my fiancée is a juggernaut

Chapter 93 Qingyun No. 1

Chapter 93

Starlight shines on the mountain top.

Jian Qingkuang's whole body was wrapped in purple sun, the black sword in his hand carried a storm, and the blade released a bright blue light, like a slender green crescent.

The moment he swung his sword, Chen Mu suddenly disappeared, leaving no afterimage, so fast that his longan could not capture it.

Jian Qingkuan's heartbeat accelerated, his pupils shrank sharply, the black vertical pupils in the longan's eyes almost shrank into a straight line, and the horror in his eyes was beyond words.

The juniors were all looking for Chen Mu.

Before they had time to exclaim, Chen Mu appeared in mid-air behind Jian Qingkuang, with a golden-red sword light on his broken wings.

Chen Mu never thought of a head-on collision. A head-on collision would consume a lot of physical strength. There will be a Qingyun Conference later on. He wants to maintain the best state, so he adopts the most energy-saving method.

And this move is the third sword skill comprehended by the mysterious sword emperor, "Shadowless", using powerful force to explode and move instantly.

What makes this sword skill strong is not its power, but its ability to find the best position to strike the sword.

Chen Mu drew his sword behind Jian Qingkuang.

The fiery red rays of light bloomed, and the sword light came in an instant, making the scalps of all the strongmen go numb, and the juniors all gasped. They didn't see Chen Mu's position until Chen Mu drew his sword.

Jian Qingkuang directed all his strength towards the empty area in front of him, even if he sensed the danger behind him, he didn't have time to turn around.

Yu Song's scalp was numb.

Chen Mu's speed was fast enough, and he was able to explode again, appearing behind Jian Qingkuang as if changing shape.

Such tricks are hard to guard against.

If this kind of sword skill hits the frivolous sword, no matter how strong the body is, it will be seriously injured even if it is not dead.

Yun Yi nodded slightly, with appreciation in his eyes, but his slender white eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, he knew that the battle was far from over.

Looking at the evening mark, the juniors around felt that Jian's frivolity would undoubtedly be defeated.

Jian Qingkuang carried the broad sword on his back, and the broad sword suddenly flew into the air, and the bright yellow sword light shot up into the sky.

The broad sword took the initiative to attack, and the broad sword released a bright yellow sword light, which cut through the sky with extremely terrifying power.

Xihen was torn apart.

The sudden change was beyond everyone's expectations. Li Qingliu became nervous, Zhao Sisi clasped his hands tightly in front of his chest, and cold sweat appeared on Lin Yi and Luo Peng's foreheads.

That sword light has a power far exceeding that of a sword lord, and it is difficult for even the younger generation of the sword king to resist it.

Chen Mu's expression was dignified. Seeing the bright yellow sword light close at hand, he had just erupted without a trace, and now he could only swing his sword to meet it.

Broken wings carry fire to meet.


When the broken wings collided with the sword light, cracks appeared on the sword body, and then broke.

Chen Mu was knocked back tens of feet, and he landed fairly smoothly, with only half of the broken wing left in his hand, and his clear eyes became fierce.

Li Qingliu and the others were shocked, and the younger generation gasped even more. The bronze-colored broadsword was so strong that it even repelled Chen Mu alone.

There were sword marks on Chen Mu's right face, and dark red blood overflowed. He raised his hand, and the sword body with broken wings returned to the space ring.

Jian Qingkuang also put away the black long sword, and the bronze broad sword fell in front of him, the panic in his eyes had not completely dissipated.

He won't make that mistake again.

If there is no bronze broad sword, the frivolous sword just now will definitely lose.

"so close."

"It's an exciting twist."

The juniors talked a lot.

Luo Peng said with a face full of displeasure: "Damn it, the sword cheated frivolously, and the bronze-colored sword can still attack automatically. How can you fight it?"

Li Qingliu shook his head slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Being able to master the high-level holy sword is a kind of strength in itself. Chen Mu's ability to force the sword to use the holy sword frivolously is enough to prove the strength of your little uncle."

With appreciation in Yun Yi's eyes, Chen Mu has such a strong power now, he still has a long way to go in the future, he has a lot of time, and maybe he can reach a height that no one else can reach.

"Looking at the Vientiane Continent, he can be ranked among the top talents. Even in Xuanzhou, he is a rare existence, and he may even be a descendant of the Banjin family."

Yun Yi spoke highly of him.

The overall strength of Xuanzhou is much stronger than that of Barren Continent, and the Golden Family is a behemoth that has stood in Xuanzhou for many years, inheriting a special bloodline.

Chen Zhu enviously said: "Such Lingyun Sect will probably continue its glory for thousands of years."


