Chaos hegemony

Chapter 8 Who dares to touch him!

Chapter 8 Who dares to touch him!

Shen Haoxuan held Ge Yan's fine steel soft whip, and said: "What? Is the young master of the Tangtang Ge family so strong? He looks like a woman." He did not hide the sarcasm in his tone!
Hearing this, Ge Yan suddenly lost his temper, his face was terribly gloomy, he was actually mocked by a trash, and in front of so many people, a murderous intent arose spontaneously.

Sensing Ge Yan's killing intent, the corners of Shen Haoxuan's mouth raised slightly, and immediately pulled Ge Yan with force with one hand!

The sudden forceful pull made Ge Yan lose his footing, and his body flew towards Shen Haoxuan uncontrollably.Ge Yan, who was originally in a rage, saw this happening, and said with a ferocious smile: "Haha, there is a way to heaven, you are not here, and there is no way to hell, you just came to vote. I want you to know what will happen to you if you offend me!"

After finishing speaking, Ge Yan concentrated all his spiritual energy on his right fist, and slammed it fiercely at Shen Haoxuan. The powerful wind of the fist blew the hall into a mess, and Shen Haoxuan's robe was also rattling.

On the first seat, Second Master Shen frowned after feeling Ge Yan's fist wind, and then said to Ge Xiong: "Sure enough, the tiger father has no dogs, and Patriarch Ge has a good son, who has reached the seventh level of tempering spirit at such an age. I think that in the future, our achievements will not be lower than ours."

"Haha, Patriarch Shen was joking, he is just a son who does not live up to expectations, no boasting, no boasting! Haha!" Ge Xiong said modestly, but the smug expression on his face betrayed him.

But under the first seat, a group of juniors from the Shen family turned pale with fright from Ge Yan's punching style, and even Shen Cheng and Shen Yue, who were the strongest among them, looked terrified.

"I didn't expect Ge Yan to have advanced to the seventh level of Tempering Spirit!" Shen Cheng said.

"Not only that, looking at his aura, it seems that he may step into the eighth level of quenching spirit at any time, and this punch is probably already at the level of the eighth level!" Shen Yue swallowed and said.

"It seems that the number one of the young generation in Qingshan City was born among Ling'er, Ge Yan, and the Liu family. I really can't be reconciled!" Shen Cheng said.

"Indeed, but when I think that Shen Haoxuan, a good-for-nothing, will soon become a useless person, I feel better." Shen Yue said viciously.

The younger members of the Shen family around seemed to agree with Shen Yue's words, and most of the fear of Ge Yan was gone.

As a member of the Shen family, they ignore the life of Shen Haoxuan, who is also a member of the Shen family, and gloat instead. This is the current situation of the Shen family, and it is also the prelude to the Shen family's demise!Ge Xiong looked at everyone in the Shen family, and was very happy in his heart.

But there is an outlier among them, and that is Shen Ling'er!At this time, Shen Linger was pinned down by the family guards, so she could only desperately shout to Shen Haoxuan: "Brother Haoxuan, run away, run away, you will die!" The mournful voice echoed in the hall, Very poor.

But would Shen Haoxuan avoid it?No, he won't!Why did Shen Haoxuan go out of his way to anger Ge Yan?One is for Shen Linger, no matter who it is, if Shen Haoxuan wants to make plans for the relatives around him, Shen Haoxuan will definitely make him pay a heavy price!Secondly, I want to try to see what kind of combat power I can achieve after awakening the Chaos God Body. Ge Yan, who is at the seventh level of quenching spirit and is about to enter the eighth level, is a good experimental subject. How can Shen Haoxuan have such a good opportunity? miss!
At that moment, Shen Haoxuan shouted loudly: "Good time!" Then he clenched his fists and greeted him.

Seeing that Shen Haoxuan planned to confront Ge Yan head-on, everyone thought Shen Haoxuan was crazy!

"Hmph, you're just a waste, dare to fight me head-on, take your life!" Ge Yan yelled, and smashed his fist at Shen Haoxuan even faster, and in the next moment, the two fists finally collided together!
"Boom..." There was a muffled sound, and the strong impact produced by the collision of two fists shattered all the tables and chairs in the hall, and some weak people were even thrown away!A burst of smoke and dust engulfed Shen Haoxuan and Ge Yan.

"Ah!" Suddenly, there was a scream from the smoke, accompanied by the cracking sound of bones breaking.

"Haha, this trash really doesn't know how to live or die, now it's over, he's really a useless person!" Shen Cheng laughed loudly.

