my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 50 The Tomb of the Sword Emperor

Chapter 50 The Tomb of the Sword Emperor

Chen Mu took the golden spirit fruit.

Majestic energy poured into Dantian.

Dantian Jianwan has nine bright golden patterns.

Jianwan was frantically absorbing the surrounding energy.

For half the night, Chen Mu's sword pill suddenly changed, cracks appeared on the surface of the sword pill, and finally shattered, and the sword embryo emerged.

The overall color of the sword body is fiery red, the higher the grade, the more delicate the sword body, and the longer the sword body.

Chen Mu's sword fetus is exactly one inch, which proves that he has just stepped into the initial stage of first-grade sword waiting.

The energy of the Golden Spirit Fruit has not been completely absorbed, so Chen Mu cooperated with the Nirvana breathing method to continue to absorb energy and consolidate the realm.

At noon of the next day, Chen Mu slowly opened his bright eyes. He refined the golden spirit fruit, and his strength reached the middle stage of the first-grade sword.

He is full of strength now.

Jianhou can transform spiritual power into forms, such as building spiritual barriers, condensing spiritual power armor, and flying with a sword.

Chen Mu got up, he controlled his spiritual power to condense an illusory translucent armor around his body, then shook his head slightly, "It's flashy, it's not as good as real armor for defense, and it consumes more spiritual power."

The best defense is offense. No wonder no swordsmen use this move. Perhaps advanced sword kings can condense better armor.

Chen Mu has just stepped into the realm of swordsman, and he doesn't know how long he will have to wait to become the king of swordsmen.

Zhayi floated in front of Chen Mu, he jumped up, and then stepped on Zheyi's sword, wobbled and almost fell off.

Chen Mu twisted twice, Zhao Feiyan took him flying with Yujian, and quickly mastered the balance.

He first flew around the cave twice.

Huan Die patrolled around the cave, and there were no beasts nearby, so Chen Muyujian flew out of the cave.

With his little hands behind his back, Chen Mu was riding the wind, his silver cloak was rolling, and he was shuttling through the snowy forest. This feeling was very refreshing.

Yu Jian rides the wind is a man's romance.

Broken wings take Chen Mu to the sky in a spiral, fifty feet, one hundred feet, two hundred feet
The higher you fly, the faster your spiritual power will be consumed. For ordinary swordsmen, traveling with a sword is a luxury.

For ordinary sword masters, Yujian is only suitable for traveling short distances. Only a sword king like Zhao Feiyan can roam the world wantonly.

Chen Mu no longer climbed, he stood at a high altitude and looked down at his feet, gradually getting used to it, no longer afraid of heights, because now he can fly with a sword.

A roar came from the depths of the northern forest.

Chen Mu watched the snow-colored sword light rise into the sky, and then the entire northern forest shook, and countless monsters rushed towards the depths of the northern forest.

"Is Zhao Feiyan fighting inside?"

Chen Mu frowned slightly. He noticed that countless monsters rushed to the depths of the North Forest under his feet. They seemed to be summoned by some kind.

Facing the fierce beasts in the depths of the North Forest, Chen Mu was helpless, but he still wanted to go and see.

Huan Die opened the way in front, Chen Mu flew close to the ground with the sword, and the low-altitude sword was very fast, coupled with the magic eye and golden pupil, Chen Mu bypassed all the monsters and quietly came to the depths of the North Forest.

Chen Mu came to an ancient tree tens of feet high. The wolf fur coat and cloak were good camouflage. Zhao Feiyan stood on the top of the tree not far away.

Zhao Feiyan was holding Qingyu in her slender hand, and her whole body was filled with chills. Opposite her, a huge snow ape was clutching her arm.

There was blood dripping from Snow Ape's arm. At this moment, he stared at Zhao Feiyan with scarlet eyes, and growled from time to time with anger in his eyes.

The strong wind hit, and the sky was full of snow. Chen Mu looked up, and he saw snow eagles hovering in the sky more than ten meters away. Their terrifying coercion far surpassed the Frost Wolf King. They are real demon kings.

Those hawk eyes locked on Zhao Feiyan, ready to launch a fatal attack at any time.

Chen Mu was shocked. Snow Ape and Snow Eagle are both demon kings. Even Zhao Feiyan is not so easy to deal with the two big monsters. Moreover, there are fierce beasts around them, and there are many powerful monsters like the golden lion. few.

"What is she doing here?"

Chen Mu looked left and right, his golden eyes stared at the snow mountain behind the snow monkey, which was the tomb, and the tomb of the Sword Emperor was here.

