my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 338 Fusion of Kendo

Chapter 338 Fusion of Kendo
Dust Moon, Oasis.

With blue waves rippling, Chen Mu hugged Jiang Fuxian's soft waist with a happy face, "Senior Sister, your body is so soft, I don't want to let go."

There was a smile in Jiang Fuxian's blue eyes, and his beautiful face became serious, "Husband, we can't waste too much time here."

After being reminded, Chen Mu also understood that it didn't seem to take long for him to seal the devil at the edge of the deep starry sky. For the mortal world, it would take at least decades. Many times faster than the mortal world.

Chen Mu let go of Jiang Fuxian's waist.

Jiang Fuxian hugged her knees, and she sat opposite Chen Mu, looking at her husband with a smile, from seeing him lying in the cradle to now seeing him become a peerless powerhouse.

There was nowhere to hide the joy in her eyes.

Chen Mu closed his eyes.

He was sensing Chenyue's kendo.

In Chen Mu's consciousness, he saw a sword that spanned through the ages. The sword was infinitely long, with countless sword intents, and contained infinite energy.

When Chen Mu's consciousness touched the way of the sword, the sea of ​​consciousness shook, and his soul trembled.

The way of the sword carries great power to open up the world, even the most powerful ones need to maintain awe in front of the way of the sword.

ancient times.

Only those who have merged with the Dao will be the strongest.

Chen Mu's physical body has reached the ultimate peak. Although he has powerful plane power, it cannot be regarded as the real extreme peak. Only when he has completed the integration of Dao can his realm be considered complete.

The way of the sword can give him great power, and if he wants to merge with the way, he must be recognized by the way of the sword.

Sword Emperor Liu Zhongyuan had tried to fuse swordsmanship before, but he failed. Now that he is seriously injured, it is very difficult to recover, let alone continue to fuse Taoism.

If the supreme god of the protoss wants to merge with the way of swordsmanship, he needs to give up his own god position, and there is no guarantee of success, only Chen Mu has the possibility of success.

Chen Mu was trying to communicate with Kendo, Jiang Fuxian looked at him seriously, and couldn't help but want to pinch him, so he resisted and didn't disturb him.

"younger sister."

Youying stood not far away, she was wearing a luxurious white long dress, holding a slender white cloak, with tulle on her face and fluttering sleeves, like a goddess of the nine heavens.

Jiang Fuxian didn't want to disturb Chen Mu, so he came to Youying, "I don't know what to do with me?"

"The Supreme Council of the Protoss, you can't do without a sister, the sun god and the goddess of darkness are waiting for you, which is related to the arrival of the protoss." Youying said in a deep voice.

Jiang Fuxian looked at Chen Mu, wanting to stay by his side, Youying covered her mouth and smiled lightly, "Sister, don't worry, this is Chenyue, and with his strength, I don't think any idiot would dare to provoke him."

"You can deal with the matter of the Protoss, I have no objection." Jiang Fuxian doesn't like trouble.

Youying said in a deep voice: "Maybe it used to be, but now the situation is special."

Jiang Fuxian heard that he followed Youying to Chenyue's Protoss base camp, the ancient circular conference room, where there were originally nine god seats, but only four Protoss were present.

The mandala is leaning on the divine seat, dragging his face with one hand, and playing with the black Bana flower with the other.

Zhuzhao saw Jiang Fuxian and got up with a smile, "Sister Fuxian, please sit down."

Jiang Fuxian nodded slightly. After she and Youying sat down, Zhuzhao said seriously: "After the invasion of alien races, the rise of the human race, the destruction of the demon lord, and the destruction of the court of God, we need to unite again."

Mandala jokingly said: "Who cares about the difference between the Protoss, we can't go back to the past."

Youying smiled and shook her head, "That's not necessarily the case, I think sister Fuxian is very suitable to lead our protoss back to the top."

Mandala raised his eyebrows, Zhuzhao nodded, he looked at Jiang Fuxian, and said solemnly: "We can support you to become the new emperor."

"Not interested in."

Jiang Fuxian shook his head calmly.

