my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 48 Heading to Beilin

Chapter 48 Heading to Beilin
After the winter, it began to snow in Black Rock City, and the crystal snowflakes made Beihuang completely covered in silver.

Chen Ying was wrapped in a white padded jacket. She was stepping on the snow in the courtyard. The courtyard was full of her little footprints, and soft laughter sounded from time to time.

Chen Yan is still working outside. There is no snowstorm this year, so there is no need to worry about being in danger.

Shunfeng Escort has recruited many masters this year, making the work of betting darts easier.

When Chen Mu came to the courtyard, he waved to his sister, and Chen Ying ran over happily.

"elder brother……"

Chen Ying said milkingly.

"Early morning is the time when the aura of heaven and earth is the strongest, and it is most suitable to use the breathing method."

Chen Ying blinked her eyes, her face was cute, she didn't understand what her brother was talking about.

Chen Mu took his younger sister to use the breathing method. Chen Ying didn't know how to use the breathing method to practice, and only imitated it when she saw Chen Mu using it.



There was laughter in the courtyard.

Chen Mu said with a smile on his face, "Sister, how is your grade this year?"

Chen Xi was wearing a red dress. She liked beauty more, so she didn't wear a padded jacket that looked bloated.

She replied with some embarrassment: "No. 16, I plan to continue working hard next year."

Chen Xi felt very ashamed, her cousin was a peerless arrogance, and her younger brother was admitted to the Xuanjian Sect, but she couldn't even pass the exam in Wufu, the capital of the king.

"Sister, during this period of time, I will teach you a new breathing method, and I can also teach you sword skills. You will definitely be able to enter the Martial Palace of the Royal Capital next year." Chen Mu said solemnly.

Chen Xijiao smiled and said, "Okay."

She walked up and patted Chen Mu's shoulder, and said with a delicate smile, "Xiao Mu is growing so fast, she can almost reach my sister's shoulder, and in two years, she will definitely be taller than my sister."


Chen Mu replied with a smile.

Chen Ying was looking at Chen Xi in a daze.

Chen Xi knelt down, rubbed Chen Ying's round face lightly, and said with a delicate smile, "Yingying, my sister took you with me when I was young, do you still remember?"

"elder sister……"

Chen Ying shouted cutely.

She actually had no impression of Chen Xi.

"Oh, so cute."

Chen Xi rubbed her little face.

Yan Longyue came out and said respectfully: "Sister, have you eaten yet, I'll make it for you."

Seeing Yan Longyue, Chen Xi exclaimed, "Your Highness, you are really in the Chen family!"

Yan Longyue was dressed plainly, wearing an apron, dignified and elegant, like a noble maid.

Chen Xi was in Hengzhou City, and she had heard about the king's capital. The King of Yan rewarded Chen Mu with Yan Longyue as a servant girl, and Chen Mu defeated Zhou Han, so that Zhou Guo didn't get any benefits.

Chen Mu is now Dayan's man of the hour.

She thought it was King Yan's plan, and never thought that Yan Longyue would be a maid in the Chen family.

"Don't bother Your Royal Highness, my mother is preparing food at home, I'll go back first, and see you later in the martial arts field." Chen Xi waved at Chen Mu.

Chen Ying imitated waving.

Chen Mu murmured: Eldest sister has returned to Black Rock City, I don't know when second brother will come back. "

He went to Hengzhou to meet his elder sister a few months ago, but he hadn't seen his second brother for a whole year, so he didn't know how he was doing in Xuanjianzong.

martial arts arena.

Yan Longyue took Chen Ying to use the breathing method under the tree. She was very smart, and her breathing method became better and better, and the meridians in her body began to dredge.

Chen Mu first taught Chen Xi to use a new breathing method, and then taught her sword skills. Chen Xi is now a mid-level ninth-rank swordsman. As long as he enters the sword master realm, it should be easy to enter the Martial Palace of the Royal Capital.

After Chen Mu's guidance, Chen Xi made significant progress. In just three days, he went from the middle stage of the ninth-rank swordsman to the late stage of the ninth-rank swordsman.

Chen Ying also became a rank one swordsman.

Every time my younger sister gets tired from playing, Chen Mu will take her to use the breathing method. Over time, Chen Ying will use the breathing method instinctively every time she is tired, and no longer needs someone to teach her.

Her strength has been greatly enhanced, the sandbag can be easily thrown several meters, and she likes to run, but fortunately she has short legs, so Yan Longyue can watch it.

Chen Mu raised his head, smiled lightly and said, "It's the second brother's breath, he's back."

"Sister! Xiaomu! Yingying!"

Chen Hao was shouting loudly from a long distance away.

Chen Hao rushed over, and he came to the martial arts field to give Chen Mu a big hug.

"Second brother, are you used to it in Xuanjianzong?" Chen Mu asked about Chen Hao's situation.

Chen Hao let go of Chen Mu, and said with a silly smile: "The elders of the sect are very kind to me, and the senior sword king accepted me as an apprentice, and the Xuanjian sect gave me a lot of resources, but I am only at the beginning of the third-rank sword master now."

"Third Grade Sword Master!"

Chen Xi said with a shocked expression.

She hasn't improved much in the two years in the martial arts academy, and feels that the martial arts academy is a place to cheat money.

Before Chen Hao left, he was still a rank-[-] swordsman, and he was a rank-[-] swordsman after practicing in Xuanjianzong for a year. No wonder everyone wanted to join the sect.

