my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 44 1 sword crush

44 - One Sword Crushed

Xuanwu Hall.

The nobles of Yan Kingdom looked shocked.

They had heard about Chen Mu's extraordinary talent before, but when they saw that the deity was still a child, they could only say that the future was promising.

Now that Chen Mu took the initiative to challenge Zhou Han, King Yan was even willing to raise his chips. The nobles looked at each other in blank dismay.

Yunzhou is a strategically important place. If Yunzhou is ceded to Zhou State, Yan State will be tantamount to subjugation.

Yan Longyue's delicate body was trembling. She knew Zhou Han's strength, the fifth-rank sword sect, and the young juniors in the Northern Wilderness were all outstanding.

"Do not worry."

Chen Mu patted Yan Longyue's shoulder with a small hand, and her bright smile made her much calmer.

Zhao Qianlei failed to persuade Zhou Han, and sighed all over his face: "Your Highness, you are so confused."

Zhou Han didn't take it seriously. With a smug smile on his lips, he said arrogantly, "General Zhao, do you think I will lose to a five or six-year-old kid?"

"Your Highness, he will turn four years old in two days. He is not afraid of [-], but just in case. If you lose to him, how will you explain to King Zhou when you go back?"

"Ha ha."

"General Zhao is too cautious."

"If I win him, I will get Yunzhou and Suzhou. My father will definitely reward me."

Zhou Han never thought that he would lose, Zhao Qianlei could only remind him: "Your Highness, you must not be careless, and you must take this contest seriously."

"I know, it's all mine." Zhou Han looked at Yan Longyue, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Chen Mu and Zhou Han came to the Xuanwu Hall, where the terrain is open and suitable for martial arts competitions, and the nobles of the Yan Kingdom are all around to watch.

They also heard that Chen Mu killed the wolf king, but seeing his handsome boyish appearance, they no longer had any hope for him.

King Yan has seen countless people, and he sensed in Chen Mu the dominance of a king. He recognized Chen Mu, which is why he dared to make such a big bet.

There was a spirit sword released from the jade bracelet on Zhao Feiyan's right wrist. It was Chen Mu's broken wing. It was inconvenient for him to carry it on his body, so he put it with Zhao Feiyan.

Zhou Han also used a spirit sword.

Holding the folded wings, Chen Mu pointed at Zhou Han with his sword, and said flatly, "Please."

This action undoubtedly has a provocative taste.

Zhou Han was furious, the water-blue energy field spread out, and a powerful coercion rushed towards his face.

Opening the qi field first proved that Zhou Han did not underestimate the enemy. The qi field can suppress the opponent's speed and buffer the opponent's attack.

"So strong!"

The royal juniors exclaimed.

Chen Mu didn't want to waste time with him, he also opened up his own energy field, covered by flames, Zhou Han's energy field was completely suppressed.

The nobles around were shocked and said: "He is Jianzong, and he is not weaker than Zhou Han!"

The originally depressed nobles of the Yan Kingdom are all excited now, they still have hope.

Zhao Qianlei's face was solemn, and it was as he had guessed, Chen Mu's energy field was obviously stronger, and his realm must be higher.

Yan Longyue clasped her hands tightly in front of her chest, she was still nervous, waiting for the final result.

Only Zhao Feiyan remained calm.

She is not interested in this exchange.

Seeing that his energy field was being suppressed, Zhou Han raised his sword and rushed towards Chen Mu, as if rushing into a sea of ​​flames, his skin felt like it was being burned.

The blue sword light roared over.

There was a faint golden light in Chen Mu's eyes. He saw the movement of the spiritual power in Zhou Han's body, and the movement of the sword was unusually slow in his eyes.

"Dragon Breath Slash!"

Chen Mu suddenly drew his sword and drank softly, the spiritual power in his body was instantly released through the broken wings, and the crisp dragon chant resounded through the sky.

The gorgeous flame and sword light rushed towards Zhou Han, and everyone saw the afterimage of the dragon, like a fire dragon exhaling, the space vibrated, and the ground shook.


The two sword lights collided.

The blue sword light was instantly swallowed.

Zhou Han rolled over ten feet, the dragon robe on his body was burnt, he coughed up blood, and lay on the ground with difficulty even getting up.

One move to crush.

The audience was stunned.

"Your Highness!"

Zhao Qianlei hurried over to help.

The surrounding royal families began to cheer and celebrate.

