my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 51 The Sword Emperor's Obsession

Chapter 51 The Sword Emperor's Obsession
Tomb of Sword Emperor.

The depths of the tomb are dotted with luminous stones.

There is only a copper coffin in the empty tomb.

The interior of the tomb was very simple, Zhao Feiyan's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "Look at what's in the copper coffin?"

Chen Mu used the golden pupil of the Dharma Eye, and the golden light was rippling deep in his eyes. When he saw the scene inside the copper coffin, he said in surprise: "Broken sword!"

"Broken sword? Are there any remains of the Sword Emperor inside?" Zhao Feiyan asked.

After the fall of the Sword King, a golden relic may be born from the remains, which can allow the Sword King to break through quickly. This is why Zhao Feiyan is willing to take risks.


Chen Mu shook his head. There was only a broken sword in the copper coffin, and no remains of the Sword Emperor were found.

There are green fires around the Broken Sword, is that the Sword Emperor's obsession?Very strong obsession!

Zhao Feiyan walked towards the copper coffin, she slapped it out with her slender hands, she lifted the coffin lid, a terrifying sword intent shot up into the sky, the whole mountain was shaking, and all the monsters around were running away.

The Snow Ape Demon King exclaimed: "What a terrifying sword intent, I didn't know there was a tomb here before!"

"The ice snake was entrenched here before, who would dare to approach it?" the Snow Eagle Demon King whispered.

deep in the tomb.

There was blood on the corner of Zhao Feiyan's mouth.

There was actually a sword intent hidden in the copper coffin. Zhao Feiyan's situation was not optimistic. Now that she was injured again, her situation was even more critical.

"Sister Feiyan, are you okay?" Chen Mu hurriedly stepped forward to care, and he reminded: "You can take my red blood ginseng."

Zhao Feiyan immediately took two red pills and said calmly, "I'm fine."

Chen Mu paid attention to Broken Sword and Green Fire just now, but he didn't notice that there was still sword intent left in the copper coffin.

Zhao Feiyan stepped forward to check the inside of the copper coffin, but found that there were only fragments of a broken sword inside, so she could only smile wryly: "The spirituality of this sword has been wiped out, even worse than scrap iron."

Zhao Feiyan turned her head and saw Chen Mu sitting cross-legged on the ground with a whirlpool of flames between his brows, devouring the Sword Emperor's obsession released from the copper coffin.

"You are really lucky!" Zhao Feiyan said with a smile, Chen Mu can absorb obsession, maybe he can get the inheritance of Sword Emperor.

Zhao Feiyan was not interested in the inheritance of the Sword Emperor, and the monsters outside were staring at it and ventured in. Not to mention the golden relic, they didn't even see the remains.

There is no trace of monsters coming here, and there is no trace of the copper coffin being opened. Could it be that only a sword is buried in the Tomb of the Sword Emperor?

In Chen Mu's sea of ​​consciousness.

Obsessions were constantly being crushed, and then turned into pure thoughts and poured into the soul.

Chen Mu's mind power began to increase significantly.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, there was a picture about the strong sword emperor, and Chen Mu saw the young man practicing alone.


A boy who is not favored by everyone.

The boy's roots are very poor, but he did not give up practicing swordsmanship, but went through various hardships and constantly broke through himself.

This senior sword emperor likes to challenge powerful sword cultivators, but he ends up failing every time. He keeps summing up experience after repeated defeats.

Chen Mu learned a lot from him.

Senior Sword Emperor went through tens of thousands of battles, and he finally comprehended three unique sword skills, Duan Kong, Xi Hen, and Wu Ting.

These three swords are deeply imprinted in Chen Mu's sea of ​​consciousness, and they are not inferior to the top-rank sword skills of the spiritual rank.

This senior sword emperor has been challenging opponents stronger than himself all his life, and he has lost all his records in his life. Chen Mu has never seen him win.

Obviously strong, but never won.

When Chen Mu saw the last scene, in the wind and snow, there was a beautiful figure like a banished immortal. Senior Sword Emperor faced her, his hand holding the sword was trembling. It was a fear he had never had before. Undoubtedly defeated, even the saber was broken in the end.

Senior Sword Emperor's heart collapsed.

That was an existence he couldn't catch up with.

Chen Mu vaguely saw the beautiful face after the wind and snow, it was Jiang Fuxian, who had defeated this senior Sword Emperor many years ago.

Jiang Fuxian was too strong, and she told this senior Sword Emperor, who had been defeated and fought repeatedly, to stop fighting.

The sword emperor's tomb buried the past of the sword emperor's predecessors, as well as his broken sword.

He challenged all practitioners who were stronger than himself, but in the end Jiang Fuxian destroyed Jianxin, and even Chen Mu couldn't help but sympathize.

Chen Mu said in a deep voice: "If you lose, I will help you win it back!"

Flaming swords appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness, cutting through the pictures left by the sword emperor's predecessors, only those three swords remained in Chen Mu's sea of ​​consciousness forever.

Duan Kong, Xi Hen, and Wu Ting, these three swords cooperate perfectly with Thunder Sword Intent.

Except for facing the Frost Wolf King, Chen Mu's battles with opponents at other times are all about crushing realms, and he rarely fights beyond the ranks.

