Chapter 339
Beihuang, Chen family.

In the morning, the sun is shining.

Chen Mu led Jiang Fuxian back home. The yard was full of flowers and plants, and the pool was crystal clear. The place was cleaned frequently, and there was not much change.

Jiang Fuxian looked at the mountaintop not far away, and said softly: "Yaoyao is so cute, she is not afraid of the wind and the sun, and likes to retreat on the mountain."

This is all learned from Chen Mu.

on the top of the mountain.

Chen Yao had a special feeling. She opened her eyes to look at Chen Mu's courtyard, and saw Jiang Fuxian smiling and waving at her.

Chen Yao lost her mind for a moment, then said excitedly with joy on her face, "Sister Fuxian."

Xiao Hei, who was sleeping late, was startled awake, rubbed his eyes, and then meowed.

Chen Yao came to her brother's courtyard, walked up to Jiang Fuxian, and warmly held her hand, "Sister Fuxian, it's great to see you."

"Yaoyao, Sister Fuxian is also very happy to see you." Jiang Fuxian smiled broadly.

"Sister Fuxian!"

If you haven't seen him, hear his voice first.

Chen Ying rushed to the courtyard, her skirt fluttered in flames, hugged Jiang Fuxian directly, and acted like a baby in her arms, Chen Mu was envious when she saw it.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai wagged their tails happily.

Chen Mu knew that it might be a short time for him to leave, but 60 years have passed in the mortal world, even for a practitioner, it is a long time.

"Husband, let's go see our parents first."

"Okay, it just so happens that Uncle and the others are here."

Chen Mu brought Jiang Fuxian to his parents' courtyard, and Da Zhuang was the first to run out to greet him.

Chen Yan and Chen Wei were playing mahjong in the yard, which was taught by Chen Mu, and they could pass the time when they had nothing to do.


Logan stood up excitedly.

"Mother, it's been so many years since I came back to see you, and I didn't prepare a gift when I came back."

"Fuxian, you don't need to apologize, and you don't need to prepare gifts. We are family members. You worked hard outside. We couldn't help you."

Logan cried as she spoke.

Jiang Fuxian wiped away her tears with a handkerchief. Everyone knew that Tang Wan was happy.

Chen Yan patted Chen Mu on the shoulder vigorously, "Good boy, I didn't disappoint my father."


"Father, uncle, aunt..."

Jiang Fuxian bowed to Chen's elders, and Chen Yan and Chen Wei nodded happily.

Chen Wei said happily: "Yingying, go and inform Chen Hao and the others to come back. Now that Xiaomu and Fuxian are back, let's get together in the Chen family."

"Okay, uncle."

"Yingying, I'll pick them up."

Now that Chen Mu can go to the world in an instant, Chen Yingjiao said with a smile: "I'll take Sister Fuxian to the martial arts field, and Grandpa and Xiaoyi are there."

Jiang Fuxian nodded and chuckled, she would definitely visit her grandfather when she came back, Chen Ying and Chen Yao followed her, and Tang Wan and the others followed behind.

The Chen family performed martial arts.

On the wide arena, Chen Tiannan was practicing sword with a six or seven year old girl.

"Grandpa, Xiaoyi."

Hearing Chen Ying's shout, the two people in the arena stopped practicing swords. When Chen Tiannan saw Jiang Fuxian coming home, he said happily, "Fuxian."


Jiang Fuxian nodded respectfully.


The little girl hugged Chen Yao, she was still peeking at Jiang Fuxian, a little shy.

Chen Yao smiled and said: "Sister Fuxian, this is the eldest sister's daughter, Qin Yi, her father, Qin Hanlin, is in Black Rock City with the eldest sister, and will be back soon."

Chen Wei personally went to Black Rock City to call them.

Jiang Fuxian rubbed Qin Yi's head lightly. She remembered that Chen Xi was afraid of marriage, and Chen Ying reminded her, "Xiaoyi, you should call your third aunt."

"Third aunt."

Qin Yi was a little shy.