Who knows what will happen next.

Yun Yi looked at the two people on the ring.

Sun Wei persuaded with a smile: "I think the two Tianjiao should go to the end, it is better to wait until the Qingyun Conference, and then fight for the victory."

Jian Qingkuang and Chen Mu didn't answer.

Sun Wei felt the displeased gazes from all around. Everyone thought that they would lose both sides in this fight.

Seeing that everyone was unhappy, Sun Wei didn't try to persuade them anymore, so as not to arouse public anger.

Jian frivolously held the holy sword, and Chen Mu summoned Wushuang, they only had opponents in their eyes.

Wushuang's rank is not as good as the holy sword in Jian Qingkuang's hand, but it is still considered the best spiritual sword, and it will not shatter like a broken wing.


The two figures rushed out at the same time.

The speed is too fast, like thunder.

A brilliant sword light appeared on the top of the mountain, as if two sword kings were fighting.

The sword frivolously releases the sword intent, and cooperates with the holy sword to burst out a powerful force.

Chen Mu used the domineering sword intent, his strength became domineering, even his stature was raised, and the space was distorted when he drew the sword.

The holy sword in Jian Qingkuang's hand absorbed most of the impact, but his hand holding the sword was still shaking, and he was forced to hold the sword with both hands.

The domineering sword intent is hard to detect, only Yun Yi and Yu Song can feel Chen Mu's domineering, this power is like an ancient beast.

Even Jin Kui, who was cultivating a physical body, felt afraid, that power was too overbearing, very much like the overbearing body that their barbarian sect could only cultivate with great power.

"It's so fierce, I like it so much." Huo Mei licked her lips, and now Chen Mu is domineering with his sword, suppressing his frivolity in the qi field.

Chen Mu's combat power suddenly doubled, his sword was extremely domineering, and that force penetrated the holy sword to attack the frivolous body of the sword.

Fortunately, the sword's frivolous body was nourished by dragon blood, so it was extremely strong, and the holy sword shared the pressure, so it could withstand such a powerful attack.

The powerhouses of all sects watched intently.

On the battlefield on the top of the mountain, Chen Mu activated Lieyang Sword Intent again, and the blade of Wushuang sword was burning red, and the flames burned more and more vigorously when the storm encountered flames.

With the blessing of Lieyang Sword Intent, Chen Mu's strength became even more domineering.

Sword frivolity can only be forced to defend.

Everyone was dumbfounded, the holy son of Holy Sword Mountain was being chased and hacked by Ling Yunzong's junior uncle.

Chen Mu looked serious.

He is fighting with all his might.

Lin Yi and Luo Peng's blood boiled with enthusiasm, this is their junior uncle of Ling Yunzong, fierce!
In the direction of Holy Sword Mountain, neither Yin Xiu nor Wu Yong dared to speak, and Yu Song also had a sullen face. If the fight continues like this, Jian Frivolous will undoubtedly lose.

There was anger in Chen Mu's eyes.

He released the Thunder Sword Intent again, and the Thunder energy around him was drawn, Wushuang was wrapped around the Thunder, and Chen Mu's power became even more domineering.

The three sword intents superimpose.

Many juniors are trembling.

Is that the power that Jianhou should have?
Jian Qingkuang is the best among his peers and the future suzerain of Holy Sword Mountain. However, he is being suppressed by Ling Yunzong's junior master at the moment. Chen Mu is much younger than him, and Jian Qingkuang has been in his mother's womb for 30 years. Year.

Chen Mu's strength shocked the audience.

The juniors were stunned, and the elders were envious. Yu Song knew that Jian Frivolous had a great disadvantage, and he was more nervous than the others.

If Jian Qingkuang loses, it means that the younger generation of Holy Sword Mountain is not as good as Lingyunzong, which means that Holy Sword Mountain is not as good as Lingyunzong.

"Three thousand dragon dances!"

Chen Mu said silently in his heart.

The red-hot Wushuang swung towards the sword frivolously with thunderous flames, and the sound of the dragon's chant shook the sky. That sword carried thunderous dominance.

Jian frivolously held the holy sword in both hands to meet him.


The space between the two is distorted.

There was a violent explosion, and the strong wind after the explosion made many juniors unable to open their eyes.

Chen Mu still stood where he was, while Jian Qingkuang had already been blasted dozens of feet away. He was rolling on the ground, looking very embarrassed.

Even the bronze-colored holy sword came out of his hand.

"it is good!"

Luo Peng and Lin Yi clapped their hands and applauded, their eyes were full of excitement, and even the quiet Zhao Sisi showed two small canine teeth and smiled happily.

The junior Tianjiao can only look up to Chen Mu.

