my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 363 The Lake of Taiyin

Chapter 363 The Lake of Taiyin
Starry sky, celestial palace.

The attic palace is resplendent and magnificent.

Behind the tallest palace is a garden. In the garden, there are sacred trees and fairy grasses everywhere. Chen Xiaodou followed her mother, Jiang Fuxian stretched out her hand, and the warm glow bloomed. That was the only source of the plane left.

Chen Xiaodou looked at the source of the plane, and could feel the powerful energy contained in it.

"Doudou, this is the source of the plane, which will allow you to gain powerful power in a short period of time." Jiang Fuxian was going to hand over the source of the plane to his daughter.

Chen Xiaodou shook his head slightly, and said solemnly: "Mother, I don't need this power."

Jiang Fuxian said in a deep voice: "Doudou, the origin of the plane belongs to this plane. If you want to protect everyone, you also need the power of the origin of the plane."

"Mother, it's dangerous outside, you need this power even more. When I was chatting with Master, he said that the most powerful power is faith." Chen Xiaodou's eyes were burning with fire, very similar to Chen Mu.

Jiang Fuxian put away the source of the plane, and her eyes were rippling, "Doudou, mother should be by your side, but let you shoulder the burden for me."

Chen Xiaodou hugged her mother, with a sweet smile on her pretty face, "Mother, I have grown up, and I can shoulder the responsibility of protecting all living beings. You just go to find Dad."

The origin of the plane in Jiang Fuxian's body is related to eternity. She originally wanted to leave the origin of the plane in her body to Doudou, but Chen Xiaodou insisted not to.

Chen Xiaodou also understands the importance of the origin of the plane. If Jiang Fuxian keeps the origin of the plane, she will never rest assured that her mother will leave the plane.

Jiang Fuxian brought Chen Xiaodou to the main hall of Tiangong, and the immortal Da Neng bowed his hands in front of the hall.

"Meet the Empress."

"I have seen the princess."

Jiang Fuxian led Doudou to the golden throne, she said calmly: "The Heavenly Palace cannot be left alone for a day, Doudou is the daughter of me and the Emperor of Heaven, she ascended the throne of the Emperor of Heaven, do you have any opinions?"

The gods in front of the temple were talking about it.

When the Heavenly Emperor was suddenly replaced, they thought it was something wrong with Chen Mu, and panicked instantly.

Jiang Fuxian solemnly said: "Don't worry too much, the faith of all sentient beings is blessed by the Heavenly Emperor, and the Heavenly Emperor is gone, and a new Heavenly Emperor is needed to protect this world."

Chen Xiaodou was also a little nervous. She didn't have a brilliant record yet, and her brilliance was far inferior to that of Chen Mu and Jiang Fuxian. Even the gods thought it was too early.

The great powers of the Protoss want Chen Xiaodou to become the Emperor of Heaven, so naturally they have no objection, they just think that she is inexperienced and may not be able to lead the Ten Thousand Clans well.

Both Chen Yao and Chen Ying are in front of the hall, as well as strong men such as Shi Qilin, Liu Zhongyuan, and Fozi, and Qin Nishang will also be by Doudou's side to assist her.

If there is the blessing of the faith of all beings, Chen Xiaodou also has the ability to control thousands of people and resist foreign enemies, so Jiang Fuxian wants her to become the emperor of heaven in advance.

The strong men in front of the hall did not dare to have any opinions, and everyone nodded in agreement. Jiang Fuxian let Doudou sit on the throne, and the gods in front of the hall bowed down one after another.

"Meet the Emperor!"

The loud voice resounded through the starry sky.

As soon as the new emperor appeared, the news spread all over the world. Rain fell from the sky, moistening all things, and the people sang and danced to celebrate the emperor's enthronement.

Chen Xiaodou was blessed by the beliefs of all beings, and her realm skyrocketed. She personally sent Jiang Fuxian to the vicinity of the plane passage, "Mother, Doudou is waiting for you to come back."

Jiang Fuxian finally hugged his daughter, "Doudo, your father will be proud of you."

Zhuzhao and other protoss powerhouses looked solemn. They knew that after Jiang Fuxian left, the combat power of the plane dropped sharply. If the evil lord broke through the seal, they might be in big trouble.

