my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 331 Fighting the Scarlet Emperor

Chapter 331 Fighting the Scarlet Emperor

Cracks appeared in the restriction of the fairy world, faster than expected by the strong in the Emperor's Mansion. The Red Emperor passed the restriction, like the red sun descending, illuminating Yuzhou, ripples in the space, and the sky is roaring.

For a long time in the fairy world, there has been no emperor-level powerhouse, and the eyes of the supreme powerhouse are filled with awe, which is the realm they dream of.

Emperor Qing stood outside the restriction, "The restriction of heaven and earth here is getting weaker, and the will of the plane has disappeared. How can he devour the will of the plane?"

Bai Di stared at the faint light, feeling incredible, and said happily, "Fortunately, it's only a half-step emperor, not enough to threaten us."

The Red Emperor successfully passed through the restriction, and then stood with his hands behind his back. Wei'an's figure reflected the entire fairyland in the sky. He looked down at Chen Mu with contempt in his eyes, as if looking at an ant.

The blazing flames shrouded thousands of miles, the heat waves rolled over the ground, and the space was distorted. The Red Emperor was more dazzling than the sun. Compared with the Red Emperor, the shimmering light on Chen Mu's body was like the difference between a firefly and a bright moon.

The Immortal Palace of Absolute Beginning in Tianzhou, the Ancient Immortal City in Earth Continent, the Bright City in Yuzhou, and the elders and powerhouses from all over the world are all staring at the sky.

Chidi looked down from the heights, with a majestic expression, "You have a little power of the plane in your body, as long as you give the coordinates of the power of the plane to this emperor, the fairyland will belong to you."

Chen Mu smiled lightly, "You should be able to sense that the restriction of heaven and earth is disappearing, and you can return to the original world."

"Are you sure you want to be your enemy?"

The Red Emperor unleashed his coercion on Chen Mu, the void shook, and ordinary supreme beings bowed their heads.

Chen Mu was covered in twilight, ignoring the emperor's prestige, and stretched out his hand calmly, "Please."

This scene shocked the whole world. Chen Mu wanted to challenge the strong emperor, but Qingdi, who was outside the restraint, murmured: "It seems that it is more difficult than expected."

There was an indifferent smile on the corner of Baidi's mouth, "It's just a half-emperor, don't worry about it, and the red emperor carries an ancestor artifact, even if someone as strong as the Demon God's Hand comes, he can't make waves."

Facing Chen Mu's provocation, Chidi laughed loudly, and the laughter resounded through the sky.

All beings in the fairy world shuddered. The Red Emperor raised his right arm, and a fireball condensed in his hand. The fireball swelled to the size of a star in the blink of an eye, and ordinary creatures could not even look directly at it with the naked eye.

The fireball contained terrifying energy, like a blazing star, Chen Mu looked indifferent, he stood where he was, motionless.

The Red Emperor aimed his palm at Chen Mu, and then the fireball whizzed down. Wherever it went, even the air was burning, like falling stars.

If such energy fell to the ground, the consequences would be unimaginable. Chen Mu raised his hand, a black hole appeared above his head, and the star-like fireball was swallowed.

Chidi was a little surprised, "Your devouring power can actually devour this emperor's attack?"

A fireball appeared in Chen Mu's palm, and he returned Chidi's attack intact.

The huge fireball soared into the sky in the blink of an eye, Chidi raised his hand to block, his arm trembled slightly, and the sky was dyed red.

Wei An's figure swayed in the flames, and the eyes of the strong man in the fairy world were full of surprise.

Outside the prohibition.

Qingdi and Baidi frowned slightly. They knew what methods Chen Mu had, but they didn't expect him to be able to swallow the attack of the strong in the imperial realm.

Emperor Qing didn't dare to be careless, "This power reminds me of the supreme existence of the protoss, relying on the power of devouring, it gave Xianzu a headache."

Baidi chuckled and said, "Hehe, even if that person is the supreme god in this world, he was killed by the immortal ancestors in the end. The half emperor who has not been robbed by the emperor is far inferior to the red emperor, let alone the supreme god."

"Still don't underestimate the enemy."

Emperor Qing felt more and more that Chen Mu was difficult to deal with.

