Chaos hegemony

Chapter 10 Advanced again!

Chapter 10 Advanced again!

Shen Haoxuan has been in a coma for two days. This is the most powerful body of chaos he has awakened in the world. In the past, not to mention waking up in two days, it would be good not to die. It can be seen that the severity of the injury this time up!
"Hiss!" Shen Haoxuan moved his body after waking up, but he couldn't help taking a deep breath due to the huge pain, so he obediently lay on the bed and dared not move.

"Damn it, this old bastard Ge Xiong is really hard on him. If it wasn't for my brother, I would have avoided the vital points, or I would have died with this palm!" Shen Haoxuan cursed loudly.

Seeing Shen Haoxuan's miserable appearance, Old Yan gloated and said: "You deserve it, whoever told you to be brave, you have to take that slap hard, and let me block it for you."

"Hey, don't you want to try the strength of this body, but you underestimated the opponent's strength!" It turned out that when Ge Xiong's palm came over, Yan Lao once offered to help Shen Haoxuan block it, but he refused That's why there is Shen Haoxuan who is lying on the bed and can't get out!
"Hmph, you are the only one who is stupid enough to make fun of your own life!" Boss Yan said with a straight face.

Regarding this, Shen Haoxuan could only smile embarrassingly, this time he was indeed impulsive.

"Okay, hurry up and calm down, guide the spiritual power in your body to unblock those blocked meridians, or you will have sequelae, and you won't have to cry if you want to!" Seeing that Shen Haoxuan knew his mistake, Yan Lao said with concern.

"Oh." Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan hurriedly followed suit. This would affect his future cultivation path, so he must not be sloppy!

But when Shen Haoxuan's spiritual thoughts came into his body, he found that most of the blocked meridians had been unblocked, only a few important meridians such as the heart and dantian were still blocked.

"During the two days you were in a coma, it was your grandfather who came to dredge your meridians, but he didn't dare to take care of the important places such as the heart and dantian, and it's thanks to him that he didn't do it, otherwise you have the magic pill. I'm afraid things will be exposed!" Yan Lao explained.

Hearing Yan Lao's words, Shen Haoxuan felt his heart warm.Although his grandfather hasn't seen each other for five years, he knows that his grandfather has been secretly caring about him, and he did not hesitate to turn against the Ge family for himself in the hall two days ago, which shows how much his grandfather loves him.

After Shen Haoxuan was happy for a while, he immediately adjusted his mentality, communicated with the spiritual pill in his body, carefully drew out a trace of spiritual power, and began to dredge the meridians at the dantian.He controlled this trace of spiritual power to move forward slowly, the pain from the twitching of the meridian made Shen Haoxuan's facial features distorted, and he grinned in pain.But fortunately nothing went wrong. Under Shen Haoxuan's precise control, the two meridians were unblocked in the morning.

After the meridians were unblocked, Shen Haoxuan spat out a big mouthful of black blood, and the pain in his body was relieved a lot, and he felt an indescribable comfort!Shen Haoxuan took a closer look at his own situation, and was pleasantly surprised to find that he actually showed signs of breaking through again!

"This is really... a blessing in disguise! Haha" Shen Haoxuan said excitedly.

"Squeak..." Just as Shen Haoxuan was excited, the door was pushed open, and old man Shen walked in. When he saw Shen Haoxuan who was sitting on the bed, his face was full of shock!

"Haoxuan, when did you wake up?" Old Man Shen asked, when he dredged Shen Haoxuan's meridians two days ago, Shen Haoxuan's body was in a mess, according to Old Man Shen's estimation, he would not be able to wake up for seven or eight days at all!But it's only been two days, and Shen Haoxuan just sat in front of him like this, laughing non-stop like a fool.How could this not shock him.

Seeing Mr. Shen coming in, Shen Haoxuan quickly put away his stupid look, pretended that nothing happened and said, "Grandpa, I just woke up!"

"Just woke up?" Mr. Shen was a little in disbelief.

