my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 55 Chen Mu's Plan

Chapter 55 Chen Mu's Plan

in the tree hole.

Zhao Feiyan took the elixir, and Chen Mu used the nirvana breathing method to help her warm her body.

After half a day passed, Zhao Feiyan also regained some strength, her face gradually turned rosy, she said softly: "Enough! You should rest too."

Chen Mu said in a deep voice, "I'm not tired."

Zhao Feiyan said softly: "Do you know why that snake demon wants to kill you?"

"Because of the demon pill?" Chen Mu raised his eyebrows. In the end, the ice snake wanted to take two demon pills from him. It should be for the demon pill.

Zhao Feiyan said solemnly: "The demon pill is not the key, it's because of you, the strong demon clan will not allow the human race to have a peerless genius!"

"The snake demon is about to break through, and that will be its weakest time. It will use our hands to get rid of the other demon kings, and then it wants to use the demon tide to get rid of you."

"How cunning!"

Chen Mu quickly understood.

Zhao Feiyan reminded: "Don't think that only the monster race will deal with you. As your reputation grows, there may be people who want to harm you."

Chen Mu frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Aren't they afraid of Ling Yunzong?"

"It's because of the fear of Lingyunzong. Master has suppressed them for thousands of years. If you succeed Master and continue to suppress them, they will continue to live under the shadow of Lingyunzong."

Chen Mu couldn't help frowning, Jiang Fuxian must know such a simple truth.

Zhao Feiyan added: "You don't have to worry now, Beihuang is safe for the time being, and you still have Master's personal jade pendant on you, no one can harm you."

The Northern Desolation Sect's attitude towards Chen Mu is to win over, and if they dare to oppose the Lingyun Sect, it must be the Barren Island or other super powers other than the Barren Island.

Even if Chen Mu is not famous in the Northern Wilderness, he is still well-known in the Northern Wilderness. His news will soon reach the ears of other superpowers.

Zhao Feiyan said in a deep voice, "If you stay in Black Rock City, you will bring trouble to your family sooner or later."

"I understand what Sister Feiyan means. When I return to the Chen family this time, I will go to Lingyunzong with you in advance." Chen Mu said solemnly.

Zhao Feiyan smiled and nodded.

Chen Mu took out the demon pill in his bosom, and said in a deep voice: "Sister Feiyan, this is for you, the demon king's demon pill is also useful for the sword king."

If it wasn't for Zhao Feiyan this time, he would never have obtained the Thunder Sword Intent, nor would he have realized the Dragon Chanting Sword Intent at the end!

Zhao Feiyan smiled and said: "This demon pill is poison to me, it should be very helpful to you, at least it can help you improve the third rank."

Chen Mu is now a third-rank sword marquis. If he refines this demon pill, he should be able to become a sixth-rank sword marquis. If he masters all three demon king demon pills, the sword king is just around the corner.

"The Demon Pill of the Demon King is much stronger than that of the Frost Wolf King. Even if it is you, it will take two or three months to completely refine it."

"How about we go to Lingyunzong after I finish refining the demon pill?"

"Leave when I recover from my injury. If it takes too long, I'm worried that something will happen."


Zhao Feiyan was seriously injured and needed some time to recuperate. Chen Mu happened to be able to refine the demon pill, so he spent more time with his family by the way.

After they had been recuperating in the tree hole for two days, Chen Mu Yujian took Zhao Feiyan with him. The height was very low and the speed was very slow, but it was much faster than walking.

in the snow.

Chen Mu saw a small animal.

"Is it a cat?"

Chen Mu and Zhao Feiyan approached.

There is a group of fluffy little guys curled up.

Chen Mu twisted it up, with the word king written on its forehead, and with red and white hair, he thought it was a cat, but he didn't expect it to be a little tiger.

Zhao Feiyan said indifferently: "Mutated tiger demons are abandoned, and usually die very early, and it is difficult to live to adulthood."


"Let's raise it first."

Chen Mu hid the little tiger in his arms.

The monsters raised from childhood can look after the house when they grow up. The monsters are more heartfelt than people. Many sects have their own mountain beasts.

"It seems that it has been abandoned for a few days. Its vital signs are weak and it cannot be kept alive."

Zhao Feiyan didn't think this little tiger could be fed, it was too small, it hadn't been fed for a long time, and it had frostbite, so it wouldn't last long.

Chen Mu likes its tenacity. It can live for so long after being abandoned in such a cold weather. Whether it can survive depends on its good fortune.

