my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 92 The Peak Showdown

Chapter 92 The Peak Showdown
Qingyun Restaurant creaked.

The junior Tianjiao at the bottom of the building was at a loss.

The Tianjiao of various sects flew out directly from the building, and the maids swarmed downstairs to flee.

Purple and red light overflowed from the second floor of Qingyun Restaurant at the same time, creating a spectacular scene.

Yin Xiu and Wu Yong had smug smiles on their faces. It was the Qigong field of their Son, and it seemed that the Son planned to suppress Chen Mu.

"What's going on upstairs?"

"Just now there was a conflict between the holy son of Holy Sword Mountain and the junior uncle of Lingyunzong."

When the juniors at the bottom of the building heard the words, they all stood up with their swords. They crowded outside the second floor, looking excited, peeking at the situation inside.

Everyone is looking forward to the two fighting. Holy Sword Mountain has already damaged Xu Yan, and the results of the competition will be greatly affected. If Lingyunzong and Holy Sword Mountain continue to fight, other forces can take advantage of it.

The statistics of the results of the Qingyun Conference are very simple. The results of the competition are 99 points for the first junior who successfully climbs to the top, and [-] points for the second successful junior. However, less than half of the juniors reach the top within the specified time every year. Only one or two juniors in the sect can reach the summit successfully.

Now Holy Sword Mountain loses no more than [-] points for juniors. As long as the juniors of other superpowers perform normally, they can get more than [-] points, and their scores will definitely surpass Holy Sword Mountain.

If Holy Sword Mountain wants to achieve good results this time, it must be the first to climb to the top, and at the same time, it must completely defeat the arrogance of most sects and make them lose their ability to reach the top.

The results of the Qingyun Conference not only represent the honor of the sect, but also relate to the resources of the sect for the next ten years. The results are very important.

In front of them, Holy Sword Mountain and Lingyun Sect are undoubtedly the biggest obstacles, but I hope they can fight to the death in advance.

"Hurry up."

"Looking really anxious."

A junior said impatiently.

The two released the energy field, their swords were on the verge of breaking out, and neither of them had the idea of ​​doing it first.

"This restaurant is an antique, you can go outside if you want to compete." There was a voice from the vicissitudes of life in the restaurant.

An old man wearing a blue and white robe suddenly appeared in the restaurant. He was not tall, with a few wrinkles on his face, two white eyebrows slid down his cheeks, one finger long, and his body looked quite healthy.

After the white-browed old man appeared, Qingyun Restaurant stopped shaking, and the two powerful qi fields were easily suppressed, and the surrounding became quiet.

Chen Mu stood up, with a smile on his face, slightly cupped his hands towards the white-browed old man, with a faint golden light in his eyes.

He took the opportunity to observe the old man, but found that the energy contained in his body was as terrifying as an abyss.

The white-browed old man looked at Chen Mu, both in temperament and strength, which impressed him deeply, "That's right, as expected of Su Min's apprentice."

"I've seen Old Yun." Jian frivolously saluted the old man. He knew the old man's identity, the owner of the Tianji Pavilion's Huangzhou branch, the white-browed sword sage Yun Yi, one of the few strong men in Huangzhou.

Yun Yi looked at Jian frivolously, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Young people are awesome, Barren Island has not been so lively for many years."

"Should we still fight or not?" Tianjiao outside was very anxious, and even wanted to go in and fan the flames.

Li Qingliu rushed to Qingyun Restaurant quickly. He was afraid that something would happen to Chen Mu, but when he saw Yun Yi in the building, he stopped worrying.

Jian Qingkuang looked at Chen Mu again, and said contemptuously, "Do you dare to compete with me outside?"

"Childish, let's go."

Chen Mu looked at Jian frivolously.

Jian Qingkuang's eyes were filled with coldness, he walked towards Pingdingshan with his sword, followed by Chen Mu, and the juniors around him began to get excited.

The holy son of the Holy Sword Mountain is fighting the junior uncle of the Lingyun Sect. This battle is undoubtedly a duel between the barren continent and the strongest arrogance in the sword waiting realm.

Luo Peng and the others had just arrived, and their blood boiled with excitement when they saw this scene. This battle will determine the dominance of Holy Sword Mountain and Lingyun Sect.

The powerhouses of all sects are looking forward to this duel, and losing both sides is undoubtedly the result they hope to see the most, at least there will be fewer rivals.

Yun Yi stood on a high place.

The powerhouses of all sects bowed their hands to him.

