my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 362 Sealing the Evil Lord

Chapter 362 Sealing the Evil Lord
The evil lord released the coercion of the ruler, the surrounding space was distorted, even the stars in the distance were shaking, and the sky and the earth were filled with chills.

Jiang Fuxian raised his slender hand, and the silver light in his hand turned into a long sword. The light of the sword spread thousands of miles, splitting the space, as if to divide the world equally.


The evil lord snorted coldly.

He waved his hand indifferently, his expression was indifferent, the rules and order in front of him were broken, and black eyes the size of stars appeared in the void, which was breathtaking.

When the sword light approached, the black eyes emitted a faint light, and the holy silver light was swallowed.

The evil lord approached slowly, and he said indifferently: "As long as you are willing to surrender, this deity can let you live."

Jiang Fuxian's blue eyes overflowed with silver light, her silver hair was scattered, and her body was covered by silver armor, holding the ice soul and snow soul in both hands, with a heroic posture, without the slightest fear.


The huge black eyes in front of the evil lord released a gloomy light, and the rules and order of this plane could not bear the coercion, and they shattered one after another. A black beam of light appeared in front of Jiang Fuxian in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Fuxian crossed his swords in front of him, and the silver light of the cross swung out following the blades.

Light up the cross star in the depths of the starry sky.

Yinhui and Youguang collided in the depths of the starry sky.

Jiang Fuxian released the power of the plane in his body, the cross silver light became stronger, the light was repelled, and the black eyes the size of stars were cut open.


The evil lord was not in a hurry, a mist appeared in front of him, and the holy silver glow was swallowed by the mist, the evil lord let out a playful laugh.

Jiang Fuxian was expressionless. She rushed towards the evil lord with two swords in her hands, and chose to attack actively. The moment she approached, the evil lord sneered with disdain. He opened his arms, and the black eyes on his arms and body opened one after another. The coercion became more and more terrifying .

In the void behind the evil lord, countless black eyes appeared out of thin air, like stars in the dark sky, each black eye possessed terrifying energy, the scene seemed to be the end of the world.

All the black eyes released Youguang at the same time, like a net, Jiang Fuxian swung his sword to cut off the oncoming Youguang.

The avenue is shaking.

Jiang Fuxian approached the evil lord in the blink of an eye, the ice soul slashed forward, and the sword light directed nowhere, the evil lord raised his hand, and the black skeleton scepter was horizontal in the air, which was the treasure of the evil lord.

The skeleton scepter collided with the ice soul.


The space distorted, the avenue shook, and the nearby stars shattered like bubbles.

There was a chill in Jiang Fuxian's beautiful eyes. She released all the power of the plane in her body, and the rich silver light enveloped the starry sky near the passage of the plane.

"There are strong people like you in the dilapidated plane. It is worthy of the eternal plane."

The evil lord felt the pressure, his expression was serious, his eyes opened one after another, his strength soared instantly, his figure became stalwart, and his figure reflected the sky and the earth.

Jiang Fuxian was shocked by the evil lord.

The evil lord opened all the eyes of his body, and a ray of light burst out from the palm of his hand, which blasted out in the blink of an eye. Jiang Fuxian couldn't dodge in time, and a bloody flower bloomed on his shoulder.

Jiang Fuxian gritted his silver teeth, turned and left, away from the plane channel in the blink of an eye.

"Hehe, want to go?"

The evil lord stepped forward, catching up with Jiang Fuxian one step at a time. He raised his hand, and countless dim lights shot out, enveloping Jiang Fuxian like a net of heaven and earth.

Jiang Fuxian was shrouded in a prison built by Youguang. The evil lord looked at her and said jokingly: "You are very strong. If you are willing to surrender to our evil god plane, I can spare you from death. You should think about it carefully."

"Just you?"

Jiang Fuxian's shoulders were stained with blood, she still looked proud, with a chill in her beautiful eyes.

"I don't know what to do."

The evil lord raised his hand to Jiang Fuxian, his black eyes gleaming in the palm of his hand, he clenched his fist violently, the cage built by the dark light closed and exploded, the space was shattered, the depths of the starry sky were filled with silver light, and everything returned to silence.

