my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 56 Heavenly Secret Pavilion

Chapter 56 Heavenly Secret Pavilion


The spring is warm and the flowers are blooming and the sun is shining brightly.

In the courtyard, Da Zhuang stretched his waist in the sun. After two months of growth, he became a big cat with red and white stripes all over his body.

Yan Longyue recently fed it minced meat and small bones, and its big and strong body is getting stronger and stronger.

Chen Ying throws sandbags in the yard, and every time he throws them out, Da Zhuang can pick them up quickly. He is very smart and follows Chen Ying everywhere every day.

Chen Mu has been very relaxed recently, and Da Zhuang and Yan Longyue accompany his sister every day.

He was going to Lingyunzong, and he probably wouldn't be able to see his sister for a long time.

Two sword lights fell outside the Chen family.

Chen Mu felt the powerful qi field, and he immediately asked Chen Ying to play in the house.

In the courtyard next door, Zhao Feiyan walked out of the room. She sensed a strong man coming, and murmured: "Tianji Pavilion, there are them everywhere."

Chen Tiannan and the others were escorting the escorts outside, and Chen Mu came to the gate of Chen's house in person, the stooped old man outside the door was talking with the servant girl of Chen's house.

Chen Mu stepped forward calmly, and said with a smile, "What's the matter, grandpa?"

The white-haired old man in the lead had a kind face. When he saw Chen Mu, he smiled lightly and said, "My name is Chen Zhu, and I come from Tianji Pavilion. You must be Chen Mu!"

Chen Mu nodded, "Senior, is there something wrong?"

Chen Zhu said with a smile on his face: "The old man is responsible for collecting Tianjiao's information in Tianji Pavilion, and I want to delay you for a few minutes to confirm your information."

"Tianji Pavilion?" Chen Mu had never heard of it, so he didn't know what kind of power it was.

Zhao Feiyan came nearby. She was wearing a tight purple dress, with a smile on her delicate pretty face, "Old Chen, you actually came to Beihuang in person?"

Old Chen Zhu said with a smile on his face: "I heard that there is a peerless genius in the Northern Wilderness, and his surname is Chen. Naturally, the old man has to come to confirm in person."

For Zhao Feiyan to be so respectful, the status of the old man in front of her must not be simple.

Zhao Feiyan said in a deep voice, "Old Chen, I don't want his information to be sold in the Tianji Pavilion."

"Young friend Chen Mu's information has already been made public. It's no secret that he is a genius of the Black Rock City, a ninth-rank root bone, the first in the martial arts competition among the juniors in the Black Rock City, and a three-year-old sword sect. He has killed the Wolf King and defeated the Prince of Zhou." Chen Zhuxi Count Chen Mu's achievements.

Tianji Pavilion is the most special organization in the mainland. They are responsible for collecting all kinds of information and obtaining resources through information transactions.

Tianji Pavilion also has various lists, such as potential list, killer list, reward list and dozens of other lists, which have great influence.

Listening to their conversation, Chen Mu probably knew what kind of organization Tianji Pavilion was. At best, it was an intelligence organization, and at worst, it was the paparazzi of the Immortal Cultivation World.

Chen Zhu said with a solemn expression: "Two years later, the Qingyun Conference will be held. I think he will definitely not miss the Qingyun Conference held every ten years."

Zhao Feiyan said in a deep voice, "Old Chen, what information do you want to confirm?"

"I want to know if he can be ranked in the Qing Yun list now!" Chen Zhu had a smile on his face.

Behind Chen Zhu, a handsome young man stepped forward, and he proudly said: "If you want to be on the Qingyun list, you must be a swordsman under the age of 20. My next Liu Hang, No. 350 and [-] on the barren island Qingyun list, please advise."

Zhao Feiyan said lightly: "Go!"

Chen Mu was a little surprised, Zhao Feiyan deliberately wanted him to expose his strength.

They came to Chen's martial arts field.

Liu Hang was hired by Chen Zhu with money.

Chen Zhu heard that Chen Mu had killed the wolf king, and guessed that he had the strength of Jianhou, so he found Liu Hang, who was in the second stage of Jianhou.

"I'm a witness of this duel, let's compete and learn from each other." Chen Zhu reminded.

There must be witnesses from Tianji Pavilion in the competition, and the results of private duels will not be recognized.

Liu Hang smiled lightly and said, "Please!"

