my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 57 Ling Yunzong

Chapter 57 Ling Yunzong

The Black Stone City of the Northern Wilderness and the Lingyun Sect of the Southern Wilderness are far apart, and it will take half a month for Zhao Feiyan to fly with Chen Mu Yujian.

Relying on Zhao Feiyan's long legs, Chen Mu didn't waste time on the road. These days, he used the nirvana breathing method to refine the demon pill.

Zhao Feiyan envied Chen Mu's talent very much. During the rush, he broke through to the middle stage of the fifth-rank sword, and felt that he could become the sword king in two or three years at most.

"Chen Mu."

"We're almost there."

Zhao Feiyan reminded Chen Mu.

Clouds and mist shrouded in the distance, and Chen Mu saw the blurred silhouette of Ling Yunzong, surrounded by strong aura.

Approaching Lingyun Sect, Chen Mu saw countless palaces and pavilions, as well as islands floating in mid-air. Many mountain peaks had disciples practicing swords.

Zhao Feiyan led Chen Mu to land outside the mountain gate of Lingyun Sect. There was an exquisitely carved white jade arch, and behind it were three thousand steps of bluestone steps. Only two outer disciples were on duty here.


The two outer disciples said respectfully.

Zhao Feiyan nodded slightly, and said with a light smile, "In front is the Lingyun Ladder, and above is the square. The junior assessment starts here every year. This year's assessment is probably just over."

"Do I need an assessment?"

Chen Mu asked, he looked left and right, but his fiancée didn't come out to greet him.

Zhao Feiyan said in a deep voice, "Of course you don't need to be assessed, but you can give it a try."

"The first item is mountain climbing. It takes about 10 minutes to pass the Lingyun Ladder within the time of one stick of incense. The wind in the mountains is very strong."

There are [-] steps in the Lingyun Ladder, and half of the juniors can be eliminated here every year. This is the simplest and most eliminated project.

"Go directly to the last project." Zhao Feiyan led Chen Mu up the ladder, this project was not challenging for Jianhou.

Top of Snow Mountain.

Jiang Fuxian stared at Chen Mu with beautiful eyes.

Her silver hair is fluttering, her snow-colored dress is rolling, and her peerless beauty is smiling.

Zhao Feiyan and Chen Mu came to the square.

"The white jade stele can measure the root bone, which is more accurate than the one in your Black Rock City."

Zhao Feiyan knew that Shizun would not accept Chen Mu as an apprentice, so she wanted him to pass the test and attract the attention of other experts in the sect.

She wanted to help Chen Mu find a good teacher.

At this time, there were only a few outer disciples in the square, and they were cleaning nearby.

When Chen Mu came to the white jade stele, a disciple from the outer sect stepped forward to stop him: "Senior sister, the elder said that the ancient stele cannot be used without authorization."

This kind of white jade stele that can measure the root bone is very precious, and it can only be used during the sect's assessment, and it is forbidden for juniors to use it privately.

Zhao Feiyan said coldly: "I will be responsible for the accident, Chen Mu, go and test it."

That outer disciple didn't dare to stop her, Zhao Feiyan is the suzerain's direct disciple, her words are more effective than many elders.

Chen Mu put his hand on the stone tablet, and then the stone tablet vibrated, releasing a bright light.


The stele released a brilliant beam of light, piercing through the clouds in the sky, and the entire Lingyun Sect looked at that outrageous beam of light.

It wasn't until Chen Mu withdrew his hand that the dazzling beam of light dissipated slowly. Although Zhao Feiyan was prepared, she was still shocked.

Countless disciples of the Lingyun Sect rushed to the square, and the first ones to arrive were the sect's strong ones. Among them, an old man exclaimed: "It's the ultimate root!"

"In the past, there was no such phenomenon in Jipin Gengu. This junior is not simple."

"No wonder I haven't seen Zhao Feiyan recently, she actually brought back the Peerless Tianjiao outside."

The burly middle-aged man stepped forward, and he said in a powerful voice: "Boy, what's your name?"

Chen Mu felt a particularly strong pressure. The strong man in front of him should be the sword emperor, with a broad sword behind him.

