the sun was just right, everyone sat in the martial arts arena chatting and basking in the sun, Chen Su held Xie Ya's arm, and Chen Tong stood behind Chen Hao and squeezed his shoulders.

Chen Xi took Chen Ying and Chen Yao to prepare barbecue, and Chen Mu came back rarely, and everyone asked him to rest.

Qi Qi sat on Chen Mu's shoulder, she was pretty and cute, with a small tail and snow-white unicorn horns, "Third brother, do you have any news about my father?"

Chen Mu had seen the picture deep in the starry sky, but it was too blurry to tell who it was, "Qiqi, don't worry, the third brother will help you."

Xiao Kun still looks like a black fish, Xiao Hei is lying on his back, and Xiao Bai is lying on Xiao Hei's body.

"Brother, and my father."

"Okay, after finishing dealing with the fairy world, I will go to the depths of the starry sky to find them."


Qiqi wagged her tail happily.

Chen Mu looked at his father, and Chen Yan was holding a book in his hand, "Father, what are you reading?"

Chen Yan laughed happily: "Mu'er, your mother dreamed that you and Fu Xian had a child, and she thought it was a good omen, so she urged me to study the name."

Chen Mu couldn't help laughing out loud.

Tang Wan softly said: "Mu'er, don't believe me, mother's dreams are very accurate. I dreamed that you were a boy, and Yingying and Yaoyao were girls."

Chen Mu really didn't believe it, but he still asked with a smile: "Mother, did you dream that I and Fu Xian gave birth to a boy or a girl?"

"It's a girl."

"Still blonde."

Tang Wan's face was full of joy. She watched Chen Su and Chen Tong grow into adults, and she also looked forward to taking care of her granddaughter.

Chen Mu was still laughing when he heard it was a girl, but when he heard it was a blonde, he couldn't help but think of a blonde girl, but there may also be descendants of blondes in the Chen family's blood, for example, Chen Yao has golden pupils.

Maybe this dream is just a coincidence.

Chen Ying was helping to cook the barbecue, and she thought of it: "It would be great if Sister Fuxian was here. The food she cooks is the best I have ever eaten."

Looking at the bustling big family, Chen Mu thought of Fuxian's wife, rushing to the starry sky was of no avail, and when he finished dealing with the emperor's mansion, he planned to cross the emperor's calamity.

"Come and eat barbecue."

Qi Qi jumped off Chen Mu's shoulder and ran over first, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai also surrounded the barbecue grill, and Chen Mu took out the fairy wine brought back from the fairy world.

"Grandpa, uncle, I'll fill you up." Chen Mu poured the wine himself, and Chen Tiannan took a sip, feeling ecstatic. He waved his hand, "This is a good thing. Grandpa drank it and wasted it."

Chen Yingjiao smiled and said, "Grandpa, what's the waste here, drink more, it's good for your health, as long as you're in good health, everyone will be happy."

Chen Tiannan seldom used the family's resources, and reserved them for the juniors. Even so, the environment of the Chen family made him younger and younger, with fewer wrinkles on his face and a healthier body.

Everyone eats barbecue and drinks immortal wine, and the Chen family will always be the place where Chen Mu feels most at ease.

Chen Mu took the initiative to drink with Chen Hao, otherwise, with his character, he would never have drunk so much precious immortal wine, and everyone laughed from ear to ear.

Chen Han took the clean shaved bones to the woods. Da Zhuang looked like a hill. Looking at the Chen family, he had become a monster with powerful blood.

Da Zhuang still likes to chew on bones.

Chen Han rubbed Da Zhuang's head. The Chen family treated him very well, and he was also sincere to the Chen family.

When he was about to return to the courtyard, Chen Han saw a pink figure passing by in the woods, and then a red figure appeared, "Xiaoyu, it's you."

Chu Yu said playfully, "Hmph, if you don't come to me, I can only come to you."

Although she is a demon fox, Chen Han knew that Chu Yu had no malicious intentions, "What are you doing here?"

"You promised to marry me."

Chu Yu approached Chen Han and showed his little fox teeth.

Chen Han shook his head, "No, my mother will get sick from fright if she knows you are not human."

"Just don't tell her."

"Cough cough."

Chen Mu appeared in the woods.

Seeing this, Chu Yu quickly hid behind Chen Han.

Da Zhuang gnawed at his bones and didn't worry about their affairs.

Chen Han was a little embarrassed, "Third brother, I..."

Chen Mu said with a smile: "If you really like her, I believe uncle and aunt will not mind, Xiaohan, you are not young anymore."

Chen Han looked at Chu Yu, who was puffing out his mouth. When he traveled to the Demon Realm, he liked the girl in front of him. But when he knew that she was a demon saint who had lived for thousands of years, he was angry at first, and later he went to the Demon Realm to find her. I passed her, but I didn't find it that time.

When Chen Mu returned to the martial arts arena, he didn't bother them to make a decision. Chu Yu looked at Chen Han eagerly, "I will never lie to you again."

"You protected me before, and I will protect you in the future." Chen Han put his arms around Chu Yu's slender waist, and Chu Yu buried himself in his arms with a blushing face.

Chen Han brought Chu Yu to the martial arts arena, everyone had different expressions, Chen Tiannan and the others were surprised, Chen Ying and Chen Yao frowned slightly, they could see the clue.