She just wanted to be with Chen Mu.

Mandala couldn't help laughing out loud, "I remember that the God Clan used to choose the God Emperor, and the conditions were very simple, as long as they were the strongest, they could become the God Emperor."

"Fuxian, if you can become a god emperor, you should thank Chen Mu very much." Mandala's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, with a hint of sarcasm.

Jiang Fuxian was not irritated, she looked at Mandala blankly, "I am not interested in the title of God Emperor, if you are interested, I support it."

The corner of Mandala's mouth raised, "Sun God, did you hear that, my sister is still sensible, she is willing to support me, and my brother-in-law must be too."

Zhuzhao said in a deep voice: "Fuxian, the crisis has not been resolved, the world needs a unique voice, and someone needs to order the world."

Youying echoed: "Sister Fuxian, you are the Goddess of Light of the Protoss, and your husband is the strongest cultivator of immortals. You are the most suitable God Emperor."

"I'm not interested. If you want me to be a god emperor, then don't talk about it." Jiang Fuxian got up, and she finally threw away the suzerain's burden.

"and many more!"

Zhuzhao shook his head and sighed softly, and said in a deep voice: "In that case, then we won't force you, but there is one more thing that I want to discuss with Sister Fuxian."

Youying smiled and said, "Sister, you and Chen Mu are husband and wife, he should be willing to give you the power of the plane, after all, it belongs to the power of our protoss."

Mandala couldn't help showing a joking expression, "Who would be so stupid as to give up his power? Do you think Chen Mu is so stupid to be able to make it this far?"

Jiang Fuxian said coldly: "I warn you, don't worry about my husband's strength."

"Sister Fuxian, don't misunderstand, you are husband and wife, his power is also yours, if you get the power of the plane, you can be promoted to master, then you can do whatever you want." Zhu Zhao said with a smile.

"Yeah yeah."

Youying smiled and nodded.

Mandala shook his head, and mocked: "You are so stupid, Sister Fuxian will not agree, everything about her belongs to Chen Mu,"

Jiang Fuxian turned and left.

In the conference room, Zhuzhao and Youying shook their heads one after another, Mandala jokingly said: "I always feel a little unreal to seal the devil."

"Not true?"

Youying frowned slightly, Mandala added: "Don't you think it's too simple?"

Zhuzhao said in a deep voice: "Simple? You know how many protoss we sacrificed and how many peaks fell. You don't even know the price we paid."

"Chen Mu is here to pick up the leaks. We are the ones who have contributed the most to seal the devil with the Tiantian Seal." Youying said seriously.

Mandala didn't bother with this matter, "Since Jiang Fuxian doesn't want to be a god emperor, you can support me, and Chen Mu is also my brother-in-law."


Zhuzhao didn't want to talk to Mandala.

You Ying sighed: "I think we can take the initiative to make Chen Mu the god emperor, he will dominate us sooner or later, so we can still have some face."

"This proposal is quite reliable." Mandala nodded slightly, Zhuzhao said coldly: "Our Protoss is the most noble race, how can we let him rule."

Mandala jokingly said: "In the world of the jungle, no one cares whether you are born noble or not, Chen Mu is destined to be above us."


Zhuzhao shook his head helplessly.

Jiang Fuxian returned to Chen Mu.

Still looking at her husband in a happy mood.

Chen Mu's body was glowing with golden light, and gradually the entire oasis turned golden. Jiang Fuxian seemed to be in a sea of ​​sword intents. She has mastered various sword intents, and her accomplishments in kendo are few and far between.

Su Min also praised Jiang Fuxian back then, saying that Jiang Fuxian's talent was stronger than Chen Mu's, but he didn't expect Chen Mu to have external help, and his breakthrough was like a broken bamboo.

Chen Mu is also talented. After he came into contact with the real way of swordsmanship, he understood that all ways come from the same source, and all ways lead to the same goal, and the way of swordsmanship contains ten thousand ways of sword intent.

On the golden grassland, thousands of golden sword lights appear, each sword light is extremely bright, thousands of swords are rushing, and the dusty moon is like a golden sun.