Zhao Feiyan respectfully said: "Uncle Lu, his name is Chen Mu, and he is almost five years old now."

"Five years old, it looks like a ten-year-old child, very suitable for practicing my Man Sword."

Lu Qingshan looked at Chen Mu, and Fangzheng said with enthusiasm: "Chen Mu, are you interested in practicing with me? I am a strong sword king."

"Qingshan, step back a little bit, can your terrible swordsmanship teach the top-level Tianjiao?" The tall and thin old man in green robe laughed.

"Li Qingliu, what do you mean?"

"No other meaning, Chen Mu, if you practice with the old man, the old man can teach you a lot."

Chen Mu didn't answer.

They looked very powerful, but none of them met the standard that Chen Mu wanted to be a teacher.

There are many Lingyun Sect disciples around, and they are discussing, "Exquisite root bone, I don't know whose disciple I will become in the end?"

Even the retreating inner disciples came to the square, they were all alarmed by Chen Mu, "It seems that we will have a strong enemy in the future."

"Cough cough!"

A cold cough sounded.

Everyone dare not talk about it.

A tall fairy in a red dress appeared in the square. She had a delicate oval face, loose red hair, flame lines between her eyebrows, and a powerful Qi field all over her body.

She said in a cold voice: "Do you dare to snatch the Tianjiao brought back by Feiyan?"

The sect's powerhouses kept silent, and it could be seen that they were very afraid of the red-dressed fairy.

"Fei Yan, your master wants to accept disciples?"

"Uncle Qin, Master is not planning to accept disciples."

It was said that the Lingyun sect powerhouses around had thoughts about Chen Mu.

Qin Nishang came to Chen Mu, she squatted down with great interest, pinched Chen Mu's chin with her slender fingers, and looked carefully.

Qin Nishang said in a cold voice, "Senior sister doesn't want this kind of peerless talent?"

Chen Mu's chin was pinched by Qin Nishang, and he felt a little uncomfortable, but the tyrannical energy field made him dare not make a sound.

Qin Nishang in front of her was much stronger than Lu Qingshan and Li Qingliu, Zhao Feiyan smiled and said: "Chen Mu, Uncle Qin is the pinnacle of Sword Emperor, you can learn a lot from her."

Chen Mu murmured in his heart: "I follow Qin Nishang, if Jiang Fuxian doesn't become my uncle, this kind of business is not worth it."

"Will you follow me?"

Qin Nishang pinched Chen Mu's chin.

Chen Mu smiled and said, "Thank you, Sister Fairy, for your kindness. Let me think about it again."

Fairy sister?

A smile appeared on Qin Nishang's face.

Zhao Feiyan's face was dark, thinking that Chen Mu must have called everyone this way, and after getting acquainted with herself, she never used such a title again.

Youdao's beautiful figure landed on the square, all the strongmen of the surrounding sects bowed and saluted, and all the sect disciples half-kneeled to salute.

"I have seen the Sect Master!"

Qin Nishang didn't salute, she stood up with a smile, and asked in doubt: "Senior sister, you really don't want such a peerless talent?"

If Jiang Fuxian wanted it, Qin Nishang naturally couldn't get his hands on it, but if Jiang Fuxian didn't want it, no one would dare to compete with Qin Nishang.

Jiang Fuxian said calmly: "Little sister, my uncle decided to accept Chen Mu as his apprentice."

Qin Nishang was shocked and said: "Master wants to accept apprentices? Why didn't you mention it to me?"

"Uncle Master has his arrangements."


The surrounding sect powerhouses were all shocked.

Jiang Fuxian's uncle is Qin Nishang's master, the sword master Su Min, the elder of the Lingyun Sect, who has been in seclusion for thousands of years.

Even Zhao Feiyan's eyes widened. She thought that Chen Mu would be her junior brother, but she didn't expect to become a junior uncle in the blink of an eye.

Zhao Feiyan was a little dazed, she had goosebumps at the thought of being called Chen Mu's Junior Martial Uncle in the future.

Qin Nishang left with a flick of his sleeves.

There was some regret in her eyes.

Jiang Fuxian looked at Chen Mu with a gentle face, and said in a quiet voice, "Feiyan, arrange a place for Chen Mu to rest."