When Chen Mu came to Xuanjianzong, he met Bai Qinghuan first. She broke through the shackles of heavenly immortals and set foot in the realm of true immortals, and she has retreated behind the scenes.

In the forest, Bai Qinghuan looked at Chen Mu who suddenly appeared, unable to see his state at all, "It seems that I will never be able to catch up with you in my life."

Chen Mu greeted with a smile, "Sister Bai, it seems that you are very leisurely now."

"It's okay, I've handed over the Zongmen to Xie Ya and Chen Hao, and life is free."

"I'll treat you to a drink later."


Bai Qinghuan didn't know the truth.

Chen Mu came to the residence of Chen Mu and Xie Ya, in the highest palace of Xuanjianzong, "Second Brother, Sister Xie Ya, I'm here to see you."

Chen Hao rushed out excitedly when he heard the voice. After decades of hard work, he finally reached the realm of Sword Emperor. Now he is the elder of Xuanjianzong. Xie Ya appeared later. Her realm is already a strong sword master. She is Xuanjian The sect's suzerain, in addition to his own extraordinary talent, also because of the Chen family, enjoys rare resources and enters the realm very quickly.

"Third brother."

"Second brother."


"Miss Xie Ya."

The brothers hug each other.

Chen Mu said happily: "Fu Xian is back, and I came here specially to call you home to celebrate."

Chen Hao was also happy for Chen Mu, "Okay, but Chen Tong and Chen Su went to play in the fairyland, and we don't know where they are."

Xie Ya also shook her head helplessly, Chen Tong and Chen Su's realm was higher than theirs.

The two little guys grew up with rare resources, and their cultivation bases are very high. In addition, the restriction of heaven and earth has been weakened, so it is easy to open the fairy gate with a sword in the mortal world.

"Don't worry, I'll pick them up." Chen Mu sent Chen Hao and his wife back, and then went to the palace deep in the demon realm to find Chen Han and his wife.

In the palace garden, Chen Han exclaimed: "Third brother, you are back."

Chen Mu nodded, "Fu Xian and I have just arrived home, and we came here to pick you up to celebrate."

Chu Yu brought the two or three-year-old boy to Chen Mu's side, "Ang'er, quickly call Third Uncle."

"Uncle Three."

"My name is Chen Ang."

Chen Ang speaks in a childish voice, looks very cute, and has inherited Chu Yu's advantages.

Chen Mu likes children, he squatted down and gently pinched Chen Ang's little face, "It's so cute."

"Xiaoyu's grandfather is in Yaoyu, and we come to live here for a while every year."

"Senior Chu, why don't you stay with me in Beihuang for two days, it will be lively and lively."

Chu Xifeng was also in the garden, and he said cheerfully, "In the future, I still have things to deal with in the Demon Realm, so you guys go back first."


Chen Mu and the others appeared in the Chen Family Martial Arts Field in the blink of an eye. It is a spacious place, and they like to come here when the family gathers and chats. Chen Yao and Chen Ying are by Jiang Fuxian's side.

The two sisters like Jiang Fuxian very much.

Tang Wan didn't take half a step away from Jiang Fuxian.

Jiang Fuxian took the initiative to greet the Chen brothers, and Chu Yu grabbed Chen Han's arm and said excitedly, "It's Sect Master Jiang."


Jiang Fuxian held out his hand.

Chu Yu happily shook hands with her.

Qin Yi took Chen Ang to play in the mountains, and Da Zhuang followed, so no one was worried.

Chen Xi and the others returned home much slower than Chen Mu and the others. She was accompanied by a young man who looked like a scholar.

"Xiaomu, Sister Fuxian."

Chen Xi enthusiastically introduced: "This is my husband, Qin Hanlin, he is the number one scholar of the Yan Kingdom, and Long Yue introduced him to me."

Yan Longyue is now the Queen of the Yan Kingdom, and often comes to the Chen family to help. Even though she is the queen now, she still regards herself as a maid of the Chen family.