The power of devouring is very difficult to master. Chidi understood that to defeat Chen Mu, it is best to fight in close quarters. A flaming spear appeared beside him.

The Red Emperor held the flaming gun in his hand, and he was approaching in a blink of an eye. Chen Mu took out the Red Dragon Spear to fight.

When the two weapons collide, the space is broken, the sky and the earth change color, and a storm is set off, just like two stars colliding, the picture is shocking.

When Chen Mu was fighting, the ancient scriptures wrapped around his body, and the red dragon spear radiated purple light. His body was mainly composed of primordial power, followed by various regular powers, with only a little bit of plane power.

The power of the Red Emperor can easily pierce the stars, and Chen Mu can only defend with the Chilong Spear. Compared with the Great Emperor, there is still a gap in the strength of the Half Emperor.

In Guangming City, Nangongchen said excitedly: "Little friend Chen Mu fought against the strong in the imperial realm, and he was able to not lose the wind. It really is destiny."

The senior management of Xiaoyao League was overjoyed.

Chu Chu clenched her fists, her face was tense, and she was silently praying for Chen Mu in her heart.

Jin Chan sat cross-legged on the top of the wall, with his eyes closed, reciting Buddhist scriptures silently, while Zeng Niu was gearing up, eager to join the battle in the distance.

Yan Sha murmured: "He doesn't have the blood of the God Race, but I can feel the presence of divine power."

Xu Ying said in a low voice: "That's not ordinary divine power, it's the original power that even the supreme god has never mastered, it should be the power of the plane."

"That's the power that can only be mastered by a god emperor, and it also needs a special seal to suppress the sky." Bing Qing was a little puzzled. Chen Mu was not a god emperor, not even a protoss. He didn't seem to activate the seal to suppress the sky.

Yan Cha said in a deep voice: "Unless he is the master of the plane, he will not be able to control this power."

Xu Ying shook his head, and said: "This plane power is incomplete, and it may be difficult to use it to fight against the strong in the Emperor Realm."

This kind of battle can only be seen by the strong. In the ancient fairy city, the Hundred Wars Supreme stood at the top of the city, and he could see the battle outside.

The Supreme Master Panshi was puzzled: "The emperor sword chooses the master, so it's not him who chooses?"

The Supreme Master of Hundred Wars shook his head, and said hoarsely: "Emperor Sword still doesn't like this kind of stuff."

The battle in the sky is fierce, every collision is like the collision of stars, the power is astonishing.

Chen Mu made breakthroughs one after another, and his body was full of energy. He wanted to find an opponent to hone his body, and the Red Emperor was undoubtedly the best choice, so he didn't use the Emperor Sword.

The red emperor released scorching fire all over his body, and even the rules were distorted. Chen Mu's rule power failed. He used the power of the plane hidden in the flesh and blood, his skin glowed, and his strength doubled.

The Red Dragon Spear opened the flame gun, and the Red Emperor opened his eyes wide with anger. He retreated suddenly, and the strong in the fairy world could see that Chen Mu had gained the advantage.

The Red Emperor retreated, but Chen Mu did not pursue him.

The outcome of this battle has become uncertain.

Under the blessing of the power of the plane, Chen Mu's whole body glowed with rays of light, all kinds of rules were intertwined, and the chains of order were entwined. This is the strongest power of the plane.

The original substance in the golden tree, Chen Mu, could compete with the strong in the imperial realm by absorbing only part of it. If he absorbed all of it, the power would be unimaginable.

Chidi said lightly: "It's quite interesting, this emperor will let you understand what a strong emperor is!"

When crossing the prohibition of the fairy world, the Red Emperor suppressed his own cultivation. Now that he crosses the restriction, he can release all his power, one after another fire clouds appear, the sky turns into a sea of ​​fire, the ground is billowing with heat, the nearby forest is burning, and the lake instantly burns. dry up.

The Scarlet Emperor is like a blazing sun, and the space in the fairy world cannot bear the energy of such a strong man. Even the supreme one feels his scalp tingling, that is a powerful existence that they cannot offend.

Chen Mu frowned slightly, not because he was afraid of the strength of the Red Emperor. He saw that the land of Yuzhou was being scorched, and a vast black hole appeared at the bottom of his feet. All the originally scorching energy was absorbed by the black hole.