The world was silent, and the evil lord watched Jiang Fuxian turn into silver light all over the sky. He laughed, but suddenly the laughter stopped abruptly, and his expression became more dignified.

The evil lord suddenly blasted a ray of light forward, but that ray of light appeared from behind.

"It's a trap!"

The evil master clenched his fist, and with a shake of his arm, the faint light was scattered, "Hmph, it's ridiculous to want to trap this deity with this enchantment."

Outside the enchantment.

Standing deep in the starry sky, Jiang Fuxian was shrouded in silver light. Her face was pale. Just now, she could only condense a powerful avatar in order to introduce the evil lord into the pre-arranged space barrier, and paid a very heavy price for it.

A large number of powerhouses of the evil race poured out from the channel of the plane. They didn't notice the aura of the evil lord, but saw the silver sword light attacking, and a large number of powerhouses of the evil race were beheaded.

Only a few Jue Dian escaped from the plane passage, and Jiang Fuxian didn't kill them all, not only to save energy, but also to kill chickens and monkeys.

The evil lord is sealed, and it will definitely deter the powerhouses of the evil god plane. They will not act rashly for a short time. Jiang Fuxian looked at the space barrier in the distance, and she understood that it is impossible to seal the lord forever.

Zhuzhao and Youying led the gods to the depths of the starry sky, and Jiang Fuxian said in a deep voice: "You guard the depths of the starry sky to resist enemies from outside the domain."

Jiang Fuxian blinked and returned to Tiangong.

After sealing the evil lord, she dared to rest for a while.

Jiang Fuxian has killed a large number of strong men from the plane of the evil race, and obtained a lot of information about the plane of the evil gods, among which the evil master is not the strongest.

There is also an ancestor evil god in the plane of evil gods. The power of the ancestor evil gods is far superior to that of the earth-level masters.

Heavenly Palace.

Jiang Fuxian didn't come back for a long time. She changed into a snow-white dress and went to the fairyland.

Immortal World, Happy League.

Qin Nishang is working in the hall.

Jiang Fuxian smiled sweetly, "Junior Sister."

"Senior Sister, you are back." Qin Nishang got up excitedly, "Is the crisis over?"

Jiang Fuxian shook his head slightly, "I have temporarily sealed the evil lord, but the danger has not been lifted. I can only wait for my husband to come back. I believe him."

Qin Nishang couldn't help sighing, "I hope my junior brother can come back soon."

"Senior Sister, why don't you go to the mortal world to see Doudou?" Qin Nishang asked.

Jiang Fuxian smiled slightly, "Yeah, let's go back and see everyone by the way, I still have something to get rid of my junior sister."

"Senior sister, what's the matter?"

"I might be away for a while."

Qin Nishang opened her eyes wide and said in surprise, "Senior Sister, where are you going?"

"I think of some past that cannot be cut off, and I need to go to a far away place." Jiang Fuxian smiled, and Qin Nishang was at a loss.

Jiang Fuxian took Qin Nishang's hand, "Junior Sister, I have to trouble you again, Tiangong needs your help, I hope you can help Senior Sister and Junior Brother."

Qin Nishang smiled sweetly, "Senior sister, I will do my best, don't worry."

Jiang Fuxian hugged Qin Nishang and stroked her back, "Thank you, Junior Sister."


Although Qin Nishang often complained about Jiang Fuxian, she regarded her as her reliance in her heart.

When Jiang Fuxian returned to the mortal world, he took Chen Tong and Chen Su back to rest.

Beihuang, Chen family.

When Jiang Fuxian returned to Chen's house, Doudou immediately came to her side and threw herself into her arms, like a child, "Mother, are you done with retreat?"


Jiang Fuxian is holding Doudou's pretty face, and she is full of water and spirit, perfectly inheriting the advantages of her parents.

Doudou has a powerful talent, and at a young age, he already possesses supreme strength.

Tang Wan and Chen Yan were in Hongzhou, and Chen Ying took them to travel around. Chen Yao stayed at home all year round, and now she also has supreme strength.

Chen Yao had a sweet smile on her face, "Sister Fuxian, I've been looking forward to seeing you recently."

"Yaoyao, you are beautiful again."

