Chaos hegemony

Chapter 9 The pride of the Shen family man!

Chapter 9 The pride of the Shen family man!
"Who dares to touch him!"

With a burst of shouting, the powerful sound wave directly forced Ge Xiong's figure back. Everyone was shocked when they saw Ge Yan retreating five or six steps!To force back a strong man of the ninth rank of a spiritual disciple just by sound, how powerful is that comer!
"Who is your Excellency, I will collect the debt for the dog, please don't interfere, the Ge family will definitely thank you!" Ge Yan said with a serious face.The strength of the newcomer was not something he could compete with, so Ge ​​Xiong also moved out of the Ge family, hoping that the other party would be wary, after all, the Ge family was still a bit small around Qingshan City.

"Hmph, the Ge family? The Ge family is nothing, you beat his grandson in front of grandpa, and don't let his grandpa take care of him, are all of you Ge family sabi like this?" The strong man didn't say anything Everyone was ashamed when they burst into foul language.But everyone heard the main point of the words, that is, he is Shen Haoxuan's grandfather, so wouldn't he be the old patriarch of the Shen family!Thinking of this, everyone in the Shen family became excited.

After the strong man finished scolding Ge Xiong, everyone felt a blur before their eyes, and an old man appeared on the first seat.Sure enough, the person who came was the old patriarch of the Shen family—Mr. Shen!
When everyone in the Shen family saw the old patriarch appearing, they cheered excitedly!Ever since Shen Lingfeng, Shen Haoxuan's father, who was known as the first genius of the Shen family, disappeared for no reason, Mr. Shen has been devastated. He no longer cares about the trivial matters of the family, and concentrates on seclusion. They haven't seen the old patriarch for four or five years. .Moreover, the old patriarch was so strong as soon as he came out of the seclusion. Thinking about the strength of the seclusion in the past five years, the Shen family will be saved!
Seeing Mr. Shen appear, Second Master Shen and the others hurriedly saluted. After feeling the oppressive aura of Mr. Shen, they said, "Congratulations father, you have been promoted to the rank of spirit general. The revival of my Shen family is just around the corner!"

For the congratulations of these sons, the old man did not feel happy at all.He looked at Shen Haoxuan who was lying on the ground dying, his face was gloomy and cold.Then he looked at Ge Xiong and said blankly: "You did this?"

Ge Xiong was stared at by a strong spirit general, sweating profusely on his head, he cupped his fists and said, "Mr. Shen, please listen to my explanation. It was because Sun Xianxian broke my son's arm first, that's why I..."

"Stop talking nonsense, just say you did it?" Before Ge Xiong could finish speaking, Mr. Shen forcibly interrupted him.

Looking at the old man Shen who didn't give him any face, Ge Xiong's face also became gloomy. After all, he is also the head of the clan, when has he ever been so angry!But when he thought that the other party was a strong man at the spirit general level, he didn't dare to show it. You must know that spirit generals can walk sideways in the Qingshan City area!At that moment, he could only grit his teeth and reply, "I did it. But that also made my grandson lose my arm..."

"Touch!" There was a muffled sound, this time Ge Xiong still didn't finish his words before being knocked away by Mr. Shen's palm.

"Hmph, I don't need to hear the reason, I just know that you hurt my son of the Shen family, and that's enough!" Mr. Shen said looking at Ge Xiong who was spitting blood and struggling to get up.

At this time, Ge Xiong was in a state of distress, his gorgeous clothes were rubbed against the ground, his face was covered with dust, and there was blood in the corner of his mouth, he was completely different from the previous high-spirited Ge Xiong!
"Mr. Shen, you are so arrogant and unreasonable. Do you want to cause a big war between Ge and Shen?" Seeing his embarrassed appearance, Ge Xiong roared.

"Hmph, reasonable? In the eyes of this old man, there is no such thing as reasonable. My son of the Shen family, let alone remove your son's arm, even if you tear down your entire Ge family, that's right! But, who dares to touch my Shen family?" One hair on Erlang is against my Shen family, and I will definitely not let you down lightly!" Old Man Shen said domineeringly.

