Chapter 49

Thousands of miles of snow.

The snow-colored forest is like a high wall.

Looking at the majestic snow-capped mountains behind Beilin, Chen Mu said in shock, "Your master is so amazing."

A sword freezes thousands of miles.

The cold snap from the north is cut off.

This is the power to change nature.

Zhao Feiyan's eyes were full of pride, "Master is the most powerful sword master in the barren island, and the Lingyun Sect is so powerful because of her existence."

The majestic snow mountain is unattainable, Jiang Fuxian's power is far beyond ordinary, Chen Mu is under some pressure, and it may be difficult to conquer her.

Is it possible to eat soft rice in the future?
"With such a powerful master, Sister Feiyan, you are under a lot of pressure, right?" Chen Mu asked casually.

Zhao Feiyan was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly, she laughed at herself: "Yeah, I didn't want to embarrass my master, I blindly pursued the speed of cultivation, but because of the rapid improvement of the realm, I was backlashed, and my cultivation has stagnated for several years. "

If she hadn't met Chen Mu, she wouldn't have been able to survive the cold backlash.

This is also the reason why Zhao Feiyan did not refuse when Chen Mu said that he wanted to come to Beilin for training.

"Your realm is improving faster than mine, so don't rush to improve, it is very important to polish your foundation." Zhao Feiyan reminded.


Chen Mu nodded slightly.

Looking at the majestic snow mountain, Zhao Feiyan was very confused, why did Master do this.

Ahead is Beilin.

There are many monsters in it.

Zhao Feiyan reminded again: "The depths of the North Forest are very dangerous. There are a few auras that are not weaker than mine. If you want to practice, you will be on the periphery of the North Forest. If you encounter danger, call me, understand?"


Chen Mu raised his sword and entered Beilin.

Zhao Feiyan followed him not far away.

Chen Mu was able to kill the wolf king, so ordinary monsters would not be able to hurt him. Because of this towering snow mountain, many beasts that went south failed to return to the north, and they all hid in the depths of the northern forest.

There is a real demon king inside, a terrifying beast comparable to a sword king.

Chen Mu looked small in front of the giant tree. There was a faint golden light in his eyes, and he could see all living things within a radius of a hundred feet, as well as various energy particles around him.

In front of Fayan Jintong, no creature can hide, and no secret can be hidden.

It's a pity that the range that Fayan Jintong can see is only a hundred feet. Chen Mu sighed softly: "It would be great if it was clairvoyance. In such a big Beilin, I don't know how long it will take to find the Tomb of the Sword Emperor."

Chen Mu closed his eyes, his whole body was gradually wrapped by the phantom butterflies, and then the phantom butterflies scattered away. They could save Chen Mu a lot of time.

Huantie entered the dangerous depths of the North Forest, and Chen Mu used his golden eyes to search around the periphery of the North Forest to see if there were any tombs nearby.

Zhao Feiyan followed closely, watching Chen Mu running around in the forest.

"It's a strange route. He avoided all the monsters. Is he here to practice?"

Zhao Feiyan wandered around with Chen Mu for a long time. Chen Mu didn't even see any animal hairs, and whenever he encountered monsters around, he would take the initiative to avoid them.

Chen Mu's goal is the Sword Emperor's Tomb, and then the experience. Before finding the Sword Emperor's Tomb, he focused on saving his strength.

Can not collide try not to collide.

Dusk is approaching.

Chen Mu finally drew his sword.

He is roasting rabbit meat in the woods.

"First have a full meal before dark, so as not to light a fire at night and attract monsters. After eating, go to find the Sword Emperor's Tomb."

Chen Mu carried cumin powder in his arms. He sprinkled cumin on the golden-roasted rabbit meat, and the fragrance filled the air. Zhao Feiyan who was not far away was drooling.

"It's delicious!"

Chen Mu ate the rabbit meat.

Zhao Feiyan suddenly appeared with a rabbit. Chen Mu smiled lightly and said, "It's very simple, just clean it up and roast it slowly on the fire."