Qin Hanlin was a little nervous, and Chen Mu took the initiative to pat him on the shoulder, "Brother Qin, I didn't drink your wedding wine, so I need to drink two more glasses today."

"it is good."

Qin Hanlin's hands were shaking.

Chen Xi covered his mouth and laughed, "Xiaomu, Hanlin doesn't know how to drink, let's drink tea."

Qin Hanlin's cultivation base is not high, and his bones are also very ordinary, but he looks handsome, "Then replace the wine with tea, and we will drink two cups."

"Good good."

Qin Hanlin was very good at talking, but now he was nervous, so he could only nod awkwardly.

"Third brother, where is my father?"

Qiqi ran over and hugged Chen Mu's thigh, she blinked, Chen Mu looked solemn, and said in a deep voice, "I'll take you to find him later."


Qiqi wagged her little tail.

Xiao Kun swam over, staring at Chen Mu with big eyes, full of expectation, "Boss?"

Chen Mu caressed Xiao Kun's head, intending to deceive it, but it was impossible to deceive him for the rest of his life, "Your father died heroically while fighting the devil."

Xiao Kun didn't speak, tears rolled down his face, Xiao Qi jumped behind Xiao Kun, stroked its head, "Kun, don't cry, my father will be your father from now on."

"Your father is not my father."

"Then I will marry you later."



After Xiao Qi's comfort, Xiao Kun stopped crying, and Chen Mu took them to the fairyland.

Yu Zhou, Bright City.

The city is bustling and lively, and there are a large number of people living outside the city. This is the busiest place in the fairy world. The strong men who came back from the dusty moon were all sent here by Chen Mu, and it suddenly became more lively.

Chen Mu didn't notice Chu Chu's aura, and couldn't even sense her existence.

Xiaoyao League headquarters.

Qi Qi finally saw her father.

With tears in his eyes, Shi Qilin said, "Xiao Qi, it was father who was sorry for you and sealed you alone."

Qi Qi pulled Xiao Kun, "Father, it's okay, this is Xiao Kun, I will marry him in the future."

Knowing that this is Kunpeng's son, Shi Qilin patted Xiao Kun's head and said meaningfully: "Okay, your father is very good."

Chen Mu saw Chen Tong and Chen Su at the Xiaoyao League headquarters, and they ran over excitedly, "Third Uncle, we are looking forward to your return."

Although Chen Tong and Chen Su came to the Immortal Realm, their strength could not leave the Immortal Realm, and the weakening of the restrictions here was not something they could open.

Hearing that the Xiaoyao League was established by Chen Mu, Chen Su and Chen Tong came to the Xiaoyao League and lived here for a long time.

Chen Mu naturally understood this, he put his arms around the shoulders of the two, "Don't run around in the future, grandpa and the others miss you very much."


Chen Su and his brother nodded again and again.

Shi Qilin and the others wanted to cultivate in the fairy world, so Xiao Qi and Xiao Kun stayed in Xiaoyao League to accompany him, and Chen Mu took Chen Su and Chen Tong back to the Chen family.

Regarding the Xiaoyaomeng matter, Chen Mu plans to deal with it after a while and reunite first.

When Chen Su and the others came back, the Chen family became even more lively. Everyone sat around the martial arts arena, and Qin Yi and Chen Ang were also arrested by their parents.

Everyone was talking about what had happened in these years, Chen Mu pushed Chen Ying away, and he sat beside Jiang Fuxian, hugging her soft waist.

Chen Ying squeezed her fist and lightly hammered Chen Mu's shoulder. She pouted, and Chen Ang trotted over with bright eyes, "Sister-in-law, I want to hug you."

"Aunt hug."

Chen Ying loves the younger generation of the Chen family the most.

He often takes care of Chen Ang and Qin Yi.

Seeing this, Chen Hao jokingly said, "Ang Ang, you still have to hug me at such a big age. Are you ashamed? Your third uncle has already started to fight the enemy at your age."

Chen Ang had an aggrieved expression.

Seeing everyone laughing, Chen Ying pinched Chen Ang's little face, "Second Uncle was joking with you, our family Ang Ang will be a big shot in the future."