Chen Hao smiled all over his face and asked curiously, "Xiao Han, which family is this girl from?"

Chen Mu said with a smile: "I know this girl, her name is Chu Yu, and she comes from the Northern Monster Race."

When Chen Wei and his wife saw Chu Yu, there was a smile in their eyes, and they were shocked when they heard that it was the "Monster Race". Even Chen Han was not prepared to tell his parents.

Chen Tiannan didn't care, and greeted with a smile: "Miss Xiaoyu, please sit down."

"Thank you grandpa."

Chu Yu had a sweet smile on his face.

The Northern Wilderness people don't have a good impression of the monsters. After all, they were attacked by monsters decades ago. Chen Mu continued: "Xiaohan went north to practice for the first time, and it was Chu Yu who quietly protected him."

Hearing what Chen Mu said, Chen Ying and Chen Yao were no longer wary of her, and Chen Wei also said gratefully, "Thank you Miss Chu Yu for your help."

Chu Yu's pretty face flushed slightly, she grabbed the hem of her skirt, and replied truthfully: "Uncle, it was arranged by my grandfather, he was afraid that Xiao Han would be in danger in the Demon Realm."

Chen Yingjiao smiled and said: "I understand, your grandfather must be afraid that my brother will trouble the monster race."

Chu Yu nodded again and again, Chen Han didn't want to go around in circles, so he said bravely, "Father, mother, grandpa, I like Chu Yu, and I would like to ask you to agree."

The lively martial arts arena suddenly became quiet, Xiao Hei meowed twice suddenly, and Xiao Bai gave it two punches before it became quiet.

Chen Tiannan looked at Chen Wei and his wife. Chen Wei and his wife didn't know what to do. They didn't refuse or agree, but looked at Chen Mu.

Chen Mu said seriously: "Don't look at me, Chu Yu is kind-hearted, I have no objection."

Chu Yu lowered his head apprehensively. She was calling the wind and calling for the rain in the Demon Realm, but at this moment she was in special torment.

Chen Wei and his wife were mainly ignorant of Chu Yu's character, like Xie Ya, who had been visiting the Chen family all year round, and the couple liked it very much. When they heard Chen Mu say that Chu Yu was good, the couple nodded in reassurance.

Chen Tiannan also nodded with a smile.

The martial arts field suddenly burst into laughter, and the hearty laughter made all the pressure on Chu Yu disappear, and Chen Han happily introduced her family members.

Chu Yu greeted everyone one by one.

Xu Yan asked warmly, "Xiaoyu, who are the elders in your family?"

"I was brought up by my grandfather, and he is now in the Demon Realm." Chu Yu answered truthfully.

Chen Wei said happily: "Don't worry about it, Xiaohan's marriage, let them handle it themselves."


Both Chen Ying and Chen Yao were laughing.

Tang Wan joked: "Yingying, you're still laughing, it's time for you to get married."

Chen Ying said arrogantly: "Mom, I'm still young, and my eldest sister hasn't moved yet."

Chen Xi covered her face with one hand, Chen Ying hurriedly put her arms around Chen Xi's neck, and said with a smile: "Sister, I'm joking with you, don't mind."

Both Tang Wan and Chen Yao were having fun, the Chen family was full of laughter and laughter, Chu Yu was lonely before, and she liked the atmosphere of the Chen family.

Everyone quickly accepted Chu Yu. After all, there was Qiqi running around in the family, Xiao Kun was a big-headed black fish, and the Chen family was even more lively than before.

Both Chen Su and Chen Tong were talking and laughing around Chu Yu, they were full of curiosity about the Demon Realm.

The Chen family hadn't been so lively for a long time. Chen Mu suddenly raised his head, and he could feel that the powerful emperors in the imperial palace were crossing the restriction.

Chen Mu got up, "Grandpa, you continue to drink and eat meat, I must return to the fairyland now."

Everyone understands that if there is no special important matter, Chen Mu will not leave now.

Chen Tiannan nodded and said, "Xiao Mu, let's go."

Chen Yao smiled sweetly, "Brother, be careful."

Chen Hao smiled honestly, "Third brother, I'll wait for your good news, come back and continue drinking and bragging."

"Third Uncle, come back early, I want to play with you in the Immortal World in the future." Chen Su said playfully.

Chen Mu said with a smile: "Susu, if you want to go to the fairy world, you have to practice hard."

The Chen family watched Chen Mu leave.

Chen Mu appeared in the fairy world without even passing through the fairy gate. He watched the cracks in the barriers of the fairy world, and the Red Emperor was crossing the border, like a falling red sun.

The red sun can be seen in the fairy world, and the strong men of all forces look dignified. That is the strong man in the imperial realm they look up to, who has reappeared after a long time.

All forces understand that the arrival of the Emperor's Mansion will definitely cause trouble for the Xiaoyao League.

City of Light.

Nangongchen and the others are all at the top of the city.

Jin Chan stared at the sky and the red sun, Chu Chu pointed to the distance, excitedly said: "It's Big Brother!"

Yan Cha and Bing Qing looked at each other, they couldn't see through the current Chen Mu at all, his back was like a towering mountain, making it hard for them to breathe.

The strong men of the Xiaoyao League also noticed that under the red sun, there was an inconspicuous figure of Youdao, seemingly small, but exuding an indelible gleam.

 ps: Thank you Wuming is Yuan and Nanming for your monthly votes, thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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