"Sister Fuxian is still the most beautiful."

Doudou smiled sweetly: "My little girl and mother are both beautiful, and our whole family is also beautiful."

"It's still Doudou's sweet mouth." Chen Yao covered her mouth and chuckled, she looked at Jiang Fuxian, her beautiful eyes were slightly fixed, "Sister Fuxian, I think you are a little tired, this time you go back to Chen's house, take a rest for two more days."

Doudou hugged Jiang Fuxian's slender arms. She stared at her mother's beautiful face with a distressed expression on her face, "Mother, you can rest at home for a while."

Jiang Fuxian nodded with a smile, "Okay, mother will play with you at Chen's house for two days."

They came to the ancestral house to visit Chen Tiannan, and Chen Su and Chen Tong also came.

Doudou smiled and suggested, "Great-grandfather, call Second Uncle and the others back to have fun."

Chen Tiannan nodded with a smile, "Okay, I haven't seen them for a long time."

Chen Tong and Chen Su took the initiative to inform everyone.

Chen Yao smiled sweetly: "I'll pick up my parents, Doudou, you can have a good chat with your mother."

Doudou took Jiang Fuxian's hand, and the mother and daughter took a walk by the lake near Chen's house.

Jiang Fuxian can see Doudou's growth. She is very talented and works very hard. She has even caught up with the elders.

"Mom, I can help you share your worries now." Doudou looked at her mother with a serious face.

Jiang Fuxian's eyes were gentle, and he said softly: "Doudou, mother hopes that you can grow up happily."

"Mother, I'm not a child now, I can help you." Doudou's eyes sparkled.

Jiang Fuxian looked at his daughter, then gently rubbed her little face, and said softly: "Doudo, mother may have to leave for a long time."

"Mother, where are you going?"

"I'm going to find your father."

Doudou blinked, and quickly asked, "Mother, do you know where father is?"

Jiang Fuxian took out half of the jade pendant, nodded with a smile, "I need to find your father."

Doudou's small face was full of worry, "Mother, I heard the elders mentioned that the outside world is very dangerous. Even the strength of father and mother is not enough outside. Doudou doesn't want you to take risks."

"Your father needs mother's help." Jiang Fuxian didn't hide it from Doudou this time. She knew that Doudou had grown up, and she could tell her something.

Doudou was silent for a moment, her eyes were bright, and she said solemnly: "Mother, after you leave, I can take over your job."

Jiang Fuxian put his daughter in his arms, "Doudo, your father will be proud of you."

"Mother, Doudou will not let you down." Doudou's eyes were bright.

Zhuzhao and other protoss all hope that Doudou can become the emperor of heaven. Doudou is the daughter of Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian, and all ethnic groups are willing to accept her command.


The Chen family gathered at the Martial Arts Field.

Jiang Fuxian didn't say anything about his leaving, everyone toasted and drank happily.

The next day, early in the morning.

Jiang Fuxian and Doudou came to Lingyunzong.

"Meet Master."

"Little junior sister is becoming more and more like a master."

Zhao Feiyan had a happy smile on her face. She was dressed in a luxurious purple dress, dignified and glamorous. In front of Jiang Fuxian, she would always be a child who would never grow up.

Jiang Fuxian has not come back for many years, Lingyunzong is no longer what it used to be, and now Lingyunzong is the most powerful sect in the world, with countless arrogance.

Lingyun Peak, the top of the mountain.

Zhao Feiyan and Chen Xiaodou stood beside Jiang Fuxian, overlooking the entire Lingyun Sect.

"Master, that's my new apprentice Zhao Lingxin. She is talented and has more potential than me." Zhao Feiyan pointed to Ziyang Peak, where a girl with short silver hair was practicing sword, with a serious and correct attitude.

Jiang Fuxian appeared in the mountains in the blink of an eye, Zhao Lingxin widened her bright eyes, and said weakly: "Excuse me, are you the ancestor?"


Jiang Fuxian nodded with a smile.

Zhao Lingxin's face was agitated, she wanted to kneel and kowtow, but she couldn't.

Jiang Fuxian raised his hand, and the snow-white jade pendant fell in front of Zhao Lingxin, "Lingxin, the meeting gift from the master, you must practice hard in the future."