Hearing old master Shen's words, the younger generations of the Shen family were excited.The three major families in Qingshan City are in the midst of competition, and now the Ge family is said by the old patriarch to be less important than a hair of Shen Jiaerlang, how can this not be exciting!
"Also, don't threaten me with a big war between the two families. The old man has never been afraid! Go back and tell your father that even if my Shen family is weak, it is still a lion. It wants to eat my Shen family and not shatter your teeth. , our surname is not Shen! Get out!" After saying that, a powerful aura surged into the sky, and everyone seemed to see a sleeping lion slowly waking up!
Seeing such a strong Mr. Shen, Ge Xiong could only pick up his son and walk out in disgrace.

"Stop!" Just as Ge Xiong was about to step out of the gate of the hall, a weak voice stopped him.

Ge Xiong looked back, and found that the dying Shen Haoxuan was leaning on the wall and standing up unsteadily, staring at him like a torch.

"Patriarch Ge, I, Shen Haoxuan, will remember this palm in my heart, and one day I will return it to you, and that day will not be too far away!" Shen Haoxuan said with a slightly raised mouth.

"Hmph, I'll wait, but next time you won't have such good luck!" Ge Xiong snorted coldly, turned and left.

After Ge Xiong left, Shen Haoxuan, who was already weak, couldn't stand anymore, and fell backwards.At the moment when he fell down, Mr. Shen appeared behind Shen Haoxuan and hugged him in his arms.

Looking at this old face, Shen Haoxuan felt warm in his heart: "Grandpa, is it really you?"

"Good grandson, grandpa has made you suffer!" Old Man Shen said with some guilt, his eyes wet.Since Shen Lingfeng disappeared five years ago, Mr. Shen seldom took care of family affairs, but that doesn't mean he didn't know what happened to the family. He could see all the sufferings Shen Haoxuan had suffered in the past five years, but when he thought of Shen Haoxuan's mother's death, Before leaving, Mr. Shen could only turn a blind eye and close one eye.

However, Mr. Shen did not expect that Shen Haoxuan, who had been at the third level of Tempering Spirit, had improved his strength by leaps and bounds to reach the sixth level of Tempering Spirit in just five days, and was on the verge of life and death, so he had to rescue him.

Seeing that the old man Shen who was so strong just now shed tears for himself, Shen Haoxuan fainted with satisfaction.After Mr. Shen confirmed that Shen Haoxuan was not in danger of life, he sent someone to help him down to recuperate.

After Shen Haoxuan was helped down, Second Master Shen came to Mr. Shen and said, "Father, isn't your approach a bit unkind? It's a bit unwise to offend the Ge family for a Shen Haoxuan who can't practice, and our Shen family It is indeed in crisis recently and needs the help of the Ge family!"

After hearing Second Master Shen's words, Old Master Shen's face became gloomy.

"Slap!" A slap slapped Second Master Shen on the face! "Nizi, kneel down!" Mr. Shen said angrily.

The sudden slap in the face startled everyone, Second Master Shen was also blindfolded, but then knelt down.

Looking at the useless son in front of him, Mr. Shen said: "What do you mean by trash who cannot cultivate? What do you mean by needing help from the Ge family? Have you forgotten all the ancestral precepts of the Shen family? You have lost all the pride of the son of the Shen family." Yet?"

"As a member of the Shen family, you can't give up on anyone in the Shen family, let alone Haoxuan is your nephew. He was in a life-and-death situation just now. Are you all blind? Why didn't anyone save him? Don't think these five I don't know what you guys have done over the years, I am so disappointed in you!"

"What has the Shen family become like under your management in the past five years? Now you still have to seek help from your competitors, what about your backbone? Is this what Shen Jiaerlang should do? Let me tell you, even if it is me If the Shen family perishes, you can't lose your dignity, even if you lose your life, you can't lose the arrogance of the son of the Shen family!"

"Give me a reflection when you go back tonight, and call the family leadership to the ancestral hall tomorrow!" After leaving these words, Old Man Shen left without looking back.

The rest of the people are looking at me and you in the hall. They all know that the Shen family will change from today onwards!
But no one saw the resentment in the eyes of Second Master Shen who was kneeling on the ground, but the resentment was only fleeting, and then Second Master Shen stood up and disappeared into the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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