my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 45 Dream Butterfly

Chapter 45
Black Rock City.

Sunny afternoon.

Tang Wan was humming and shaking the cradle in the room, but Chen Ying just didn't sleep, she was still crying in the cradle, Chen Yan was guarding the darts, Chen Mu went to the capital, she was very tired these days.

Chen Ying has been four months old and has grown fat and white. Because she eats well and has a great body, she can already toss and turn in the cradle.

Chen Ying is very active now, and she also likes to crawl around. Logan has to stare at her all day.

During this time with Chen Ying, Tang Wan lost a lot of weight, and Chen Mu was still easy to take care of.

Thinking of Chen Mu, Tang Wan murmured, "I haven't been able to give Mu'er a life this time, and I don't know if the capital is really fun."

"Yeah ah!"

Chen Ying suddenly stretched out her hands and called out.

Tang Wan thought she was going to hug her, so she picked her up and said softly, "My dear daughter, why are you so happy today?"

During Chen Mu's absence, Chen Ying was crying every day, finally seeing her smiling face, Tang Wan's mood also improved.


Chen Mu shouted in the courtyard.

Tang Wan said with a surprised expression: "Mu'er, no wonder your sister smiles so happily."


Chen Ying let out a happy laugh.

When Chen Mu got home, he picked up Chen Ying and said with a sweet smile, "Yingying is good, my brother brought you a gift, I'll give it to you later."

Yan Longyue walked in carrying souvenirs, which were very heavy, and she struggled a bit.

Zhao Feiyan didn't help, that Gao Lengyu went straight to Chen Xi's room to rest.

Tang Wan's eyes lit up when she saw Yan Longyue, and Chen Mu explained with a smile: "Mother, this elder sister is Yan Longyue. Last year, my sister's full moon wine came, and now she will stay at our house for a while."

Her name was very familiar, but Logan couldn't remember who it was.

Yan Longyue bowed and said respectfully: "Longyue has met Madam, King Yan rewarded me as a servant girl to the young master, you can use me as you please in the future."

Tang Wan's face was full of bewilderment, Yan Wang actually gave Mu'er such a beautiful maid, this pure and beautiful face, these white hands, are they maids?
Chen Mu told her mother the reason, and after Tang Wan knew the situation, she enthusiastically said, "Princess Longyue, you should call me aunt and brother Chen Mu."

Yan Longyue pursed her lips and said respectfully: "Thank you, Auntie, I am the young master's maid, you should call me Longyue."

She didn't fully listen to Logan's words.

Chen Mu hugged her sister to play in the courtyard, and Chen Ying couldn't stop laughing. Seeing this, Tang Wan said softly, "Mu'er, take your sister first, and mother will go to the kitchen to cook you food."

"Mother, I'm not hungry." After Chen Mu finished speaking, Tang Wan still walked towards the kitchen.

Seeing that Tang Wan was going to cook, Yan Longyue put the things in the house and hurried to help.

Usually there are maids to cook, but Tang Wan will only cook in person on special days.

Yan Longyue came to the kitchen. She helped Tang Wan light the fire and water. Although her movements were clumsy, it could be seen that she really wanted to do these things well.

Tang Wan patiently taught Yan Longyue how to control the heat and how to judge the water temperature.

Yan Longyue listened carefully, she watched Tang Wan knead the dough in the basin, and finally Tang Wan stretched the dough thin and long.

in the courtyard.

Chen Mu smelled the fragrance.

He watched his mother come to the courtyard with the steaming longevity noodles, Tang Wan softly said: "Mu'er, come and eat the noodles."


Chen Mu approached with his sister in his arms.

Tang Wan said softly: "Mother didn't prepare any other gifts, only this bowl of longevity noodles."

"Thank you, mother."

Chen Mu smiled happily.

Tang Wan hugged Chen Ying, and Chen Mu began to eat the longevity noodles made by his mother, "Well, it's really delicious."


Chen Ying was making trouble in Tang Wan's arms, the corners of her mouth were still drooling, and her small face was full of grievances, which made Logan feel distressed.


"I'll get a spoon."

Chen Mu got up, and quickly brought over the spoon Chen Ying used to drink the animal milk.

Tang Wan took the spoon and said softly, "Yingying, it's your brother who loves you."

Chen Mu ate the noodles, Tang Wan fed Chen Ying the noodle soup with a spoon, and the siblings ate a bowl of noodles together.

Yan Longyue watched quietly. She used to be well-clothed and well-fed, but she had never seen such a warm scene, and she even envied Chen Mu a little.

Yan Longyue felt that Chen Mu at this time looked more like his age.

Chen Mu finished eating the longevity noodles, while Chen Ying drank all the soup, and then hiccupped, and laughter echoed in the yard.


Yan Longyue lives next door to Chen Mu.

She takes the initiative to do housework every day.

At first Tang Wan refused to let Yan Longyue do housework, but she insisted on doing housework every day.

As time went by, Tang Wan gradually accepted Yan Longyue, and she learned a lot, such as cleaning, washing, washing dishes, cooking, taking care of children and so on.

Chen Mu's life is very simple, every morning he accompanied his younger sister to stroll around the courtyard twice.

Yan Longyue would get up early every day to prepare breakfast for Chen Mu. Her cooking skills were getting better and better. At first, Chen Mu was reluctant to eat.

When Chen Mu went to the martial arts field to practice swords, Yan Longyue would clean his room and wash his dirty clothes.

Yan Longyue didn't cause the Chen family any trouble.


