Chaos hegemony

Chapter 108 Relying on landslides vs. sky-shattering kills!

Chapter 108 Relying on landslides vs. sky-shattering kills!

Seeing Shen Haoxuan reappearing, everyone's faces were filled with impossibility!

At this time, Shen Haoxuan was covered by a pair of black armor, and this black armor was actually made of flames!Moreover, Shen Haoxuan's aura was not in the slightest disorder, that is to say, the perfectly coordinated attack of the Big Five just now did not cause any harm to Shen Haoxuan!
"Huh..." Shen Haoxuan also took a deep breath. In fact, it was extremely thrilling just now. He never expected that the five people would cooperate like this. If he hadn't reacted quickly in the air, he would condense the Fire Spirit Obsidian into an armor and attach it to the On him, Huda's landslide was enough to make him lose his fighting power!

Shen Haoxuan looked at the collapsed and slowly recovering flame armor on his back, and the fighting spirit rose in his heart. That's it, that's right, this is the challenge!

"This he a monster?" Seeing Shen Haoxuan's fierce smile, Hu Er murmured.

"Cut..." Hu Da spat lightly, and then his face became serious.

"Cheer up, it's time to get serious!" Hu Da rubbed his sweaty palms. To be honest, he had never been so nervous even when facing a real spirit general. Now, facing a ninth-level spirit How could there be such a lot of pressure!

"Ka Ka..." Shen Haoxuan moved his hands and feet, and there were bursts of crisp bones, and then he stared at Hu Er, grinned, and his body disappeared in place in an instant.

The moment Shen Haoxuan disappeared, Hu Da's pupils shrank suddenly, and before he could remind him, Hu Er's body flew upside down!Hu Er didn't have the same reaction as Hu Da, Shen Haoxuan's punch hit his nose!

"Brother Liu, the three of you seal his position!" Seeing this, Hu Da yelled at the three brothers of the Liu family.Shen Haoxuan's speed was too terrifying, if they were not restricted, they would probably be defeated one by one.After all, Shen Haoxuan's individual combat ability is too strong, except for Huda himself, the other four dare not say that they can pass ten moves in Shen Haoxuan's hands!

"Okay!" The three brothers of the Liu family also knew Huda's intentions, and the three of them pinched the Yin Jue together, and the dark blue spiritual power entangled towards Shen Haoxuan like tentacles.

Looking at these cyan tentacles, Shen Haoxuan frowned. Although the three brothers of the Liu family did not have any offensive power, these cyan tentacles are more numerous and extremely flexible. As long as one is entangled, the rest will It's very annoying to roll you up like a blanket, and immediately restrain you, and it really limits Shen Haoxuan's speed.

"Huh..." Shen Haoxuan burned the blue tentacles wrapped around his arms again, frowning tightly. It's not that he didn't think about burning all these tentacles, but no matter how he burned them, these tentacles would immediately grow again, even It's weird!Therefore, Shen Haoxuan could only get rid of the tentacles that entangled him.

Here Shen Haoxuan is distressed, so the three brothers of the Liu family are also working very hard!These tentacles are all evolved from their spiritual power, as long as their spiritual power is not exhausted, the tentacles will not disappear.And the flame on Shen Haoxuan's body over there is very strange, it can actually burn spiritual energy. In order to ensure that the tentacles can block Shen Haoxuan's speed, the spiritual energy in the bodies of the three brothers of the Liu family is almost doubled. Fortunately, it is the spiritual power of the three of them. It can be shared, otherwise they will die of exhaustion within a few minutes!
"Roar!" Seeing the three brothers of the Liu family working so hard, Hu Da let out a low growl, and then a khaki light lit up on his body, and rocks appeared from his ankles, quickly enveloping his whole body.