Seeing Mr. Shen acting like you don't lie to me, I know everything, Shen Haoxuan quickly said: "That's right, I just vomited a big mouthful of black blood while sleeping, and then I felt a lot lighter, and then I woke up Already!" After speaking, he pointed to the mouth of black blood that he spat out just now.

"Oh, is that so?" "Come here, I'll take your pulse to see if there is any problem with your body." Old Man Shen grabbed Shen Haoxuan's arm and checked his physical condition.

Mr. Shen became even more puzzled after his investigation.Because he found that the meridians in Shen Haoxuan's body had been completely unblocked, but when he left yesterday, the meridians in his dantian and heart were still blocked.Could it be that Haoxuan unblocked it himself?Mr. Shen thought about it, but then denied the answer.Because Shen Haoxuan is still in the spirit tempering stage, although there is indeed spiritual power in the body during the spirit tempering stage, those spiritual powers are all hidden on the bones and meridians, and he cannot manipulate the spiritual energy to dredge the meridians like a martial artist who possesses the spirit pill!
In order to further confirm whether the meridians in Shen Haoxuan's body are unblocked, Mr. Shen stripped a trace of spiritual power from his body into Shen Haoxuan's body, and slowly approached his dantian.But Mr. Shen's thinking is a bit simple. It is very difficult for his spiritual power to advance in Shen Haoxuan's body, especially when it is close to the dantian, it is difficult to advance even an inch!

"This..." Mr. Shen was surprised, his spiritual power at the level of a spirit general couldn't advance in the body of a kid at the spirit tempering stage?But this was not the case two days ago!This aroused old master Shen's curiosity even more, and immediately increased the output of spiritual power, and quickly moved towards Shen Haoxuan's dantian.

At this time, Shen Haoxuan also found that something was wrong in his body, because old man Shen's spiritual power attribute was fire attribute, after increasing the spiritual power, the spiritual power in Shen Haoxuan's body would burn to the boil.But Shen Haoxuan didn't care because he believed that grandpa would not harm him.

The crimson spiritual power sang all the way, and soon came to Shen Haoxuan's dantian. At this time, Mr. Shen also saw the appearance around Shen Haoxuan's dantian. A sea of ​​gray fog shrouded the dantian, and he couldn't see the dantian clearly. Case.

Just when Mr. Shen was going to control the spiritual power to move forward, the sea of ​​gray mist churned, and a huge suction directly swallowed the crimson spiritual power. At that moment, Mr. Shen also lost control over the spiritual power. Spiritual thoughts were excluded from Shen Haoxuan's body!

" is this possible!" Old Man Shen was shocked.

Shen Haoxuan was also surprised, here Shen Haoxuan only felt a burst of warmth in the dantian, and then the elixir in the dantian became uncontrollable, a huge suction directly swallowed the spiritual power of old man Shen, and then in Shen Haoxuan Under the shocked eyes, he directly assimilated it!

After the spirit pill assimilated old master Shen's spiritual power, it began to spin rapidly, and a more powerful spiritual power was fed back from the spirit pill, and instantly merged into every cell, bone, and meridian of Shen Haoxuan.A powerful momentum erupted from Shen Haoxuan's body from the inside out.Shen Haoxuan, who was on the verge of breaking through, successfully broke through to the seventh level of quenching spirit after assimilating old master Shen's spiritual power!

"Huh!" Shen Haoxuan let out a mouthful of turbid air, feeling extremely relaxed all over his body, the previous injuries were also swept away, and his breath became smoother! "Cool! Haha!" Shen Haoxuan couldn't help laughing.

Looking at Shen Haoxuan who suddenly broke through in front of him, old man Shen found that his grandson had become mysterious, even he couldn't see through him.While the old man was relieved, he became worried at the same time. The development of the matter was completely different from what Shen Haoxuan's mother thought.

"Could it be that this is destined?" Old Master Shen looked at Shen Haoxuan, as if he had made some decision!
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(End of this chapter)

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