"In three days' time, the grand entrance ceremony will be held. At that time, my uncle will come forward to accept you as a disciple."

"Thank you, Sister Fairy."

"Call me Senior Sister from now on."

Chen Mu nodded, and murmured in his heart: "I will call you wife from now on."

As Jiang Fuxian and the sect powerhouse left, only Ling Yunzong disciples were still watching.

A strong and handsome young man approached, "Senior Sister Zhao, yes, I haven't seen you these days, I thought you were in retreat, but I didn't expect to bring back the peerless genius."

"My name is Xiao Yun, little uncle, please take care of me in the future." Xiao Yun greeted with a smile.

"Are you number four on the list?"

Chen Mu had heard of Xiao Yun's name.

Xiao Yun was surprised and said: "Junior Martial Uncle even knows this, the fourth in the celestial list is not worth mentioning, and Senior Sister Zhao is still the third in the celestial list."

Zhao Feiyan pursed her lips and said, "Xiao Yun, don't you feel bad that you suddenly have multiple junior uncles?"

Xiao Yun said enthusiastically: "It's not uncomfortable, little uncle, my master is Qin Nishang, my master should be your master, you have to cover me from now on."

Chen Mu could only smile awkwardly, he doesn't have the strength to cover Xiao Yun yet, but he seems to be easier to get along with than Zhao Feiyan.

He could feel that Xiao Yun was very strong, he should be a strong man at the peak of Sword King.

Zhao Feiyan was a little tired, "The journey was very hard, I'll go back to Ziyun Peak to rest first, Xiao Yun, take Chen Mu to Lingyunzong, and then send him to Ziyun Peak."

Xiao Yun didn't refuse, and said enthusiastically: "Little Martial Uncle, I'll take you to visit Lingyun Sect."

"Thank you."

Chen Mu smiled.

Zhao Feiyan went back to Ziyun Peak to rest.

Xiao Yun took Chen Mu to visit Ling Yunzong.

The Lingyun Sect has tens of thousands of mountains, and it takes a long time to visit the flying sword. Xiao Yun is very enthusiastic and patiently introduces it to Chen Mu.

Chen Mu noticed the barren pool, where there were many swords, "What is that place?"

"That's the Sword Pool!"

"A lot of swords were left by Ling Yunzong's seniors. Before they passed away, if they didn't give the swords to the younger generation, they would choose to stay in the sword pond."

Chen Mu saw countless obsessions.

Those obsessions are all attached to the sword, and the obsession here is enough for him to practice for many years.

"Can I go to Jianchi?"

"The sword pool will be open at a special time, the little uncle can go to the suzerain, as long as she allows, you can enter the sword pool at any time."

Chen Mu was not in a hurry, he had just come to Lingyun Sect, so he had to familiarize himself with the environment first.

Jiang Fuxian lives on the highest snow-capped mountain. That peak is called Lingyun Peak. The powerful sects have their own peaks, and the core disciples of the inner sect also have their own peaks, but they are much shorter.


Chen Mu returned to Ziyun Peak.

There is a cave built on the mountainside, outside the cave is a bamboo forest, and there is a Taoist platform facing east, Zhao Feiyan is resting in the cave.

"Sister Feiyan, you haven't arranged a place for me yet." Chen Mu shouted from the cave.

Zhao Feiyan said lightly, "Come in."

Chen Mu walked into the cave, there was a white jade bed inside, Zhao Feiyan said indifferently: "You will stay with me for these two days and practice with me."

Chen Mu blinked, and whispered, "This is Ling Yunzong."

Zhao Feiyan said coldly: "Ling Yunzong has a problem? I don't mind, what are you afraid of?"

Chen Mu thought that Zhao Feiyan had helped him, and said in a deep voice, "Okay."


The moon is bright.

Jiang Fuxian stood on the top of the snow mountain.

Her beautiful eyes stared in the direction of Ziyun Peak.

in the cave.

Chen Mu's back suddenly felt cold.

 ps: Thank you Apr416 boss for your reward, thank you for your recommendation tickets and comparisons.

(End of this chapter)

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