Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1138 Valley!

Chapter 1138 Valley!

"That's right, I want to go to the valley you mentioned, maybe there will be a big harvest!" Shen Haoxuan blinked and said softly.

"This... Junior Brother Shen, there are thousands of battle spirits there, if we go, wouldn't that be moths flying into the flames!" Lin Haoran couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, he really admired Shen Haoxuan's courage, Hearing Shangguan Cheng's words, he still wanted to go to that place.

"Junior Brother Shen, tell me what you think." Shangguan Cheng did not deny it in a hurry, he wanted to hear Shen Haoxuan's opinion.

"According to what you said, there are hundreds of low-level war spirits in the valley, as well as many intermediate-level war spirits, and even high-level war spirits! If they are together, they will definitely kill each other, but now so many low-level and mid-level battle spirits gather in the valley, and they don't kill each other, there must be a reason. Battle spirit, no, more precisely, it is a quasi-advanced battle spirit!" Shen Haoxuan expressed his thoughts.

"Quasi-advanced battle spirit? What do you mean?" Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Shangguan Cheng and the others all had a look of doubt on their faces.

"I guess what you see is not a high-level battle spirit, but a battle spirit that is about to evolve into a high-level battle spirit. The reason why there are so many war spirits gathered in the valley is to escort his evolution. At the same time, provide him with energy and food after his evolution, so those low-level and mid-level battle spirits gather in the valley like soldiers!" Shen Haoxuan explained.

"This... can it still be like this?" Lin Haoran was stunned, this high-level fighting spirit, can he still play like this?
"This is just my guess, so I want to go over and have a look. If my guess is correct, then we will make money. If my guess is wrong, then just retreat, and we won't have any losses, you guys What do you think?" Shen Haoxuan asked again.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's question again, Shangguan Cheng and the others looked at each other, and then they all made a decision.

"Okay, let's go and have a look!" Everyone said in unison.

Seeing that everyone agreed to come down, Shen Haoxuan also nodded in satisfaction, and then the few people did not stop any longer, and Shangguan Cheng led the way, heading towards the ancient times.

The valley that Shangguan Cheng mentioned was not close to the Remnant Soul Pavilion, and they finally arrived after a day's driving.

"It's in that valley!" Shangguan Cheng pointed to a valley not far away, and said softly.

Shen Haoxuan looked around, and could see a faint light flickering in the mountain light, and the cold wind could be seen even with naked eyes.

"Go and have a look!" Shen Haoxuan wrapped the crowd with spiritual thoughts to avoid being discovered by those fighting spirits, and then sneaked to the edge of the valley.

When everyone drove to the edge of the valley and looked down, they couldn't help but take a breath.

At this time, under the valley, there were densely packed low-level battle spirits, and the green light was constantly wandering around, like wandering spirits. They looked very scary, and the number could not be counted. Soul of War is simply an army!

"My God, why are there so many war spirits gathered here!" Lin Haoran finally came to his senses after a long while, and he couldn't help but take a deep breath of blue air, and said in a trembling voice.

"Not only that, there are quite a few mid-level war spirits in the center of the valley!" Shangguan Cheng pointed to the center of the valley, where there were also a dozen mid-level war spirits wandering, and among those dozens of mid-level war spirits In the center of the center, there seems to be this purple giant egg, and the purple light emitting from the giant egg should be the high-level battle spirit that Shangguan Cheng mentioned!
"Sure enough, that high-level battle spirit hasn't evolved yet!" Seeing the giant egg, a look of surprise appeared on Shen Haoxuan's face.

"However, even if the high-level battle spirit has not evolved successfully, how can we deal with so many low-level and intermediate-level battle spirits?" Lin Haoran looked at the densely packed battle spirits, his face full of bitterness.

Hearing this, the faces of Shangguan Cheng and the others were also full of fear. If they were alarmed by so many fighting spirits, it would be impossible for ten of them to collect soul crystals, even if they escaped!
"Don't worry, I'm not stupid enough to rush into this valley. Although we can't get in, we can lure them out. Now let's lure snakes out of their holes!" Shen Haoxuan looked at the densely packed battle spirits in the valley below. , with a confident smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Lead the snake out of the hole?" Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Shangguan Cheng and the others all turned their gazes to Shen Haoxuan, their eyes full of doubts.

"You guys go to find a place outside the valley to ambush, I'll lure those war spirits out, and when those war spirits leave the valley, we'll deal with them together!" Shen Haoxuan pointed to the narrow opening in the valley and said.

"Go and seduce, it won't work, it's too dangerous!" Hearing that Shen Haoxuan wanted to enter the valley to seduce those war spirits, Shangguan Cheng objected directly.

"Don't worry, I'm sure, I won't make fun of my life!" Shen Haoxuan knew Shangguan Cheng's good intentions, but this was a rare opportunity, so many ancient war spirits, even the lowest level ancient war spirits, It can also improve their overall strength!
"This... well, if you find any danger, you must retreat in time!" Seeing Shen Haoxuan's confident eyes, Shangguan Cheng could only remind in a low voice.

Afterwards, Shangguan Cheng and Lin Haoran led the others out of the valley, lay in ambush at the place Shen Haoxuan said, and watched Shen Haoxuan nervously.

At this moment, Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath, wrapped his whole body in it with spiritual thoughts, then jumped up and quietly came into the valley.

Shen Haoxuan, who was wrapped in spiritual thoughts, didn't leak the slightest breath, and those low-level battle spirits didn't notice Shen Haoxuan either.Seeing this scene, Shangguan Cheng was relieved.

Shen Haoxuan's method is also very simple. These low-level battle spirits are all controlled by the quasi-high-level battle spirit. As long as the control of the high-level battle spirit is isolated, they can attract their hatred, and then lead them out of the valley. This can still be done, and the quasi-high-level battle spirit is now in a deep sleep, presumably his control over these low-level battle spirits should not be so strong!
Shen Haoxuan slowly approached a low-level battle spirit, and the huge spiritual thought instantly enveloped him, cutting off the high-level battle spirit's control over it!

Losing the control of the high-level battle spirit, the low-level battle spirit's eyes suddenly burst into green light, and it roared to kill Shen Haoxuan, but before he could make a move, Shen Haoxuan punched directly through its head, and took the green soul crystal away. stand up.

"It's really useful!" Looking at the low-level war spirit that was slowly dissipating, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but licked his lips, then his figure flashed, and he touched the other low-level war spirits again. A hunt began now...

(End of this chapter)

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