Chen Zhu appeared beside Yun Yi, "Pavilion Master, who do you think can win?"

"The outcome is unpredictable, but when Chen Mu was just seven years old, Holy Sword Mountain sent Jian Qingkuang to suppress it. It's interesting." Yun Yi said meaningfully.

Holy Sword Mountain didn't dare to wait for Chen Mu to grow up before challenging, and directly sent the strongest Son, which shows how afraid they are of Chen Mu's talent.

Li Qingliu looked dignified. If Chen Mu consumed too much energy in this battle, the following Qingyun Conference would be very troublesome.

Not only is the Holy Sword Mountain threatening, but some first-class forces also have top talents.

Zhao Sisi smiled brightly, and she used her thoughts to transmit the voice: "Little Master, come on."


Chen Mu responded with his thoughts.

You can't lose face in front of your nephew.

Chen Mu knew that he represented Ling Yunzong, so he accepted Jian's frivolous challenge.

Yu Song came near Pingdingshan, with pride in his eyes, he believed that Jian Qingkuang was invincible among his peers and could suppress Chen Mu.

Huo Mei stared at Chen Mu on the top of the mountain, as long as he could win the sword frivolity, he would introduce Master to Chen Mu later.

Sun Wei appeared on the top of the mountain, and he said with a smile, "The day after tomorrow is the Qingyun Conference, so let's finish the discussion between the two of you."

Jian Qingkuang held a black long sword, while Chen Mu held the clean folded wings.

Before they started fighting, the Qi field released by the two made the juniors terrified.

It was the sound of the ground breaking.

Chen Mu and Jian Qingkuang set off at the same time, the ground under their feet was sunken, their speed was ridiculously fast, and the two long swords slashed out with sword light.

The purple sword light collided with the golden-red sword light, and the sky bloomed with gorgeous fireworks. The two sword lights were evenly matched, and Chen Mu's sword collided with Jian's frivolous sword, clang!
The sound made the juniors' scalps tingle, and they could feel the strong wind even if they were far away.

The juniors held their breath and watched the two people confronting each other on the top of the mountain with concentration, even the strong elders were paying attention.

Both Chen Mu and Jian Qingkuang were swinging swords at close quarters. They didn't use sword skills, and they both wanted to win in the most direct and violent way.

Yin Xiu frowned slightly, "His physical strength is actually comparable to that of the Holy Son!"

When Jian Qingkuang was in his mother's womb, he failed to transplant the real dragon's blood, but his body was nourished by the dragon's blood, and his physical body was ridiculously strong.

However, Chen Mu's physical strength is not inferior to Jian's frivolousness at all. He has a domineering sword body, and his physical body is already strong. With Jiang Fuxian's medicine, his physical body has been completely reborn.

Jin Kui's hands were itchy, and he wanted to go up and fight them, but unfortunately they wouldn't give it a chance.

Jian frivolously narrowed his eyes slightly, and his long eyes were full of surprise. Since he was born, no one of his generation has ever been able to confront him head-on.

Chen Mu is much smaller than Jian Qingkuang, but his physical strength is extremely powerful. His physical body is domineering, and the more he fights, the stronger he becomes, Jian Qingkuang feels the pressure.

Under the bright starlight.

Jian Qingkuang was wrapped in purple light, his strength doubled instantly, Chen Mu was also wrapped in golden-red light, and they erupted at the same time.

boom! boom! boom!
Every collision of the sword made the mountain tremble, and countless cracks appeared on the top of the mountain. The strong men of all sects knew that they hadn't exerted their full strength.

Just the power of mutual testing has been able to crush many Tianjiao juniors.

Chen Mu's expression is calm, he and his brother's obsession have been discussed many times, honed in the Underworld Sword Prison, and now he has not taken it seriously.

Jian Qingkuang felt Chen Mu's strength, he raised his long sword, a green light overflowed from the ring finger holding the sword, and then the sword light slashed out like a green moon.

Chen Mu dodged sideways, and the green moon fell not far away, cutting off a corner of the mountain.


The juniors gasped.

That's enough power to level mountains.

Suddenly the wind howled on the top of the mountain, and a special sword intent shrouded the top of the mountain. Chen Mu's robe was blown and rattled, and he was suppressed by the storm.

Chen Mu knocked on the wristband twice, and the heavy protective gear on his body was instantly retracted into the space ring, and he felt the pleasure of breaking free.

"The frivolous sword is really powerful, and it can force me to be serious." Chen Mu whispered in his heart, he did not underestimate his opponent, after all, he is the son of a superpower.