Sword Emperor Liu Zhongyuan looked in the direction where Chen Mu was, and said gratifiedly, "Hahaha, there are so many arrogances of the human race, I didn't expect to be able to awaken the way of the sword."

The demon emperor Quanhuang couldn't help but enviously said: "In the future, when the human race rises, my brother will help me."

Buddha Jingchen murmured: "There is a faint Buddha light on his body, which is related to my Buddha."

"Sealing the Demon Lord does not mean peace in the world, we should choose the Ming Lord." A white-haired old man said with a smile, he was transformed by Shi Qilin.

"He's a good fit."

Sword Emperor Liu Zhongyuan nodded accordingly.

The Yaodi Quanhuang said in a deep voice: "He can control the banner of Zhaoyao, and the Yaozu are willing to follow him."

The human race, monster race, and Buddhist race are still much weaker than the god race. Although Shi Qilin is a divine beast, he is not compatible with Zhuzhao's supreme gods.

They are all optimistic about Chen Mu. The Shenzu wanted to rely on Jiang Fuxian to rebuild the Shenting, but she directly rejected it. Now the Shenzu only has the option of forming an alliance with Chen Mu.

On the grassland, thousands of golden sword lights rise from the ground and gather in the depths of the starry sky, like a road running across the starry sky, and the sound of the sword makes the desolate starry sky boil.

call out!
The way of the sword is divided into countless sword lights, and golden lights are constantly rushing towards Chen Mu. Every time a sword light pours into his body, he can grasp a sword intent.

Jiang Fuxian stood beside Chen Mu, with joy in his eyes, he was very happy to watch him gradually become stronger, maybe this is happiness.

The golden sword light poured into Chen Mu's body faster and faster, like a golden sword dragon, mighty and mighty, when he devoured all the sword light, the world was silent, and even the strongest held their breath.

Chen Mu condensed all the sword intents in his body, and the ten thousand sword intents merged. He suddenly opened his eyes, and two beams of sword light came out and fell directly into the depths of the starry sky.

The swords of the immortal cultivators trembled, even the sword of the sword emperor Liu Zhongyuan trembled.

"This is the supreme way of swordsmanship! I admire it!" Liu Zhongyuan only had admiration in his eyes. Being able to witness the process of blending Dao is already his supreme honor.

Chen Mu successfully merged with swordsmanship, he stood up, the joy on his face was beyond words, Jiang Fuxian also smiled, "Husband, congratulations."

"It's all thanks to my wife." Chen Mu stretched out his hand to caress Jiang Fuxian's beautiful face.

Jiang Fuxian pouted slightly. She has always been strong and doesn't like to show weakness. Chen Mu knew that there must be someone, otherwise the senior sister would not be angry.

Chen Mu stopped, he stood beside Jiang Fuxian, and then Shi Qilin and the others came closer.

Liu Zhongyuan cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, little friend, for helping us seal the devil."

Chen Mu smiled and said: "This is what I should do, seniors don't need to be too polite."

Quan Huang looked respectful and said: "I am the Emperor of the Yaozu, Quanhuang, and the Yaozu is willing to cooperate with you."

Chen Mu said solemnly: "I have an agreement with the demon master, and I will give the demon clan a place to live."

Shi Qilin smiled and said, "Chen Mu, how is the old man's daughter?"

"Qiqi is fine, she often talks about you." Chen Mu replied with a smile, unfortunately, Xiao Kun must be very sad when Kunpeng died in battle.

Chen Mu doesn't have the ability to change his fate against the sky now, he can only shake his head and sigh, expressing his regret.

Shi Qilin said with a smile: "We old fellows had a chat and want to follow you."

Hearing this, Chen Mu said with a smile, "I established the Xiaoyao League in the Immortal Realm. Seniors, if you don't mind, you can go there to claim the title of elder."

Liu Zhongyuan laughed loudly and said, "Xiaoyaomeng, okay, I'm worried about not having a place to take care of myself."