But just when he was about to say some sarcastic remarks, a figure flew out of the smoke and dust, fell to the ground and rolled twice before losing consciousness. Everyone could clearly see that the figure's big right arm was almost twisted. It's useless!However, what made everyone feel even more incredible was that this figure was actually Ge Yan who was about to enter the eighth level of quenching spirit!
Seeing Ge Yan's miserable appearance, Ge Xiong came to his side in a blink of an eye, felt Ge Yan's aura, and a tyrannical emotion arose in the hall!
At this time, the smoke and dust in the hall also dissipated, and Shen Haoxuan's figure also appeared.At this time, the robe on Shen Haoxuan's right arm had already been shattered into pieces, and there was a trace of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, and he suffered a lot from the head-on confrontation with Ge Yan!And his strength fluctuations are also fully displayed!

Sensing Shen Haoxuan's aura, everyone in the hall exclaimed: "This... the sixth level of quenching spirit! This is impossible!"

Shen Yue and Shen Cheng's faces were even paler, and they murmured: "This is impossible, he was still at the third level of quenching spirit a few days ago, and it's only been five days, how could it be possible to reach the sixth level of quenching spirit? This is simply impossible !"

Not only everyone was shocked by Shen Haoxuan's sudden display of strength, even he himself felt a little unbelievable, resisting the attack of the eighth-level quenching spirit with the strength of the sixth-level quenching spirit, and even crippled the opponent's arm, this chaotic god body His fighting power is really not covered!

But before Shen Haoxuan was happy for a few minutes, he felt a strong energy locking himself, that feeling was like being stared at by a poisonous snake, which made him feel very uncomfortable!
Shen Haoxuan raised his head to look at Ge Xiong, this aura was exuded by Ge Xiong. "What? If you hit the young one, does the old one want revenge?" Shen Haoxuan sarcastically said.

"Hmph, don't play tricks on me, you crippled one of my Yan'er's arms, then you will pay for it with your life!" Ge Xiong said coldly.

"Oh, I'll destroy him? Everyone here can clearly see who made the first move. Is he only allowed to strike, and I'm not allowed to fight back? Besides, your son's skills are not as good as others, and he deserves to be destroyed! "Shen Haoxuan said.

"Hmph, your mouth is tough, but I don't know if your life will be as hard as your mouth!" Ge Xiong smiled, and his body disappeared in place after speaking.

The moment Ge Xiong disappeared, Shen Haoxuan felt a strong sense of crisis, and immediately twisted his body desperately.Then Ge Xiong appeared in front of Shen Haoxuan, and that seemingly light palm was imprinted on his body!
"Bump!" With a muffled sound, Shen Haoxuan flew backward like a kite with a broken string, smashing a table and chair along the way, and finally fell heavily on the wall before stopping his body.

"Wow!" Shen Haoxuan who fell to the ground spat out a big mouthful of blood, his body was so weak that he couldn't even stand up, and the attack of the ninth-level spirit apprentice was so powerful!

Looking at Shen Haoxuan who still breathed a sigh of relief, Ge Xiong was a little surprised. He thought that that palm could kill Shen Haoxuan, but he didn't expect that Shen Haoxuan's life was really tough.In fact, it wasn't Shen Haoxuan's hard life, it was Shen Haoxuan who turned his body desperately to avoid the vital point in the end, otherwise this palm would have really killed him!

"Ahem..." Shen Haoxuan struggled desperately to stand up, but his body couldn't exert any strength, and blood spurted out of his mouth as if he didn't want money.

"Hmph, what's the matter? Are you talking anymore?" Ge Xiong came to Shen Haoxuan and just looked down at him.

Shen Haoxuan raised his head and looked at Ge Xiong who wanted to say something but couldn't speak, so he just stared at him!
Ge Xiong looked into Shen Haoxuan's eyes, and suddenly became frightened.In Shen Haoxuan's eyes, he couldn't see the fear of facing death, he could only see madness and tenacity. If Shen Haoxuan still had strength, Ge Xiong believed that he would definitely fight for himself, even though he knew he was invincible, but he Will fight to the last breath!Such an enemy is the most terrifying.

Ge Xiong is also a character, he absolutely does not allow himself to have such an enemy, so he doesn't talk nonsense right now, he stretches out his palm and pats Shen Haoxuan again!With this palm, Shen Haoxuan will definitely die!
However, at this moment, there was a shout outside the door: "Who dares to touch him!"

(End of this chapter)

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