my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 46 Zhao Feiyan's Violence

Chapter 46 Zhao Feiyan's Violence
After breakfast.

Chen Mu took his sister to the street to buy candy.

You often see Peerless Tianjiao, and the people in Black Rock City are not as enthusiastic as they were at the beginning. People on the street will greet them with a smile, and Chen Mu will smile back.

Yan Longyue quietly followed behind Chen Mu. She was dignified and elegant, with a smile on her face. When Chen Mu was busy, she was the one who played with Chen Ying. Now besides relying on her parents and Chen Mu, Chen Ying loved Yan the most. Long month.

Chen Mu bought several kinds of fresh fruits at the fruit stand, and then at the candy stand, he chose candies with low sugar content.

Tang Wan forbade Chen Ying to eat too much candy, fearing that she would damage her teeth, so Chen Ying always asked Chen Mu to buy candy.

"elder brother."

Chen Ying's little finger pointed not far away.

Chen Mu saw the old man who was buying candied haws.

Chen Ying hadn't eaten candied haws yet, and Chen Mu was afraid that she would get stuck eating candied haws.

Seeing his younger sister's expectant eyes, Chen Mu spoiled and said, "Brother will buy it for you."

Chen Ying got the candied haws, her expression was joyful, her bright eyes overflowed with laughter, she licked the candied haws, and said in a milky voice, "Sweet."

The people around are laughing.

What they like most is watching the siblings go shopping.

Chen Mu hugged Chen Ying home, and Yan Longyue followed behind with fruits and candies. Every time they went shopping, they looked like this.

It can always attract countless eyes.

Go back to Chen's house.

Yan Longyue went to the kitchen to wash the fruit.

Chen Mu brought his younger sister to the martial arts arena.

Normally Chen Ying wanted to come here to play, but Tang Wan and Yan Longyue would not let her come here, because it was very dangerous for Chen Mu to practice sword here.

Chen Mu put a small stool under the tree, and Chen Ying sat on the stool with a cute and cute face. She licked the candied haws and was very quiet.

"Yingying, brother taught you how to breathe, you look at brother." Chen Murou said.

Chen Ying blinked.

Her bright eyes were full of confusion.

Chen Mu began to operate the breathing method, which he improved by combining many breathing methods, including basic breathing method, good fortune breathing method, and nirvana breathing method, which are very simple and suitable for beginners.

Chen Mu breathed with his mouth, the rhythm was quick and slow, and the whole breathing process ended quickly.

Chen Ying stared at Chen Mu blankly.

Chen Mu said softly, "Brother will continue to show you, Yingying has to observe carefully."

Chen Ying still looked at Chen Mu blankly.

As Chen Mu performed the breathing method many times, Chen Ying also inhaled and exhaled, but the rhythm was wrong, but it was finally the first step.

Chen Ying didn't know what the breathing method was, but watched her brother repeat it in front of her, so she began to imitate it.

During Chen Mu's continuous demonstration and correction, Chen Ying's breathing began to be rhythmic.

Chen Mu smiled softly, "Close your eyes."

Chen Ying closed her eyes obediently, and took the opportunity to lick the candied haws.

"Yingying, listen carefully."

Chen Mu continued to use the breathing method, while Chen Ying only imitated superficial breathing. The real function of the breathing method lies in the body, which is invisible to the naked eye and needs to be felt with the heart.

When Chen Ying heard her brother's breathing, she just thought it was fun, so she imitated it.

After Chen Mu repeated it more than ten times, Chen Ying mastered part of the breathing method, but still could not fully master it.

Chen Mu is not in a hurry, his sister is still young, so it is normal to need to spend more time.

Yan Longyue was standing nearby with a bowl in her hand. Just now when Chen Mu was teaching Chen Ying how to breathe, she stood there quietly without speaking.

"Miss Takiyue."

"Little Master."

Chen Mu asked Chen Ying to open her eyes.

Yan Longyue squatted down with a smile, scooped up colorful fruits with a spoon, and said brightly: "Yingying, sister feed you some fruit."

The fruit in the bowl was chopped very finely. Yan Longyue was very considerate and prepared it for Chen Ying.

Chen Ying opened her mouth obediently, then chewed slowly, and finally said in a milky voice: "Sister, sweet."

With Yan Longyue taking care of his younger sister, Chen Mu can safely practice swords in the martial arts arena. He can only practice sword moves. The destructive power of sword skills is too strong, and the martial arts arena cannot withstand his tossing.

Chen Ying was sitting on a small stool, happily eating fruit and shaking her calves leisurely.


Chen Ying stared at the candied haws in her hand.

"Sister. Look."

"One... two... three Huh?"

Chen Ying pointed to the candied haws in her hand, but Yan Longyue didn't understand what she meant.

Zhao Feiyan appeared in the martial arts arena, chewing candied haws in her mouth, she said coldly: "You can't use it here, I will take you out to practice swords."


Chen Mu nodded with a smile.

Zhao Feiyan grabbed Chen Mu, and the two flew into the air, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Chen Ying was wondering why the candied haws had become two less, but when she raised her eyes, she found that Chen Mu had also disappeared, and said in a milky voice, "Where's brother?"

Yan Longyue smiled and said softly: "Your brother is busy. After Yingying finishes eating the fruits and candied haws, my sister will play with you."