He used the nirvana breathing method to provide life for the little tiger. Two days later, the little tiger was able to roll around in Chen Mu's arms.

The little tiger was smaller than a cat. When it opened its eyes, Chen Mu realized that one eye was red and the other was white. It was a rare case of different pupils. No wonder it was abandoned.

Its short legs gently stepped on Chen Mu's chest to eat, and when Chen Mu saw this, he asked Zhao Feiyan for a spiritual fruit. The little tiger gnawed it in his arms, and then curled up in Chen Mu's arms to rest.

Five days later.

Chen Mu and the others returned to the Chen family.

Zhao Feiyan went straight back to her room to rest.

Chen Mu took the little tiger back home.




"Miss Takiyue."

Yan Longyue was throwing sandbags in the courtyard with Chen Ying. When Chen Ying saw Chen Mu running over excitedly, she said in a milky voice, "Brother..."

Chen Mu rubbed his sister's head.

He released the little tiger, with red and white hair, walking on each of its four feet, staggering and falling from time to time.

Chen Ying blinked her big eyes. She knelt down and stretched out her index finger to tap the little tiger's forehead. The little tiger rubbed against Chen Ying's calf.

"Meow meow……"

Chen Ying clapped her little hands happily.

Chen Mu saw Chen Ying's sweet smile. He brought the little tiger back mainly to let his sister have company, and when it grows up, it can be a housekeeper.

Chen Yan laughed loudly and said, "There are very few demon tigers in the Northern Wilderness, so Mu'er is really lucky to find one."

Tang Wan softly said: "Do you have a name?"

Chen Mu smiled softly: "Mother, let's call it big and strong, I hope it will grow strong in the future."

Da Zhuang is now thinner than a cat.

"Big strong."

"That's a good name."

Chen Yan and Logan nodded with a smile.

Yan Longyue took out an old bowl in the kitchen, and filled it with animal milk. Da Zhuang staggered over when he smelled the milk.

Chen Ying happily followed behind.

Chen Mu didn't say anything about going to Lingyun Sect, he didn't want his parents to worry too soon.

"Father, mother, I'm a little tired, I'll be with you tomorrow." Chen Mu said respectfully.

Logan said softly, "Go and rest."

Yan Longyue said respectfully: "Young master, your clothes are dirty, change them first, and I will wash them for you."

"Thank you, Miss Takiyue."

Chen Mu took off his worn coat.

He fell asleep comfortably on the bed.

In the early morning of the next day, cat meows echoed in the yard, and Chen Ying was meowing.

With a pastry in her hand, she was squatting beside Da Zhuang, watching him drink animal milk.

When the sun shone into the room, Chen Mu woke up naturally from sleep, and now he was full of strength.

Chen Mu came to the courtyard, smiled and said, "Yingying, come to brother."

Chen Ying heard the voice, and trotted to Chen Mu, she divided the dim sum in her hand into two halves, and held it up high, "Brother... eat..."

Chen Mu picked up his younger sister with a smile, ate the snacks she fed, and said softly: "Yingying is so good, my brother will show you how to use the breathing method."

Chen Mu patiently guided his sister.

During this period of time when he left the Chen family, Chen Ying's breathing method became unfamiliar. Chen Mu planned to let his sister master the breathing method thoroughly before leaving.

Da Zhuang ran to Chen Mu after he was full, but the steps were too high for him, and he couldn't get up after jumping several times, so he could only curl up under the steps.

Chen Ying's breathing method was proficient again, and then Chen Mu took his younger sister to play in the courtyard, and Da Zhuang followed them unsteadily.

Chen Ying throws sandbags farther and farther away. After she is tired from playing, she will use breathing methods to recover her strength, which has greatly improved her body.

In the first half of the night, Chen Mu was in Zhao Feiyan's room to heal her injuries. In the second half of the night, Chen Mu went back to his room to refine the demon pill.

He didn't dare to take the demon pill of the demon king directly, so he could only refine it slowly outside the body.

Two months passed quickly.

Chen Mu refined half of the demon pill and successfully stepped into the early stage of the fifth-rank sword marquis, and it is estimated that he could reach the sixth-rank sword marquis at most by swallowing the entire demon pill.

The further you go, the harder it is to practice.

The strength of the fifth-rank Jianhou can be regarded as a master in the Yan Dynasty, the Lord Mu is only the second-rank Jianhou, and even Hengyang Hou is only the seventh-rank Jianhou.

Zhao Feiyan recovered almost, and she was about to take Chen Mu out of Black Rock City, when a strange practitioner visited Chen's house.

(End of this chapter)

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