The powerhouses of all sects have a strong premonition that there is a rising superstar in the barren island, and sooner or later it will shine on this boundless mountain and river.

Yu Song's body was trembling slightly, he looked at Jian frivolously, if he lost today, Holy Sword Mountain would be Wannian's number two.

Yin Xiu's scalp is numb. The Holy Son is the strongest arrogance born in the tens of thousands of years of the Holy Sword Mountain. He is an existence with the potential to be comparable to Jiang Fuxian.

on the top of the mountain.

Jian frivolously stood up quickly.

There were several damages on his robe, the golden armor inside was barely visible, his hands were chapped, and they were covered in blood.

There were beads of sweat on Jian's frivolous forehead, he was still running his breathing method, and he did not give up because of Chen Mu's domineering power.

Chen Zhu said with a smile: "It seems that Ling Yunzong's junior uncle has definitely won."

"Hard to say."

Yun Yi had a smile in his eyes.

The bronze-colored holy sword automatically returned to Jian frivolously, holding the holy sword, his breath soared.

There was a faint golden light in the depths of Chen Mu's eyes. He saw the soaring energy in Jian Qingkuang's body. This energy came from the high-level holy sword.

Jian's frivolous eyes became sharper. He held the sword with one hand and put the other behind his back, looking like a strong swordsman.

The powerhouses of all sects are aware of the frivolous and soaring power of the sword, and there is still more to fight in this battle.

The bright yellow sword light struck again, and Chen Mu felt the pressure. He swung his sword and cut it out. As soon as the sword light was cut off, the frivolous sword was already close. His holy sword was long and wide, a rare broad sword.

This collision made Chen Mu's hands tremble, the force was very strong.

Chen Mu knew that the frivolous sword did not have such powerful power, and the power came from the holy sword.

High in the sky, Yun Yi shook his head slightly, and couldn't help chuckling: "Just now, people controlled the sword, but now the sword controls people, which is interesting."

The tide of battle turned again.

The frivolous sword took the initiative and began to suppress Chen Mu. The holy sword's attack became more powerful. The gorgeous sword light almost destroyed the mountain top, and the juniors around retreated far away.

This is even more exciting than the sword king sparring.

"As expected of the Holy Son of the Holy Sword Mountain, this power is comparable to the peak of the Sword King. Is this his true strength?" Jin Kui couldn't help exclaiming.

There was a little regret in Huo Mei's eyes, she still hoped that Chen Mu would win, even if she lost the game, she still planned to introduce Master to him.

The potential Chen Mu has shown will definitely surpass Jian Flirty in the future. He is still young and his talent has not yet been fully fulfilled.

"It was a false alarm." Yu Song heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was blessed with the holy sword of the sect, otherwise he would definitely lose in this frivolous sword sparring.

The juniors can't see the reason, but the strong people of all sects understand that with their own strength, Chen Mu is even better, and the frivolous sword is blessed by the Holy Sword. It is also part of strength.

All they care about is the result.

Whoever wins this competition will be the strongest Jianhou junior in Huangzhou, and the status of Lingyunzong and Holy Sword Mountain will also be determined.

"Little uncle, quickly use Haoran Sword Intent, we can help you." Zhao Sisi used his thoughts to transmit sound, his little face was a little nervous.

She felt that Chen Mu was struggling.

Although there are not many of them, their concentrated strength will definitely help Chen Mu.

Yu Song stepped forward suddenly, the entire mountain battlefield was isolated from the outside world, he knew that Chen Mu still had the last mighty sword intent, so it was impossible to give him a chance.

Li Qingliu glared at Yu Song angrily. The frivolous sword can borrow the power of the holy sword, so Chen Mu is not allowed to use the mighty sword intent to fight?

Yu Song smiled lightly and said, "Elder Li, I hope this battle can be absolutely fair."

Li Qingliu clenched his fists, now he really hoped that Chen Mu could chop off his sword and be frivolous, and then see if Yu Song could still laugh.

Jian's frivolous holy sword forced Chen Mu to the edge of the mountain, and Chen Mu was forced to use "Shadow No Trace" to get a long enough distance again.

Everyone who was strong in the field could tell that Chen Mu was a little tired after he disappeared, his speed was not as fast as before, and his strength was also weakened a lot.

"I won't lose." Chen Mu responded with his thoughts, reassuring Zhao Sisi.

Zhao Sisi could only pray for him.

Jian Qingkuang turned around very quickly this time, the same trick was not new after being used twice, he joked, "It's only about running away, you admit defeat."

Chen Muteng went to a high place, he looked down at Jian Frivolous, with disdain in his eyes.