Chen Ying has something to eat.

Did not cry for brother.

There are many mountains ten miles away from Black Rock City.

Zhao Feiyan pulled Chen Mu to the vicinity, she swung the sword gracefully, the snow-colored sword light slashed out, and the mountain top not far away was flattened, this force shocked Chen Mu, this is the sword king and strong man!
Chen Mu landed on the top of the flattened mountain.

He could also feel the chill on the ground.

Zhao Feiyan held Qingyu, with a weird smile on her face, "Come on, let me see the results of your cultivation during this time."

Chen Mu felt something was wrong when she heard the words, did she want to take the opportunity to teach me a lesson?
Chen Mu's butt still hurts now, so he didn't give in, and said with a light smile: "Sister Fairy, do you only use the strength of Jianzong?"

Zhao Feiyan smiled lightly: "Of course, you are not allowed to use telekinetics on me, understand?"

"no problem."

Chen Mu was a little excited.

mountain top.

Chen Mu held the folded wings, and he tiptoed to the ground, rushing towards Zhao Feiyan, the two spirit swords collided, and the light of the swords was rippling.

Zhao Feiyan frowned slightly. Chen Mu's strength is very strong, and his spiritual power is not weak. Only the strength of Jianzong can't suppress Chen Mu at all. She directly raised her strength to the level of Jianhou.

Chen Mu felt the sudden surge of ice-attribute spiritual power. Every time he swung his sword close to Zhao Feiyan, his movements would become sluggish. He decisively opened the distance and used the sword light to attack from a distance.

Facing the oncoming flame and sword light, Zhao Feiyan easily blocked all the attacks.

The frosty Qi field suddenly fell, and the wind and snow enveloped the mountaintop. Chen Mu's speed dropped sharply, and even his vision became blurred.

The cold snow light came through the sky, and Chen Mu's eyes glowed with golden light. With the golden pupils of his Dharma Eyes open, he could clearly see Zhao Feiyan after the snowstorm.

Chen Mu found Zhao Feiyan's position and quickly swung his sword, but their strength was so different that Chen Mu was knocked back and rolled many times on the ground.

As soon as Chen Mu got up, Zhao Feiyan was already pressing over him. Just as he raised his sword, Qingyu fell down. Chen Mu half-kneeled on the spot, his arms trembling.

Zhao Feiyan then sent Chen Mu far away with her kick. She kicked hard, obviously taking the opportunity to teach Chen Mu a lesson.

"Cough cough."

The energy and blood in Chen Mu's body was boiling, and he had no chance of winning. He knew that Zhao Feiyan did it on purpose, and it must have something to do with using telekinesis on her last night.

Zhao Feiyan stood not far away, holding Qingyu in her slender hands, her delicate black dress outlined her perfect outline, her tall figure looked down at Chen Mu, "Not bad, I can catch two moves."

Chen Mu got up from the ground, holding his broken wings tightly, and said with firm eyes, "Come again."

"Okay." Zhao Feiyan had a wicked smile on her lips, and she refused to admit defeat. While he was still young, he must be educated well, otherwise he would not be able to ride on his head and domineering in the future.

There was a golden light in Chen Mu's eyes, he suddenly drew his sword and slashed out, and the silver moonlight rose on the top of the mountain.

That radiant sword light came in an instant.

Zhao Feiyan swung her sword to cut off the sword light.

The sword light was cut off but did not disappear, and she still went straight to Zhao Feiyan, she could only dodge.

Zhao Feiyan managed to avoid it. She looked at the strands of long hair falling in the air, her eyes slightly startled, and Chen Mu chopped off her hair.

Chen Mu used the sword flash continuously, and dozens of sword lights landed near Zhao Feiyan. She was too fast, and the sword lights couldn't hit at all.

Zhao Feiyan kept getting closer, and finally moved horizontally behind Chen Mu, and kicked Chen Mu with a roundabout kick, directly hitting Chen Mu to the ground.


Chen Mu's back hurt badly, but he quickly got up, and said with firm eyes, "Come again!"

The corners of Zhao Feiyan's mouth rose slightly, she didn't expect him to be so persistent, "It seems that you are not convinced."

Chen Mu watched Zhao Feiyan rushing towards him, his brain could react, but his body couldn't keep up, and before he raised his sword, the latter came forward.

Zhao Feiyan hit Chen Mu's chest hard with the hilt, and he flew around like a kite.

This was the worst time Chen Mu had been beaten since he practiced swordsmanship, and he was powerless to fight back.

Zhao Feiyan didn't really hit her hard, they were all flesh wounds, so she could go home and rest for two days at most.

Chen Mu was beaten many times.

But he just refused to admit defeat.

"You are not afraid of pain, I am still tired, let's stop here today." Zhao Feiyan was a little tired.

Chen Mu stood up again, and said in a deep voice, "Are you really the power of Jianzong?"

"Otherwise, can you survive until now? It's not bad, keep working hard." Zhao Feiyan stretched lazily, feeling refreshed after beating Chen Mu violently.

Chen Mu's eyes were firm and he said: "One more time, I will use a unique move this time!"

Zhao Feiyan said with great interest: "A unique move?"

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(End of this chapter)

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