Qin Yi sat between Chen Xi and Qin Hanlin.

Chen Xi whispered: "Yiyi, Mother changed your third uncle's diaper before, and watched him grow up, so you should also get close to third uncle."


Qin Yi was a little shy.

She always looked at Chen Mu quietly.

Chen Su and Chen Tong were pinching the shoulders of Chen Wei and Xu Yan, they were very filial.

Chen Wei shook his head and chuckled, "You two should still give great-grandfather a shoulder squeeze, we don't need it."


Chen Tong immediately went behind Chen Tiannan.

Chen Tiannan waved his hands again and again, "Grandpa is in good health, Xiaotong, sit down quickly."

"It's okay, great-grandfather, take a rest, I use the secret technique to pinch the shoulders, which is good for the body."

"Hahaha, okay then."

Chen Hao looked at Chen Su and Chen Tong's filial appearance, and felt very proud in his heart.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai lay at Chen Mu's feet.

The martial arts arena was lively and warm, Jiang Fuxian leaned against Chen Mu's arms, basking in the sun, very warm.

Chen Mu kissed Jiang Fuxian lightly, "Lady, our child will be very happy in the future, with so many brothers and sisters playing with her."


Jiang Fuxian nodded and chuckled.

Now that the world is not completely stable, Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian are not in a hurry to have children.

"Husband, I'm going to prepare the luncheon."

"Okay, lady, I will help you."

Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian got up, "Grandpa, Fuxian and I are going to prepare the luncheon, you two talk."

Chen Tiannan nodded kindly, Chu Yu and Xie Ya got up quickly, and Chen Xi also planned to help.

Chen Mu said earnestly: "Eldest sister, you all have a good rest, I will fight with Fu Xianlu."

Chu Yu and the others looked at each other and smiled, and gave them some time to be alone.

in the kitchen.

Jiang Fuxian wore a white apron.

Chen Mu prepares and handles the ingredients, Jiang Fuxian is in charge of the production, the husband and wife work together, the work is not tiring, and their cooperation is very tacit.

There are not many ingredients in the kitchen, because everyone seldom eats, Chen Mu caught a big golden fish from the air, and handled it in the blink of an eye and handed it over to Jiang Fuxian.

Jiang Fuxian put the fish into the pot and heated it with supernatural power in the air. With the real air fryer, the whole fish became golden and crispy. With the sweet and sour sauce she made, the delicate and delicious sweet and sour golden fish was finished.

Chen Mu used the time rule to keep the original taste of this dish when it was served.

Jiang Fuxian not only made dishes, but also made fruit platters and desserts. Even juices and drinks were made on the spot, and the whole table was completed at the same time.

"Husband, try the pastry I made." Jiang Fuxian held the hot pastry with his slender fingers.

Chen Mu tasted the pastries made by Jiang Fuxian. It was a taste of happiness. He also sucked her jade fingers to help her clean up the remaining sugar residue on her slender fingers.

"It tastes so good."

"My wife is better."

Jiang Fuxian's mouth was filled with happiness.

Chen Mu moved all the dishes to the ancestral house at the same time. The big round table was obviously not enough for them to sit on, but there was still a small table. Chen Tong and Chen Su sat at the children's table, just to take care of Qin Yi and Chen Ang.

The whole family is neat and tidy, even more lively than the most lively time before, everyone looked at Chen Tiannan, Chen Tiannan looked at such a big family, the joy in his heart was beyond words, "Celebrate the return of Fuxian and the reunion of everyone, let's toast. "

"Okay, cheers."

"Cheers! Cheers!"

Chen Tong stood up and raised his glass.

Chen Ang scratched his head and muttered, "Sister, I want to drink too."

Chen Su shook his head, "Kids can't drink alcohol, I'll pour juice for you."

"Sister, I want juice too."

Qin Yi has never drank fruit juice.

Tang Wan praised repeatedly: "It's still Fuxian who can cook, the taste is really delicious."