Zhao Feiyan originally wanted Chen Mu to help, but Chen Mu spoke first, and she had no choice but to bite the bullet and do it herself.

Zhao Feiyan didn't master the skills, and soon some places were burnt, and some places were not yet cooked. Seeing her clumsy appearance, Chen Mu chuckled, she really is a fairy who does not eat fireworks.

After Chen Mu finished eating, he helped Zhao Feiyan to operate. He said patiently, "I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Be patient when grilling. The barbecue should not be too close to the fire, nor too far away. The heat should be even."

"You still understand this?" Zhao Feiyan was a little puzzled, this experience is not like that of a five-year-old child.

Chen Mu's parents made barbecues in his previous life, so he is very experienced in grilling things, and he can also prepare various delicious sauces.

"It's written in the book. I read a lot, so I won't lie to you." Chen Mu said seriously.

Zhao Feiyan had no doubts,
"Do you want it spicy?"


"Do you want cumin?"

"Let it go."

Chen Mu handed the roasted golden rabbit meat to Zhao Feiyan, who slightly parted her red lips, and lightly bit the rabbit's leg, with a crisp sound.

The rabbit meat is crispy and juicy.

Zhao Feiyan ate the roasted rabbit meat, the aroma filled her mouth, she said with a pretty face full of enjoyment: "It's really delicious in the world."

Chen Mu continued to search for the Tomb of the Sword Emperor.

Half a month passed quickly, and Chen Mu never saw any monsters. He ate hares, pheasants, and boars every day. Zhao Feiyan felt that he just brought her out to eat game.

Chen Mu searched all over the surrounding areas of the Northern Forest, but he couldn't find the Sword Emperor's Tomb, only found some precious medicinal materials, and put the medicinal materials in Zhao Feiyan's place every evening when he barbecued with Zhao Feiyan.

"It seems that we can only go deep into Beilin!"

Chen Mu ran towards the depths of the North Forest.

Zhao Feiyan watched Chen Mu go to the depths of the North Forest, she did not stop, as long as she did not meet the Demon King, she could handle it, even if she did, she was sure to take Chen Mu away.

It was only when Chen Mu came to the depths of the North Forest that he realized the danger here. In half a day, he encountered several ferocious beasts and almost avoided them.

There are even ferocious beasts that are not weaker than the Frost Wolf King.

The released Phantom Butterfly failed to find the Sword Emperor's Tomb, but found a few places with strong aura, where there are treasures of heaven and earth, but there are also very powerful beasts nearby.

"Wealth and wealth are sought in danger."

Chen Mu came to the area marked by Huandie.

He saw green trees nearby, surrounded by ice and snow, but here the trees were evergreen, and the surrounding temperature was abnormal.

"Third-grade elixir red blood ginseng!"

Red blood ginseng has the effect of nourishing blood and healing wounds. There are three here, and Chen Mu poached them with a smile.

He then went elsewhere.

It took only half a day to find seven third-rank elixir plants and a dozen second-rank elixir plants.

Zhao Feiyan followed Chen Mu, and she felt more and more that Chen Mu was not simple, "I didn't expect Huandie to have such a use, this kid is quite smart."

Not only is he very talented, but he can also cook and read a lot, which is simply not too comprehensive.

Chen Mu's collection of elixir went smoothly until he found a golden fruit tree and a golden lion lying under the tree.

The golden lion is sleeping soundly.

The spiritual fruit on the tree contained majestic energy, but the hill-like golden lion was entrenched under the tree, and Chen Mu sensed danger from it.

"Gold Spirit Fruit."

"A rare fourth-grade elixir!"

"If I can get the golden spirit fruit, maybe I can break through to the sword waiting state in advance."

Chen Mu was a little moved, and when he thought that Zhao Feiyan had his back, he became more courageous.

Chen Mu used the spirit concealment technique to hide his aura, and approached quietly. When he was ten feet away, two phantom butterflies quickly condensed. At such a short distance, he could use his mind to pick off the golden spirit fruit.


A phantom butterfly breaks a branch.