Jiang Fuxian also understood that she would find Chen Mu as quickly as possible and return.

Outside the channel of the plane, the evil lord's army is still nearby, the silver sword light roars, countless battleships are broken, and the strong evil clan can only flee.

There was a black ship that was very fast, it was the flagship of the evil lord, Jiang Fuxian appeared on the black ship in the blink of an eye, and she instantly wiped out the evil race on board.

Jiang Fuxian took out half of the jade pendant. There was a gentle light in her eyes and a smile on the corner of her mouth. He steered the black boat and sailed towards Chen Mu.


A place of silence.

A super continent in nothingness.

Standing on the endless yellow wasteland, Chen Mu could feel the secret power draining from his body.

The beliefs of sentient beings that had been blessed on him disappeared, and Chen Mu's expression was slightly condensed. If something happened to Jiang Fuxian, he must have a special induction.

Just as he was thinking, there was a strong light shining on the sky and the earth in the distance, and the figures of three stalwarts reflected the sky, which was the tyrannical coercion of a ruler.

The coercion of the master can be felt from a long distance. Chen Mu looked indifferent and didn't care. Even if it was the master, he didn't have the slightest fear.

Lin Qingdai and Ye Cangqiong approached Chen Mu, and the top fighters were teleported to different locations according to different planes, and the situation of each plane battle was different.

After Chen Mu came to the lonely place, he was trying to crack the magic spell in his body. Fortunately, with the help of Yun Mengchen's Taoist soldiers, he successfully solved the seal in his body, but he also wasted a lot of treasure hunting time.

In order to break the magic spell in his body, Yun Mengchen's Taoist soldiers were seriously exhausted, and now he can't help Chen Mu too much, he can only rely on his own strength in the lonely place.

The sky in the Ruins of Silence is blue, and there are towering mountains in the distance. It is rumored that it is the ancestral tree of creation, which covers the Milky Way, and the entire Ruins of Silence is covered by the canopy.

"Brother Chen."

"Brother Chen."

Lin Qingdai and the others were looking for luck nearby, and the sudden movement made them come at the same time.

Entering the land of silence, the most powerful people are hiding their aura, but the figures of the three stalwarts in the distance are very eye-catching, they are the real masters.

Lin Qingdai said with a solemn expression: "There are already some extremely strong people who have broken through to the realm of dominance."

Ye Cangqiong looked at Chen Mu, "Brother Chen, you can also break through, we will protect you."

"Don't worry, if you can break through, you can break through here. I plan to find fortune first." Chen Mu knew that breaking through would take time.

Lin Qingdai smiled wryly and said, "We don't have the ability to break through yet, why don't we go forward together."

"Well, I feel strong energy fluctuations ahead, let's go and have a look."

Chen Mu soared into the sky, in the lonely place, there was a strong restriction, even Jue Dian couldn't cross the void, they could only fly over.

Lin Qingdai and Ye Cangqiong followed closely beside Chen Mu. The ground was covered with crystal gravel, and there were gorgeous fire lights, and the heaven and earth were filled with special regular energy.

Chen Mu was on his way while adapting to the rules and order here. His body seemed to be in shackles. There was a chaotic energy storm in front of him, flashing swords and swords, and the ground was covered with cracks like a spider web.

"Be careful."

Chen Mu landed on the ground, and there was a killing intent not far away. The rules and order were chaotic, and various energies were intertwined. Lin Qingdai's beautiful eyes were slightly focused, "It is the coercion of the master."

Ye Cangqiong looked serious, and he pointed to the distance, "That's the corpse of the ruler, it looks like it's left over from the previous plane war."

As strong as a master, they all fell in the lonely place. The cruelty of the war between the planes can be imagined. The corpses are only half of their bodies, holding a red long knife in their hands.

There was still warm blood on the long knife, the surrounding temperature was terrifying, and the energy in it had not yet dissipated. Chen Mu radiated an indelible radiance. He walked into the core of the battlefield, while Lin Qingdai and the others waited outside.

In the center of this battlefield, the rules are chaotic. Chen Mu restored the original battle in the sea of ​​consciousness, and he found that the master was killed by besieging.

A golden jade stone was found inside the corpse, only the size of a fingernail. This energy was very strong. Chen Mu took out the jade stone, "Is this the Holy Origin Stone?"