There is no way, Chen Mu's cultivation speed is too fast, he is much better than practitioners of the same age, and he has no chance to leapfrog to fight.

With the continuous devouring of the sword emperor's obsession, Chen Mu's mind power increased significantly, and the golden light of the soul was extremely bright, with cracks all over it, and finally shattered, with a baby-like golden villain sitting cross-legged.

The range of his mind perception has been greatly improved, and he is able to grasp the situation around the Tomb of the Sword Emperor. There are three demon kings and countless beasts nearby.

The golden baby sits cross-legged in the sea of ​​consciousness like a three-inch god. This is the primordial spirit.

Absorbing the obsession left by the sword emperor, Chen Mu's master mind has advanced by leaps and bounds.

【Host: Chen Mu】

[Realm: First Rank Sword Waiting Middle Stage]

【Realm: Third Grade Yuanshen Consummation】

[Sign-in value: 520]

[Task: None]

When Chen Mu opened his eyes, two days had passed. He was full of energy at this time, and the golden pupil of the magic eye could even see the scene within two hundred feet.

The golden pupil of Fayan is estimated to be related to the power of thought.

Zhao Feiyan said in a cold voice, "What kind of good luck did you get to laugh so happily?"

"Three sword skills."

Chen Mu did not hide anything from Zhao Feiyan.

"This senior Sword Emperor once lost to your master, I don't know if this is fate."

Chen Mu couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Zhao Feiyan smiled lightly and said, "Master has defeated countless sword emperors."

"I heard from my uncle that my master has a brilliant record. Since she started practicing, she has never lost a single sword!" Zhao Feiyan said proudly.

Chen Mu found it very interesting, Jiang Fuxian and this senior Sword Emperor are two extremes.

Zhao Feiyan suddenly remembered something, "Master Uncle once said that outside the mountain gate of Lingyun Sect, there are strong men who challenge Master all the year round. Later, Master found it very annoying, so he killed chickens to warn monkeys. Those who came to challenge Master were all severely injured by the broken sword. .”

"At that time, there were strong men crying outside Lingyunzong. Later, no sword cultivator dared to challenge Master. I haven't seen Master make a move in Lingyunzong for 30 years."

The stronger the sword cultivator, the more spiritual his saber is, and he has deep feelings for the sword. The broken sword is undoubtedly the heaviest blow to the sword cultivator.

"So you are 40 or [-] years old." Chen Mu stared at Zhao Feiyan, no wonder she has a plump figure.

Zhao Feiyan frowned slightly, and said coldly: "I'm only 34 this year, and I'm considered a child at my age in the world of cultivation, do you understand?"


Zhao Feiyan slammed Chen Mu on the head.

Chen Mu didn't have time to dodge, he held his head and said innocently with a small face: "Sister Feiyan, let me ask, why did you hit me?"

This was the first time that Zhao Feiyan was considered old. No one dared to call her old at Master's age.

"I still need a reason to hit you?" The corners of Zhao Feiyan's mouth rose, and she felt much more at ease.

Now is not the time to fight in the nest, Chen Mu said with a serious expression: "Then how do we get out?"

Zhao Feiyan said lightly: "You help me unseal the natal sword, and then I will take you out."

Chen Mu knew that there would be a fierce battle, and those demon kings had no intention of leaving.

"I'll help you!"

Chen Mu and Zhao Feiyan sat cross-legged in the tomb, and they performed the breathing method at the same time.

Zhao Feiyan knew that Chen Mu could temper more cold air by stepping into the sword waiting state, she reminded: "I will release a large amount of cold air, if you can't bear it, please tell me in time."

"no problem."

Chen Mu nodded slightly.

Zhao Feiyan wanted to lift the restriction of the natal sword, otherwise it would be difficult for them to escape from the group of demon kings outside.

The bone-piercing chill hit, and the chill released by Zhao Feiyan was several times higher than before. Even if Chen Mu broke through to the realm of sword waiting, he still had to grit his teeth and persevere.

The skin of Chen Mu's whole body was shaking, and the cold air entered his body along his skin, and the pain was ten times that of before.

Those tempered energies were absorbed by Zhao Feiyan, and then she used that energy to melt the snowfield around the natal sword.

outside the tomb.

The Snow Eagle Demon King said in a low voice: "We have been waiting for so many days, why haven't they come out yet?"

Snow Ape sneered: "Don't worry, there is no other exit here, they can't escape."

After seven full days.

There was no movement in the tomb.

The demon king outside also became anxious.

The two-headed wolf king joked, "We're waiting outside, I'm afraid they won't come out even if they give birth inside!"

"Iron Horned Rhino!"

"Break open the tomb door!"

A monster rushed out near the tomb door, and the iron horned rhinoceros, which was as big as a hill, slammed into the tomb door, causing the entire tomb to vibrate.

Chen Mu and Zhao Feiyan are still practicing.

Half of the ice sword in Zhao Feiyan's snowfield has been exposed, but it has not been completely unsealed.

Chen Mu's body was covered with frost, his face was pale, but he didn't say he couldn't do it.

The ice wall of the tomb door was about to collapse, Zhao Feiyan opened her eyes, her pretty face was frosty, and said coldly: "Leave it to me."

 ps: Thank you Dingjun Ziwei for your reward, thank you for your recommendation tickets and comparisons, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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