my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 47 Mission Update

Chapter 47 Mission Update
Chen Mu's body was covered in mud, but his eyes were still firm, without any timidity.

Zhao Feiyan saw persistence in his eyes, and was quite interested in the trick he said.

"Play with you for a while."

Zhao Feiyan looked down at Chen Mu.

Chen Mu clenched the hilt of the sword with both hands. He concentrated and poured all his spiritual power into the folded wings.

Zhao Feiyan was slightly distracted by those persistent eyes, but she still said coldly: "Can you hurry up, when life and death are fought, your opponent will not stand like this."

The veins in Chen Mu's body were vibrating, and the spiritual power in his body was emptied in an instant, and countless strands of flames appeared around him, floating in the air.

The broken wings turned red, the flames turned into dragons, and the temperature on the top of the mountain suddenly rose.

There was fire in Zhao Feiyan's eyes, she could feel Chen Mu's continuously growing Qi field, and the spiritual power he released was even stronger than Yipin Sword Hou.

Chen Mu's figure was completely shrouded in flames, like a Vulcan descending into the world, surrounded by tiny wandering dragons, whose broken wings released scorching energy.

"Three thousand dragon dances!"

Chen Mu said in a low voice.

He raised the broken wings above his head, and then his body suddenly rotated a circle to accumulate energy.

The surrounding dragons danced with the broken wings, and finally condensed into a huge fire dragon several feet long, and the ear-piercing dragon chant resounded through the mountain.

When the heat wave hit, Zhao Feiyan was a little surprised. Chen Mu's sword skill was so strong that ordinary sword masters might not be able to withstand it.

Facing the roaring fire dragon, Zhao Feiyan raised her head and spoke softly. In an instant, snow light filled the air, and the huge fire dragon froze instantly, and then shattered, turning into a silver streamer all over the sky.

"That's it?"

Zhao Feiyan said coldly.

Chen Mu guessed that this would be the result, he slumped on the ground exhausted, "How many swords can this sword skill compete with?"

"It's hard to catch ordinary third-grade swords, but it takes too long to store power, so it's not practical." Zhao Feiyan pointed out the flaws of this sword skill.

Chen Mu chuckled when he heard the words, and said tiredly: "As long as I can release this sword skill faster, then I can fight against the third-grade sword?"

Zhao Feiyan immediately reminded: "Such a domineering sword skill will put a heavy burden on the body. I don't recommend you to use it frequently."

"It's okay, my body is more domineering." Chen Mu lay directly on the top of the mountain to rest.

Three Thousand Dragon Dance is the No.12 sword of the Dragon Chanting sword skill, and the No.13 sword has no sword moves, and Chen Mu has not comprehended the true meaning of it for the time being.

Zhao Feiyan was a little puzzled, Chen Mu didn't get angry when she bullied him so much, she thought he would be beaten and cry.

Chen Mu said happily: "Tomorrow, continue!"


Zhao Feiyan couldn't help but give him a blank look. It seemed that this guy wasn't comfortable with being beaten, "You can stand up tomorrow and talk about it."

Chen Mu endured the pain and sat up cross-legged. He faced the scorching sun on the top of the mountain and used the Nirvana breathing method. Zhao Feiyan sat cross-legged nearby.

The Nirvana breathing method is very powerful. The physical wounds on Chen Mu's body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the spiritual power in his body was also recovering rapidly.

The speed far exceeded Zhao Feiyan's expectations.

When the sun is about to set.

Chen Mu finally opened his eyes.

Zhao Feiyan asked in surprise, "So fast?"

Chen Mu recovered to his peak, and said in a deep voice, "Your body is fine, but your butt still hurts."

Zhao Feiyan couldn't help chuckling, and said coldly: "Let's see if you dare next time."

"Don't dare, there is no next time." Chen Mu shook his head again and again, saying he didn't dare, thinking that he would call back sooner or later.

The two returned to Chen's house.

Yan Longyue and Chen Ying were playing in the yard, throwing sandbags and laughing constantly.

When Chen Mu went home, he took a shower first, and then changed into clean white clothes. Then he came to the yard, and Chen Ying ran over staggeringly.

"Yingying is so cute."

Chen Mu scratched her Qiong nose lightly.

Yan Longyue left the courtyard silently. She went into the room and picked up the clothes that Chen Mu had changed, and murmured, "There are a lot of holes, let's wash them and then sew them up."

After washing the clothes, Yan Longyue went to prepare dinner. The maids of the Chen family felt that they were about to lose their jobs, and their sense of existence was very low.