"It's mainly the third brother's credit. The senior brothers all said that the elder gave me so many resources for the sake of the third brother's face." Chen Haohan said with a smile.

Chen Mu shook his head and said, "Second brother, it's you who worked hard, they're just jealous."

Chen Xijiao smiled and said: "That's right, don't care what they say, just work hard."

"I will."

Chen Hao nodded seriously.

Following Chen Hao's return, the juniors of the Chen family gathered together, and the martial arts arena became lively.

Chen Ying threw sandbags at the edge of the martial arts arena, and with Yan Longyue taking care of her, Chen Mu could safely teach Chen Xi and Chen Hao sword skills in the middle.

After Chen Hao practiced in Xuan Jianzong, his sword skills improved significantly, and Chen Mu showed them the sword moves behind the Dragon Chanting Sword Skill.

However, the latter part of the dragon chant sword skill was very difficult, Chen Xi quickly gave up, but Chen Hao learned the Nine Swords.

Chen Hao is still practicing sword flash, but unfortunately he has not completed it after a year, but his sword practice is very fast, far surpassing that of sword cultivators in the same realm.

Before Chinese New Year.

Shunfeng Escort is temporarily closed.

Chen Tiannan and the others returned to the Chen family.

The juniors gathered in the lobby of the ancestral house, and every time the grandfather entered the ancestral house, and then the two brothers Chen Yan and Chen Wei came in after them.



Chen Ying spoke slowly.

When Chen Yan came to the lobby, Chen Ying smiled happily. She ran over and hugged her father's thigh, and said in a milky voice, "Father..."

"Good girl."

Chen Yan hugged Chen Ying.

Chen Mu and Tang Wan laughed out loud.

The old and the young of the Chen family gathered together happily, and everyone chatted about homework. Yan Longyue followed the maids to help prepare dinner.

This is the gathering of years ago.

Chen Tiannan wanted to invite Yan Longyue and Zhao Feiyan to dinner, Chen Mu went to invite them immediately.

Zhao Feiyan likes to drink, so she didn't refuse the invitation. She hasn't had a drink for a long time recently, mainly because there is no valid reason.

Yan Longyue also came to eat at the table, the old round table seemed a bit crowded, Chen Tiannan said kindly: "Next year we will change to a bigger round table."


"Father was right."

The Chen Wei brothers agreed.

At the small gathering years ago, the juniors talked about their recent experiences.

Chen Xi was troubled: "Recently, there have been a lot of noble sons in the martial arts academy. Originally, I was able to enter the top ten of the martial arts academy, but they spoiled the situation."

Xu Yan joked, "Xixi, they are here to chase you, right?"

Chen Xi complained: "How is it possible, they didn't give me water during the year-end assessment."

Chen Haohan said with a smile: "Sister, they definitely don't want you to leave the martial arts academy."


Chen Tiannan and Chen Wei couldn't help laughing.

Chen Yan also asked with a smile: "Xixi is also at the age of engagement, do you have someone you like?"

Chen Xi covered her mouth and said with a coquettish smile: "I like tall ones, they have to look good, they have to be strong, and they can treat me well, but unfortunately I haven't met them yet."

Xu Yan shook her head and said, "You are really demanding, and you don't want to see what you have? It just so happens that Aunt Li introduced you to a few blind dates. You happen to be at home, and I will arrange for you to go and see them tomorrow."

"No, no, no, I'll find it by myself." Chen Xi hastily refused.

The whole family laughed heartily.

Taking advantage of the small gathering, Chen Mu said in a deep voice, "Grandpa, Dad, I want to go to Beilin after the Chinese New Year."

Chen Yan wondered, "Why are you going there?"

Chen Mu said solemnly with a small face: "There are many monsters in Beilin, I want to experience them."

The whole family was shocked, but Chen Tiannan still nodded in agreement, he respectfully said: "Please also ask Fairy Zhao to accompany and take care of Xiaomu."

"no problem!"

Zhao Feiyan did not refuse.

Zhao Feiyan agreed so readily, Chen Mu was also a little surprised, and was going to beg her.

Chen Tiannan knew that Chen Mu was stronger than himself, he was a young eagle and needed training.

Tang Wan reminded: "Mu'er, you must be careful when you go to Beilin."


Chen Mu nodded solemnly.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and in the early morning of the new year, Chen Mu is going to Beilin, so that he doesn't have to face the noisy guests of the Chen family.

He changed into a silver wolf-fur coat and a snow-colored cloak, and waved goodbye to his family.

"Mother, don't worry, I'll be back in a while."

"elder brother……"

Chen Ying waved at him.

Yan Longyue also smiled and waved.

Zhao Feiyan took Chen Mu into the air.

The journey was too far, Zhao Feiyan summoned Qingyu, the two stood on the sword, the space was very small, Chen Mu could only lean on Zhao Feiyan's thigh.

The wind is cold and the legs are even cooler.

"Sister Fairy."

"How many days does it take to get to Beilin?"

"It will take three or four days to take you with me, but the North Forest is huge and there are many monsters inside. I suggest you not go deep into the North Forest."

Chen Mu still doesn't know the exact location of the Sword Emperor's Tomb in Beilin. Going to Beilin is not only to find the Sword Emperor's Tomb, but also to practice in the true sense.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket voted by Dao Zhuan Pie Sakura, and thank you for your recommendation votes.

(End of this chapter)

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