The golden holy source stone is very rare. Chen Mu guessed that he became the master because of this golden holy source stone, and he was killed before he stabilized his realm.

Chen Mu urged the power of devouring, a black vortex appeared in the palm, the golden holy source stone melted slowly, and majestic energy poured into the limbs and bones.

After a while, the golden Saint Origin Stone in Chen Mu's hand was completely refined, and the Dao Fruit in his body was strengthened. Such a small amount of Saint Origin Stone would have such an effect. If he got a large amount of Saint Origin Stone, the Dao Fruit would definitely have a qualitative change.

The Juggernaut has his own natal Taoist soldiers, which doubles his strength. Lin Qingdai and Ye Cangqiong have Daoist soldiers, but they do not belong to them, and the blessings are limited. If they meet the Juggernaut, they will definitely suffer a lot.

Fortunately, most of them are in the peak state, and there will not be too many masters in a short time.

Chen Mu walked out of the ruins of the battlefield. He looked calm and said with a smile: "Although there are masters appearing, there will not be too many of them. They will also look for luck. As long as they avoid them, there will be no trouble."

Ye Cangqiong said in a deep voice: "Brother Chen, the three figures just now are similar, and one of them is very similar to Fen Yu. I suspect that the three masters of the Senluo plane will become the masters, and I'm afraid they will come to cause trouble."

"Yeah, it's a pity that we can't contact the Light Plane now. If we join hands with them, we won't be afraid even if it's the Sen Luo Plane." Lin Qingdai shook her head and sighed softly.

Chen Mu smiled and said: "You don't have to worry, I promised Yun Mengchen that I will help you achieve results in the dark blue plane, first follow me to find fortune, and then look for opportunities to hit the domination realm."

Lin Qingdai and Ye Cangqiong could only trust Chen Mu.

Chen Mu led the two of them to move on, the ruins were silent, there were brilliant fires flickering between the sky and the earth, and the earth was devastated.

Most of the top experts are still retreating, and only a few are looking for fortune outside, mainly to collect information, and Chen Mu took the opportunity to find fortune.

There is a clear lake in the wilderness.

When Chen Mu and the others came to the lake, Lin Qingdai frowned slightly, "There is a problem here."

Ye Cangqiong reminded: "This is the water of the yin, and it is said that it can swallow the living beings in the yang world."

Chen Mu looked into the distance, "Is there any other living creatures in the Silent Ruins?"

Lin Qingdai quickly replied: "I heard that there are creatures created by the ancestor gods inside."

Chen Mu stared at the depths of the lake, where there were powerful fluctuations, "Let's go around."

"it is good!"

Lin Qingdai and the others didn't want to take any risks either.

Chen Mu and the others had just soared into the sky, preparing to stay away from the lake, but a cold breath came, and silver-white snowflakes suddenly fell from the sky and the earth.

The lake was turbulent, and a big snake covered in silver scales soared into the sky. It tore through the space and appeared in front of it. The terrifying coercion was not weaker than that of the Earth Rank Master.

Lin Qingdai and Ye Cangqiong stared at Chen Mu, they didn't know what to do, Chen Mu said indifferently: "Since it won't let us go, then kill it."

The silver-scaled serpent came with an extremely cold storm, and the world was covered in silver. Lin Qingdai and Ye Cangqiong's backs felt cold, and they sacrificed Taoist soldiers at the same time.

Lin Qingdai held a piece of green branch, the branches and leaves rippling green, the surrounding chill was dispelled, Ye Cangqiong took out the golden conch, and when he moved the conch, there was a deafening war roar in the world.

The snowflakes were shattered, but the silver-scaled serpent still rushed out, its eyes were red with killing intent, it opened its bloody mouth, and spit out countless ice blades.

The green branches grew wildly. In an instant, countless branches fell, the ice blade was blocked, the silver-scale snake swung its tail, sharp as a knife, the space was cut open, countless branches were broken, and Lin Qingdai was forced to retreat.

After Ye Cangqiong's golden conch blew, afterimages of thousands of troops and horses appeared in the sky and the earth. The golden conch contained the fighting spirit left by many ancient powerful men.

The silver-scaled serpent roared again, and a large number of broken Taoist soldiers were released from the lake behind them, and the thousands of troops gathered in the fighting spirit were instantly dispersed.