"Looks like a quick fight!"

Chen Mu put away the Red Dragon Spear, and the Emperor Sword appeared in his hand. He had a special feeling that it was not he holding the Emperor Sword, but the Emperor Sword holding him, endowing him with great power and making him fearless.

While holding the Emperor Sword, a golden armor appeared on Chen Mu's body, shining golden light. Holding the Emperor Sword in his hand, his back was as stable as Mount Tai, and the coercion he exuded was not even weaker than that of the Red Emperor.

Outside the prohibition.

The powerhouses in the imperial clothing are also watching the battle.

When Emperor Qing saw the Emperor Sword, his body trembled unconsciously, "It's that sword!"

When Baidi saw the Emperor Sword, his expression became tense, "Didn't that guy fall on the other side, why is his sword here?"

"Perhaps he didn't bring this sword with him back then, that's why he fell on the other side." Qingdi guessed, it's hard to imagine that such an extremely strong man went to the other side without bringing his strongest weapon.

In the ancient fairy city, the Panshi Supreme said regretfully: "Unfortunately, I only heard about that legend. If he is holding this Emperor Sword, I don't know what kind of power it will have."

"How can you be sure it's not him?" The words of the Supreme Master of Hundred Wars were very meaningful.

Xiao Luomu was in the ancient fairy city, he could see the battle situation outside the secret realm, and his expression was dignified. Back then, he didn't care about the ants, but he didn't expect to be able to set foot on the Half Emperor in such a short time, and compete with the strong in the emperor realm.

Supreme Master Cangyun shook his head slightly at Xiao Luomu. Obviously, it was a wrong decision to provoke Chen Mu.

Chicheng Dongtian, Mu Qingyun and Mu Honglian looked at the high place.

Mu Honglian's beautiful eyes were full of admiration, and Mu Qingyun kept shaking his head. At first, he thought that Chen Mu couldn't fight against the Supreme Immortal Palace, so he chose to watch from the sidelines. The Taiqing Immortal Palace who fought against Tianzhou did not choose to form an alliance, and then Xiao Yu, who was in the realm of the Immortal King, was killed by him. There was an opportunity to form an alliance, but when the Emperor's Mansion returned, he felt that Chen Mu could not fight against the army of the Emperor's Mansion, so he chose to go back on his word. Thinking of the imperial army being beaten by Chen Mu and fleeing.

Now, Chen Mu has been able to confront the powerful emperors in the imperial palace head-on, and is now an existence they cannot afford.

"such a pity!"

Mu Qingyun shook his head and sighed, Chicheng Dongtian obviously had several opportunities to choose, but they were wasted by them.

It's not time for the top executives of Xiaoyao League to celebrate, but they see hope and don't regret their choice of following Chen Mu.

At the height of the fairy world, the Chi Emperor lost his mind for a short time. Obviously, he also knew the Emperor Sword, so he quickly regained his composure and said indifferently, "With just a sword, you want to fight against the Emperor's Mansion?"

The Red Emperor burned the source of life in his body, and he forcibly returned to the peak state, which shows how much he attaches importance to it. His hair is disheveled, and his long reddish-brown hair is swaying like a flame. "Look at the trick!"

The roar resounded through the sky.

The Red Emperor killed him with a flaming gun, and the sky and the earth were dyed red, like a ten thousand zhang fire dragon. Chen Mu's eyes were firm. He swung the Emperor Sword, and the blade burst out with dazzling sword light, and the cold light shone into the depths of the starry sky.

When Chen Mu swung the sword, even Supreme closed his eyes, unable to look directly at the light of the emperor's sword.

The Chi Emperor was knocked back by the sword light when he was still in mid-air, Chen Mu held the Emperor Sword and approached, swiping hundreds of sword lights in the blink of an eye.

Facing the dense sword light, Chidi frowned, and he teleported to the distance, but the sword light followed him like a shadow, and all of them bombarded him, and the precious red robe became tattered, even if he was a strong emperor. There are also sword marks all over the place. Although there is no blood, the wound is blazing.

Jianguang is eroding Chidi's body, he needs to burn his true blood to resist, this is just Jianguang, if he is cut by the emperor's sword, the consequences are unimaginable.