Yan Longyue looked excited, with charming dimples on her pretty face. Chen Mu defeated Zhou Han, not only keeping her, but also the territory of Yan Kingdom.

Zhao Feiyan walked to Chen Mu's side, she looked at Zhou Han indifferently, and said coldly: "According to the agreement, Zhou Guo will give up the competition for Yunzhou and Suzhou, and Zhou Guo will never invade Yan Kingdom again."

"If Zhou Guo violated it, Ling Yunzong will definitely punish him severely." Zhao Feiyan released her powerful energy field, and the terrifying coercion made Zhao Qianlei terrified.

How could Zhou Han dare to refute.

King Yan hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, little friend Chen Mu, and thank you Fairy Zhao for your testimony."

They all thought it was a trivial matter.

Zhao Feiyan and Chen Mu walked towards Xuanwu Hall.

Chen Mu intended to end the battle quickly, he was not full yet, and Zhao Feiyan wanted to go back to drink.

Yan Longyue trotted to keep up with Chen Mu's footsteps, and said in admiration, "Young master is really amazing."

"Sister Longyue, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have bet on you just now." Chen Mu said sincerely.

Now that Chen Mu thinks about it carefully, such an approach is somewhat disrespectful to Yan Longyue.

Yan Longyue was frightened just now, but the result was good, she didn't blame Chen Mu.

Now hearing Chen Mu's apology, Yan Longyue suddenly felt warm.

King Yan laughed and said: "Send my nephew back to the inn to recuperate, and we will talk about the marriage later."

After sending Zhou Han away, King Yan was in a happy mood, and the crisis of land cession was finally resolved easily by Chen Mu. He felt that Yan Longyue's choice was not wrong.

King Yan has lived for hundreds of years, and has never seen such a powerful peerless arrogance. Chen Mu is expected to reach the pinnacle of swordsmanship, and Yan Longyue's being his maid may not be embarrassing, but high.

Back at Xuanwu Hall, King Yan and the officials thanked Chen Mu and Zhao Feiyan again.

When Chen Mu defeated Zhou Han, it was Zhao Feiyan and Ling Yunzong who really intimidated them.

After eating and drinking, Chen Mu respectfully said, "Thank you, King Yan, for your hospitality, and please send someone to take us back to Black Rock City."

"It's not easy for Chen Mu to come to the capital, let Longyue show you around for a few more days." King Yan smiled and tried to persuade him to stay.

Chen Mu smiled and said: "Wang Du is very good, but I miss home very much, please understand, King Yan."

King Yan didn't force him, and said in a deep voice, "General Meng, you will escort little friend Chen Mu back."

"As ordered."

Meng Tie said respectfully.

Chen Mu left the palace, Yan Longyue still followed him, but she did not wear beautiful clothes, she had changed into a simple white cloth skirt, her long hair was tied behind her head by a wooden hairpin, her innocent and pretty face was like a girl next door .

Zhou Han was still in the capital, and Chen Mu was going to let Yan Longyue go to Chen's house to avoid the limelight, and let her return to the capital after the news passed.

They came to the lively street market.

Chen Mu hasn't used up the money his grandfather gave him.

When he came to the capital, he naturally wanted to buy souvenirs. He also picked out a few sandbags with good colors, and prepared to take them home for his sister to play with.

Yan Longyue helped Chen Mu carry a lot of things, although they were heavy, but she didn't make a sound.

Zhao Feiyan was swaying when she walked, her eyes were slightly drunk, her cold and pretty face was flushed, and she was not addicted to alcohol like a typical alcoholic.

"There's a candied haws seller in front, buy more, I'll eat it on the way." Zhao Feiyan said coldly.

"no problem."

The purchase was completed soon, and they were about to leave the capital and return to Black Rock City.

Yan Longyue came to Chen Mu's side and wanted to ride in the same carriage with him. Zhao Feiyan walked over and said coldly, "You, go to the back."

Facing the powerful Zhao Feiyan, Yan Longyue didn't dare to speak, and obediently went to the back compartment.

After Chen Mu entered the carriage, he whispered to Zhao Feiyan, "Sister Longyue is really pitiful, sister Fairy, please don't attack her."

"I just don't want her to disturb our practice, there is no other meaning." Zhao Feiyan said lazily, she did not hate Yan Longyue.

Yan Longyue sat alone in the carriage, thinking of the new life she was about to start in the Chen family, her eyes longingly said: "I am no longer a princess, and I have to work hard in the days to come."

(End of this chapter)

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