Yu Song sneered and said, "Storm Sword Intent can greatly increase speed and explosiveness. It seems frivolous just doesn't want to get entangled with him."

The juniors were all dumbfounded, the sword's frivolous speed suddenly soared, leaving purple afterimages on the mountain top, and blue light continued to cut out.

However, Chen Mu's speed was still not slow in the Storm Sword Intention. He didn't choose to fight head-on, but kept dodging, similar to when he was fighting Xu Yan, with a chic and relaxed expression.

The powerhouses of all sects are amazed, Jian Frivolously using Storm Sword Intent can't catch up with Chen Mu, this speed is too terrifying!
Chen Mu was still under some pressure, with the blessing of the storm sword intent, the frivolous speed of the sword was very fast, and the sword light was getting closer and closer to him.

Lin Yi and the others stared at Chen Mu, sweating in their hands. The frivolous sword was not Xu Yan. Every time Chen Mu dodged, he was on the verge of danger. As long as he made a mistake, he would be severely injured by the sword light.

"Why didn't little uncle fight back?" Luo Peng looked a little anxious, only Zhao Sisi was smiling, she believed that Chen Mu could win.

In Zhao Sisi's perception, Chen Mu was still calm, but Jian Qingkuan had already started to get impatient.

Li Qingliu said in a deep voice: "It's not that he doesn't want to fight back, but that he is waiting for an opportunity. Jian frivolously used his sword intent to attack, and can only maintain a short peak state. Your little uncle is waiting for his state to decline and show his flaws. "

Some senior experts saw the clues, Chen Mu didn't choose to fight head-on, because he didn't want to waste his strength, and he didn't show all his strength in the face of frivolous sword, how confident is he?

They looked at Chen Mu and felt scared.

Zhao Si thought about how stupid he was back then, trying to force the little master uncle to use all his strength. It was really stupid at that time.

Not far away, Yu Song frowned slightly. He didn't have the confidence he had at the beginning. He didn't expect that Chen Mu would choose to avoid and not fight.

At the height, Yun Yi nodded again and again, "Jian Qingkuang is very powerful, but Chen Mu's combat experience is more experienced, it seems that he has suffered a lot."

Chen Zhu was shocked, Chen Mu was just seven years old, how could he have such rich combat experience?
On the battlefield on the top of the mountain, Jian frivolously opened his eyes wide. He knew that he would suffer more and more if he continued to procrastinate.

Aside from the storm sword, a second sword intent appeared on the top of the mountain. Chen Mu saw a dazzling purple light, and a purple sun appeared behind the frivolous sword.

"What kind of sword intent is this?"

It is difficult for juniors to distinguish clearly.

Everyone knows the sword intent of the storm, but this sword intent is very mysterious, Yun Yi chuckled and said, "It can condense Ziyang! It's interesting."

That purple sun contains terrifying energy.

Yu Song's eyes were full of joy, "If you can let Qingkuang use Ziyun Sword Intent and Storm Sword Intent at the same time, even if he loses, he won't be ashamed."

The juniors around were trembling.

Huo Mei felt that she had stimulated the special blood, but she couldn't shake the two people in the arena.

The powerhouses of various sects looked at them enviously, even if they got them, they couldn't afford to cultivate them.

Li Qingliu looked solemn, and Luo Peng and Lin Yi both looked nervous. They could feel that the final confrontation was coming.

Chen Mu sensed the danger, and the sword frivolously forced him to show his strength. He held the broken wings, and an electric arc appeared in the air, and Chen Mu was surrounded by thunder.

Chen Mu used Thunder Sword Intent, he suddenly rushed towards the sword frivolously, as fast as lightning.

Jian Qingkuang locks on Chen Mu's position, his longan has the sharp eyesight of a dragon.

"Good come!"

Jian frivolously swung his sword to meet him.

That Ziyang wrapped the sword frivolously.

Chen Mu's sword carried the sword intent of thunder, and he displayed a severing momentum, before colliding frivolously with the sword, he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The juniors were all looking for Chen Mu.

The powerhouses of all sects lost their minds for a moment, only Yu Song and Yun Yi and other powerhouses could catch Chen Mu's figure at any time, and Jian Qingkuan's pupils shrank suddenly.

 ps: Thank you Yusa Xingkong for your reward, thank you book friend 20190731221413327 for voting for the monthly ticket, thank you for your recommendation tickets and subscriptions, please give Fuxian's wife some kindness, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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