Chen Mu is wearing a golden armor, holding the emperor's sword in his hand, and once again becomes the Red Emperor.

Chidi was timid and retreated decisively, but Chen Mu didn't chase, he used the star picking sword skill.

The sword light was like the morning glow, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Chidi's pupils shrank sharply, he felt the chill, but he didn't see the sword light.

The sword light was so fast that even the strong in the emperor realm could not perceive it. When the sword light suddenly appeared, Chidi's face turned pale.

Chidi held the flaming gun horizontally in both hands, and a flame barrier appeared in front of him, but the barrier instantly shattered. The gun body was forged from rare fairy gold and was indestructible, but the moment it touched the sword light, the gun body broke into two pieces.

Chidi's eyes widened, his pupils narrowed sharply, he was forced to release the Dao fire in his body, and the fire light shot up into the sky, like a road to the sky, but the sword light still passed through the final barrier.


Chidi covered his face, the sword light hit his head, from the right side of his forehead to the left side of his mouth, the hideous wound was shining with fire.

Chen Mu's Star Picking Sword Skill is only able to injure the Red Emperor, and it can injure the strong in the Emperor Realm. Such a record is also something to be proud of, but it is not enough to defeat the Emperor's Mansion.


Chi Di was angered by Chen Mu.

Qingdi and Baidi, who were outside the restriction, didn't speak, they knew that the Emperor's Mansion was in trouble!
In Guangming City, Chu Chu jumped up happily, and the senior officials of Xiaoyao League all showed joyful faces, only Nangong Chen said in a deep voice: "The Emperor's Mansion is not so easy to deal with."

Nan Gongchen looked at the starry sky, there were two tall figures there, and behind those figures was an endless black moon.

Holding the Emperor Sword in his hand, Chen Mu pointed at the Scarlet Emperor and said forcefully, "I don't like killing. If you retreat now, I can let you go. You can go back wherever you came from."

Chidi let go of his blood-stained hand, his eyes were bloodshot, and he laughed maniacally, "Hahaha, this emperor has seen the blood of Jue Dian, the fall of Supreme Being, and the blood disaster that even the ruler of the other side cannot escape. A sword without a master also wants to frighten this emperor?"

The broken gun was discarded by the Red Emperor. He took out the bloody scroll and unfolded it. The scroll was spread out in the sky, and the beautiful world was depicted in the scroll.

The scroll covered the sky and covered the earth, falling from the sky, Chen Mu slashed at the mountains and rivers with his sword, but the light of the sword fell into the scroll, and the mountains and rivers inside were cut into deep ravines.

The scroll itself was not destroyed, but the scenery inside the scroll was damaged. Chen Mu's eyes narrowed slightly. He knew that there was something wrong with this thing, but it was difficult for ordinary forces to destroy the scroll, and the scroll was still suppressing the rules of the fairy world.

Emperor Qing sighed softly: "I never thought that the Red Emperor would be forced to use this ancestral artifact left by the immortal ancestor. If this scroll is fully activated, it can refine half of the immortal world, and I'm afraid it will be ruined."

Bai Di was aloof, he sneered and said: "You still care about this, we are immortals, different from these ants, as long as the scroll can catch Chen Mu, we can catch the turtle."

The scroll is still unfolding without borders, and the scene inside is getting wider and wider. As the scroll descends, the world in the scroll seems to be crashing into the fairyland.

The powerhouses in the fairy world shuddered. They could sense the horror of this scroll. Chen Mu had no way to retreat. He knew that if he escaped, the fairy world might be robbed.

Chen Mu swung the Emperor Sword, and countless sword lights shot up into the sky, and the sword lights fell into the scroll, scarring the world in the scroll, but it did not achieve the effect of preventing the scroll from falling at all.

As the scroll fell, Chen Mu could feel a large amount of matter in the fairy world disappear, all being swallowed by the mysterious scroll.

The speed of the scroll falling was so fast that Chen Mu didn't have time to hesitate. He clenched the Emperor Sword tightly, jumped high, and went straight to the scroll.

 ps: Thank you for the monthly tickets of Feiyang FY, √Pikachu, Qingkong, and Orange Venture Capital. Thank you for your recommendation tickets and subscriptions. Thank you, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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