Chaos hegemony

Chapter 109 Victory!

Chapter 109 Victory!
In the next moment, Shen Haoxuan and Huda collided together, and time seemed to stop at this moment, and in the next moment, a circle of incomparably powerful energy was visible to the naked eye and rushed outward from the center of the two!

"Ka Ka Ka..." Not only that, the terrifying strength of the two shattered the bluestone slab under their feet, and cracks spread like spider webs.

"Oops!" Seeing the ferocity of the collision between the two, the boss of the Liu family yelled secretly, and then quickly removed the green tentacles of spiritual power scattered around, which were all formed by the condensation of their precious spiritual power , if it is affected by this energy, it will be a big loss for the three of them!However, although the three brothers of the Liu family kept those tentacles, they were forced back by this energy, and the blood in their bodies was surging!
Forcibly suppressing the churning blood in their bodies, the three brothers of the Liu family looked at each other, and they all saw the panic on each other's faces. Even the aftermath was so terrifying. I really don't know what kind of force attack the two confronting head-on would have to bear!
Everyone in the audience also stared intently at the two people in the center of the ring. There, Shen Haoxuan and Hu Da punched and elbowed each other. Both of them had veins on their foreheads, their faces were flushed, and bursts of explosive sounds continued to come from their bodies. Everyone's heart is numb!

"This... blocked...the two are evenly matched!" Looking at the two people who were stuck together on the stage, someone from the audience said in a daze.

"This... Huda's backing is a landslide that has been immersed for several years, and has already reached the stage of great success. Coupled with the characteristics of its own earth attribute spiritual power, a full blow is comparable to an earth-level martial skill. This Shen Haoxuan actually blocked it!" A disciple of Houtu Hall exclaimed in surprise, he had witnessed the power of a landslide against Hu Da with his own eyes, but he did not expect to be blocked by a freshman of a ninth-level spiritual disciple.

"No, the outcome should have been decided. Both Huda and Shen Haoxuan are using explosive martial arts. If this kind of martial arts cannot tell the winner in an instant, it will only be a matter of stamina. Huda is an earth attribute warrior, and persistence is His special achievements have survived the explosive period of Shen Haoxuan's martial arts, and the victory in this battle should belong to Huda!" A third-level disciple of Linglongtang analyzed.

Hearing this disciple's analysis, all the warriors around nodded their heads, the vision of the spirit general is really vicious!
At this time, Huda also had the same idea!In fact, he didn't expect that Shen Haoxuan would block his blow at first, he had great confidence in his backer, Shanbeng, after all, he had seriously injured a strong spirit general with this move!But at the moment when the two collided, Huda knew that the explosive power of Shen Haoxuan's destructive move was no less than his own. If it wasn't for his strength being slightly stronger than him, the current ending would not be a stalemate between the two. Instead, it ended in its own defeat!

Now, Huda can only procrastinate, after the eruption period of Shen Haoxuan's sky-shattering killing is delayed, it will be his chance, he does not believe that Shen Haoxuan will still have stamina after such a powerful attack erupts!

However, when Huda was ready for a long-lasting confrontation, he found that Shen Haoxuan, who was close at hand, cracked the corner of his mouth and smiled. Shen Haoxuan's smile gave Huda a creepy feeling. Immediately afterwards, from Shen Haoxuan's fist, A force that made him feel extremely dangerous poured out!

"Impossible, how is this possible!" Feeling that power, Hu Da roared in despair, he had already exhausted all his strength in this move by relying on the landslide, Shen Haoxuan was very surprised that he could continue How could he still have the strength to fight back!
"Bah..." Shen Haoxuan's sudden force immediately broke the balance between the two, Huda's feet brushed the ground and retreated, but then he stopped immediately!
"Oh... my God, Huda retreated, Huda was forced to retreat! Has this Shen Haoxuan been hiding his clumsiness?" Everyone in the audience screamed when they saw Huda retreating.

"Damn it!" Hu Da gritted his teeth tightly at this time, bean-sized beads of sweat kept dripping from his forehead, his eyes were red, and he looked extremely ferocious!