"Mom, if you like it, I can often cook for you in the future." Jiang Fuxian doesn't mind, anyway, it will be done soon.

Tang Wan shook her head again and again, "No need, eating this once a year is enough."


Chen Mu ate vegetables and drank heavily. His wife made it, so of course he had to eat more.

"Brother Qin, I toast you two glasses."

Chen Mu took the initiative to pick up the wine glass.

Qin Hanlin was much younger than Chen Mu. He grew up listening to Chen Mu's legends. It was a bit unreal. He held up the cup tremblingly, "Please."

Seeing his frightened appearance, Chen Xi couldn't help covering his mouth and snickering. After Qin Hanlin drank two glasses with Chen Mu, he was much more natural, but Chen Hao raised his glass with a smile, "Third brother, I'll drink two glasses with you too."


Chen Mu raised his glass to drink with Chen Hao.

They are all looking for fun, so naturally they won't drink to make things worse, Chen Ying asked curiously: "Sister Fuxian, when are you going to have a baby?"

Jiang Fuxian has been with Chen Mu for many years, and it depends on luck to have a baby, "We still have some things to deal with, let's talk about it after we finish."

Chen Yao jokingly said: "My mother is looking forward to her grandson, you guys have to work hard."

Tang Wan patted Chen Yao's arm lightly, she didn't want to make things difficult for Jiang Fuxian and the others because of herself.

"Husband, did you hear that?" Jiang Fuxian blinked at Chen Mu, and then they smiled knowingly.

The luncheon is over.

All the meals are finished.

Chen Ang rubbed his stomach, "I'm so full."

After eating and drinking, everyone continued to chat in the ancestral house, discussing the general situation of the world from the parents, and they didn't leave until late at night.

Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian returned to the courtyard, "My lady, do you want to take a hot bath?"


"I'll get you hot water."

The room was soon steaming.

Jiang Fuxian and Chen Mu sat in the bathtub and took a bath. They hadn't felt so comfortable in a long time, "My lady, you worked hard today, I'll rub it for you."


"That also needs to be kneaded."

Chen Mu held the white jade feet, kneaded them gently and slowly, and used the original substance to warm and nourish Jiang Fuxian's body. The gentle feeling made Jiang Fuxian very comfortable.

Jiang Fuxian was not intoxicated, her pretty face suddenly became serious, and said coldly: "Husband, don't waste the original material, this is very important to you."

Chen Mu didn't stop, and said with a serious expression: "Lady, you are not as important as you. The original substance is good for the Protoss, and we can share it."


"Hahaha...don't make trouble..."

Chen Mu scratched Jiang Fuxian's soles with a special method, and she couldn't help laughing, "Okay... okay... Senior Sister listens to you, don't scratch anymore..."

"Miss, you are really obedient."

"Hmph, my little husband's wings are stiff."

Chen Mu looked at Jiang Fuxian with each other in his eyes, and they laughed at the same time.

Jiang Fuxian's whole body was gently kneaded by Chen Mu. After warming and nourishing her body with the original substance, her strength returned to its peak, and her skin glowed with silver.

"Turn around!"


Chen Mu didn't ask why.

Jiang Fuxian rubbed his back with his slender hands.

This is called courteous reciprocity, Chen Mu closed his eyes comfortably, and his face was full of contentment, Jiang Fuxian's technique was not as proficient as him, but he was very serious, and the kneading was very gentle.

After soaking comfortably.

Jiang Fuxian stood up directly, and her proud figure was unobstructed. She left the bathtub, shook her head lightly, and her soft silver hair was blown dry in an instant.

After taking a bath, the two of them got into the bed. It was a quiet night, and the bed was very warm.

Chen Mu held Jiang Fuxian in his arms, his eyes met, and the two finally wrestled together.

 ps: Thank you Baiyuncanggou, Liunong, Yuadediction, Xianyumeng, Zheng Yu, a famous car from the Meiche family, and the monthly ticket that I voted after I was full. Thank you for your recommendation tickets and subscriptions, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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