A phantom butterfly returns with a golden spirit fruit.

When Chen Mu just got the Golden Spirit Fruit and was still trying to do the same, the Golden Lion raised its head, and it sensed that something was wrong.


The roar of the lion resounded through the forest.

Chen Mu ran away without hesitation.

With anger in its eyes, the golden lion instantly locked onto Chen Mu's position.

Hearing the heavy footsteps behind him, Chen Mu didn't turn his head back, he walked through the woods with the wind on his feet, without any thought of fighting at all.

Zhao Feiyan picked off the golden spirit fruit leisurely, wiped it with her dress, then sipped it, and said with a smile in her eyes: "Golden lions who are close to the strength of the demon king dare to provoke them, let's see how you run."

She waited for Chen Mu to call for help.

However, Chen Mu used the other side to bloom.

Countless Bana flowers appeared in the snow, the golden lion suddenly stopped, and it stared at the bloody Bana flowers that floated closer.

The golden lion suddenly stretched out its palm and patted it away.

The other side flower that floated close was shattered and turned into a blood mist, and the figure of a ferocious beast appeared in it. The golden lion waved its palm again, and scattered the figure that had not yet fully appeared.

The surrounding blood-colored Bana flowers continued to shatter, and the figure of a ferocious beast stepped out of it. The golden lion released a golden demon light, and all the surrounding trees were torn into pieces. This is an indiscriminate attack.

Zhao Feiyan looked at the golden lion trapped by the illusion, and said in amazement: "Good guy, you can actually trap the beast with telekinetics!"

From her perspective, the golden lion is madly outputting to the surrounding trees.

Zhao Feiyan murmured: "After Chen Mu's reading skills are up, I'm afraid it will be even better than the old blind man."

The old blind man's telekinetics are mainly attacking, while Chen Mu's telekinetics are mainly assisting, which can restrain the opponent's attention, making it impossible to defend against.

Although the golden lion was delirious, Chen Mu didn't dare to sneak attack. If the telepathy fails, he will be the one to suffer.

Chen Mu took the opportunity to escape far away.

Zhao Feiyan watched him escape with telekinetics.

In the evening, Chen Mu found a hidden cave to rest. Just now the golden lion made his back feel cold, so he roasted a pheasant first to calm his shock.

Zhao Feiyan walked into the cave. She was wearing a tight white dress, half of her long hair was coiled with silver hairpins, and the other half was casually scattered, which was very charming.

"Sister Feiyan, please keep these elixirs for me first." Chen Mu handed over all elixirs except the golden spirit fruit to Zhao Feiyan for safekeeping.

It is inconvenient to not have a space artifact. The cheapest space artifact in the system mall costs hundreds of sign-in values. Chen Mu wants to save up for treasures.

Zhao Feiyan warned in a stern voice: "This place is already dangerous enough, if you run further inside, there will be a demon king, your cleverness will not be of much use."

Chen Mu also knew the danger, and said in a deep voice, "I heard that there is the Tomb of the Sword Emperor here, Sister Feiyan, can you help me find it?"

"You want to rob a tomb?"

"I want to do archaeology!"

Zhao Feiyan murmured: "The sword emperor is buried in this place? If it is really the sword emperor, even if that kind of power falls, there will be special energy fluctuations on his body. I will pay attention to it."

"Are you interested in the Tomb of the Sword Emperor?"

"Nonsense, maybe there will be something good."

"Tear a chicken leg and give me a taste."

"Here's the half chicken for you."

Zhao Feiyan ate with relish.

After they finished eating the roast chicken, Zhao Feiyan got up and said solemnly: "I'll go to a high place to see if I can sense the Tomb of the Sword Emperor you mentioned. Don't move around here until I come back."


Chen Mu nodded with a smile.

After Zhao Feiyan left, Chen Mu took out the Golden Spirit Fruit. This fruit contained a lot of energy, and he decided to attack the Sword Hou realm.

 ps: Thank you for the monthly ticket 20210520220006237, thank you for your recommendation votes, thank you for your kindness, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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