Every night, Chen Mu would go to Zhao Feiyan's room to practice, and would not go back to his room to rest until the middle of the night.

After returning to Black Rock City, Chen Mu practiced for a full eight months, and he finally reached the pinnacle of the Ninth Grade Sword Sect and touched the threshold of Jianhou.

【Host: Chen Mu】

[Realm: Ninth Rank Sword Sect Peak]

[Realm: Early stage of Nianzong of the Eighth Grade]

[Sign-in value: 482]

[Task: None]

The improvement of mind power is relatively slow.

Chen Mu stopped using the Nirvana breathing method, and Zhao Feiyan also stopped. Her face became more rosy, and her body was better than before. The ice sword in the ice field in her body showed signs of loosening.

Zhao Feiyan did not hide from Chen Mu that the ice field trapped her natal sword, which made her unable to exert the full power of the sword king.

The last time I collided with the old blind man, it was also because of this reason that something almost went wrong.

"The improvement of the realm is getting slower and slower. It took eight months to raise two ranks. If we continue to practice at this speed, when will we become a sword master!" Chen Mu couldn't help but sigh.

Zhao Feiyan was very upset after hearing this, her pretty face trembled slightly, and she said coldly: "I was only named Marquis when I was eight years old, and you are not yet five years old, what's the rush?"

Chen Mu feels that if the sign-in system is not working well, he can only go to Lingyunzong to practice in advance. He hasn't updated the mission in the past eight months, and he doesn't know if the mission refresh is regular.

Chen Mu got up and put on his shoes.

Zhao Feiyan lay down and was about to rest when a colorful butterfly suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

Zhao Feiyan smiled pretty, she stretched out her slender fingers, and the butterfly landed on her fingertips spiritually.

She stared at the fingertip butterfly, feeling a little sleepy, Zhao Feiyan suddenly became alert, the scene in front of her was unpredictable, she was like being in a sunny flower sea, surrounded by butterflies.

"Chen Mu!"

Zhao Feiyan drank coldly.

She guessed it was telekinetic.

Chen Mu immediately dispelled the illusion of telekinetics, and proudly said with a small face: "This is the second stage of the dream of floating life and drunkenness, Ten Mile Dream Butterfly. The subsequent telekinetics require a huge amount of telekinetic power to support, and I can't complete it yet."

There was frost in Zhao Feiyan's eyes, and Chen Mu sensed something was wrong, so he turned around and wanted to run away, but was imprisoned by Zhao Feiyan with a powerful energy field.

"Do you really think I won't teach you a lesson?"

Zhao Feiyan grabbed Chen Mu over and pressed her on her knee, with a crisp snap, Chen Mu clutched her buttocks with a painful expression.

"Use mindfulness on me again, and I guarantee you will suffer even worse next time." Zhao Feiyan said coldly.

"no next time."

Chen Mu endured the pain and said.

This kind of telepathy can't trap the Sword King. Just now Zhao Feiyan touched the Huandie, which proves that this telepathy can still temporarily confuse the Sword King.

After Chen Mu mastered the ten-mile dream butterfly, his phantom butterfly can fly to any corner within ten miles, which is also convenient for him to collect information about the surrounding area.

After being taught a lesson by Zhao Feiyan, Chen Mu could only rest on his stomach when he returned to his room. He finally knew how powerful Zhao Feiyan was.

It's better not to provoke her.

early morning.


The door of Chen Mu's room was pushed open.

He turned his head to look in the direction of the door, and a petite figure staggered towards him.

With a watermelon hairstyle, Chen Ying staggered to Chen Mu's bedside. She happily took out half a piece of candy from her pocket, and said in a milky voice, "Brother, candy..."

Chen Mu opened his mouth and ate the half of the candy, then stretched out his hand to shave Chen Ying's nose, and said with a smile, "Yingying is so good."

After Chen Ying learned to walk, she liked to run to Chen Mu's room the most. Because of the threshold, she fell many times. Chen Yan removed the threshold of Chen Mu's room. Recently, the air leakage has been serious.

"elder brother……"

Chen Ying yelled, she put her little hand into her pocket, and then took it out again, her cute eyes said in surprise: "Huh?"

Chen Mu didn't understand it, and Chen Ying repeated the action just now, with a surprised expression in place.

Chen Mu suddenly understood what she meant, he gently rubbed Chen Ying's little head, and said softly, "Brother will buy you candy later."

"Sugar candy."

Chen Ying said happily.

When Chen Mu got up, Chen Ying turned into a tail, always following her brother unsteadily.

Yan Longyue prepares different breakfasts every day, mainly meat for Chen Mu, rice porridge for Chen Ying, and vegetables for Tang Wan.

She has mastered everyone's taste.

"Thank you Sister Longyue." Chen Mu would repeat this sentence every day before eating, and Chen Ying said in a milky voice: "Thank you... sister..."

As long as the food she cooks can be liked, Yan Longyue is very happy. She worked hard during the time in the Chen family, but she was also very happy.

Chen Mu suggested at the dinner table: "Mother, I am going to teach my sister how to breathe."

Tang Wan was slightly startled, and said in a deep voice, "Your sister is still young, can she learn it?"

"Try it."

Chen Mu looked at his sister.

Chen Ying is eating porridge with a spoon. She can eat two bowls every meal, so she is in good health.

Breathing method can strengthen the body, my sister is not as good as me, maybe I can make up for some of the gap by practicing in advance.

 Stay up all night and finish writing!Sorry d(д)!

(End of this chapter)

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