He didn't even draw his sword, such a move undoubtedly looked down on Chen Mu.

Chen Mu pulled out his broken wings.

Like a streamer disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Liu Hang was shocked immediately, he quickly released the energy field, trying to find out the location of Chen Mu.

But the sharp blade was already touching his neck, Liu Hang swallowed his saliva, Chen Zhu said with a shocked expression: "Chen Mu won, and his ranking was promoted to the 350th and sixth place in the Qingyun list."

Chen Zhu took out a pen and ink to record in the notebook, and even simply drew Chen Mu's face on it. The shock in his eyes could not disappear for a long time.

Liu Hang's eyes were glazed, he couldn't believe it, how could it be so fast?He is a second-rank sword marquis, but he couldn't even react.

Zhao Feiyan's face was calm. She knew how fast Chen Mu was. If it was a sneak attack, even the Sword King would have to beware of him.

Chen Mu was afraid that the fight would destroy the martial arts arena, so he chose this way to end the fight.

Chen Zhu laughed and said: "Congratulations, little friend, for being on the Qing Yun list. When I bring the information back to the Tianji Pavilion, the elders in the pavilion will evaluate your potential. I believe that you can be ranked among the top ten in the sword repair potential list."

Chen Mu didn't understand the gold content of this list, "How much does Sister Feiyan rank in the potential list?"

Chen Zhu replied with a smile: "She ranks No. 30 and eighth in the barren island potential list."

"However, Feiyan is ranked third in the barren continent sky list, and her realm far exceeds her potential."

"What is the Tianbang?"

"On the list are all sword kings and powerhouses."

Chen Mu smiled and said: "Sister Feiyan, you are really amazing, you are actually the third in the list."

There was no smile on Zhao Feiyan's face.

Chen Zhu said in a deep voice: "Feiyan, you haven't accepted the challenge for three years. Many talents are questioning your strength. You should be thankful that the fourth place, Xiao Yun, remains undefeated. Otherwise, if you don't accept the challenge, you will lose your ranking. .”

The battle rules on the leaderboard are very simple. You can challenge an opponent with a higher ranking. The opponent has the right to refuse, but the difference in ranking is only one. If the opponent refuses, the two will exchange ranks.

Fortunately, Xiao Yun, who was ranked fourth, did not lose, nor did he challenge Zhao Feiyan, so Zhao Feiyan could keep her third place.

All the sects are proud of themselves on the Tianbang, and it is related to the face of each sect. Naturally, everyone wants to rank high, and the competition on the top is fierce.

"Are the first two from Lingyun Sect?"

Chen Mu was a little puzzled. He knew that Lingyunzong was the most powerful superpower in Barren Island, and Lingyunzong's disciples should be at the front.

Chen Zhu shook his head slightly, and said in a deep voice, "The first and second are from Holy Sword Mountain and Fengge, and the third and fourth are disciples of Lingyun Sect."

Zhao Feiyan's face was a little ugly.

As Jiang Fuxian's direct disciple, the third place in the Tianbang is not impressive. If it wasn't for Xiao Yun, Zhao Feiyan's ranking would only be worse.

"Where is the suzerain of Lingyun Sect?"

Chen Zhu sold it with a smile: "This booklet contains the latest various lists. If it is someone else, I will charge you ten spirit stones, but I will only charge you five spirit stones."

"Sister Feiyan, can you lend me five spirit stones?" Chen Mu looked at Zhao Feiyan.

Zhao Feiyan threw five spirit stones to Chen Zhu, and said coldly, "Old Chen, you really know how to make money. How much does Tianji Pavilion earn from selling information every year?"

Chen Zhu waved his hands with a smile and said, "It will continue to operate normally, and it won't make any money."

Chen Mu got the pamphlet and was a little curious, "Aren't you afraid of being pirated?"

Chen Zhu smiled strangely and said: "No one dares to pirate the Tianji Pavilion, because piracy will be bad luck."

It sounded terrible. Chen Mu thought he had found a good way to make money, but he didn't expect the copyright in the other world to be so strict.

"Little friend, what is the name of your saber?"

"Ten spirit stones answer one question."

Chen Zhu couldn't help but chuckled and said, "My little friend can also do business, so let's ask ten spirit stones for one question."

"My saber is called Broken Wing."

"How old is this year?"