Chen Mu was teaching her younger sister how to breathe, and Tang Wan couldn't help laughing at Chen Ying's cute expression.

Chen Mu said crisply: "Mother, you can also learn it, this breathing method is very simple."

Tang Wan said softly: "Mother has learned breathing techniques before, but she has no talent, and she can't be famous for her practice."

"Mother, this breathing method can not only strengthen your body, but also keep your face looking good."

"Then mother, try it."

Chen Mu taught her mother and sister how to breathe, and Tang Wan quickly mastered the rhythm. After using the breathing method taught by Chen Mu, she felt comfortable all over.

Chen Ying learned very slowly, mainly because she was too young to understand anything. Watching her brother breathe, she could only imitate exhaling and exhaling.

Chen Mu taught his younger sister very patiently, and even put her little hand on his chest, asking her to close her eyes and feel it with her heart.

Chen Ying heard her brother's heartbeat, and her breathing rate gradually caught up with the heartbeat rhythm.

Yan Longyue cooked the meals.

Chen Mu happened to be a little hungry, so he took Chen Ying to eat first, and the younger sister ate meat porridge alone.

Tang Wan praised: "Longyue, your craftsmanship is so good, I can't even catch up with you now."

"Auntie has been awarded."

Yan Longyue responded modestly.

Chen Mu suddenly asked, "I don't know what's going on in the capital. If Zhou Han has already returned to Zhou, I think Sister Longyue can also return to the capital."

Yan Longyue followed the news of the capital, Zhou Han returned to the capital a few months ago, and did not choose to marry Dayan's princess.

"Young master, can you let me stay, I promise not to cause trouble to the Chen family." Yan Longyue put down the bowl and chopsticks, and quickly stood up and knelt down.

Chen Mu supported Yan Longyue, and smiled lightly: "Sister Longyue, I'm not driving you away, if you want to go back to the capital, I can send you back."

Yan Longyue didn't cause trouble to the Chen family, she helped with the housework every day, fine lines appeared on her fair little hands, Tang Wan felt distressed.

"Young master, I want to stay in the Chen family, and I don't want to go back to the capital." Yan Longyue said sincerely.

She is very happy in Chen's family. There is a warmth here that she can't feel in the royal family.

Chen Mu said with a smile: "Sister Longyue, please do less housework in the future. Sister Chunxiang complains to my aunt, saying that they are not far from unemployment."

Tang Wan couldn't help chuckling, no wonder Chunxiang and the others have been running towards Xu Yan recently.

"Then I will do less in the future."

"Sister Longyue, it's good for you to accompany my sister and mother, and let the maid do the housework."

Yan Longyue smiled sweetly, she understood that Chen Mu did not regard herself as a maid.

Yan Longyue is at Chen's house, it's not bad that she can chat with her mother and take care of her younger sister, Chen Mu didn't say anything

After dinner.

Chen Mu took his younger sister to play in the yard. When Chen Ying was tired from playing and resting, Chen Mu taught her how to use breathing.

After half a month of patient teaching, Chen Ying finally knows how to use the breathing method. She herself does not know what the breathing method is.

After learning the breathing method, Chen Ying walked very steadily, and was able to trot in a few days. The breathing method has obviously benefited the physical body.

When Grandpa and the others came home, Chen Mu taught them the latest improved breathing method, and even Yan Longyue was using Chen Mu's breathing method.

Chen Wei is already a second-rank sword sect, Chen Yan is about to set foot in the sword sect, Chen Tiannan has broken through to a sixth-rank sword sect, and the overall strength of the Chen family has greatly improved.

Before Chinese New Year.

The check-in task has finally been updated.

[Task: Sign in to the Tomb of the Sword Emperor in Beilin]

[Reward: Thunder Sword Intent]

When Chen Mu saw the reward, he was shocked on the spot. It is very difficult to comprehend the sword intent, and only a few sword kings can comprehend the sword intent.

Sword intent can be mastered by perception, and can also be awakened through special physique. Chen Mu has a domineering sword body, and he will definitely be able to awaken the domineering sword intent in the future.

The awakening of the Domineering Sword Intent is only a matter of time, but now that he can directly obtain the Thunder Sword Intent, Chen Mu is very excited.

Zhao Feiyan told Chen Mu that a top talent like her can only master a sword intent.

Chen Mu was looking forward to it. When he had two sword intents at the same time, he didn't know what kind of eyes Zhao Feiyan would have.

"Go to Beilin after Chinese New Year!"

 ps: Thank you for the rewards from those who love to learn, thank you for the monthly vote from a book friend who only reads eunuch books, and thank you for your recommendation votes.

(End of this chapter)

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