Zhao Feiyan had just discovered the Sword Emperor's Tomb. When she was about to enter the Sword Emperor's Tomb, she was discovered by Snow Ape, which led to a confrontation.

"Humans, this is our territory, not a place where you can be presumptuous!" The snow ape spoke like a human.

Only the real demon king can speak out.

Zhao Feiyan didn't pay attention to the snow ape, but watched behind the snow ape, the ground continued to crack, and ice snakes tens of feet long jumped out of the snow.

Seeing this, Chen Mu held his breath.

The ice snake has a thick waist, silver and ice-colored scales all over its body, and small protruding horns on both sides of its head. Standing upright, the small half of its body is tens of feet high. Its eyes are scarlet, and white mist is sprayed from its nose. Coercion and terror.

Chen Mu sensed the smell of death from that ice snake, and its power was far superior to that of the Snow Ape Demon King and the Snow Eagle Demon King.

Zhao Feiyan narrowed her eyes slightly.

The ice snake in front of him is a real big monster.

Chen Mu couldn't help worrying. Zhao Feiyan's natal sword was restrained in her body, and she couldn't use all the power of the sword king. Facing the three demon kings, even she was in danger.

The ice snake said indifferently: "Get out of Beilin."

The indifferent voice made countless monsters tremble.

Snow Ape said coldly: "You can't let her go, this bitch dares to hurt me, I want to eat her!"

The ice snake looked at the snow ape coldly, and the snow ape demon king immediately lowered his head, not daring to act presumptuously.

Zhao Feiyan ignored it. She stared at the ice snake, cupped her hands and said, "I want to enter the tomb behind you. Please make it easier for me."

"Beilin is not a place where you can come and leave whenever you want."

The high-altitude Snow Eagle Demon King shouted coldly.

The ice snake jokingly said: "You can enter the tomb if you want, how many spirit stones do you have?"

"Is two thousand coins enough?"

Zhao Feiyan said calmly.

Ice Snake sneered: "Enough, but two people get four thousand spirit stones!"

Chen Mu's back felt cold, he didn't know when he was discovered.

Zhao Feiyan looked at Chen Mu who was not far away. She took out [-] spirit stones, piled them up into a hill, and was swept away by the snake's tail. The Snow Ape Demon King and Snow Eagle Demon King could only watch helplessly.


Zhao Feiyan drank lightly.

He rushed towards the grave.

Chen Mu hurriedly followed Zhao Feiyan with his sword.

To reach the gate of the tomb, you have to pass the ice snake. When Chen Mu got close to the ice snake, his spiritual power almost froze. He quickly used the nirvana breathing method to forcibly resist the chill.

Chen Mu stared at the ice snake.

The ice snake also stared at Chen Mu.

Zhao Feiyan blasted open the door of the tomb.

Chen Mu and Zhao Feiyan entered the tomb.

Ice Snake looked at the direction where Chen Mu left, and murmured: "How can the northern wilderness have such arrogance? Will it be a catastrophe for the monster race in the future?"

It looked back at the majestic snow mountain with serious eyes, and did not speak for a long time.

The Snow Ape Demon King said ferociously: "Now we are catching a turtle in the urn, there must be a lot of good things in that girl, let's work together to get rid of them."

"Good idea." The Snow Eagle Demon King landed on the top of the mountain, and the Snow Ape Demon King blocked the door of the tomb.

There is also a giant gray wolf with two heads coming nearby, "Whoever sees it has a share."

Only the ice snake disappeared.

[Successfully signed in to the Tomb of the Sword Emperor]

【Congratulations on obtaining Thunder Sword Intent】

Chen Mu's eyes flashed with thunder, and he instantly sensed the sword intent of thunder, and Zhao Feiyan's soft words suddenly trembled, as if sensing a crisis.

Zhao Feiyan looked back, brandishing her sword to seal the door of the tomb, she said coldly: "These monsters have killing intent, and they still want to attack us?"

"Could it be that the ice snake repented?"

"If the ice snake wants to kill us, it will probably be a fierce battle. If I recover to the peak, I can still fight it." Zhao Feiyan said in a deep voice.

Chen Mu said in a deep voice, "What should we do now?"

Zhao Feiyan said calmly: "Let's see if there is any treasure in the tomb first, don't worry."

There may be something good in the Tomb of the Sword Emperor.

There are luminous crystal stones in the tomb, and the inside is very bright. After walking through the narrow passage, they came to the depths of the tomb, and there was only a copper coffin inside.

 ps: Thank you Dan Zhang for your reward, thank you for the monthly ticket voted by Apr416, thank you for your recommendation votes and comparisons.

(End of this chapter)

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