"Four years and eleven months."

"How many swords are waiting?"

"Three products."

Chen Zhu's hands were trembling slightly, but Chen Mu lied about his strength. He was actually a fifth-rank sword marquis. Even so, it was shocking enough.

Chen Zhu sorted out Chen Mu's information relatively well, and gave him back [-] spirit stones, then laughed and said, "Thank you for your cooperation, my friend, I still have to go to Xihuang to meet the two Tianjiao, and hope to be able to participate in the Qingyun Conference." I saw my little friend."

Chen Zhu and Liu Hang left the Chen family.

Chen Mu flipped through the booklet of Tianji Pavilion, and he saw Jiang Fuxian's name at the top of the holy list, and the note at the back was, the lord of Lingyun Sect, whose ranking has not changed for 3000 years.

The fiancée is the strongest sword master!
Chen Mu thought that Jiang Fuxian was a very powerful sword master, but he did not expect to be the strongest sword master in the mainland. No wonder the Lingyun sect is the strongest sect in the barren island.

He continued to flip through the pamphlet.

Chen Mu turned to the more interesting list, the list of immortals, Jiang Fuxian ranked first, but there was no portrait of Jiang Fuxian on it.

Chen Mu searched for a long time, and asked in confusion: "Sister Feiyan, why didn't you make it to the list of immortals?"


Zhao Feiyan said coldly.

Chen Mu didn't mean to be sarcastic, but felt that Zhao Feiyan was qualified, and the fairies at the bottom of the list were obviously not as good as Zhao Feiyan.

Does the Celestial Ranking also depend on traffic?

Chen Mu put away the booklet, and said in a deep voice, "Sister Feiyan, why did you ask me to compete with Liu Hang?"

"The Qingyun Conference will be held in two years' time. Only the top talents on the Qingyun list can participate. Now you can get a spot in advance." Zhao Feiyan explained.

Chen Mu still doesn't know what the Qingyun Conference is.

The main reason is to want Chen Mu to become famous earlier, so that he can follow him to Lingyunzong. Now that there is promotion of Tianji Pavilion, it is very difficult for Chen Mu not to be famous.

Back to the courtyard.

Chen Mu plays with his sister.

He also flew with Chen Ying Yujian.

Chen Ying hugged Chen Mu's thigh, and with her brother around, she was not afraid, but smiled happily.

In the City Lord's Mansion, Mu Dongliu looked at the sword light hovering in the sky, and said with a shocked expression, "It's Chen Mu! He has broken through to Jianhou!"

At such an age, one becomes a sword master, and the future is limitless. Maybe there will really be a sword master in Black Rock City!Even a Juvenile Juggernaut!



Chen Ying has fallen asleep.

Chen Mu said goodbye to his mother in the courtyard.

Chen Mu said respectfully: "Mother, don't worry, I will come back to see you anytime."

"Mu'er, wait until mother cooks you a bowl of longevity noodles before leaving." Tang Wan hurried to the kitchen.

Yan Longyue said respectfully: "Young master, I will take good care of the Chen family for you."

"Thank you, Takizuki-san."

With Yan Longyue at Chen's house to take care of her younger sister and accompany her mother, Chen Mu was very relieved.


Da Zhuang gently rubbed Chen Mu's trouser leg.

Chen Mu knelt down and stroked its head, and said in a deep voice, "You also have to protect the Chen family and take care of Yingying, you understand?"


Da Zhuang nodded spiritually.

Chen Mu came to the room to see his sister.

Chen Ying slept soundly. Because Chen Mu often taught her younger sister to use breathing methods, she always used breathing methods when she slept.

Chen Mu lightly scratched his sister's nose.

He was quite reluctant.

Tang Wan cooked the longevity noodles, she wanted to celebrate Chen Mu's birthday earlier.

After Chen Mu finished eating the noodles and drinking the soup, he said with a satisfied face, "It's delicious, thank you mother."

Tang Wan smiled with a loving mother, "You must listen to the suzerain, behave well, and don't make her angry."

Chen Mu felt that his mother was reminding him of something, but Zhao Feiyan didn't feel anything unusual, she took Chen Mu Yujian and flew into the sky.

Yan Longyue and Tang Wan watched them leave.

 ps: Thank you Apr416, those who like to love learning for their rewards, thank you Apr416 for your monthly vote.

(End of this chapter)

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