At this time, Hu Da desperately supported his body, not allowing it to take a step back, but the power from Shen Haoxuan's fist kept adding up one after another, and a sense of powerlessness gradually formed in Hu Da's heart!
"Ka... Kaka..." Suddenly, with a crisp sound, Shen Haoxuan and Huda exchanged fists and elbows, and the covered rock armor began to crack. Seeing this scene, Huda's pupils shrank suddenly, and then, A burst of shouting sounded in my ears!

"Heaven Breaker Double Kill!"

"Crack... bang...!"

Following Shen Haoxuan's yell, a tyrannical force gushed out, breaking Huda's defense in an instant, and a fist the size of a sandbag hit his chest heavily!
Huda's burly body soared straight up into the sky, and the rock armor on his body was also shattered into pieces, spilling all over the place along the way, and the blood in his mouth gushed out without any money, dyeing the ring in blood red!
"Boom!" With a muffled sound, Huda's body fell heavily outside the ring, and he passed out directly.

Everyone looked at Hu Da who had lost consciousness, and couldn't help swallowing.

"Goo!" The sound of hundreds of people swallowing at the same time sounded very strange, but they didn't care at all. Now their minds are full of the moment when Shen Haoxuan knocked the tiger into the air, and that figure like a god of war is firmly in his mind. engraved in the hearts of everyone.

At this time, Shen Haoxuan was kneeling on one knee, his face was a little pale, and he was panting heavily, but his face was full of excitement.This is the first time he has applied the principle of superposition that he had comprehended on the ladder of chaos to martial arts, and he has performed it perfectly. The power has also surprised Shen Haoxuan, and the lethality of the sky-shattering killer has directly doubled!

However, my physique can only withstand three superpositions of power. If there are more, I am afraid that I will explode and die. However, the results achieved make Shen Haoxuan very satisfied!

Shen Haoxuan stood up slowly, looked at Huda who had passed out, and let out a breath of foul air.Hu Da is not bad, on the contrary, he is the most terrifying opponent Shen Haoxuan has encountered in melee skills, and Shen Haoxuan almost overturned in his hands, but fortunately, he won, and Shen Haoxuan has a new skill in melee skills Comprehension, I have to say that fighting is indeed the fastest way to improve strength!
"This... wins again, even the half-step spirit general is no match for him!" someone tremblingly said in the audience.

"Whoever said he won, don't forget the three brothers of the Liu family! Now Shen Haoxuan's spiritual power must be exhausted, and the three brothers of the Liu family can solve it easily!" A disciple of Qingmu Hall said loudly.

That's right, the battle is not over yet, Shen Haoxuan challenged five people, now Hu Da Hu Er is defeated by him, there are only three brothers from the Liu family left on the ring!
Hearing the voices of the crowd, the three brothers of the Liu family also came back to their senses, and looked at Shen Haoxuan with some horror, and then their eyes became fierce. Shen Haoxuan is at a time when he is weak, and taking advantage of your illness to kill you, the three brothers of the Liu family will not He hesitated to shoot!

"Hoo!" Dozens of cyan tentacles came to Shen Haoxuan with the sound of piercing through the air!
However, they underestimated Shen Haoxuan. After knocking Hu Da down from the ring, Shen Haoxuan's attention was always on the three brothers of the Liu family. With this wooden seal as an elder in Qingmu Hall, his disciples naturally had to guard against it!Sure enough, the three brothers made a move, and Shen Haoxuan was already prepared!
Seeing the cyan tentacles shooting towards him, Shen Haoxuan didn't have the slightest intention to dodge, two beautiful black fire lotuses in his sleeves slowly appeared and flew towards those tentacles.

"Explosion!" Just as Shen Haoxuan was about to touch those blue tentacles, he pinched the seal, and there was a loud noise, and the black sea of ​​flames instantly covered the ring, and the terrifying high temperature rose. In the blink of an eye, those tentacles exploded. Burned to death!

(End of this chapter)

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