Zhao Lingxin took the jade pendant and nodded heavily, "Master, I will work hard."

Zhao Feiyan reminded: "This is the daughter of the master, Lingxin, you should call me the uncle."

"Lingxin has met my little uncle."

Zhao Lingxin bowed to Chen Xiaodou.

Chen Xiaodou covered her mouth and smiled lightly, "Mother, just like father, I have become Ling Yunzong's junior uncle."

Jiang Fuxian and Zhao Feiyan looked at each other and smiled.

"Master, do you want me to summon the disciples of the sect? They will definitely be very happy to see you."

"Okay, let's go."

After the news of Jiang Fuxian's return to Lingyunzong spread, the mountain gate shook, and all the disciples rushed back immediately, and the entire Lingyunzong was crowded with people.

Before the Zongmen Conference, Jiang Fuxian came to Zhaixing Peak to visit Su Min. As usual, he was making tea and sitting on a wooden chair basking in the sun.

"Uncle Master."


"Master Uncle."

Jiang Fuxian and the others bowed to salute.

Su Min stood up, with a kind face, and welcomed with a smile: "Fu Xian, you don't need to be polite, sit down quickly, and I'll pour you tea."

"Master, let me come."

Chen Xiaodou enthusiastically poured tea for everyone.

Su Min asked with a smile: "Fu Xian, come here, is there anything else?"

"Uncle, do you have the ability to go back in time?" Jiang Fuxian asked.

Zhao Feiyan and Chen Xiaodou looked surprised. Time travel is a terrible ability, even the Supreme cannot do it.

Su Min is still in the realm of Sword Saint. Even though the current world environment does not restrict becoming an immortal, he still did not choose to become an immortal.

"I can rewind time in a small area, but that's not real time rewinding, and time cannot be reversed." Su Min has been studying time all his life. He can ignore the erosion of time, but he can't change it.

Jiang Fuxian said in a deep voice: "Uncle, if it is a memory, can it be traced back?"

Su Min shook his head slightly, "Fuxian, you have the ability to look back at the past in the long river of time, I can't help you, you have to face your own past."

Jiang Fuxian nodded slightly, Chen Xiaodou said in surprise: "Mother, what kind of past do you have?"

Zhao Feiyan also looked at Master curiously.

Jiang Fuxian chuckled lightly and said, "Mother doesn't know, I'm going to find my past."

Chen Xiaodou didn't ask much.

Jiang Fuxian asked her to chat with Su Minduo, and she followed Zhao Feiyan to the sect meeting.

The Zongmen Conference was unprecedentedly grand, Jiang Fuxian said a few simple words, she also encouraged the juniors to practice, Su Min and the others were also watching from a distance.

Chen Xiaodou looked at her mother, who was attracting attention from a high place, and her fighting spirit was aroused in her heart, wanting to become a great existence like her father and mother.

After the Zongmen meeting was over, Jiang Fuxian took Chen Xiaodou back to Chen's house. Chen Yao and Chen Ying surrounded the mother and daughter, and they sat in the courtyard chatting.

"Yingying, I want you to be by Doudou's side." Jiang Fuxian looked at Chen Ying.

Chen Yingtian smiled and said, "Sister Fuxian, I will take good care of Doudou, don't worry."

Chen Yao solemnly said: "Sister Fuxian, I know that the situation in the depths of the starry sky is complicated, and I want to contribute. Please allow me to go to the depths of the starry sky."

Jiang Fuxian was a little hesitant. She knew that Chen Mu didn't want her sister to take risks, and Chen Mu would not take the initiative to interfere with their choices.

"Yaoyao, you go to Tiangong first, if you need support in the depths of the starry sky, it's not too late for you to go."

"Well, no problem."

Jiang Fuxian took a short rest at Chen's house for two days, and then brought Chen Xiaodou and the others back to Tiangong. Before leaving, there were still many things to deal with.

ps: I haven't written for a long time, the status is not good...

 ps: Thank you for your anxious rewards, thank you Dasheng, Chuxia Qingchen, and anxious for your rewards, thank you for your recommendation tickets and subscriptions, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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