Both Shi Qilin and Quan Huang agreed to become elders in the Xiaoyao League. Chen Mu was overjoyed. These are top powerhouses. Looking at the world, only the Protoss can contend, and other forces are no match.

Buddha Jingchen clasped his hands together and said respectfully: "Little friend, you have the Buddha's light on your body. It must have been left by the Buddha's son. I wonder how he is now?"

"Jin Chan is in the Happy League."

"The poor monk also went to Xiaoyaomeng."

Chen Mu saw that the four top experts were planning to join the Xiaoyao League. He looked at Jiang Fuxian with joy on his face. The future Xiaoyao League will be extremely powerful.

Zhuzhao and Youying came over, both of them were young, "Brother Chen, thank you for your help."

Chen Mu nodded, "It should, this is the result of our joint efforts."

It was his responsibility to seal the demon lord, and Chen Mu would not have been able to succeed if he hadn't illuminated them.

Youying smiled and said: "Brother Chen, congratulations on mastering the sword, this power is very strong, if you don't mind, you can give the power of the plane to sister Fuxian..."

"shut up!"

There was a chill in Jiang Fuxian's eyes.

Chen Mu didn't care, "Senior Sister, if you need this power, I can give it to you."

Youying and Zhuzhao were taken aback, Shi Qilin and the others were shocked, the power of the plane is not a joke, Chen Mu's eyes are very serious.

Jiang Fuxian stared at Chen Mu, his pretty face flushed, and he said with his thoughts: "Husband, Senior Sister is your woman, you must use this power to protect me."

Chen Mu looked into Jiang Fuxian's eyes and nodded heavily, "Senior Sister, I will."

Zhuzhao said in a deep voice: "You should be able to feel that the way of heaven is gone, and the world will soon be in chaos. Only by relying on the power of the gods can the order be restored."

Chen Mu naturally knew that after the blond girl disappeared, the restriction of heaven and earth began to weaken, the fairyland and the mortal world gradually moved away, and the original rules and order began to dissipate. "It's okay to rebuild the gods, but I will supervise you."

He obtained the power of the plane, but not the complete power of the plane. He didn't have the ability to rebuild the order by himself, and it was impossible to blow the wind and rain by himself. It would be appropriate to leave these trivial matters to the gods.

Chen Mu thought for a while, and suggested: "The Protoss send strong men to take charge of the order of the world, and the human race enshrines the Protoss to give you the incense you want, and the Xiaoyao League is responsible for supervision. What do you think?"

Zhuzhao and Youying are not qualified to bargain. They wanted Jiang Fuxian to become a god emperor, but their plan failed and they had to cooperate with Chen Mu.

The existing rules and order can still run for a long time, so there is no need to worry.

Chen Mu is going to hold a meeting in Immortal Realm some time later to discuss the specific details. Now he just wants to take Fuxian's wife home.

He opened the space channel with his mind, which can directly reach the space channel of the fairy world, and many elderly immortal cultivators stationed in Chenyue can finally return to their homeland.

Shi Qilin and the others also stopped by to return.

Zhuzhao and the others did not go to the fairyland, but to the fairyland to rebuild the divine court.

Chen Mu looked at Jiang Fuxian, "My lady, do you want to invite father-in-law and mother-in-law home to have a look?"

Jiang Fuxian shook his head slightly, with a beautiful smile, "No hurry, let's go home and have a look, and then let our parents visit Chen's house later."

"I haven't returned to Chen's house for such a long time, and I haven't prepared gifts for my parents."

"Your return is the best gift."

Chen Mu took Jiang Fuxian's hand, the two interlocked their fingers, looked at each other with a smile, and finally walked into the space channel and disappeared into the dusty moon.

 ps: Thank you for the rewards of Hibernating Cat, Ruixue Runhan, A Bag of Rice Carrying Few Floors, thank you for wiping away tears of memories, Hibernating Cat, Ruixue Runhan, Salted Fish Dream, A Bag of Rice Carrying Few Floors voted for the monthly ticket, thank you Good night, everyone's recommended tickets and subscriptions.

(End of this chapter)

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