The sound of the conch stopped abruptly, and Ye Cangqiong suffered backlash. He coughed involuntarily and said solemnly, "Brother Chen, I'll leave it to you to deal with it."

Chen Mu charged towards the silver-scaled snake with the emperor sword in his hand, he rushed forward in the blink of an eye, the emperor sword slashed out with the supreme sword light, and the silver-scaled snake swung its tail violently.

The sword light collided with the tail of the snake, and the silver scales rubbed against each other to create a gorgeous fire light, with blood spilling out, and the big silver scale snake roared, it circled around Chen Mu, trying to wrap him around.

Chen Mu didn't care, he swung his sword again, the intent of the sword soared into the sky, with a sharp light in his brows and eyes, the Emperor Sword slashed towards the seven inches of the silver-scaled serpent.


The silver-scaled serpent was chopped off.

Both Lin Qingdai and Ye Cangqiong inadvertently gasped. Creatures of this level couldn't even catch Chen Mu's sword. They looked at each other and could see the surprise in each other's eyes.

The silver-scaled serpent had been cut off, but it hadn't fallen completely. It was still hissing and roaring, with a piercing sound, and Lin Qingdai couldn't help frowning.

The silver-scaled snake with its remnant body opened its bloody mouth to swallow Chen Mu. Before approaching Chen Mu, he suddenly slashed out with his sword. The sword was so fast that Ye Cangqiong didn't even react.

Chen Mu put away the Emperor Sword, and he watched the big silver-scaled snake lying on the lakeside. This big snake possessed tyrannical strength, but he was easily beheaded by him.

"Brother Chen, you are really amazing."

Lin Qingdai's face was full of joy. She wanted to get closer to observe the body of the silver-scaled snake. Chen Mu frowned slightly, "Don't come here, it's dangerous."

Following Chen Mu's reminder, the corpse of the silver-scaled serpent suddenly exploded, and the thick lunar mist enveloped the lakeside. The ice and snow, the blood is about to freeze, if it gets any closer, it might be dangerous.

By the lakeside, the dense mist dissipated quickly. Lin Qingdai watched the mist pour into Chen Mu's body. Even under the shroud of immortal light, his body was covered with frost, and his skin lost its color.

"Brother Chen."

Ye Cangqiong rushed over immediately.

"I am fine."

Chen Mu was barely able to hold on, but his combat power at this stage was greatly reduced.

This yin energy wanted to occupy his body, but Chen Mu suddenly realized that it was trapped just now, and the silver-scaled snake was just a body.

Chen Mu didn't panic, and said calmly: "There is the lake of Taiyin here, and there is also the lake of the sun correspondingly. As long as I get the energy of the sun, I can recover."

Ye Cangqiong nodded quickly, "That's right, the Lake of the Sun should be at the other end of the Land of Silence."

The silver-scaled snake was even weirder than Chen Mu thought. He didn't dare to be careless, and immediately took Lin Qingdai and the others to the possible location of the Lake of the Sun.

There was a lot of movement in the battle by the lake. There was a strong man approaching here, and a strong man noticed Chen Mu's movements.

Chen Mu noticed that there were strong people approaching around him, "You can go to the depths of Ruins and Silence first, and I can look for the Lake of the Sun alone."

Lin Qingdai smiled coquettishly: "Brother Chen, we are on the same boat now. Even if you are injured now, we can't abandon you. The dark blue plane still depends on you to achieve results."

Ye Cangqiong also understands that they cannot achieve good results on their own, and only when Chen Mu returns to his peak can the Deep Blue Plane have a chance to achieve good results.

Chen Mu didn't force them to leave either. If he wanted to find the Lake of the Sun, he would need to go around the outside of the Ruins of Silence, which would take a lot of time.

Lin Qingdai handed the green branch in her hand to Chen Mu. The green branch exuded a strong vitality, "Brother Chen, this green branch may help you."

Chen Mu held the green branch, and the majestic vitality poured into his body. His condition did not continue to deteriorate, and it was difficult to refine the cold air of Taiyin in a short time.

 ps: Thank you Huolizi, a bag of rice for the monthly votes, thank you for your recommendation tickets and subscriptions, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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