Then he clasped Wushuang tightly with both hands, and said silently in his heart: "All seniors of Lingyun Sect, please lend me your strength."


Pingdingshan suddenly shook.

Even Yun Yi on the high place frowned slightly, Chen Mu burst out with terrifying energy, and the powerhouses of all sects were shocked by him again.

They all thought that Chen Mu would definitely lose, but the battle situation changed again.

In the Xumi ring, the nine broken swords lent Chen Mu great power, his eyes became bright, like two bright lights, and the unparalleled sword carried terrifying power.

Jian frivolously faced such terrifying power, his body was trembling, but the holy sword in his hand was released, the holy sword pierced through the space, trying to end the battle before Chen Mu drew the sword.

Chen Mu swung his sword decisively.

Wushuang and Holy Sword collided in mid-air.

Two powerful sword lights were released at the same time.

The light was so dazzling that the juniors could only close their eyes.


They heard a dull bang.

The entire Pingdingshan collapsed a little.

When the smoke cleared, they looked at Chen Mu standing proudly on the top of the mountain with Wushuang on his stick.

Not far away, Jian Qingkuang fell to the ground on his back, he lost his combat power, the holy sword was lying nearby, if it wasn't for the holy sword rushing to attack, Chen Mu hadn't raised his strength to the peak, otherwise Jian Qingkuang would not be as simple as lying down .

The little power lent to Chen Mu by the Nine Remnant Swords has such power, and the power of fully mobilizing the Nine Remnant Swords is unimaginable.

"Chen Mu, win!"

"Chen Mu, number one on the Qingyun list!"

The juniors around were still in shock, Sun Wei announced loudly.

Lin Yi and Luo Peng's blood boiled with enthusiasm, and their junior uncle reached the top of the Qingyun list, proud of the juniors of Lingyunzong.

Li Qingliu looked at Yu Song proudly, the latter's hands were trembling uncontrollably, his old face was dark.


Li Qingliu couldn't help laughing.

Yu Song opened the barrier and appeared next to Jian Qingkuang in an instant, without saying a word, he took their son directly and left.

The Holy Sword Mountain disciple left in despair.

Li Qingliu came to the stage to ask about Chen Mu's situation.

Zhao Sisi followed to support Chen Mu, and said with a small face in admiration: "Little uncle, you are really amazing."

"Little uncle, you are so fierce!"

"It's so cool, I just watched the disciples of Holy Sword Mountain keep their faces dark and silent."

Lin Yi and Luo Peng laughed from ear to ear.

The powerhouses of all sects are feeling emotional that this battle of Chen Mu will definitely shock the entire Barren Island, and since then he will establish the status of the peerless arrogance of the Barren Island.

"Although Chen Mu won, it looks like he wasted a lot. This is your chance." A sect expert reminded his junior.

The sword was frivolously injured in this battle, and Chen Mu's physical strength was severely exhausted. The other juniors had a chance to achieve better results.

With a smile in his eyes, Chen Zhu said with emotion: "Many years ago, a legendary figure appeared in the barren island, who once walked out of the invincible sword. I don't know if we can see such a strong man appear."

Yun Yi chuckled, "No amount of dazzling fireflies can illuminate the entire night sky. He still has a long way to go."

An old man comforted his disciples: "You don't need to be disappointed. You are lucky to be in the same era as such a peerless genius. In the future, you can proudly tell your younger generations that you have also competed with a peerless genius."

He is encouraging the juniors under his sect.

The old woman in Fengge asked with a smile: "You said that the little uncle of Lingyunzong is not a good match for our saint?"

Huo Mei heard the words, and quickly retorted: "Sister Miaoyu is the saint of our Phoenix Pavilion, unless Chen Mu enters the Phoenix Pavilion, elder, do you think it is possible?"

"Think about it."

The old woman shook her head slightly.

Huo Mei then said with a coquettish smile, "You can introduce my master to him, hehe."

"If your master knew, he wouldn't beat you to death." The old woman smiled and shook her head.

The Qingyun Conference has not yet started.

The most anticipated collision ended ahead of schedule, and the juniors from all sects were discussing it.

Chen Mu returned to the courtyard.

Before the Qingyun Conference, he still has one day to adjust his status.

Chen Mu returned to the room. He took two bottles of high-level spiritual liquid, and then used the Nirvana breathing method, trying to recover his strength as quickly as possible.

Li Qingliu was a little worried, time was running out, and he didn't know how much Chen Mu could recover.

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 ps: Thank you Yusa Xingkong for your reward, thank you Xinghen Yanyan and book friend 20181121182724080 for your monthly votes, thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions, please give Fuxian’s wife a heart hahaha.

(End of this chapter)

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