"Rock Armor!" This is a high-level defensive martial skill of the Xuan level that Huda has learned, coupled with his earth attribute spiritual power, the defense can be called terrifying!
Possessed by the rock armor, Huda rushed directly to Shen Haoxuan who was trapped by the tentacles. As long as Shen Haoxuan didn't show that terrifying speed, Huda had the confidence to defeat him. With the rock armor on his body, he was like a hand-to-hand war machine. Anyone who blocks him will be crushed!
Shen Haoxuan, who was cleaning the tentacles, suddenly felt a gust of wind coming. When he turned his head, a huge fist appeared in his eyes. Shen Haoxuan was startled, and quickly raised his right fist to meet it.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, the two fists collided, and the ferocious energy spread out from the center of the two fists, shattering all the surrounding tentacles!
Shen Haoxuan hastily received the move, and took five or six steps back before releasing the strength from his arms. The bluestone slabs under his feet were all cracked, which shows how heavy Huda's punch was!

With a successful punch, Hu Da didn't stop, and rushed forward, while Shen Haoxuan rubbed his numb arm, looked at Hu Da who was rushing over again, licked his lips, and went forward to meet him!
"Boom..." The two collided, and a fierce hand-to-hand fight began!

Above the arena, there was a muffled sound, Shen Haoxuan and Hu Da had brought their hand-to-hand combat skills to the extreme at this moment, the feeling of punching to the flesh made Shen Haoxuan's blood boil!

The two clashed, and the strong wind pushed away all the blue tentacles around them, and everyone in the audience watched the battle between the two of Shen Haoxuan, and couldn't help swallowing. Is this still a battle between humans?The power contained in each punch is extremely terrifying, and if there is a slight mistake, they will be knocked down instantly and lose their fighting power. It can be said that the two of them are walking on the tip of the knife at this time!What is even more unbelievable to everyone is that Shen Haoxuan's seemingly thin body was able to head-to-head with a tiger with earth attributes, and he did not lose the wind at all. What kind of monster is this!
Among them, the one who felt the deepest was Hu Da. He was really shocked at this moment. Now outsiders seem to think that the two are evenly matched, but this is not the case. Shen Haoxuan's hand-to-hand combat skills are very superb, far from Hu Da. It can be compared, the rhythm of the current battle has been controlled by Shen Haoxuan, every time Shen Haoxuan punches, Hu Da has no choice but to collide with him, and Shen Haoxuan consumes the spiritual power in his body in this collision again and again!

"Damn it!" Hu yelled angrily, then shook violently, forcibly breaking away from Shen Haoxuan's fighting rhythm!
Hu Da, who had escaped from the battle, was panting heavily. Shen Haoxuan's confrontation had indeed consumed a lot of his spiritual power. Coupled with the strange flames, Hu Da was already somewhat exhausted at this time.

On the other side, Shen Haoxuan's face was also slightly red. After all, Huda has an earth-type physique, and his own defense and strength cannot be underestimated. Moreover, Huda's strength is higher than that of Shen Haoxuan. This hand-to-hand fight also consumed a lot of Shen Haoxuan's physical strength !
"Bah..." Hu Da spat, and cried out in his heart: "I can't delay any longer, if I drag it on, I will definitely be consumed by him!"

Thinking of this, Hu Da's breath became calm, and the spiritual power in his body began to gather slowly, one move will determine the outcome!This is the way Huda can think of!
Sensing Huda's aura, Shen Haoxuan's face also became serious, and his eyes were fixed on Huda.

"Relying on the landslide!" The next moment, Huda's eyes suddenly opened, and his whole body turned into a sharp sword and rushed towards Shen Haoxuan. At this moment, Huda didn't feel the bulky feeling before, and his speed was very fast!

Profound-level advanced martial arts, feeling Hu Da's aura, Shen Haoxuan guessed Hu Da's martial skill level, relying on the explosive power of landslides is also terrifying, Shen Haoxuan has also felt it before!

Huda's breath had already locked onto Shen Haoxuan, and Shen Haoxuan also let out a breath, and with a flash of his body, he accelerated towards Huda!

Let me see today, is it your backer Shanbengqiang, or my Heaven-shattering Killer!
"Heaven-shattering Kill!" Shen Haoxuan roared angrily, and punched Huda with a fist. The next moment, a violent roar resounded above the ring, deafening!

(End of this chapter)

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